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Reaction: Sony Continues to Fumble the State of Play Format

The curtain has closed on another State of Play, and this wasn’t a vintage one, to put it politely.

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Community470d ago
Mr_cheese470d ago

Just like the metro piece...

The point of state of play is to offer focused sessions. Not every session will be to everyone's liking and nor do they have to be. They're not designed to be killer exclusive after killer exclusive.

Awful take.

Obscure_Observer470d ago

The show crap. Simple as that.

Since they left E3, they chose this format to keep games informed on what´s next for Playstation and, since then, communication between Sony and Playstation owners only got worst.

They no longer feel like they should keep gamers informed on whether there´ll be an State of Play, a Playstation Showcase or if they´ll be present on ANY gaming event. Be that E3 or not.

There´s no longer excitement for anything Playstation related when comes to find out what´s next.

They´ll will give us a 48 hours notification about some State of Play and that´s all.

Playstation fans worldwide are hoping for a Playstation Showcase around June, based on some "insider" information like Jeff Grubb and that´s all we have.

So yeah, they better deliver something for games to be hyped for, or there´ll be criticism, doesn´t matter if is Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo.

1Victor470d ago

@ obscure just take your disagree you don’t need to write a text wall just to say I hate Sony and everything they do 🤷🏿
I take issue with this statement on the article

“ It doesn’t help that the star attraction this time, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, is just so odd. Make no mistake, the gameplay looks fast and fluid, but it doesn’t feel like anyone asked for this game, and considering it’s taken Batman: Arkham developer Rocksteady the best part of a decade to put it together”
So now we are holding Sony responsible for a 3rd party game quality and development time?

I stopped reading there as is clear that the writer isn’t objective enough to know the difference between internal developers and 3rd party developers 🤦🏿

Mr_cheese470d ago

Love how one of the most outspoken Sony haters on this site believes they can speak for all PlayStation owners.

You're entitled to your opinion, you just spout it like it is a fact.

Personally had no expectation for last nights show beyond what Sony COMMUNICATED out to the public.

Beyond that, there is plenty of excitement I'd argue because we know that spiderman will get a show at some point, Wolverine will get a show at some point, factions will get a show at some point. Those are just 3 that have been teased. They have plenty of studios and plenty going on behind the scenes that fans will be excited to see.

It's all perspective and if you go in over hyping or in your case, looking for fault, then you won't enjoy it.

outsider1624470d ago

What the heck are you talking about? This was a third party State of play! What did you expect? You say it like you're speaking for all playstation gamers lol.

And as far as "better deliver something"..Sony has so far been delivering since launch. Nintendo too? Can't say anything about Ms though..

Chevalier470d ago

"There´s no longer excitement for anything Playstation related when comes to find out what´s next."

Wtf are you a Sony hater even rambling on about?! Playstation delivers where it matters most. Games. Plain and simple. No showcase good or bad will affect sales in any way. Only hard-core fans think things like this affect the general public.

Just look at all the media before the Harry Potter game. Did it stop the game from selling? Nope. It just became the best selling Harry Potter game ever.

Between GoW Ragnarok absolutely crushing sales, the insane success of TLOU TV show and PSVR2 coming out Playstation will probably have an even better quarter coming up even though they literally just broke the industry record. Would bet TLOU TV show alone will boost PS5 sales too.

Then Spiderman 2 game and Spiderverse 2 movies will bring even more attention to Playstation/Sony this fall.

Flakegriffin470d ago


You thought you were onto something here, eh?

Obscure_Observer470d ago (Edited 470d ago )


"just take your disagree you don’t need to write a text wall just to say I hate Sony and everything they do 🤷🏿"

Lol. I´ll speak my mind and I don´t care (never did) about disagrees from anonymous people on N4G that are too dumb or immature to counter arguments without resort to ad hominem.

"So now we are holding Sony responsible for a 3rd party game quality and development time?"

No, that´s a dumb thing to do. SS is not a third party exclusive game funded by Sony.

Thing is that console wars got out control to a point where even some multi-platform third party games which Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo have some marketing rights, will automatically be seen as some sort of "exclusive" game on that platform. Like the publisher or development has some sort of alliance or preference towards those companies. I know, it´s crazy. But it is what it is.


"Love how one of the most outspoken Sony haters on this site believes they can speak for all PlayStation owners."

Never meant to speak for every Playstation owner, even because there´s Playstation owners that are happy with the current situation just like you.

"Personally had no expectation for last nights show beyond what Sony COMMUNICATED out to the public."

That´s YOU and YOURS expectations. You shouldn´t judge Playstation gamers that were excited/ hyped about a Half Life: Alyx announcement for instance. Most people weren´t expecting much, but the show was crap for most Playstation gamers, just check on the official Playstation channel and read the comments and opinions about the broadcast. If you can´t accept that the show was garbage for most playstation owners and feel the need to go out defending Sony, fine, do your thing.

"It's all perspective and if you go in over hyping or in your case, looking for fault, then you won't enjoy it."

Fault? The time for sugar coating those companies bs is over! We´re in third year of the current generation and so far nothing! I don´t care about what Microsoft or Sony does this year to deliver, but I want true current gen games and experiences.

If you´re willing to be calm, understanding, patient and complacent with those companies, more power to you.


Lol. Wtf are YOU ranting about? Are you 12? Are you take criticism towards State of Play as some sort of personal offence? Talking nonsense about Harry Potter and sales? Pff. You lost it, dude. Can´t have an polite argument with someone so easily disturbed. Try and calm yourself.


"And as far as "better deliver something"..Sony has so far been delivering since launch. Nintendo too? Can't say anything about Ms though.."

Fair enough.

Wintersun616470d ago


"Lol. I´ll speak my mind and I don´t care (never did) about disagrees from anonymous people on N4G that are too dumb or immature to counter arguments without resort to ad hominem. "

You just served yourself.

Crows90470d ago

Except we found out more than 48 hours ago and we knew what their focus was. I'm not sure where your confusion is...

But on a brighter note where were you when Microsoft did show after show but had nothing to show for it promise after promise and nothing fulfilled. That's the story of all of last gen.

Chevalier470d ago

Sorry Obscure to sum it up simply. You are an idiot. Seriously your whole rant makes even less sense with your reply. What's this about not caring what needs to be done its year 3 for Xbox and Playstation?! Lol. No its year 3 for Playstation and unfortunately for you they actually deliver. This year will be no different. Xbox however it's more like year 7 since the last 4 of the Xbox One and the first 2 of Series X/S have been absolutely garbage by comparison to both Nintendo/Playstation. You set the bar incredibly low with you being satisfied by measly offerings on Xbox/Gamepass. So the idea that you a Sony Hater has any sway or you think your words have any weight is absolutely atrocious and offensive when you are a walking green suited Gamepass billboard.

Mr_cheese470d ago


"That´s YOU and YOURS expectations."

Exactly. Unlike you I'm speaking for myself and not an entire audience.

I'd say my comment is less defensive and more directly and constructively replying to your less so in put.

You've even proved the point with Half Life. Sony already said what the show was focused on, and if people went into it expecting Half Life, well then that's on them for over egging and even more so on you for trying to use that as an argument of why you're right.

Different story if it was announced and then dropped from the show. Much like the Starfield show which was announced and then dropped... something I was gutted about as I wanted to see the progression of that game.

derek470d ago

@Obscure, when there is something to show they'll show it. No point in being upset over something completely out of your control.

1Victor470d ago

@obscured “Lol. I´ll speak my mind and I don´t care (never did) about disagrees from anonymous people on N4G that are too dumb or immature to counter arguments without resort to ad hominem.”
There’s no point on arguing with a highly obstinacy person like you that obfuscate everything

-Foxtrot470d ago

I do love how Hi-Fi win from Microsoft, SORRY I mean Tango Games which was in development long before the MS take over, has made you more talkative on here.

Obscure_Observer469d ago


Still salty over Hi-Fi Rush? Jesus, dude. Let it go. XD

"I do love how Hi-Fi win from Microsoft, SORRY I mean Tango Games which was in development long before the MS take over"

Oh yes, long before MS take over /S

September 21, 2020

December 21, 2020

February 03, 2023

It wasn´t coming to Playstation, dude. Sorry. Lmao. XD

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 469d ago
SurgicalMenace470d ago

Every person complaining about what successful companies or people do have seldom done anything themselves. To delusionally sit and believe that any company has to make content form fitted to your liking is childish at best. Does Sony's demographic of supporters consist of only one type of player? Did they deliver the content they said they would? Did Sony promise something that was absent from the show? It would seem that some have their expectations way too high.

Sonic1881470d ago (Edited 470d ago )

"Love how one of the most outspoken Sony haters on this site believes they can speak for all PlayStation owners."

This guy Obscure_Observer needs serious help. I didn't even know he was a Sony hater. Now it's starting to make sense. At first I thought he was a PC hater

"they better deliver something for games to be hyped for, or there´ll be criticism"

Sony and Nintendo has been delivering games. Microsoft hasn’t delivered anything great in almost 2 decades 😂

OptimusDK470d ago

LOL just stop it already it is getting realy old by now.

Sonic1881470d ago (Edited 470d ago )


Obscure_Observer arguments about Sony doesn't make sense when Microsoft hasn’t delivered any great games in years. It makes him sound dumb and a troll actually 😂 Looking at his comment history I'm surprised he hasn't been banned yet 🤔🫠

tagzskie470d ago

even poop can became gold to these xboys as long its in xbox, thats why its fun making fun of them ahahah though its true state of play sucks im all in to traditional events like e3 or something.

Flakegriffin470d ago (Edited 470d ago )


It’s crazy how people always think every event needs to be some massive exclusive bangers after bangers when it’s state of play. They’ll literally tell people in advance what to expect at state of play and people will STILL get upset because they created some fake expectations for announcements that were never going to be there. People play themselves then blame others.

Jericho1337470d ago

Right, but they’re still plastered all over social media in an effort to generate interest, inevitably leading to hype.

I get it, the gaming community almost prides itself on unrealistic expectations, but these ‘showcases’ are only adding fuel to the fire. They’re better off ditching or rebranding the format.

EverydayJoe468d ago (Edited 468d ago )

They should just bring Playstation Experience back once or twice a year. They can do the panels, demos, and even a couple broadcast showcases. If they brought it back to Anaheim I would go every 6months.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 468d ago
Flawlessmic470d ago (Edited 470d ago )

Sony stated this was a 3rd party state of play. Why did people expect so much from this?

It's not a Sony showcase, it was a 3rd party state of play and that's exactly what they delivered.

Not sonys fault the writer can't read press releases or has some unrealistic expectation.

So many people.out there still can't comprehend state of play vs showcase are 2 different things for Sony.

U want Sony's AAA bangers wait for the showcase, we should get it in may or juve around e3 time.

Elda470d ago (Edited 470d ago )

I think had there been a showcase of mostly AAA 3rd party content it would have been a better showing. Most of the games were PSVR2 games & Indies. The only big 3rd party games were SS & SF6 games that most folks knew about already. From most of what they showed, it seems the folks complaining have no real interest to buy & play those games.

Flawlessmic470d ago

The big unknown AAA are always reserved for the big shows never the smaller state of plays.

There's no way to spin other than people don't know how to read or wringing for the sake of wringing.

Sony's saves the big guns for the big show as do 3rd party devs.

Considering Sony just released a virtual head set I'd say those fans deserved a show around vr.

shinoff2183470d ago

Of course vr the thing just came out. It makes complete sense.

blackblades470d ago

Been saying that, most of us been saying that since the last so many SoP. Everytime its the same shhh all over again with people. I can say maxdood was happy, that man always hype about new info on fighting games and resident evil or anything he enjoys as he should be.

Obscure_Observer470d ago

"So many people.out there still can't comprehend state of play vs showcase are 2 different things for Sony."

The last Playstation Showcase happened in September 2021 and there´s no confirmation that there´ll be one this year, other than a RUMOR by Jeff Grubb.

Sony got away without a single first party announcement since 2021, there´s no commitment or solid yearly dates for its own events, leaving Playstation gamers in some vacuum of information. We don´t know if we should expect a Playstation Showcase this year or in 2025.

shinoff2183470d ago

They skipped one year, last year. My thing is and we still got games last year, ms can have all the shows they want but what yall get last year forza. Id much rather have games then a teaser show if were comparing.

Flawlessmic470d ago (Edited 470d ago )

Better than releasing no games in 2022.

Sony may not have had a show case but they did release 4 AAA games last yr, I know which one I liked better

My Xsx was the definition of a dust collector in 2022

Sony will have a big show this yr.

Obscure_Observer470d ago (Edited 470d ago )


"Better than releasing no games in 2022."

Curious thing to say when you claim to be a neutral gamer AND Xbox Series X owner.

You said it had "no games in 2022". The same year we got Grounded, Pentiment, Immortality, Vampire Survivals and As Dusk Falls. All great games non available on PS5. So I wonder if you really own an Xbox Series X at all.

Because if you´re really are an Xbox One X owner and missed out on those games out of spite, I think you should just sell your Xbox or throw it in the trash since it´s nothing but a "dust collector" to you.

And yes, Sony deserves to be praised for a two year in the current generation delivering great games. R&C, Demon Souls, Returnal, Miles, HFW, GT7 and GOW.

But somehow in the minds of rabbid PS Fanboys, first party Xbox first party games are trash like Flight Simulator, Forza Horizon 5, Grounded, Halo Infinite, Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition and Pentiment. There´s always an excuse to hate:

"Oh but this game is niche" - But weren´t you all complaining about Halo, Forza, Gears rinse and repeat and the lack of games genres and diversity?

"Oh but the quality" - The lowest Metascore for an Xbox Series first party game is 82

"Oh but the output and consistence" No company is and will ever be able to deliver consistency and great output for first party games every year.

There´s always a "but" when comes to Xbox, and that´s why I´ll continue to call out the hypocrites and haters. Quality of first party games improved. New IPs improved. More and diverse genres of first party games improved. There´s games output and consistence to fix/improve. And that´s what I´m looking forward from 2023 and beyond, so, don´t expect me to to cover up for Xbox bs from this year onwards. It´s past 2 years into the new generation of consoles and will be five years since Phil started and acquired/created new studios back in 2018, so they better deliver some true first party current gen bangers.

Chevalier470d ago

That is such a weak weak list for Xbox. Just because you drop the bar and settle doesn't mean everyone else does. The idea that Playstation doesn't have anything for 2023 when it's only February is absolutely 100% idiotic. First of all Playstation has cushion to wait for their announcements because they are doing well. Spiderman 2 alone will absolutely crush sales without doubt. Then add in VR and the many amazing 1st and 3rd party games too all experiences not available on Xbox too. Plus the first 2 years PS5 had almost 300 games that weren't on Xbox. There's going to be over 100-180 games that will be games coming to Playstation that won't be on Xbox to fill in any gaps. Just look at the line of 3rd party exclusives like FF16, FF7 Reborn, Gran Blue Fantasy Relink, Stellar Blade possibly Death Stranding 2, Silent Hill 2. Then add in Forbidden West VR/Burning Shores DLC, amazing Resident Evil 8 VR, Resident Evil 4 VR etc and Playstation already has a lot more ready for this year vs Xbox and its not even close. That's only what we know after 2 months into the year too.

Flawlessmic469d ago (Edited 469d ago )

I enjoyed vampire and pentiment but there not exactly why I bought a brand new console for is it?

Mate send me a friend request, my gamertag is also flawlessmic 😁so much for me lying though I could use some more friends on the xbox side as all my freinds game on ps.

I want bangers from Ms not smaller indie niche titles.

I want forza, I want starfield, I want hellblade 2 and titles like that.

If your happy propping up games made by 1 person, or powerslide games like dusk Falls then by all means go for it.

I on the other hand will not give Microsoft a pass and will continue to demean them and demand better until they get on the level of the competitors and give me what I want as a paying consumer. If that bother because you tie your love of gaming to one box rather than all of them then I'm sorry but the fact u defended Ms 2022 is pretty laughable lol

Obscure_Observer469d ago (Edited 469d ago )


"If your happy propping up games made by 1 person, or powerslide games like dusk Falls then by all means go for it."

I know better than cry and moan about AAA first party games when they´re not ready to be released. I rather have Redfall and Starfield released this year over last year in a buggy and/or broken shape.

And like I said, Sony did better than Xbox when comes to AAA first party games released in the last 2 years.

In 2023, Playstation first party output don´t look too good, I mean.

PS5 - Spiderman 2 and... that´s all. (for now)
Xbox Series X - Hi-Fi Rush, Redfall, Forza, Starfield. (for now)

Maybe in 2024 I guess.

469d ago
Flawlessmic469d ago


You are being dis ingenious by not including vr and Sony's offerings there and also not including 3rd party's ps exclusives which count all the same, it give me a specific reason to turn my ps on.

That's the great thing about Sony, when there 1st party's need more time, Sony's give us great exclusives from other places.

Ms would be wise to do that during dry patches, I would've loved if they had nabbed some stuff for last yr to cover the gaps but no they gave us the bare minimum.

Ms has a lot to make up for, 1 good yr ain't gonna cut it, 2023 is off to a good start though so not let's see if they can keep it up for the rest of the gen

Obscure_Observer469d ago (Edited 469d ago )


"You are being dis ingenious by not including vr and Sony's offerings there and also not including 3rd party's ps exclusives which count all the same, it give me a specific reason to turn my ps on."

Now I´m been disingenuous by not including VR? Are you serious, dude? You just downplayed Xbox first party lineup of games in the last 2 years by calling it niche. Oh, I forgot, It´s Sony so everything is awesome, right? Even if you have to pay 600+ dollars plus games to "enjoy" VR . No. It´s not! Not even 1% of the Playstation userbase has a PSVR2. So it shouldn´t even be mentioned.

"That's the great thing about Sony, when there 1st party's need more time, Sony's give us great exclusives from other places"

Yeah, and when things goes south for games like Godfall, Babylon´s Fall and Forspoken, all y´all gonna say is: "Oh, but it´s not a first party game. Sony has nothing to do with it", so just quit this "Playstation has great third party as filler" talk.

We´re talking about BIG AAA FIRST PARTY GAMES, for both PS5 and Xbox Series consoles, so, at least you have some information that we don´t have regarding big first party games coming this year for the PS5, just be honest and admit that for NOW, all Playstation have for 2023 is Spiderman 2 and that´s it!

"Ms has a lot to make up for, 1 good yr ain't gonna cut it, 2023 is off to a good start though so not let's see if they can keep it up for the rest of the gen"

I wouldn´t say "a lot" since apparently in 2023, Xbox Game Studios will deliver more quality AAA first party games than Playstation. All Xbox has to do is repeat the same performance in 2024 and both PS5 and Xbox Series consoles will be even, which, imo, will not be too difficult to achieve given the upcoming wave of first party heavy hitters coming to Xbox Series consoles in 2024 and beyond.

Perfect Dark
Indiana Jones
Hellblade 2
State of Decay 3
Kojima´s new IP
The Outer Worlds 2
Fallout 5
Project Dragon
Project Midnight
Project Cobalt
Project Mara
Double Fine´s new IP

Those are just from the top of my head and if I´m correct, this is more than 4 years worth of first party games, by releasing 4 first party games per year.

So yeah, I´m very excited and curious to know how Playstation Studios intents to counter all those upcoming Xbox first party games in the future, because; at least on paper, Xbox already have this whole generation secure when comes to first party games.

Exciting times, I say.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 469d ago
sinspirit470d ago

Indeed. While I'm a little annoyed to go so long without hearing all of their first party projects we've been waiting on. I'm still happy to see the transparency of their SoP's.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 469d ago
IanTH470d ago (Edited 470d ago )

"After a couple of surprisingly stellar installments last year, this proved a wake-up call – a reminder that Sony doesn’t really know what to do with this format, and it’s had more than enough time to figure it out."

which was preceeded by

"It’s perhaps worth underlining that the platform holder did, admittedly, deliver exactly what it said it would: the presentation revolved around Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, and there were a smattering of treats aside, including a couple of killer trailers from Capcom, and next month’s PS Plus lineup "

Soooo....they don't know what to do with the format, but they admit they had some good ones. This one, which was less than stellar, they also admit was signposted in advance as to what it was, and was delivered on. So, wait, what is their complaint again?

Mr_cheese470d ago

Their complaint is click revenue

talocaca470d ago

I think the issue is expectations.

People expect megatons the every 3 months and that's not very sustainable 🤷‍♂️

Also many developers want to host their own streams (like Konami did with Silent Hill).

crazyCoconuts470d ago

Exactly. All this talk about the "format" would go away if they had a new Twisted Metal trailer at the end. Ultimately everyone wants surprises even though our E3 Xmas is no more.

senorfartcushion470d ago

Expectations are solely created by marketing. If you want certain expectations, then make sure to get them yourself. Every company does this on a daily basis.

Limitedtimestruggle470d ago (Edited 470d ago )

It was pretty C-rank worthy stuff, good for what it was. But nothing mindblowing. The Suicide Squad looks to be absolute trash, so that's a 100% clear skip.

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Xbox Games Summer Showcase 2024 start date, time, exciting leaks and how to watch

Here is the start date and time for the Xbox Games Summer Showcase 2024 with bundles of exciting leaks and how to watch.

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gold_drake1d 7h ago

10AM PT/1PM ET/6PM london time.
on June 9th.

this is so odd. we had ps before the summer fest and now xbox after.

Lightning771d 7h ago

The rumor is 30 games with a nearly 2 hour show. I hope so I, been saying they need to go balls to the wall with their showcase. That's according to Grubb again. Yeah a huge pinch of salt he's only been wrong or half right about some stuff.

There's also suppose to be a Wu Tang Clan game that's a kungfu action RPG featuring the legendary hip hop group New Yorks own Wu Tang Clan. You read right Wu Tang Clan kungfu action RPG.

Sounds weird, random and quirky but hey I'm down to see it.

romulus235h ago

Bet the title has Shaolin in it.

purple1012h ago

State of decay 3 info is leaking on twitter!

Looks good. Personally don’t play horror/ zombie games, but I appreciate it’s a good game so that’s a win for Xbox fans.

Lord knows they need a win at the moment

anast6h ago

This show is going to be painful.

Elda6h ago

Hopefully not knowing most games shown will be multiplats & some eventually multiplats.

anast5h ago

The presentation is going to be the painful part. There might be some good games though.

2h ago
2h agoReplies(1)
Elda6h ago

I hope it's a good showing knowing most games that will be shown will be multiplats & XB timed exclusives that'll eventually become multi-plats.

Tacoboto2h ago

It is what it is at this point.

At least the good games will have a chance to be bought, take advantage of the superior DualSense, and *maybe* give those studios a better shot at survival.

They'll also have better shadows, and run with higher dynamic res on the PS5 Pro.

Lightning7729m ago(Edited 28m ago)

So if they're multiplat would you suddenly like Xbox games?

You never have before you've made that clear several times over.

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Blumhouse Games Showcase Trailer Released, Game Titles and Info Revealed

Blumhouse Games has announced a slate of upcoming horror games! Project info, developers and more revealed with a sizzle reel.

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A new retro-style Five Night’s at Freddy’s game is on the way

Mega Cat Studios teams with FNAF creator Scott Cawthon to create a new eerie entry for the franchise, embracing a retro aesthetic.

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