
Game Pass effect: Xbox's game subscription service is changing consumer buying habits

Xbox Game Pass isn't just a subscription--it's a new transformative business model that is changing consumer buying habits in a very interesting way.

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shinoff2183334d ago (Edited 334d ago )

Interesting nah, bad yea.

Anyway article says
The introduction of Game Pass as the first multi-game content library subscription

I'd like to point out a little thing called sega TV from early 90s. They seem to overlook that completely, not even a mention. My bad sega channel, and it ran over cable TV not the internet, same damn thing practically


As far as these days , again calling ms the first completely wrong seeing as ps now was out before gamepass. Ps now was out jan 2014, while gamepass came out june 2017. 3 years before gamepass. Do some research for fks sake.

darthv72334d ago

Sega channel was not widely available. So it being one of the first is saying something but due to its limited reach, that says something else. Not to mention that you could not keep said games in your library and some werent ever released in cart form until many MANY years removed. It was a novel taste test of what was to come much later.

In any case, on to gamepass (and to an extent PS Now) it has changed 'my' buying habits. I still buy games, but now I do so after I have tried them in game pass. I like that you arent obligated to buy the game, you do so if you truly want to keep it in your library. And in many cases i will seek out a physical copy if a retail version is released. I've done that with several games recently like psychonauts 2, cuphead, the medium... it really is a good deal to consumers. Ps Now was also a good subscription platform for its offerings of older PS games and now it is trying to take some of that game pass style with some more modern releases. It may not be day one for 1st/2nd party titles but they have stepped up their game with 3rd party day one games like stray.

the landscape has changed and i feel we will see more day one efforts coming to PS+ like we do with game pass. Maybe even a big 2nd party title at some point but Sony has been rather adamant about not doing 1st party... not yet at least.

shinoff2183334d ago

The gamepass games stay in your library once they are removed from gamepass?

Still doesn't take away the fact that psnow was out almost 3 years longer then gamepass and this article completely overlooked it or just flat out ignored it
Gamepass came out offering first party and some day 1s cause they felt they had to. They wanted to try and undercut Sony and get some of those players. While i don't think it worked out as well as they wanted it's here. I still stand buy I think it broke in a way the base. Ms has said as much themselves ie game sales.

Like you I have done the same with gamepass I've tried a few games to see how they were, one instance edge of eternity I liked what I had played and bought it on ps5 when it dropped to 25.

4Sh0w334d ago

"Calculations indicate that Xbox Game Pass makes over at least $1 billion in annual revenues, potentially up to $1.8 billion in 2022. The games division also managed to make nearly $1 billion from services in one quarter, Q3 FY23, which coincides with the Jan - March 2023 period. Revenues aren't the end-all be-all. Of course, the service has to generate revenue to be profitable. And Game Pass is indeed profitable"
Read more: https://www.tweaktown.com/n...

Devs get paid, Xbox consumers get a great deal= Sounds like a win for everybody to me.

Crows90334d ago

Did you know that people that pirate games have the same reasoning as you just had for Game pass and purchasing after using it on Game pass? People on PC can get gamepads access for free every month that they want to subscribe.

andy85334d ago (Edited 334d ago )

4show - gamepass is profitable...coming from Phil who always tells the truth right? FW, Halo Infinite and TLOU2 cost a billion total. If AAAs are costing that, how are MS paying for all these day one games and the other 400+ on GP and still making profit. Windows is propping it up.

Petebloodyonion334d ago

Game Pass is profitable...coming from Phil who always tells the truth right?
How about established models instead
How to insert X is profitable when it cost Y
- Amazon Prime (including gaming, music, books, movie)
- Costco
- Apple Music
- Netflix
- Disney Plus
- Spotify
- Epic games that giving games 4 free
- All free-to-play games (How much do you think Warzone cost to make)
- your antivirus
- The all-you-can-eat buffet
- your work CRM

Let me ask you this simple question, how many games have you acquired with PS+ Essential over the year?
How many did you really play?
How much money have you given to Sony for PS+ over the year to have that library instead of just buying the games you played?

MontyeKristo334d ago

shinoff2183 - Yes, (I haven't read everyones comments to see if they replied to you) games that you purchase from GamePass will stay in your library indefinitely. They are also discounted through GamePass.. so there's that plus, as well. So if you are liking a game and know it's leaving, you can buy it on a discount and keep it forever (or until they completely remove it from the entire ecosystem, I guess..).

badboyz09333d ago

Sega channel bought back memories. I remember when my spoiled cousin got some cable guy to hook it up.

andy85333d ago (Edited 333d ago )

@petebloodyonion how many games have I played on essential? Well i have a higher tier and my year cost me about £55, I played Stray day one for free. That was half my subscription cost in one go. And I've downloaded and finished at least 25 of the games off the catalogue, so yes I think they would cost more than the £55 I paid.

And the difference is most of those services aren't paying multi-billions every year to have stuff on their service. And more to the point, the streaming services have packages with commercials on to get more income and the music ones have AD revenue. MS has neither.

Netflix is the one that probably does pay a lot to host its content. But they have 10 times more subscribers than GP, no trick to get 3 years for 100 and no $1 trick to play for a month and they have advertisements to gain income as well. It's not even a comparison between the two income wise.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 333d ago
darthv72334d ago (Edited 334d ago )

Game pass game get removed and you can keep playing them so long as you either buy before it is removed or even acquire a physical disc to play. That is a cool aspect as the game data already exists on your system. You just need a key to play and that is what the discs are today (for the most part). As for PS+ (Now) seeing as this is about buying habits, the games offered in + were already out previously. It wasnt until recently that Sony started offering newer games. For the most part, it was all about older games that had their chance years prior.

a lot of people are cynical of game pass (like yourself) and yet they use it because it really does offer something the other services dont. More day one releases to try before you buy. By the time a newer game comes to PS+, its already been out (1st/2nd party) so they can only really compete with 3rd party titles. Something Ms has really been relying on the past several months. Im hopeful things will change for MS now that they have so many in house teams getting their games ready for release.

In either case i will still use the service to try before I buy. I cant see how anyone can really complain about that but... they do.

shinoff2183334d ago (Edited 334d ago )

More day one releases to try before you buy.

Not many are doing that though. That's hurting the industry whether you like it or not.

Also far as gamepass and ps plus I'm not doubting that gamepass changed the formula up just by adding some day one but my point is it's still not the first , sega channel and ps now were out first. It was more toward the writer who didn't do his research. You just can't deny the subscription service has been done two different times before gamepass that's irrefutable, you can say we'll ms did this this and that but in the end they weren't the first. They were the first to offer some day one sure fking clap for that I guess. 👏

4Sh0w334d ago (Edited 334d ago )

"That's hurting the industry whether you like it or not."

-And yet 3rd party devs/publishers keep putting games on Gamepass, just look on July 14th Capcom is dropping Exoprimal on Gamepass while ps5 owners have to pay $60. Do you think they are just doing it because they like Xbox? No. They've already made sure that their deal on Gamepass will ensure the game is profitable.

OR should I really think that someone with your post history has sat down and run a financial analysis (without the projection data or deal details) and you know better than the smart people that keep Capcom profitable??????????? lol, Again, NO Gamepass ensures the devs get paid and consumers get a great deal. A win, win for everybody, in fact if anything its Microsoft on the losing end of the bill if their sub costs don't grow enough to cover the check= are you really concerned about a trillion dollar company taking a little loss? Not me, thats for execs, I'm a gamer and no way is a consumer friendly sub service "hurting the industry" its changing the industry but until the sub service is too expensive for those paying for it vs just outright buying individual games OR Microsoft pulls it because its too expensive, until then I will continue enjoying the savings.

Finally Gamepass gets credit where credit is due, you guys will hate it so much until Sony does it. Sega channel was a fledging service, early psnow was just for playing old games like a bigger Xbox backwards compatibility program. Again its Gamepass driving a huge new full subscription service model offering all its games to be played day 1 or you can just buy it. I know, you don't really care, you just hate MS and Im not saying those services were bad but they aren't comparable, thats why media aren't talking about them being the same as Gamepass....so yes keep clapping.

333d ago
Knushwood Butt333d ago

Game pass game get removed and you can keep playing them so long as you buy it?

Are you serious?!

shinoff2183333d ago (Edited 333d ago )


If someone told you in 1997 that you'd get access to games on a subscription service idda said sega channel

It's more to it than that. Also. Some of us feel it's a detriment to the industry and sets a bad precedent. Ms did day one games out of desperation. Now they have millions of people not buying games. See where that's not good.

Like I said in another post for this to be as successful as ms wants it to be they have to buy up so much more of the industry. Sorry that's not cool.

neomahi333d ago

And they're griping they don't have any games on Game Pass. My question is, if it's as profitable as developers say it is, why are they pulling their games instead of leaving them on Game Pass and why isn't everyone flocking to Game Pass then? Because there's no money. Microsoft pockets a ton of money from their subscription service, but the developer gets screwed.

David Jaffe praises Game Pass, but you know something about David Jaffe? He doesn't make games anymore, he stated at home and smokes himself retarded with pot killing of whatever brain cells he has left. Because Jaffe isn't working a real job anymore, he can't afford games, so being the cheapskate that he is, this is how he do all that AND Jaffe actually rarely finishes a game. He wants the option of a lot to play, but is too cheap to buy the games himself, when he of all knows how much those sales matter to that dev, which is why all his studios he's owned have flopped. Eat, Sleep, and Play, the Co-owner was smart enough to know how to keep that place going after Jaffe nearly bankrupt it, because it's not his money, he doesn't care, so long as he's got his pot and his Jolly Ranchers. Game Pass is for cheapskates that don't want a thriving and profitable industry

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 333d ago
Minute Man 721334d ago (Edited 334d ago )

So the difference is between GamePass and PSNow is day 1 games?

How come the Sony only crowd love to bash GP but silent on PSNow?

My point GP and PSNow is a none issue

Petebloodyonion334d ago

If you ask ppl what's the father of fighting games ppl will probably answer Street fighter2
Father of platform games = Super Mario Bros
Nobody will mention yi air kung fu, Karate Champ just like nobody will mention Pitfall, Jungle Hunt, etc.

The same applies here yes Sega channel Existed, Gamefly, or PS now but none moved the needle.
Heck, what was PS Now in the beginning? a renting service for streamable PS3 titles then it changes to a 25$ monthly premium and went down to 10$ due to Gamepass, not the other way around.
Case in point PS now has been revamped to emulate Gamepass.

4Sh0w334d ago (Edited 334d ago )

Facts. We'll said.

Christopher333d ago

Just because people say something doesn't make it right. This is why we have history books, so ignorant people can be informed of actual facts. Public understanding doesn't change facts and we should respect the shoulders of the past upon which the present stands now.

Petebloodyonion333d ago

I agree but there's a difference between the originator of the idea and the one who made it successful
The article does not try to credit MS as the one who invented the concept but as the one who made it successful.
Even the quote from @Shinoff is meant to be a bar aimed at the FTC case
for the actual quote is

"The introduction of Game Pass as the first multi-game content library subscription service (as the FTC refers to it) was a pivotal disruption point in gaming."

4Sh0w333d ago (Edited 333d ago )

Well to be clear, the author did not say it was the first, nor did anyone here. No he said the label as "the first" was given by the FTC, he specifically pointed out "as the FTC refers to it".

-He nor anyone here have said "hell yeah Gamepass was the first sub service", so the argument that just because people say something don't make it right is correct if you're directing it at the FTC. Ive only said or agreed with the fact that ANYTHING that is first to mass appeal, popularity, and commercial success will of course be widely associated with being the thing that made "it" successful or move the needle changing the industry. Nothing ignorant about that since "the first ever" is a different argument.

In fact, if you look up "the first" for most new things its rather complicated for instance Shinoff implying it was Sega Channel is incorrect:

"Turns out, the earliest console manufacturers, namely Atari and Mattel, were already offering these sorts of subscriptions back in the early days of console gaming. The first attempt was through Mattel’s Intellivision console in 1980."
"Known as the PlayCable, this service allowed subscribers to download new games onto their Intellivision consoles through the use of television cables."

Regardless, its very simple why Gamepass like many other new "things" gets alot of credit because #1 day1 is a *enormous differentiating factor, that. generates convo even beyond gaming media/people #2 its not 1980, 99% of people never heard of "Playcable".

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 333d ago
EvertonFC333d ago

Don't talk stupid, the pretend journalists don't do research, infact media in general don't do research anymore like they used too 😔
Called you stupid in a nice way btw, totally agree with you're comment. Dam we have to explain ourselves today 😂🤣

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 333d ago
Crows90334d ago

Instead of pirating it I get to play for free with Microsoft edge. Somehow the feeling feels almost like I'm pirating the game except it's legal. I'm not sure that's very interesting it almost feels like a joke.

Really changed my buying habits I know for certain I will never need to buy another Xbox game studios game.

RpgSama195d ago

It's changing buying habits so much they are not even buying the console anymore, LOL, 50% down in Europe.

Immagaiden334d ago

There were a number of game subscription services before Game Pass

It wasn’t the first

ChasterMies333d ago

The chatbots that are writing these articles aren’t old enough to have scraped data mentioning game subscription services that predate Game Pass.

Flawlessmic334d ago

Only on the xbox side really.

I buy games consistently for my ps5 and switch, on my series x though and even x one I haven't bought a game on xbox for years at this point.

Xbox is my gamepass machine, which I think is the case for most xbox users when u look at the sales difference of games on other platforms compared to xbox.

Ms can afford to take the hit so I'm happy to take as much from them as possible.

Nintendo and Sony can't afford to suffer the same hit as Ms does and still be in the games business so I spend my money there.

Elda334d ago

I use my XBSX solely for GP as well, at this point there's no need to buy games for the system. I'm always buying games for my PS5 & I was just gifted a Oled Switch which I bought a couple of games for.

CBaoth333d ago

flawlessly written. Spend your money elsewhere where it's needed. Only downside, MS is trying to dictate what we play and limiting choice in the end by courting a whole demographic that can't afford the hobby. I hope it doesn't bleed over to Sony and Nintendo's side

darthv72333d ago

@all above... I love how you all think using GP is some sort of dig against MS when its not. You can spend your $$ your way but just know you are also giving MS your $$ in the same vein. Playing games in GP is not hurting MS one way or another, even if you choose to buy said game for another system. You guys are just funny and dont even realize you are playing right into MS hand.

MrNinosan333d ago

I've had GamePass since 2017, but due to free or next to free GamePass offers and tricks during these years I paid next to nothing.
The amount of games I bought on X360 exceeds the money I put on GamePass by far.

And I'm certain alot of the GamePass subscribers has been doing the same thing.

We'll see what happens now when MS has sropped some of the "cheats" we could use.

I for one ain't re-activating until Starfield, but that'll be for one month, then wait til Fable

talocaca334d ago

It has become an excuse to release unfinished/broken games. If they find an audience they are fixed over time (Sea of Thieves), if they don't they are ignored and forgotten (RedFall).

It really has become a dumpster with few AAA / GOTY releases. I think it works for games like Exoprimal (that would be DOA without a "free" release).....

Petebloodyonion334d ago

Didn't know that: (insert game) released day 1 on GP
Dying light
Fallout 76
No man Sky
Dead by Daylight
Final Fantasy 14
Cyberpunk 2077
Killing Floor

334d ago
ravens52333d ago

Didn't know No Man Sky was day one on gamepass June 2020 . Cool. Came out on ps4 day 1 too, August 2016. Interesting.

Flawlessmic333d ago

Ahhhhhh there is so much wrong in your list there budddyyyy but sure 😂

I mean you've even managed to include a game that doesn't exist on the xbox platform hahaha

Petebloodyonion333d ago (Edited 333d ago )

Perhaps my phrasing is wrong but I meant that none of these games were released on day 1 on Gamepass
yet were all plagued by being buggy or broken at launch and became successful
Saying that the strategy now is to release the broken games on GP and watch if stick to supports just because there was Redfall doesn't stick.
especially when the majority of games as a service are released broken or undercooked versus the latest version.

MrNinosan333d ago

FFXIV ain't even out on Xbox, and is not on PC GamePass either.
Minecraft, Skyrim, Overwatch and probably many more of those, were released long before GamePass was a thing.
What ya smoking man?

Do you want me to google a list of Day 1 games we got with PS+ as well?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 333d ago
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