
Guardian: Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection Review

Guardian writes: "Amazingly, it's nearly 20 years since Sonic the Hedgehog burst his way on to our screens. And like many of the retro games on this comprehensive collection, Sonic has aged surprisingly well. Nostalgia helps of course, but the quality of many of these titles is undisputed."

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A series of non-existent SEGA games

Cover art for games that don't, but maybe should, exist.


ahhh man..poppin open one of these cases for the 1st time was always the best feeling.

JayRyu2262d ago

Too true! New plastic smell!

Fist4achin2262d ago

These are hilarious! Those cases are great memories.

DivineAssault 2262d ago

The first console i ever bought with my own money.. I miss when console rivals had their own identity.. Sega felt, looked, and sounded very different from nintendo..


Gaming History 101: Sega Genesis

This week Fred, Jam, and Derrick from Dead Pixel Live are celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Sega Genesis. The first heavy hitter of the 16-bit generation started as a console for sports games and high quality arcade ports and later became known as the console for edge and violence. GH101 covers the creation, launch, and span of a console that in six short years gave us a coveted library of memories

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Sonic 3: The Best in the World

When it comes time to document the greatest games ever made, TGC explains why Sonic 3 should make the cut.

DarkHeroZX3590d ago

This game was brilliant. And not many people know that Michael Jackson was a composer for this game.

Nerdmaster3590d ago (Edited 3590d ago )

I always thought Sonic 3 had the worst soundtrack of Sonic's 16-bit games.

DarkHeroZX3589d ago

Well I thought it was among the best. But that also depends on which version you heard because some tracks changed depending on the version.

castdreams3590d ago

Definitely one of my all time favorites, especially Sonic 3 & Knuckles. I played Sonic 1 & 2 back on the Genesis but didn't get the chance to play 3 until years later when I got the Sonic collection on PC. And holy cheese, when I finally did play S3&K it blew my friggin' mind! :)

MWH3590d ago (Edited 3590d ago )

True 2

sonic9893590d ago

my best game of all time is SONIC 3 and KNUCKLES i cant even begin to explain the joy i had with this honestly i fell in love with it .

KakashiHotake3590d ago

Those Sonic games really did feel like a roller coaster ride. Watching this video brought back the memories too. I used to be a huge Sonic fan even used to love the cartoon. To me Sonic 2 and 3 are if nothing else among the top greatest games of all time, and they never age. Even now if you never played them, I can almost guarantee you would immediately feel the magic on your 1st try.

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