
Forspoken PS5 Comparison Video Shows Visual Downgrade Compared to 2020 Reveal Trailer

A Forspoken PS5 comparison video has been released, comparing the visuals of the freshly-released demo to those of the 2020 reveal trailer.

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Obelisk92539d ago

Yeah, it looks pretty bad. And I don't think the final version will be much different.

_SilverHawk_539d ago

I played the demo and it looks amazing

Eonjay539d ago (Edited 539d ago )

That's because it is amazing. I'm not sure where the downgrade is. It simply looks different (even says development footage shown subject to change). Also the demo version has way more geometry in the scenes shown. There is comparatively no particle effects in the vertical slice. The lighting is different and they aren't doing like for like comparisons. Shadows look less stenciled and more diffuse in the demo version. The backgrounds look like empty billboards and not actually geometry in the VS. I would call this an upgrade but that's because I'm being objective.

Babadook7539d ago (Edited 539d ago )

I don’t care if it’s downgraded so long as it looks great. It does look great and the speed at which you traverse is impressive.

ChubbyBlade539d ago

That looks amazing to you? It looks like an early ps4 title. Trees literally change LOD when you’re like 20 feet away

Babadook7539d ago (Edited 539d ago )


Pay attention. He said he played the demo. So he’s NOT judging by the video. After finishing the demo I tend to agree with him.

Asplundh538d ago

It doesn't look bad, but to say it looks as good or better, you're lying to yourself.

ChubbyBlade538d ago


Telling me to pay attention when you’re the one responding to something I didn’t say. Nice one.

We’re talking about the demo. It looks terrible. I played the demo. It looks terrible. It’s early ps4 fidelity. It looks almost identical to FFXV which looked great….in 2016

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 538d ago
IGiveHugs2NakedWomen539d ago

Get your eyes checked Obelisk. The game looks amazing.

538d ago
1Victor538d ago (Edited 538d ago )

I don’t know why people here are defending/attacking this title it’s not like it’s a MAYOR SONY FIRST PARTY GAME like a unmentionable title we all know 🤦🏿 😩

Obelisk92538d ago (Edited 538d ago )

My eyesight is perfect, I'm just used to good looking games. lol

The lighting is very poor if compared to the video or to any high budget ps5 title. I don't like the art style either, everything looks brownish... the original video looked more alive and realistic.

Also, the fog they added on the back ground is just a cheap way to hide popping and low res models in the distance.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 538d ago
z2g539d ago (Edited 539d ago )

Which is amazing because it never looked great to begin with. Like the game or not but Striking Distance got Callisto Protocol to look visually incredible even on a base ps4, never mind the series x and ps5 versions which look even better. This just feels like a lack of talent for forespoken. Not impressed whatsoever.

Einhander1971539d ago

Totally agree, and I'm loving Calisto regardless of the negativity.

Lexreborn2539d ago

Callisto protocol is a linear corridor 3rd person shooter with VERY slow movements that aren’t taxing or demanding in any way. Comparing that to an Open world ACTION RPG with fast paced movements and over the top particle effects in the magic you are going to say Forspoken is not impressive?

What!? I swear you people are what’s not impressive when it comes to talking about a visually unappealing game.

Gun grave g.o.r.e is visually unappealing. As much as I loved Strangers of Paradise that game was pretty lack luster in visual appeal. Fallout 4 is visually unappealing. Nothing about Forspokens visuals even with a “downgrade” is unappealing.

Y’all flat out tripping… it’s like y’all completely forgot how games are designed and haven’t been watching gaming evolve in the last 15 years.

cluclap539d ago

Game gets hate because the main character is a black female. Been pretty obvious for a while now.

niiopi538d ago

Finally someone with critical thinking skills.

Orchard539d ago

Callisto was one of the games I definitely do not align with reviewers on.

Had a blast playing it and I'd recommend it to anyone - and yes, it visually looks great. I was surprised to find out it was UE4 and not UE5.

where-eagles-dare539d ago

What did you have a blast with? Was it perhaps crawling along the first linear corridor or down the second linear corridor or perhaps even the 56th linear corridor to open yet another tedious and monotonous switch while battling more than one enemy with broken controls and a camera with Parkinson's disease.

where-eagles-dare539d ago

The Callisto protocol is one of the worst games I've ever played, it's so awful I gave up three quarters of the way through and ejected it from my machine. Glen Schofield should be fired from a cannon for producing this absolute unplayable turd. I have deleted it and added Gran Turismo Seven again. Looks stunning plays like dog sh*t.

Binarycode539d ago

Lets be fair here. Callisto Protocol is very tight game corridor scary type affair. Yes it does look good on PS4, but it has massive pair backs vs PS5 version of course and does run 25-30fps. Textures take time to pop in as well.

I don't think this game looks amazing, it looks decent in area's.

Something is still missing to me,

where-eagles-dare538d ago

Reading your contradictory post has given me brain damage. You just reminded me of yet another thing the game totally fails miserably at. It is not scary at all.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 538d ago
anast539d ago

And they couldn't get it work on the PS4...Why?

thesoftware730539d ago (Edited 539d ago )

I think it's mainly due to the effects of the magic...they look great with tons of particles.

Lexreborn2539d ago

The fast loading, particles, performance of 60 fps plus and stable wi to unlocked frame rates because it can go to 120 all seem like reasons to not have it on ps4.

Or is it now you guys are pro keep ps4 alive? Which is it? Y’all want full next gen support or you don’t?

anast538d ago

The stupid comment at the end erased an otherwise good answer.

CrimsonWing69539d ago

It's not uncommon. Look at Goatham Knights. They abandoned last-gen because they couldn't get it optimized for it.

Cyberpunk is another, although they just released it.

This is just a thing where last-gen can't keep up anymore. We should've abandoned it 2 years ago, but here we are.

CrimsonWing69538d ago


What part doesn’t make sense?

CrimsonWing69538d ago


Sorry, misread your response.

blackblades539d ago

If it was downgraded it was downgraded to help with the performance. If it were on ps4 it then y'all 100% woild hate it then. I seen calisto on ps4 from DF that shyt horrid when texture wasnt loading like took 10 seconds for it load

FinalFantasyFanatic538d ago

Apart from the particle effects, it doesn't look particularly impressive visually.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 538d ago
phoenixwing539d ago

I knew it was downgraded when I played. I'll still buy it but at like 40 to 50 dollars

RPGer539d ago

FFXV looked better although there are constantly 4 characters on screen. The world almost identical. Also, XV feel and looks smoother than this, and people who defend this, felt offended because she is female and black. Like if it even related to the core problem. I was skeptic of "woke" thing for gameplay and parlour, but even gameplay done poorly. SKIP

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Most Disappointing Game of 2023

VGChartz's Craig S: "Who doesn't love a good dose of schadenfreude every now and then? There was no shortage of that on offer in terms of video games last year, hidden in plain sight amongst the more genuine disappointments (I'll leave it for you to decide which category each of the following games falls into).

One unfortunate trend when it comes to the biggest disappointments of the last year was that so many were new IPs, including Bethesda's latest major release Starfield, the Arkane Studio B-team's abortive attempt at a co-op vampire shooter, and Square Enix's action RPG Forspoken. Mega-franchise Call of Duty and the perennially delayed The Lord of the Rings: Gollum round out the list of Nominees."

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Profchaos132d ago

I think disappointing and bad are not the same thing.

The article calls out lotr Gollum that was not disappointing it was bad

Redfall is both disappointing and bad.

starfield, MW3 sure disappointing.

But if I was to add some disappointments of the year I'd add

firewall ultra absolutely a dumpster fire that killed the studio.

007 goldeneye the port of the N64 game it's disappointing as we didn't get the rare remaster version and the switch version has very poor controls.

Rdr was not the remake we wanted a simple port that didn't even run at 60 fps on launch on ps5

Jedi survivor Just broken on day 1

coolbeans132d ago

-"The article calls out lotr Gollum that was not disappointing it was bad"

I personally fall on the 'Gollum disappointing' spectrum. Here's why: even though Daedalic Entertainment was hopping out of their point-n-click lane, they *were* a solid group of devs that had an unexpected concept. Those two things, cheering on a dev taking a risk with a brand and the odd-yet-intriguing template, at least made me hope for something decent; instead, it's the reason they're only publishing now.

CBaoth132d ago

But the concept never stood a chance, even in the heyday of the Metal Gear/Splinter Cell days. When this was announced, no one was intrigued by its premise. Fell flat on its face. Even if Gollum had come out to glowing reviews the game would've struggled to perform financially. That's why it's not disappointing, just bad. Had no hype. All the other games Prof listed had the potential to sell great or be reviewed better but failed. Low effort remasters like the GTA collection, the RDR port, and MGS Collection could all sell well but still be severely disappointing. Gollum was uninteresting at concept, terrible in its execution. The result was expected sadly.

Sephiroushin30d ago

I don’t know but i don't even would put Gollum on a disappointment list, those list would be for games people expected much more than what they delivered and most people expected Gollum to be bad!

-Foxtrot132d ago

Goldeneye is so weird

We got no proper remaster for it despite the fact it was being worked on and it was almost done apparently then the Xbox version didn't come with online play but the Nintendo Switch one did...the Switch...the system where online play is a f***** ballache.


RhinoGamer88132d ago

I recently came back to Redfall, my lord...the controls and movement were a disgrace! I felt like my character was drunk. Zero fine movement control. The XBOX producers on this game should be fired.

OtterX132d ago

I think Diablo IV deserves to be on this list. While not the worst made game, it was one of the most disappointing. Many of us had such high expectations for it and it turned out to be so incredibly dull, a slog to play.

Sonic1881132d ago

It's basically Diablo Immoral 2.0 with lots of microtransactions

DarkZane132d ago

Diablo 3 was as much as a dumpster fire at launch, but a year later, it became a very good game and was well worth playing. Give Diablo 4 the same time. In a year, it's going to be awesome I bet.

coolbeans132d ago

I was under the impression their most-recent update fits that bill.

OtterX132d ago

K I'll try reinstalling in a year or 2.

I didn't play D3 until after the first year, so I will certainly give it another shot.. especially to try and get my money's worth out of it. But at launch, I was bored out of my mind and uninstalled it.

Sonic1881131d ago

That's the biggest issue. Unfinished games with lots of flaws and issues during launch. Unfortunately, most gamers don't forget or forgive that and would rather spend their money on another game

jznrpg132d ago (Edited 132d ago )

Jedi Survivor was disappointing for me because I waited until a month ago to play it and it still has major issues. My saves were getting corrupted so I had to restart an old save however many times and a plethora of other bugs.

Of course there is Redfall Starfield but to me it’s MS overhype underdeliver so I expected it to some extent but not as bad as it was.

Gollum had little to no expectations.

Forspoken was a disappointment but not as bad as it was made out to be especially if you turned on Japanese voice acting. It was a 7 type of game but it looked like it could have been better.

Diablo 4 was scored well at launch but all my friends that loved and played 3 (after years of swasons) up until 4 were disappointed with 4 and don’t play it anymore .

Factions getting canceled was a bit of a disappointment. Not huge as I don’t play gaas much but it was disappointing.

Nintendo not releasing Switch 2 again was disappointing to me. I don’t use my Switch much it’s just so outdated and mosty kiddy games release some more games that I want to play not my kids!

No physical copy for Alan Wake 3 disappointing as hell, actually beyond that it is upsetting (to some extent,I will live of course)

Gamers getting used to owning nothing and renting games is very disappointing. I don’t watch Netflix anymore it’s mosty mediocre crap and rental services will go that direction if allowed.

CBaoth132d ago

this whole gen has been a major disappointment to me. Least amount of gaming I've done since bar/clubbing days. Watching fanboys argue now is akin to a couple of kids fighting over the front seat of a short bus. They can't even argue over games anymore.....cuz there aren't any! With two of the console manufacturers "switching' over to x86 architecture we shouldn't be having these draughts but here we are. And the third happily chugs along selling games on decade old microchips with an OLED screen.

Profchaos132d ago (Edited 132d ago )

X86 is a shared architecture but both run different development pipelines so they still have to Dev for those consoles plus PC and Arm if a switch port is included.

None of this will reduce Dev times games are complex now probably more than they need to be honestly but if every studio takes 3 to 5 or even 10 years to bring out their big titles there's going to be many dry spells

On that note arm processing is far more efficient than x86 I think Nintendo is making the right call sticking with that and we will probably see Sony and Microsoft do the same next gen as more effort is being made to bring arm into desktop space lately

Profchaos132d ago

Being disappointed that Nintendo isn't releasing ultra violent games is like being disappointed that the the next GTA game is open world. Plus totk and Metroid prime remaster did come out this year that's about as violent as they will even get

Im pretty certain that one experiment in publishing devils third is one they would like to forget.

Plus all rumours for the switch 2 places it's release in 2024 they make killer numbers at Christmas if they announce they are making a switch 2 those sales dwindle and shareholders get upset. If a switch 2 doesn't release this year that's disappointing. And if third party's don't develop for it even more so there's zero garuntee they will

I agree gamers getting used to owning nothing is a huge disappointment I don't think many will go silently into that one though


I Hope 2024 Isn't As Bad For PC Ports As 2023 Was

Ahmed from eXputer writes "The quality of PC ports has been seeing a severe decline recently, and many gamers have had enough."

anast173d ago

Switch Forspoken with Redfall.

JEECE173d ago

It can be an unfortunate trend in our industry to lump games people were looking forward to that didn't end up meeting their expectations and were just okay (Forspoken) with games that are broken (Gollum) or little more than asset flips (The Day Before). If expectations (and price) had been set appropriately, Forspoken wouldn't even be that bad.