
Why I'm Not Interested in Elden Ring

Elden Ring is set to launch on PlayStation 4 & 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and PC next week, but for some it's hard to believe the hype.

LordoftheCritics835d ago

Its for the Souls audience.

They have their sales sorted out.

The rest of the gamers have so many other open world games. Starfield, Cyberpunk.

Sayai jin835d ago

Starfield? It's not even out yet.

thorstein835d ago

Stop writing clickbait. I am not interested in LARPing. I am not going to write an article about it. Instead, I hear about it and hope those people have fun doing it, it doesn't bother me.

PeaSFor834d ago

This blog post look like someone trying to convince himself, btw did you feel better?
Because i dont really like the color red so maybe i should blog about it too.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 834d ago
KyRo835d ago

Tbh I'm more concerned for the open world format. Open world games have all become the same structurly and mission design wise. Open world are used to always being new life to gaming but now it's always the same thing.

Clear camps, go here, fetch this, kill this person, repeat. People shit on Ubisoft but so many other publishers copy the same formula without the endless amount fo collectables that Ubisoft like to add.

Urrakia34835d ago

This is why I've been craving for more linear, properly structured games with a meaningful/interesting plot rather than playing yet ANOTHER open world game that most likely boasts of it's map size and uses the same tired fetch quests. It's all just so damn vapid imo.

Sidewinder-835d ago

Partly why I stopped playing Halo Infinite. I only got as far as the 2nd Boss. It just felt like I "knew" what was coming next, more of the same shit that has been done better years ago.

Unknown_Gamer5794835d ago (Edited 835d ago )

I'm not going to say open worlds are overrated, because I do think that a well-designed open world is fantastic and can make for a wonderful experience, but I do think open worlds for the sake of open worlds has long since become beyond overrated. Everyone and their dog makes open world games now, and not all of them are great IMHO. I understand why they became popular, because if done right they can make the world of a game feel more alive, and they do generally at least give the player the illusion of having more freedom.

But, I'll take a well-designed linear game any day of the week over a poorly designed open world game, because at the end of the day, I care less about whether the experience is "open" or linear, and more about how well designed a game is. Like with anything, there are ways to do an open world well, and there are ways to do one poorly, as the flip side is, I also don't think the fault lies in open worlds as a concept so much as in everyone trying to cash in on it.

One thing is, when something is less common it feels a lot more special, whereas when something is done all the time it tends to feel more tired and cliched unless something is done to differentiate it from all the others like it. On top of that though, so many devs seem to just throw an open world into their games because it sells, and either don't care enough to really give their world a lot of life, or don't know how to make a good open world and assume that size is the most important aspect.

If you look at all the highest rated open world titles, there's usually something those games do to hook the player in and make us want to spend time in those worlds. They're not just beloved because they're open worlds, but because they are well-designed open worlds. A good portion of them also do something that differentiates them from one another. All the GTAs, Horizons, etc., are great in their own unique ways, and while there's more to their experience than just their worlds, that's a big part of it, so solid world design really helps.

But yeah, tl;dr, open worlds are a great concept IMHO. I just prefer when they're done well, and won't praise a game simply because it has an open world, or operate on the assumption that it's better than other games for that reason alone, because no amount of non-linearity can cover for bad game design IMHO.

Anyways, on the topic of this particular game, I think it has promise and I'm personally looking forward to it.

Chexs1990835d ago

The problem with Ubi games especially, is that all their big titles are the same game with different themes at this point.
Other publishers do it, but it's not the only thing in their portfolio of games

Profchaos835d ago (Edited 835d ago )

Publishers tend to lean on the open world format to extend longevity and it's a noticeable crutch in many ways.

I first noticed the decline in linear games around the late 2000s publishers were annoyed that people were finishing linear single player games and trading them in while they were still new and stores like EB pushed gamers to buy the pre-owned title over the new title losing them money.

So we got a fair few schemes over the years including game passes with publishers putting up a paywall on their game if you don't have the cd key that came with the game pay us $10 to get full access was common.

Eventually the open world format we know today was born it's drastically different from the open world of yesterday where GTA SA had some collectables it wasn't bloating it'map into a thousand hour set of chores. Ubi was really the first to make you comb every inch of their maps before you could continue the story (not having enough towers in older AC games blocked progression) thus increasing longevity past the new sale period resulting in less pre owned copies flooding stores.

Same holds true for so many games today if we get a linear story it's normally playing second fiddle to a online mode that takes priority.

KingofBandits834d ago (Edited 834d ago )

This exactly. There was a time when the thought of an open world game was a dream concept. Going from an overworld map with specific points that you could explore to exploring the entire map at the interactive segments level was amazing. Then the realities of it set in, with expectations for world size and art/asset quality growing 10X larger the amount of stuff they would pack into that space became smaller. Now I feel open world games do not even match the world and interactive density of even 90's JRPG's.

To me there was this balancing point in game design that was just skipped after the PS2 era. Even games in the same series suffer from this vapid, forest hike simulator issue. Take Zelda. To me Breath of the Wilds open world is not nearly as interesting to explore as Wind Waker's from two gens back. At the time people complained that the distance between the islands was too much and that the sailing became boring. Looking back though I feel it was the perfect balance, it made finding the unique islands and little one off puzzles challenging, easy to miss but genuinely exciting to stumble across. Breath of the wild though ends up being too large and ultimately a slog to get through. Dragon Quest 8 is another example to me that realized that early expectation of exploring the open world vs an overworld map.

Now though? Its all gotten so boring. so what have devs done, they put fetch quests and tower/base capture segments into the empty void you walk through. games that are 20+ years old still have new secrets being discovered in them where as modern games the only thing your likely to discover is a new bug/glitch.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 834d ago
alb1899835d ago

After Sekiro I'm more than happy to try Elden Ring.

DogJosha834d ago

Sekiro made me fear that they would return to generic action game #2355865. When 90% of action games feel the same, I don't mind multiple "similar" games. Also hard to get "soul'd" out when those copy cat games completely miss the mark and feel nothing like Souls games. Only "mimic" game I like is Salt and Sanctuary, but that is a fun metroidvania.

Elda836d ago

It's basically Dark Souls 4 with some added features & additions including a new name.

BigBosss836d ago

LOL its not a Souls Game despite having some similarities...

Elda836d ago

Opinions opinions we all have one.

MrChow666835d ago (Edited 835d ago )

How is it not a Souls game? Lol

Vengeance1138835d ago

Just like how your name isn't BigBosss, despite having some similarities...

Angyobangyo834d ago

It’s a souls game. If you played the network beta you’ll know it’s a very typical Souls game with some new mechanics.

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Levii_92835d ago

Dark Souls sucks... my least favourite From Soft games, Elden Ring looks much more fun and interesting. It's going to be amazing.

Crows90835d ago

Wow. Youre in for a treat. Or a slap. Whichever way you prefer to look at it.

835d ago Replies(3)
Samonuske835d ago

More like Demon’s Souls 5…

MohammadAdam835d ago

According to you Elda, this should be Demons Souls 7: Elden Ring.

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SullysCigar836d ago

I mean, no game is for everyone I guess.

Lighter9835d ago

Rated E for Everyone.

Hmmm. /s

monkey602835d ago

Why I'm not interested in reading this kind of stupid article.. even though I did. Hell I went through the same thing and never did play Dark Souls 3. IP fatigue is a thing. I cant look at Ubisoft games anymore.
Seriously though you aren't bothered, fair enough, move on, get on with your life. The game is going to be great so let others enjoy it without having to suffer your stupid 2 cents.

GamingSinceForever835d ago

You read and commented so he won.

The article was actually decent. Get out of your feelings. 😂

monkey602835d ago

I was going to ignore the article and leave it at the first line of my comment but didn't want to be one of those guys that didn't bother reading what it was about in case the subject didn't match the headline. But nope, pointless bloat from another gaming site. We've all been in this scenario most likely, Author has added nothing to the conversation.

EmperorDalek835d ago

He didn't make you read the article. How will one article made a week before the game's launch hinder your enjoyment?

blackblades835d ago

Shouldve been one of those people then, I ignore the hell out of it and just go to the comments.

Crows90835d ago

Well saying theres fatigue and then bringing up ubisoft games that are all about causing fatigue...doesnt exactly sound that surprising.

Ubisoft games have gotten much bigger and much worse. Most IP dont get that many iterations and the ones that do tend to be rushed games. From Software doesnt rush their games.

I believe in genre fatigue but not IP fatigue.

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Hofstaderman835d ago

Quite the reverse in my case. This game has me interested in trying Fromsoft title for the first time. The previews indicate it's a good entry point for Souls newcomers as the nature of the open world is more accommodating to different play styles. So I'm taking the plunge.

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Kai Cenat Is Taking on the Entire Souls Franchise

ESTNN writes: "His past game marathons came with redesigned streaming rooms, costumes, cameos and other hyped additions. But the longest one of them all proved to be with FROMSOFTWARE's magnum opus: Elden Ring."

Inverno9d ago

I hate to be that guy but, who cares?


Elden Ring Killed Gaming For Me & It's About To Do It Again

Saad from eXputer: "Utilizing its myriad strengths and masterful design, Elden Ring ruined gaming for me in a way I'll always be thankful for."

GhostScholar28d ago

It sounds like you’re just an eldenring fan and not so much a fan of games by and large. Which theres nothing wrong with.

RoadRacer27d ago

The author's profile appears to state otherwise. I believe they just got a massive shock with Elden Ring, something that stuck around. To each their own I guess

Crows9027d ago

Elden ring ruined from software for me....maybe.

I hope their next game isn't open world too...

ravens5227d ago

I have yet to beat Elden Ring. Not cause it's too hard , I've beaten Sekiro, Bloodborne, Demon Souls etc. Also I could just make my character op but I prefer to play under leveled. It's too big. I beat Radaghan or the moon lady last then got lost, lost for years lol. I'm going to beat it tho. Haven't played it in a while

Crows9027d ago

I platinumed the game but hated the open world aspect...started great but then after a bit you notice all the repeated dungeons and bosses...it got massively tedious and much preferred late game areas in a typical souls game than the open world repetition.

GhostScholar27d ago

The ole “I’m so good at hard games I had to play under leveled to get challenged and if I worked that hard in real life I wouldn’t be working at Walmart”

ravens5226d ago

? Don't work at Walmart or any type of retail...lol. But w.e. Makes you feel better about ya sad life 🤷🏽 lol. You probably just suck at games lmao.

27d ago
Aussiesummer27d ago

I loved it but yeah it is just overwhelmingly massive and confusing, I don’t think I’ll ever finish it.


Bonfire interview with Miyazaki Hidetaka: "Shadow of the Golden Tree" is the only DLC"

The large-scale DLC "Shadow of the Golden Tree" for "Elden's Circle" will be released on June 21. This is the only additional content for "Elden's Circle" since its release two years ago, and according to public information, its size will also be the largest DLC since the founding of Fromsoftware.

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