
Why Starfield needs invisible walls and planet boundaries

Amasr writes: Starfield may be getting planet boundaries and invisible walls, but we think that's actually a good thing.

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shadowT287d ago

Less promised features, good thing..

-Foxtrot287d ago

The funny thing is if they didn't hype this so much with their PR, did a Fallout 4 by announcing it and releasing it 4-5 months later then no one would really give a shit.

RpgSama287d ago

LOL, another one of those "why 30 fps is a good thing" articles.

crazyCoconuts287d ago

I'm guessing having a game like No Man's Sky out there is just going to make it clearer how far Starfield would have to go to give you that same Space Exploration vibe. NMS is just so good at it.
Hopefully Starfield will excel in the handcrafted story and characters so that it isn't just a mediocre jack of all trades kind of game.

Soldierone287d ago

People playing it are saying "It's not even great till the story is over" So I doubt it lol

lucian229287d ago

it's bethesda......their stories have always been mundane and bad. all it offers is amazing mods

MeatyUrologist287d ago

Yes NMS was really good at the exploration side of things, but most of the time I was playing it was clear it was all procedurally generated. After seeing all the planet types you knew exactly what to expect before you even landed. As much as I enjoyed NMS most of the time I was playing I was just wishing it felt a bit more handcrafted and looked and felt less like a last generation tech demo.

I still think NMS will be superior in the massive scope and seemless exploration. Where Starfield will easily surpass it is in story, combat, detail, graphics, audio, world building. Even if there are a few more seems and smaller scope that is easily a fair trade in my mind. Now I just need to find a cheap XSX to play it on!

wiz7191286d ago

@crazycoconuts idk if y’all slow or what lol keep bringing up NMS .. When that game literally doesn’t have shit to do but salvage resources and build bases lol A game that’s built around endless exploration with barely any story to speak of … Starfield and NMS aren’t even in the same genre just have the same space travel themes ,

crazyCoconuts286d ago

@wiz no need to be rude.
There can only be so many handcrafted stories in Starfield. For the 1000 planets or whatever there will be procedurally generated landscape AND generated missions, just like NMS. Fetch quests and such. Screen shots of them have leaked already.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 286d ago
SyntheticForm287d ago (Edited 287d ago )

What features?

I don't know about "needing bondaries" or this or that, but I *do* know that I want to play a new Bethesda RPG. I *don't* want No Man's Sky or anything like it - I want the Bethesda game world structure. This is what I'm hyped for and paying for. I couldn't give a shit about "seamless exploration." I *want* the characters, the pickpocketing, the speech challenges, the double-agentism, etc. No Man's Sky is a great game for what *it* is, but I don't want that here - not one bit. Let NMS be NMS and let Starfield be Starfield.

I'm an older gamer who loves *most* of the Bethesda RPGs and games and I'm looking more forward to Starfield than any other game.

Edit: As far as exploration goes I'm sure there will be plenty and that I will be sated.

shinoff2183286d ago

Same boat as you syntheticform. I'm looking forward to it cause it's an rpg, a bethesada rpg. I'm not a huge fan of elder scrolls but I have liked a ton of what they've put out. Im not saying elder scrolls is bad but i have a harder time getting into the setting(medieval) Fallout is my favorite from them. I'm a sci fi nut. If it's sci fi I'm in. Hell I'd love to see a sci fi game from from software. I think they'd kill it. Tomorrow I will be getting out of work 11pm and going to max out on starfield for 4 days. I won't be doing anything but something with the family and bathroom breaks. Can't wait

fr0sty286d ago

"Crap, they're on to the lie... quick! Pay off some site to spin this into a good thing!!!"

lelo2play286d ago

Uncharted 4 had a lot of invisible walls... and nobody made a fuss about it.

shinoff2183286d ago

I don't think any of this I a big deal lelo2play, but I will say uncharted wasn't advertised as a huge ass interplanetary open world game. It was linear. Cant compare

lelo2play286d ago (Edited 286d ago )

Invisible walls on linear games are even worse. There is no justification for walls on a linear game with small sections.

A big a$$ map with a invisable wall can be forgiven, but on a small map/section from a linear game... not so much.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 286d ago
BrainSyphoned287d ago

Oh hey look, a pinned article from N4G shilling away for xbox.

VenomUK287d ago (Edited 287d ago )

The article is listed twice on the N4G homepage adjacent to each other.

Christopher287d ago

That's what happens when a new article is pinned. Pinned doesn't move the original article, it creates a copy of it in the pinned location. When it is unpinned the copy goes away.

LG_Fox_Brazil287d ago

Have a talk to your webdesigner and ask it to have this adjusted asap. I work at a news website and that takes only a minute to get resolved, duplicated articles/photos make a site look amateur

Tacoboto287d ago

It's so you can click more to videogamer.com.

N4G double shilling for its owner.

Christopher287d ago

Just need to pin a Switch article and I will have collected all the Shilling Gems. Then I'll snap my fingers and get myself a good Reuben sandwich.

LG_Fox_Brazil287d ago

Have a talk to your webdesigner and ask it to have this adjusted asap. I work at a news website and that takes only a minute to get resolved, duplicated articles/photos make any site look amateur

Mr_cheese287d ago

Would be nice to actually hear the stance of N4G on ramming Videogamer down the readers throats.

It's taking the biscuit and you seem to ignore every mention of it with no official comment.

Christopher287d ago (Edited 287d ago )

@Mr_cheese: N4G and Video Gamer are owned by the same company now. I am not the 'stance of N4G' but do my best to keep the site running as it has, as do all moderators, and support it to ensure it does what it was designed to do while also supporting the needs of those who own it.

Mr_cheese287d ago (Edited 287d ago )

And do those who own it acknowledge that the readers don't like their tactics or click back when it comes to their own website because its something that should be aired by them rather than them pinning their own trash articles for clicks.

286d ago
shinoff2183286d ago

Appreciate it Christopher. I'm also happy no audio kills my music anymore. Thumbs up from me

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 286d ago
Pyrofire95286d ago

You know when the tiniest news about PS comes out it's always the top story here by far, if not with dulacates flooding the top as well. This is the first time in a while Xbox had anything worth talking about that wasn't how badly they're doing.
Planet scaled worlds is basically pointless. Anyone who REALLY truely wants otherwise is kidding themselves.
And for the record I've never like a Bethesda Studio game and haven't had an Xbox since 2011 when I replaced it for a PS3, so you don't assume I'm an Xbox shill.

Terry_B287d ago

Game of the Decade..as it was named here already ..months ago lol.

Brazz287d ago

Wait! So i can't explore the entire planet!? WTF! What's is the point? This article feels like a gigantic damage control.

Christopher287d ago

It's actually not exploring the planet TBH. It looks like when you create a landing zone, it creates its own area to explore. If you create another landing zone, it creates a new area to explore. It's creating hub areas where you decide to land that are their own thing and not really "that spot on the planet". If you land near a city, for example, you don't see the city or anything of it. You just see what pre-generated area that was created when you create the landing zone.

crazyCoconuts287d ago

A bit tongue in cheek, but it sounds like a Proof of Concept for No Mans Sky

Brazz287d ago (Edited 287d ago )

First, thank you for your time and patience in explaining everything to me.

Second, so the game isn't open world with free exploration? It is a set of several maps generated when landing with the ship and with pre-established limits!? correct?

Christopher287d ago

@Brazz: I'm not sure if this is a constant thing, but this is how the gameplay I've seen has worked for landing zones on what planets I've seen. I do not think that any planet is fully capable of being explored, but they at the least have a large area for story purposes on some planets and others generate some quasi-procedural areas to explore when you land on them.

This is kind of a pro and con thing. Pro, you land and know the area you have to explore without having to worry if you missed something on the other side of the planet or the like. Con, it's not really a world so much as regions created dynamically when you create a landing zone and creating a new one changes it (removes any element that this is a persistent world in that respect).

Again, this is just based on what I've seen.

ChasterMies287d ago

Comparing Starfield’s procedural generation to No Man’s Sky is like comparing the 255x255 block Minecraft Pocket Edition to Minecraft for PC. It’s like baby’s first procedurally generated planet.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 287d ago
Lightning77287d ago

According to Pete Hines you can. He confirmed this a week ago.

There's no way he slip up and mislead or not know this close to launch, nobody can be that misinformed or even lie that hard a few weeks out.

I don't think there's nothing to worry about at all. A possible nit pick in the grand scheme. Thursday after noon the truth will be out.

Rocketisleague287d ago


Thus is confirmed now

ChasterMies287d ago

“This article feels like a gigantic damage control.”

This article was most likely written by Microsoft’s PR team. The problem with this kind of bullshit is that it puts a stink on everything.

fr0sty286d ago

They hyped this up to be NMS scale exporation with Skyrim quality story/gameplay, and now that has been exposed to be one big lie. So far it's neither.

badz149287d ago

First and foremost, there is no land vehicle you can use or drive on any planet at launch, how do you expect to traverse a whole planet just by walking and limited jetpacking? Wen they said that there will be no land vehicle, I already suspected that exploration will be limited. Plus, there is no seemless travel between planets and space like NMS, this alone already signaled that planets are just one big hubs like a level.

anast286d ago

They had to do it to get it to run on the S and it's Bethesda.

Pyrofire95286d ago

What do you mean what's the point? Who's exploring multiple full sized planets? Be realistic.

jznrpg286d ago (Edited 286d ago )

Many people would if they could but they can’t so they won’t. These aren’t even planets they are just instanced zones.

shinoff2183286d ago

It is kinda disappointing if that's how it is. Many people would have explored whole planets. To downplay is clearly white knighting

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 286d ago
isarai287d ago

The copium shipment has arrived early 😆

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Starfield Creation Kit launches, and the microtransactions begin

As of June 9, 2024, the Starfield Creation Kit and the new “Creations” store will be live, requiring players to purchase a premium currency for custom content.

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bababooiy2d ago

"requiring players to purchase a premium currency for custom content"
This is all you need to know.

XiNatsuDragnel2d ago

Yep yep nope unofficial mod support over this

porkChop1d 21h ago

You don't have to buy or sell mods in the Creations store. The full mod tools launched today.

XiNatsuDragnel1d 20h ago

Yeah no I rather get some unofficial mod tools then Bethesda imo

porkChop1d 18h ago

Do you understand what your talking about? Unofficial mod tools? If you mean free mods rather than the paid mods on the creations store, sure, I agree. But the tools themselves? There aren't "unofficial" mod tools, everyone was previously using Bethesda's older tools.

XiNatsuDragnel1d 12h ago

Fair fair man besides I'm supporting unofficial mods and stuff those mts ain't it chef.

Valkyrye2d ago

no thanks, I'm busy not ever playing Starfield right now thanks

phoenixwing1d 21h ago

Snake oil salesman Todd Howard approves

CobraKai1d 7h ago

Im one of the few people that like this game and this is one of the worst ideas for a game people look down on already.

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Xbox Games Showcase Followed by Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Direct

Xbox writes: "Join us for a double feature on June 9, 10am PT - Xbox Games Showcase immediately followed by Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Direct.  The Xbox Games Showcase is your look at the new games from Xbox Game Studios, Activision, Blizzard, Bethesda, as well as our partners from around the globe. Immediately following the Showcase, stay tuned for Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Direct for a special deep-dive into the beloved franchise."

ravens522d ago

I'm here. Waiting in anticipation to see some games 🤙🏽

GamerRN2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I'll be honest, if they don't announce some major shit, this could be the nail in the coffin.

If I hear about major 1st party titles going multiplatform, it's over.

They need to build the brand trust right now. A lot of damage has been done.

We need bangers, AND some news about next Gen.

Flawlessmic2d ago

It's just started 4 games in and it's already been a fantastic show.

This is gonna be the best showcase in years

VersusDMC2d ago

New Doom dark ages anounced for PS5 as well...

GamerRN2d ago

So far this is a great show, and mostly all GamePass games? Looks like the bangers are finally coming!

Investments finally paying off.

Now they need new hardware so they can start over

Sonic18812d ago (Edited 2d ago )

So far the best showcase this year

Flawlessmic2d ago

At this rate, best show of the last 2-4 years, been an absolute bangerrrrr so far!!!

Pixykont2d ago

Perfect dark looks incredible

shinoff21832d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Agreed. Way better then what Sony did and has done. Those multiplayer games really fked Sony over for a few years. Xbox showed off some good looking stuff. I'm most interested in state of decay 3.

1Victor1d 23h ago

You need at least 10real people to agree in writing with you for anyone here believing you after saying the same thing year over year for the last 10+ years.
Now that I finished watching the show for me personally it was a ok as I don’t play FP games but that’s just me and I can recognize that for people that like FPG it’s a amazing show so ENJOY them.
Another thing and I hope for Microsoft sake they don’t do their next system digital only based on the S sales over the X, I hope they’ll learn the lesson of not making a lower power version just to try to undercut their competitor.
Metal gear 3 looked sweet.
Overall a lot of pretty games CONGRATS to all Xbox gamers this is what you deserve year over year 👍✨

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1d 23h ago
lelo2play2d ago

Great showcase by Microsoft. So many interesting games...

RaidenBlack1d 10h ago

Only thing I missed was Clockwork Revolution...
And what happened to Everwild? Liked the art style.

Lightning772d ago

Very certain Perfect Dark will show up. fable showing up and 2025 release date.

Unpopular opinion here but INL think Final Fantasy 16 will release on Xbox. I dunno if it'll be on Gamepass but I think it's going to other platforms now.

2d ago Replies(1)
Obscure_Observer2d ago


Time to see what amazing games Xbox Game Studios has been cooking for us, boys!!!


Sonic18812d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I'm glad Microsoft had a great show. Hopefully this show potentially wakes up Sony and Nintendo. Competition is good for the industry. We don't need publishers and developers to get comfortable and get lazy on us. Keep them thinking and on their toes

cthulhucultist2d ago

well said Sonic. Competition is beneficial for us gamers

Master-Tonberry2d ago

Absolutely agree, many of the games shown are also coming to PS5 (despite MS hiding other platforms from the reveals) but the genuine exclusive all look great. Nintendo will obviously continue to carve it's own path and will be very busy with the Switch 2, but Sony and PlayStation really needs to pull it's socks up and start bringing out the big guns or people are going to start losing faith. Hopefully the rumours of a big PlayStation Experience show later this year are true.

anast1d 11h ago

The main knock on Sony is that there haven't been any major first party announcements. Xbox does a show with no major announcements.

The_Hooligan2d ago

This showcase was great. Not just a great Xbox showcase but in general the best one this year so far.

Kurisu2d ago

I'm tuned in now. I can't say I've ever been big in to Xbox, but I got myself a Series S when it launched. Can't say I've used it much but I'm intrigued to see what's in the pipeline.

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Starfield Would Have Benefited from Daggerfall-Like Dungeons Proc-Gen Instead of Reusing Premades

OnceLost Games, developers of The Wayward Realms, believe Starfield would have benefited from Daggerfall-like procedural generation of dungeons instead of just reusing premade ones.

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VincentVanBro4d ago

One of many low hanging fruit that would have improved the game

anast4d ago

Better tech, better devs, and Morrowind like freedom would have improved this game.

enkiduxiv4d ago

Wow, both options sound terrible.