
Path of Exile Crucible Release Date Set for April for PC and Consoles, Key Features Listed

Path of Exile Crucible is officially launching in April for both consoles and PC! Watch the reveal trailer now and read up on its features.

anast538d ago

This is cool but I would like to see new characters maybe a shapeshifter and something else. I'm getting a bit burned out on the options we have at the moment.


Games That Expect You To Know How To Play Them

Terraria, Kerbal Space Program, and Path of Exile can be incredibly hard for players to get into without ample prior genre experience.


Let The Trials Begin: Path Of Exile’s Trial Of The Ancestors Launches Today

Today, in about four hours, players of Grinding Gear Games’ Path of Exile will start exploring the game’s next content update, Trial of the Ancestors.


Path of Exile 2 Will Be a Standalone Game; Closed Beta Date & Gameplay Revealed

Today Grinding Gear Games is hosting its Exilecon event, and revealed news and gameplay for Path of Exile 2 and its predecessor.

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Nurket419d ago

So happy we have both diablo and PoE competing against eachother. D4 is a good game, but PoE2 has really stepped it up further. Gaming is awesome these days. 😊

notachance419d ago

I hope they make a good controller support for PC now that there are lots of handheld PC on the market. PoE 1 controller support is a pain in the arse to play with.

Terry_B419d ago

I disagree. POE 1 works excellent with the dualsense gamepad on pc

Vengeance1138419d ago

Final nail into the D4 coffin.

cartoonx1419d ago

fastest selling diablo 2 date... what nail?

Vengeance1138419d ago

Are you really trying to say that people buying the game means people are loving the game?
Have to buy it to try it and right now D4 is one steaming dumpster fire with a sharply declining playerbase.

Abriael419d ago (Edited 419d ago )

A beta starting in a whole year is certainly going to affect Diablo 4 oh so gravely. I can see Blizzard shaking in their boots already 😂😂😂

fsfsxii418d ago

shilling hard for blizzard is not a good look.

Abriael418d ago (Edited 418d ago )

fsfsxii: I'll tell you what's not a good look buddy. Always trying to turn something into a hostile competition, like a game has to kill another when they can easily coexist in the same market.

Also, saying something as mind-bogglingly inane as a beta happening in literally a year being the "final nail in the coffin" of a game that's out now isn't a great look either, Same as defending that kind of silly take. 😂

fsfsxii417d ago

i don't care for either titles, but why would you be so pressed anyway if you weren't shilling so hard for a company known for sexual harrassment? very gross.

Abriael417d ago (Edited 417d ago )

@fsfsxii: I don't need to be "pressed" to point it out when someone says something absolutely inane, just like you just did.
What the heck does what you mention have to do with a discussion about two action RPGs? Please go touch grass.

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