
One PS Plus Extra Game for November 2022 Sticks Out Like a Sore Thumb

Sony has a strong line-up of PS Plus Extra and Premium games for the month, but one Extra title is quite odd compared to the others.

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Orchard574d ago (Edited 574d ago )

Not that weird really - the game was already out on the platform, so no work required and if Sony are willing to pay MS for an old game - why not take their money?

It’s business and basically free money.

I’d say the weirder thing is that it isn’t in GamePass - but that could be some legacy licensing thing.

AmUnRa573d ago

MS does not own Bethesda yet, so Bethesda can bring Skyrim to ever platform ore service they want......

VenomUK573d ago

MMO games succeed from having as big a player base as possible which increases possible micro transaction purchases. The Elder Scrolls Online's largest console audience is on PlayStation. I would guess that a notable percentage of ESO PlayStation players had previously played the single player Elder Scrolls games, Oblivion and Skyrim - that's the reason I gave it a try. So having Skyrim 'free' on PS+ may help bring in new players to ESO.

Orchard573d ago

"MS does not own Bethesda yet"

Huh? Bethesda became part of Microsoft over a year ago, almost 2 years ago now.

1nsomniac573d ago (Edited 573d ago )

Such an old game that has been played to death. Most people interested in the game probably have at least 2 copies already. So why not, I don’t think anyone particularly cares enough anymore.

darthv72573d ago

It's in the tags... no click was needed in the first place.

rippermcrip573d ago

Was this really the whole point of the article "But if Skyrim can be on Xbox Game Pass' most direct competitor, the debate around Call of Duty seems null and void."

What a stupid argument.

shinoff2183573d ago (Edited 573d ago )

Not quite but good try. COD is still the biggest selling game atleast on consoles idk about pc. While skyrim has been released on everything since ps3 and 360. So its definitely a different argument.

After re reading your comment I may have missed the sarcasm but Ill leave my comment sort of as a 50/50 lol

rippermcrip573d ago

Not sarcasm. They wrote that whole article just to say say basically "well this is proof that Microsoft that will keep COD on Playstation" which is stupid. Letting them put a 10 year old game (that literally is already on Playstation) on Gamepass has nothing to do with future new games from Bethesda.

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I'm Replaying Skyrim (again), and So Should You

Replaying Skyrim after 13 years is a reminder of the progress made in western RPGs over the last decade, but also what's been lost.

anast65d ago

I tried, but it's a poorly made game that insults its customers.

lucian22965d ago

nah, only mods make it decent, and even then it's bad, and this is after i modded for at least 3 years

Nittdarko65d ago

Funnily enough, I'm about to play it for the first time in VR with 1000 mods to make the game playable, as is the Bethesda way


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anast569d ago

This is sad.To think ES6 is a light year away.

AuraAbjure568d ago

At least Bethesda is honest that it will take a while to finish.

I resent Valve's behavior of making HL 2 Ep. 2 and then leaving that cliff hangover be for years, without letting us fans know that game's development is in distress. Years of basically nothing but radio silence... only to find out no proper sequel is even in the works! 😡

AuraAbjure568d ago

Just got into the meat of the game! Level 10, mobbing up on the Mage's Guild. I just discovered the levitating orb in the ancient ruins, nobody knows what it is, so I'm looking for a book that might explain things, but somebody jacked the book 😮

I'm a detective now.