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PSVR2 Games Offer Free Upgrades if You Own PSVR Version

pushsquare writes: "PSVR2 won't support backwards compatibility with original PSVR games, but the developers who are upgrading their games for the new headset are offering free upgrades. Announced alongside the device's release date and price, Pistol Whip VR and Zenith: The Last City are all giving owners free upgrades if you already own the game."

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Community687d ago
SullysCigar688d ago

This is big news, because people were upset about the lack of traditional backwards compatibility.

I was hoping for this. The top X biggest/ best/ most popular games should get free upgrades, even if that means Sony funding it themselves - especially given the price point - and they need to announce that soon.

I'm already in - and seeing Switchback just made me even more pumped for it - but it won't be enough for many.

blackblades687d ago

We should already know that it was said before awhile ago.

SullysCigar687d ago

I remember, but it flew under the radar for a lot of people who were too busy raging at the time.

Be good to get a list of games, but it would be a task getting all necessary developers to commit at the sane time.

Neonridr687d ago

it's up to the devs to upgrade though. Not every title will be supported, even some of the bigger titles.

crazyCoconuts687d ago

I don't know if I'd call this big news... Just a few games out of the gate, no telling if it will be a pattern. Plus I'm not looking forward to the treatment of the PS+ games...I fear they'll handle them the same way they handle PS5 upgrades and make you pay for them. It's definitely too early to draw any conclusions

Crows90687d ago

If the devs give a free upgrade...then it's free buddy.

SullysCigar687d ago

There are plenty of devs talking about free upgrades. These guys were just ahead of the crowd.

The glass is half FULL, my friend.

darthv72688d ago

Hoping Vader Immortal is one of those games.

ApocalypseShadow687d ago

That is a good choice. Played it and the dojo to death. They should so that it matches the upgrade that Galaxy's Edge is getting.

ApocalypseShadow688d ago (Edited 688d ago )

Well that's a good thing. But it depends on the list of games for this to really matter. What games are being updated is the question. Sairento? Super Hot? Astrobot? Farpoint? Iron Man before the Facebook purchase of Camouflaj? Skyrim before the Microsoft purchase? Ace Combat 7 full VR? Wipeout? Blood and Truth? It's got to be the tippy top of the top games.

The tech looks awesome. The price of the headset is only $50 more than what I paid for PSVR 1 with Move Controllers.($499)

But there needs to be hard hitting PS VR 2 games to compliment the free upgrades. Spider-Man would have sold the headset. A Devil May Cry or Golden Eye type game. So far, my wallet isn't even twitching.

Petebloodyonion687d ago

Holy macaroni on Sunday Batman!
I couldn't have said it better myself (except I know that I'll buy the damn thing on day 1 just for Switchback and Resident Evil VR)!
Now excuse me but ill go buy a lottery ticket since it's not often that you and I agree on this matter :)

Crows90687d ago

People agree on more than they think. Online socializing is not as clear cut as people think. Individuals will purposefully nitpick their positions to the t in order to stand out...even if this causes disagreement. There's also the desire of being viewed as "intelligent" or "well versed" which prevents you from just tagging along someone else's comment.

These are all just comments...and very small ones at that. If you were put In a room together and actually have a conversation you would see you agree on most things.

Neonridr687d ago (Edited 687d ago )

you would hope that the first party stuff should be supported to help flesh out the library. Then hopefully the larger 3rd party titles to give them a second shot at life.

Shame that games like Farpoint won't have the same impact without the Aim Controller. I wonder if we will see a PS VR2 equivalent come along. Using that gun was perfect for that title (and others)

crazyCoconuts687d ago

You nailed it. I'm on the preorder list but I'm not confident on this one.

Petebloodyonion687d ago

That’s some good news glad to hear it.

Lexreborn2687d ago

I’m getting it, this is simple though. You want it? Buy it. You don’t want it? Don’t buy it

SullysCigar687d ago (Edited 687d ago )

Spot on. People that have a problem with the price don't understand what it's buying them. It's better than PC headsets almost twice that price. And the Quest Pro which is $1,500!

It's priced in line with PSVR 1, so there's no reason for this conniption, though I understand if people feel they can't justify it at the moment. I don't see that price dropping much any time soon, so I'm in.

Those free upgrades sweeten the deal.

Sgt_Slaughter687d ago

"People that have a problem with the price don't understand what it's buying them."

Way to try and dismiss legitimate criticism just because you disagree with them, that'll get people on your side.

Master-Tonberry687d ago

Except "it's expensive, I cant afford it" isn't legitimate criticism when it's priced very reasonably given the hardware specs.

The only reasonable argument is that Sony may have actually created a product that's "too good" and that they should have made some compromises to bring the cost down.

Mr_Writer85687d ago


It is when you paid the same price near enough for a PSVR1, bought loads of games and now those games are useless.

PSVR2 is essentially a new platform, and £550 for a platform that doesn't play old VR games and has a small launch catalogue is a hard sell.

Imo Sony should have secured a lot more PSVR1 free upgrades. I get the price for the tech is a great deal.

But any platform or peripheral is only as good as it's games. And right now PSVR is lacking.

SullysCigar687d ago

^ @ Sgt_Slaughter, yours is possibly the dumbest take I've seen in weeks. That was some Fetterman-grade debating, my friend.

Neonridr687d ago

it has nothing to do with whether or not I can afford it. I could pay for it if it costed 3 times as much without batting an eye. But I value my money, I don't just spend it because I can. I'm on the fence, I'll snag a preorder in case I change my mind, but I could be just as happy waiting and then when the price comes down jump in and have a much larger library to dive into.

crazyCoconuts687d ago

Price isn't the real problem imo. It's the fear that after getting this great gear there won't be the games to make use of it. Sure, if I was gambling with $300 I wouldn't be as worried, but when I end up dropping $600 on something (tax, chargers, etc) I kinda want to be confident there's gonna be a good catalog of games developed for it

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SurgicalMenace687d ago (Edited 687d ago )

People who have a problem with the price are often not in the position to spend anyway. Otherwise, why complain? Is the price going to magically come down because they're not happy about it? Isn't that what price drops and sales are for? Early adoptors, often times, have little to not concern for pricing because it's all about having the experience hot out of the oven for them. We can't keep assuming that the affluent don't exist and that they have no interest in gaming. Who do you gather high cost tech is marketed to? Either get it when it drops or not, just stop all the complaining.

This "if it's too expensive for me it's a dumb idea" mentality is getting old quick. Why complain when there are cheaper hobbies to explore? I hear Frisbee golf is making a comeback!!😁

Neonridr687d ago

or they are people who don't just throw money around because they value it. I have a problem with the price, but I can assure you I could buy one tomorrow if it was available.

SurgicalMenace687d ago

That's all fine and well but if you're not complaining there's no problem. Throwing money around or having no value for it isn't the reason that people of means spend money. Not to say that there aren't those that fit that mold, but to most cost is a nonfactor. My friends and I actually like to experience high-end toys and none of us do it to show off or throw money around. How else would you know what a sports car is like without buying it? The factor is as easy as, do I want the money or the toy? It's never Porsche, Ferrari, and Lamborghini are dumb for setting their prices so high.

Most individuals know where their money is better spent, of course, but it's the complaining that's the issue not exercising practical methods. My comment was not intended to offend just to bring insight from a different perspective.

Mr_Writer85687d ago

"why complain? Is the price going to magically come down because they're not happy about it?"

It won't go down in price no, but the price could be seen as more "worth it" if it had say BC, or a ton of great games.

£560 to play one game doesn't really make much sense.

£520 and having a choice of 10-15 games you want to buy and play, becomes more worthwhile.

After10Ben686d ago (Edited 686d ago )

I agree with you, but it's not that expensive that only only the affluent can afford it. An iphone costs more. I'm not rich. But I can cut back on doordash, game sales and junk food for a few months and save $600. So many people these days just lack impulse control. Consume energy drinks? Save money and brew your own coffee. I know a twenty-two year old kid who works at Amazon who bought a small house by simply saving all of his money. This guy saved $17,000 in just a couple of years, because he just didn't waste his money.

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PS5 gets another steep price increase in Japan

VGC writes: "Both the standard and digital models are going up by around $90."

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shadowT24d ago
Vits24d ago

Even accounting for the weak yen, that seems a bit excessive. It’s even stranger considering the rumors of a PS5 Pro possibly launching by the end of the year, which means that in Japan, it could cost significantly more than $600, probably close to $700 - a high price for a console.

DivineHand12523d ago

The price increase is excessive. If the value of the yen is to blame, then I would expect the console price to be adjusted to match the price of the $500 disc PS5 at which would be ¥71916.58. Instead Sony added an additional $50 USD raising the total to ¥79,000.

I'm not sure if they have to pay extra fees to import the console but the PS5 has had so many revisions that Sony should be able to keep the price inline with the US price at this point. I believe part of this increase is because they can increase the price without worrying about any fallout.

JL293023d ago

Just to play 3rd party games and remasters.

ocelot0724d ago

Wtf is going on this generation with the price increases years after release?

Workshyskiver24d ago

Global inflation combined with Sony having such a large share of the console market they can do whatever they like and you will damn well accept it.

VersusDMC24d ago

Xbox has a smaller share of the market(miniscule in japan) and still raised the price(twice this year) of the series X in everyone is doing whatever they like.

Extermin8or3_24d ago

In Japan song is second Nintendo is the leading console maker in Japan.

jwillj2k424d ago

I’d like to see them try that shit in America. Xboxes will start to sell quiiiick!

rlow123d ago

Yet inflation fell in the last year in the United States. Though I’m not sure about Japan.

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CobraKai24d ago

It’s crazy. We’d shoulda been hearing about price drops already, not increases.

The_Blue24d ago

Assassin's Creed hype for sure.

Limitedtimestruggle24d ago

Sony just leaving it up to Nintendo at this point. PS5 obviously not gonna be a mainstream product over there. Xbox is not relevant.

ChasterMies24d ago

Folks in the U.S. don’t understand that the U.S. had one of the lowest rates of inflation. It’s worse in almost every other country and the U.S. dollar is a lot stronger which makes imports even cheaper. I would love to see deflation but we’d need a recession and mass layoffs before that would happen,

Extermin8or3_24d ago

Nooooo you do not want to see deflation that spells complete disaster for an economy. What you want is wages and growth to be consistently higher than inflation.

jwillj2k424d ago

That aint ever happen lol

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Every Game Announced at the August VR Games Showcase - VR Tech Tube

The VR Games Showcase has come and gone.

So much stuff has been announced and revealed. We get our first look at games like Grim, Hitman 3 VR, Vendetta Forever and much more.

Here is everything that was announced.

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Skydance's Behemoth Launch Date Slams Down in November

Upcoming VR adventure for Meta Quest, PSVR 2 and PCVR, Skydance's Behemoth, has a confirmed November launch date.

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VRTechTube34d ago

This looks amazing. Shadow of the Colossus crossed with Blade and Sorcery combat. I can't wait.