
The Switch Doesn't Need Zelda in 2022

WIth all of the hit announcements in their Nintendo Direct, the Switch doesn't need Zelda this year.

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Orchard845d ago

It doesn’t “need” it - but we’re getting it and it’ll probably be GOTY. Well that or Elden Ring.

Jin_Sakai844d ago

My question is where’s Super Mario Odyssey 2, Metroid Prime Trilogy, and Pikmin 4.

Orchard844d ago

And MK9… and a new Super Mario Bros please.

Neonridr844d ago

The direct seemed to show a very front heavy year with Splatoon 3 being summer and Xenoblade 3 in September. I'd love Zelda to come in time for the holidays, but that's only if its ready.

Teflon02844d ago

Seeing Zelda for Nintendo is like final fantasy with square Enix. The game needs about 40 more delays before they can say it's ready to drop lol

H9844d ago

The direct was focusing on the first half of the year, and at the end it's better to tease a new game rather than one we already know it's coming

Neonridr844d ago

for sure, we could very well get another direct in the summer

H9844d ago

It will probably be delayed to 2023, yet it doesn't matter of the switch needs it this year or not, the more the better, no company looks at it's line up and says no we don't want it to be stronger

anast844d ago

They would miss that sweet cash if the let it rest this year.


Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 2: 10 Things We Want

From a deeper plot, better dungeons, and larger world to getting to play as Zelda, there are a lot of additions that we want.

Zeldafan64657d ago (Edited 657d ago )

I don't think we're going to get to play as Zelda in BotW 2. I want it but don't think it will happen. I think Monolith Soft is working on a prequel to Skyward Sword where we will be playing the whole game as Zelda before she becomes the reincarnation of the goddess Hylia.


Five Hopes for Breath of the Wild 2

Laura’s top 5 list of things she hope they improve and/or change in Breath of the Wild 2

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fitofficial659d ago

1. Better combat controls and more heft to Links movements

2. Less forced animations over and over (cooking, modifying clothing, etc)

3. Actual dungeons

4. Better rewards for exploration

5. Either repairable weapons or weapons that take much, much longer to break

PhillyDillyDee658d ago (Edited 658d ago )

Disagree with your number 1 and 4. Last think people want is for link to control like Arthur from RDR2 and the exploration was, i believe, perfect. I remember so many moments in BOTW that blew me away.

fitofficial658d ago

You don't want better combat controls and better rewards for exploration? Well that makes sense.

PhillyDillyDee658d ago

From the article:

5) easier 100% completion

4) more story focused

3) more traditional style dungeons

2) climbing gear that allows you to climb in the rain

1) increased weapon durability

lucian229658d ago (Edited 658d ago )

That we won't have to pay 20$ to access hard mode.

That there will be more than 16 enemies including bosses

Dungeons and not those stupid repetitive puzzle temples.

More skills and unique attacks

That the final boss will not just be the previous bosses all at once.

Neonridr658d ago

while I agree that a hard mode should be included as an update or even right from the get-go, there was so much included for that $20 besides a hard mode.


The Nintendo Switch is as Strong as Ever

Some claim the Switch is waning, but in actuality, the system is stronger than ever before.

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AuraAbjure841d ago

I agree, huge install base and Japan's creative talent is currently shining!