
PlayStation Is Sending Out A Fairgames Survey To Help Shape The Game's Future

Sony is sending out a survey to those who signed up to be a part of the Fairgames community in order to help shape the game's future.

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Extraction Shooters Are The New Battle Royale Bubble

Extraction shooters like Escape From Tarkov seem to be the hot new trend in gaming, but we might already be approaching critical mass.

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Fairgames Closed Beta Was Sneakily Announced During Its Reveal, Here's How You Can Register

Haven revealed the Fairgames closed beta during the game's reveal with a scannable QR code. Here's how to register for it.

excaliburps374d ago

To let people know they are not interested. LOL! Apparently, that's a thing.


Fairgame$ May Be Sony's Most Tone Deaf PS5, PC Title to Date

Perhaps we should have predicted last night’s PS Showcase would disappoint when Sony opted to open with the irritatingly named Fairgame$, a multiplayer competitive heist game from the recently acquired Haven. This title has been criticised for looking like generic Ubisoft fodder, but when you consider the team is made up of ex-Ubisoft Montreal employees, including founder Jade Raymond, perhaps that shouldn’t come as a surprise.

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potatoseal376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

I mean hanging crap on simply a CGI trailer? You haven't seen gameplay. You know next to nothing. In the 'opinion piece' this quote says it all "It’s obviously far too early to draw any conclusions from a CGI teaser trailer" - so then what are we doing here?

Tone def? You can say any game is tone def. If it's not for you then that doesn't mean it's not for someone else. Gaas does not mean a game is going to be shit. But the nagain, we don't know anything because we only saw a CGI teaser trailer.

-Foxtrot376d ago

Let me get this straight and this is coming from many years on this site alone seeing what's been posted on here

EA, Ubisoft, Microsoft, Activision etc can release a CGI trailer of a generic looking GaaS game, their big first reveal to gather gamers interest and when people make OPINION based articles based on what we've been shown, little or not, nothing is said on here, business as usual.

However suddenly it's bad and now you want to say "we don't know much". Why was this not an issue before? Or is it because its Sony?

If they are going to show a trailer like this and have it as the opening trailer for their big showcase then people are allowed to talk about what we've been shown.

I find it funny that if it looked insane and absolutely amazing people would be able to make opinion piece articles and no one would say "Well yeah but you don't know much so shut up okay"

Literally what's the point of "Opinion Piece" articles if people are going to bitch about them when they don't go their way.

potatoseal376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

You're talking to me like I'm a massive group of people.

"Why was this not an issue before?" What are you talking about? I also would not care or want to read stupid negative opinion pieces about a short CGI trailer from Ubisoft or whatever. You know why? because we would not have seen any gameplay or know anything at all. I would say something like, "Well lets wait and see how the game plays. Lets see some gameplay".

Where did I say this opinion was not allowed? Lame reports do not mean something is not allowed. It means I think it's Lame and I explained why.

I think this is click bait. Click bait opinion articles only really go one way, the negative way. I don't care for negative click bait with no substance. Write an opinion piece about gaas games and why you (the author) don't like them. But spare us your (the author) negative click-bait crap on a specific Sony title with only a short teaser CGI trailer. Write the opinion piece of your dreams when we know something.

potatoseal376d ago

*when I say you "the author" ... I mean the guy writing it, not you lol

LordoftheCritics375d ago

Opinion piece? - fair
Terrible opinion? - yes

sinspirit375d ago

Funnily enough. People keep crying wolf on here about how Sony apparently never gets hate and XBox always does as if their own hate and the others on here isn't being spread. And the approvals of hate train articles that occur back to back hat really hammer on sony every time some negativity can be mustered while the same things don't gain as much traction as the XBox ones. How much hate did Jim Ryan get from multiple near copy and paste articles about him being so bad without anyone knowing what the deal really was? Lots. Then we saw that MS, while downplaying CoD's importance a lot, literally tried to force everyones hand that if they want CoD that they can have it on their platform, but the platform holder does not get any profit. Sony gets swarmed with childish negativity trains all the time.

derek375d ago

@Fox drop the persecution complex.

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CrimsonWing69375d ago

Yea, but this is why I think CGI trailers need to go. It does nothing for the game, maybe back in 1997 CG trailers were cool to get you hyped, but now it’s such a waste of time.

potatoseal375d ago

Yeah of course. But I dont care about an opinion piece that shits all over a game when we haven't seen any gameplay

RaidenBlack375d ago

The Trailer gave me, The Finals vibe (the upcoming MP game with crazy destruction, which looks really good & is getting good reception), from the retro-style editing, color palette used to the game's logo.
Don't know how good this game's gonna turn out .... but The Finals game sure looks verry cool & interesting.
Will Fairgame$ be able to compete later? Who knows? (Granted we don't know the structure or design of the actual game & its gameplay) ... lets wait n watch ...

Tacoboto375d ago

This trailer gave me flashbacks to when Redfall was announced as this CGI trailer showing co-op gameplay, from a developer that had a good history behind it.

Jade Raymond started this team right after her time at the failure that was Stadia... What has she brought to gaming in the last 5-10 years, or anything after the original Assassin's Creeds?

derek375d ago (Edited 375d ago )

@potatoseal, yeah these articles from pushsquare shouldn't be a surprise. They always try to get out ahead and ride the mindless hate/outrage wave. I suppose it's too much to ask for them to wait for the games actual release or at least to see gameplay before raging against Sony's "tone deafness" lol. I didn't like the showcase myself but the fanboys and idiot games media always take it too far.

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Vengeance1138376d ago

Not sure how exactly a competitive multiplayer heist game is tone deaf now, is the Payday series suddenly tone deaf now too? Nobody is ever allowed to make a MP Heist game? Payday is quite praised and respected, this is just a higher budget version.

Magog375d ago

The heists in GTA online are also really popular.

isarai376d ago

All I can say is I'm not interested in it🤷

derek375d ago

@isarai a perfectly normal position to have. Depending on how it plays I might try it. Looking forward to hell divers.

H9375d ago

When I read the title I thought they mean it's tone deaf because it's another pvp shooter, that's trying it's hardest to be cool but instead they meant it's tone deaf because the game is about stealing banks and now in 2023 we have a economic crisis, do these people ever realize how horrible the scenarios in 99% of the games are, we were in Covid and TLOU2 had us kill people in the middle of apocalypse, didn't hear anyone talk about it being tone deaf!

The only part I have to agree with is that the developer is trying their hardest to appeal to edgy useless Twitter users that want to "eat the rich":

"You can then effectively sign up for a mailing list, but not before telling the developer which billionaire needs a “spanking”"

Oh my god is this the most teenager-ish idea I have seen in my life!

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