
Microsoft ‘wants its own Genshin Impact-like game’ for Xbox

From VGC: "Microsoft is looking for its own Genshin Impact-like game in order to appeal more to the Chinese market, according to a new report.

Reuters notes that the company is accelerating plans to find an equivalent title to the action role-playing game, which has seen over four billion dollars of revenue in two years for Shanghai studio miHoYo.

Genshin Impact, an anime-style open-world game, is monetized through gacha mechanics, in which players pay for the chance to earn special characters they can then use in-game."

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deleted586d ago

A half a year later: "Breaking news, Microsoft buys miHoYo."

Microsoft: "We built this!"

solideagle585d ago (Edited 585d ago )

lol thanks for the laugh!

solideagle585d ago (Edited 585d ago )

this is the actual reason:

"While Sony doesn’t own the Genshin Impact IP, it did partner with developer miHoYo early in the game’s development and assisted in bringing it to market. The game is on PC and mobile devices, although the console version of the game is exclusively on PlayStation.

It is understood the game makes the majority of its money on mobile platforms, but the game is regularly at the top of the most played free-to-play games on PlayStation.

According to Reuters sources, Microsoft “regrets” missing out on Genshin, and had briefly spoken to miHoYo when Genshin was being developed, but talks fell through.

“Picking up Genshin Impact made Sony a lot of money,” according to a Reuters source, who declined to be identified because the information was not public."

blackblades585d ago

Another good move by Sony then

VersusDMC585d ago

Jesus...they rejected Marvel and Sony made millions then they rejected Mihoyo so Sony could make millions.

Whoever made those decisions at Microsoft better have gotten replaced or at least a talking to. I hilariously imagine this person bringing up an idea in a meeting and being greeted to "Mr Genshin Impact is a bad investment wants the floor...let's hear him out!"😁

585d ago
patterson585d ago

Captured Microsoft’s essence perfectly! 🤣

Kekewei585d ago

Joking aside this will never happen. Things in China are always complicated. One of CCP leaders just visited miHoYO this year, this is a signal that miHoYo is untouchable now.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 585d ago
XiNatsuDragnel586d ago

Microsoft is trying to be everywhere at once imo.

H9585d ago

Percisely, they are not waiting to invest in something and do it properly to boost the trust people have in them, instead they are jumping head first into everything, Halo Infinite is a proof of that

badz149585d ago

I think you meant "buy everyone" at once

gold_drake585d ago

of course they do.
the smell of desperation

The3faces585d ago

A company worth over 2 trillion is desperate? Probably the funniest comment I've ever read on here lol

gold_drake585d ago

i find your comments pretty funny too, not gonna lie, but thank you for the compliment, i do try my best to entertain

YourMommySpoils585d ago

Well they are in desperation in the console department.

Gardenia585d ago

You have to read between the lines. What they want is an IP that is F2P and will make millions in microtransactions. Basically a smartphone game formula. It's the easiest way to make a shit ton of money...unfortunately.

jznrpg585d ago

MS wants more live service ? They can’t seem to make games so who will they buy next ?

blackblades585d ago (Edited 585d ago )

Ms buying up the studios just to have more games. Sony sat there making moves like investing in live services with bungie, bought Evo for tournaments, bought other small teams like a support team. Making invest and support devs in China and other devs making decisions like the Marvel game etc etc

1Victor585d ago

Microsoft hear “ monetized through gacha mechanics”

We need that money see if we can buy the developers that’s our entry ticket to the Japanese market

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