
Ex-Rockstar Dev Sheds Light on Long Lost Game Agent's Development Troubles

Former Rockstar Games technical director Obbe Vermeij has shed light on the developer's long lost spy thriller Agent, which was announced as a PlayStation 3 exclusive in 2009 but has since disappeared.

Christopher174d ago

I know it's just one person's words, but love to see a game someone paid you to develop being called a 'distraction'.

isarai174d ago

Yeah, like I get that they want to prioritize their baby GTA but still, you're getting paid to do it.

Profchaos174d ago

I think that it's tied up in internal politics given that GTA 4 was being developed alongside it Rockstar knew where it's money was coming from and Jimmy took resources away from GTA which is probably why it was considered a distraction also reading his blog more it seems that a huge chunk of the team was burnt out in GTA in general by the time Sam Andreas shipped so Jimmy presented a more traditional level based game using different rendering techniques and tools something new that everyone wanted to work on rather than another GTA

OtterX174d ago

It's a real shame, I would have liked to see how Rockstar would have pulled off a "Bond" game, with their own twists and pedigree of polish.

porkChop174d ago

Sony didn't pay them to develop it. Sony abandoned LA Noire after spending $20M funding it. When Rockstar decided to publish the game Sony wanted their money back. Instead of paying out $20M (or possibly go to court) they agreed on an exclusive game instead.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 174d ago
-Foxtrot174d ago

He calls it a distraction but I always assumed they were the ones who went to Sony and made the deal because they wanted L.A Noire to be multiplatform and moved Sony's deal with L.A Noire to something else.

Kind of their way of going "would you rather have a game developed by a studio outside Rockstar or a game made from us directly".

Profchaos174d ago

His blog is really fascinating an actual peak behind the curtain of Rockstar back in the day these guys are probably the most secretive development studio in existence

TheColbertinator173d ago

We all knew it was scrapped but the idea alone blew my mind. I had full confidence Rockstar could make Agent a great game.

RhinoGamer88173d ago

Rockstar leadership...the egos...must have been a huge challenge. Having worked in the games industry, I have to say it is exhausting constantly having to prove your point/position. Everyone on the team has a strong (I know best) opinion, and if are in leadership and don't abide them...look out. Now imagine managing the egos/dictates of the Houser bros!


Epic Games Faces $1.2 Million Fine Over "Unfair Practices," Plans to Fight Back

Epic Games is facing a $1.2 million fine by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets over "unfair practices" in the Fortnite shop.

Sciurus_vulgaris13h ago

It might be cheaper to simply pay the fine. Fighting said fine could cost millions due to court and lawyer fees. Fortnite generates well over a 100 million in each month, so Epic has plenty of cash.

franwex5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

But if they did pay it, then they are basically admitting that they did something they weren’t supposed to be doing. If they fight it, they may win and continue to have a sense of urgency for their micro transactions thus making more money long term.

Furesis22m ago

I'd fight back too. These are kinda meaningless reasons to fine someone like really for THAT. It's like they just wanted to make money or something.


Dev Gets Windows 11 To Run On A Nintendo Switch, Don't Try This At Home

The OS works, but it barely crawls along on the Nintendo Switch's older ARM chipset.

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OtterX5h ago

Yeaaa... no. It's cool to say that you got it running as a bragging right, but this is completely unusable. I like how he hits the screen while trying to type! X'D


The Finals Underperforms for Nexon in Q1 2024

Nexon has released its financial statement for 2024's first quarter, and it looks like FPS The Finals isn't proving the hit the studio was hoping for.

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BlackDoomAx18h ago

Too bad for the best fps there is atm...

Sgt_Slaughter11h ago

The market for games like this is too over saturated to make a dent in other established games' player counts. Trying to start all over with a whole new multiplayer meta and grinding to get better is not feasible when there's already a ton of similar games that have come out before it.