
UK watchdog recommends Xbox Activision deal for ‘in-depth investigation’ amid competition concerns

From VGC: "The UK competition regulator’s inquiry into Microsoft‘s proposed acquisition of Activision Blizzard may be expanded over competition concerns.

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) confirmed last month that it had opened an investigation into the $68.7 billion deal—the game industry’s biggest ever by far—to determine whether it’s a fair one.

After gathering feedback from third parties with an interest in the proposed deal, the CMA said on Thursday that it has a number of outstanding concerns that must be addressed."

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sparky77655d ago

Surprising that government regulators and Sony themselves believe that no COD is enough to kill the Playstation brand. Crazy to think Sony's 1st party games are that insignificant.

SoulWarrior655d ago (Edited 655d ago )

And MS' 1st party was that insignificant they spent an eye watering 80 billion, buying them up from others as they hadn't created their own hit IP for I don't know how long.

sparky77655d ago

Exactly that, before Bethesda they were lacking.

Now with Bethesda + ABK they will easily become number 1 and Sony/regulators know that.

tehpees3655d ago

Their exclusive quality was actually lacking before X1. It was towards the tail end of the 360 where they were obviously falling behind everybody. In regards to buying IPs, sure they have bigger names but only time will tell if the development talent pays off, since that is what truly matters in the long run.

ChasterMies655d ago

Where did you read that anyone said that losing CoD will kill the PlayStation brand? Divert sales, yes. That’s the power of exclusivity. Or more importantly for the market, concentrate more game sales with one publisher and giving that publisher too much power over the market. Just think of all the other markets that are controlled by only a few companies and how much that sucks for consumers.

Aloymetal655d ago (Edited 655d ago )

I'm collecting these kind of comments to review again by the end of this gen. What would the excuses if after all the zillions spent and all those ''significant'' ; IP's bought the xbox brand still manage to get a distant 3rd place.
What a major embarrassment that will be. Can't wait to hear them...

thesoftware730655d ago

It's more embarrassing that you plan to get off on collecting people's opinions so that you can gloat later. You are way too connected to something you are not connected to.

Btw, just a question and a thought, what metric of 3rd are you using...unit sales? let us say at the end, they have 60mill or more GP subs, but fewer physical consoles sold, did they fail? or will you be stuck in your shortsighted view?

Hofstaderman655d ago

I’m calling it they coming in at third place again this gen. Bethesda and Activision can’t make up for the fact that they have lacklustre games. I’m personally not affected by the buyout, I don’t play Call of Duty and the only Bethesda game I’ve ever completed was Skyrim. People buy a PlayStation because they know where the exclusives are at. And they may come to PC yes, but that happens three to four years down the line.

Aloymetal655d ago

You're already spinning and making excuses because of the inevitable so thanks for the input.
Excuse/comment # 39 collected.

655d ago
Gamingsince1981655d ago


Let us know when they have some success first.

HardKnockKid24655d ago

@Aloymetal….. dude why are you like this? Lol

Wrex369655d ago Show
+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 655d ago
Tedakin655d ago

Cod isn't getting taken away from anyone. That's made up drama.

brewin655d ago

Exactly. I feel like Sony is just trying to delay the deal from going thru before MW2 comes out because they dont want to have Xbox having it on Gamepass day 1 while it has a $70 price on PS5.

With PS5 hard to obtain still, there are a lot of people that would see thats its part of Gamepass and choose the Xbox over the PS5 because of that alone. It would definitely move the needle for a lot of CoD fans to have it on Gamepass on Day 1. Thats unlikely to happen now because of the investigation, so smart move by Sony to delay it as much as possible

derek655d ago

@Brewin Sony ain't controlling this.

Profchaos655d ago

I think we all know the quality of Sony's first party games is high but commercially they don't reach the level of cod.

Without games like cod Sony wouldn't be able to make the investment in games like ghost of tsushima because they help fund those hits ans fails via publishing fees.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 655d ago
Orchard655d ago (Edited 655d ago )

Won’t stop the deal going through obviously and they still have a window to respond and address their concerns to avoid going to the in depth review.

But I think they handled it perfectly by just responding with that other blog post they put out.

1Victor655d ago

Microsoft can have a big pass by allowing/ offering game pass ( no pun intended) on other consoles by doing that they can prove they’re not going to monopolize those mayor 3rd party developers/publishers and put the heat on the other consoles.

Tedakin655d ago

Sony will never in a billion years allow Gamepass on Playstation, directly competing with its own services and users.

shinoff2183655d ago

I think gamepass will be on ps at some point. Whether late this gen or next

Gamingsince1981655d ago

Gamepass will be on playstation when MS leaves the console business and is only a game streaming company like Amazon which won't be to far away considering how badly xbox sells world wide even with the billions MS keeps shoving into it.

porkChop655d ago (Edited 655d ago )

They already offered to put Game Pass on PS and PS refused. Sony also blocked EA Play for the longest time. Sony doesn't like sharing profits or allowing competing services.

MadLad653d ago


Xbox is selling better than ever. They're even starting to overtake Sony in markets they were never even close in.
They're only a few million behind PlayStation overall.

So if that's bad, wouldn't that make PlayStation sales sub-par, at best?

Let's also talk about subscription services. Gamepass made PS Now look abysmal. At least until they just hid the numbers and implemented it into the PS Plus numbers.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 653d ago
mkis007655d ago (Edited 655d ago )

"Obviously "does not really belong there. This is exactly the type of thing that could lead to it being blocked.

Personally I hope it goes through. Ms doesnt have the ability to aquire any more pubs after this. They would all be blocked.

porkChop655d ago

This won't lead to it being blocked. The major concern revolves around Call of Duty being taken away from PS. MS has already committed, multiple times, to keeping Call of Duty multiplatform. They've likened it to their acquisition of Mojang and how all Minecraft games continue to be released for all platforms.

derek655d ago

@orchard, don't be so sure, I can see American regulators having the same concerns. Microsoft has a long history of anticompetitive practices no matter how rosy a picture the paint of this purchase.

1Victor655d ago (Edited 655d ago )

That same was said in 1995 of a sonic game on a Nintendo console and 2001 of PlayStation games showing on PC 🤷🏿 add to that the next gen is going to be the last gen for consoles 🤦🏿
Bottom line is 💩 happens, wind shifts and weather changes nothing last forever.

Would you had believed that bungie would be owned by Sony if someone told you 15+ years ago?

JayRyu655d ago

Will not stop the acquisition from going through. I believe that this deal will be done by late fall early winter right in time for the Christmas holiday right when MW2 drops and will be added to Game Pass.

Gamingsince1981655d ago

The deal at its earliest is next year so that's not happening.

tay8701655d ago

yah that deal isnt happening this yr. it will finally go through probably middle of next yr.

Profchaos655d ago

But it could in theory. Microsoft will obviously fire back and defend the deal. It doesn't mean the UK will agree with them.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 653d ago
655d ago Replies(3)
darkrider655d ago

Fair? That will be hard to prove. It's one of the biggest publishers

MadLad655d ago

So anyways, then the deal went through.

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Annapurna Interactive's Flock and Bounty Star Should Be On Your Radar | Console Creatures

Bobby writes, "Annapurna Interactive's catalogue of games includes Flock and Bounty Star."

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GaboonViper13h ago

Annapurna are one of my favourite publishers, they always allow unique and fun ideas so desperately needed in todays generic AAA crap.


Returnal Beginning of a "New Future" at Housemarque, Is the Game That "Allowed" Studio to Join Sony

According to Housemarque, Returnal marks the beginning of a "new future" at the studio, and is the game that them to join Sony.

fr0sty11h ago(Edited 11h ago)

Returnal was fantastic, and I'm looking forward to seeing what these folks create with Sony in the future.

jznrpg11h ago

They make some fun arcade styles games. Returnal is one of the best games so far this generation. I wonder what is next

amobius10h ago

returnal is easily one of the most underrated games this gen. a lot of people with ps5s dont know it exists.

fr0sty9h ago

And it exists for free if you subscribe to PS+ Extra or Premium.

Kornholic3h ago

For free? 12 months of PS Plus Extra costs 130 € and Premium is 160 €.

Where I live you can buy Returnal for as little as 15 € if you buy it used. Even at full price it is nowhere near the cost of PS Plus Extra or Premium.

So how on earth can you se that it exists for free if you subscribe to those paid subscription services?


Embracer shuts down Alone in the Dark Reboot developers Pieces Interactive

From GameWatcher: "Embracer has shut down Pieces Interactive, the studio that recently developed the Alone in the Dark Reboot for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

Pieces Interactive, acquired by THQ Nordic in 2017, worked on the Titan Quest franchise. Its most recent game, Alone in the Dark, received mixed critical reception at launch but was improved with subsequent patches."

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mastershredder18h ago

Like we did not see this coming. Pieces and Alone in the Dark, had a kick me sign on their back the entire dev cycle to release. Perfect example of not reading current market trends, bad forecasting, marketing and release.

1nsomniac17h ago(Edited 17h ago)

Why is it the perfect example?? It was actually one of the few games that did all those things well. In fact considering the current environment in the industry it actually did all those things very well.

The problem was the game itself was just rough around the edges and that’s the problem we currently have in the industry it’s hard to release something like that when everybody wants perfection and the developer and publisher doesn’t have enough to pay off all the reviewers.. it has a large cult following and had potential to be exactly what survival horror fans have been crying out for while they were waiting for silent hill 2. Don’t see what market trends and forecasting has anything to do with it at all. I don’t remember it fighting in its release window either.

RaidenBlack17h ago

Alone in the Dark would've gained more praise if it released in 2022, well before Alan Wake II and other horror projects

Kurisu17h ago

The demo they released a while back didn't leave a good impression, and it seems like they were riding far too much on Jodie Comer and David Hayter to be the driving force to buy the game. They're both great actors, but their performance on this game from what I've seen felt very stiff/forced - like they were out of their comfort zones. It's a shame to see another studio closure, though, and I hope the people effected (affected? I always get it wrong) can find more work soon.

Elda17h ago

I played the demo of AITD & it wasn't good at all.

Kurisu16h ago

It was a poor demo. Too short as well.

Elda16h ago

I thought it was very boring.

Azfargh7h ago

The game itself seems a new experience going on the full game.

JEECE16h ago

Embracer's takeaway from this will probably be that they should focus on live service games.

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