
Outriders Review - Duuro Magazine

Duuro says: "I know, I know, I am late to the review party for Outriders, but I got a chance to play it for the first time and well, it’s really good. I really like Outriders. People Can Fly know how to make a good-ass shooting game."

LordoftheCritics935d ago (Edited 935d ago )

A 7/10 for me.

Worst sound in a AAA video game ever.

Story is a decent amount of meh.

The aiming fov is just too narrow for the game type that demands non cover aggressive playstyle. If you want to see your enemies mobbing you (enemies only mob here btw, serious sam style), your option will be to only play via hip fire. Way too narrow aim fov for high tiers. The high tiers will force you into one playstyle. That playstyle is basically break the game to win.

Various other issues that this reviewer failed to mention. P2p co-op issues, drops beyond erratic, etc
One player could have a better campaign playthrough experience with better drops another could have a terrible campaign experience with constant tier adjustment due to bad rng drops. So they would need to adjust world tiers to its max to hopefully get better loot but then enemies get tougher and your drops are still no good. So 2nd players experience could feel rough. I had a mix of both. The game is fighting against itself.

Play it on gamepass while its here.

REDGUM934d ago

Not one real positive in you're comment yet you still give it a 7/10?

LordoftheCritics934d ago (Edited 934d ago )

just mentioned some negatives to bring it down to 7.

For full reviews look elsewhere.

justadelusion935d ago

9/10 for outriders? seriously?

Yui_Suzumiya934d ago

I guess a 10/10 would be your score

Espangerish934d ago

Solid game, great guns and powers. What let it down for me was that I found the gameplay loop too repetitive. Got tired of the formula and drifted away. Ill go back in the end but this is a 7 or 8 out of 10 game. Good but no classic.

darkrider934d ago

It's already dead. But not even at launch was a near perfect game. The end game loot is a problem. Connections going down. Not enough updates. Graphics wise it is average with a feeling of all being made of plastic. One of the problems of unreal engine.


The 7 Best Co-op Games on PS5

There's no better way to enjoy your PS5 than with friends, so here's our picks of the best co-op games on the console.

Cacabunga142d ago

For coop, get a used switch instead

jznrpg142d ago

I own a Switch and have never played co-op on it. I do play Elden Ring , Demons Souls and some other co/op games with my friends on PS5. Baldurs Gate 3 is the next game I’ll play co-op. Can’t do that on a Switch

Cacabunga141d ago

I was thinking for couch casual immediate fun.. not online coop games that require some adaptation.


Free Play Days – Just Die Already, Outriders, and The Elder Scrolls Online

From Xbox Wire: "Fight to survive on a hostile planet, a massive fantasy world, or to qualify for retirement care this weekend during Free Play Days. Just Die Already and Outriders are available this weekend for Xbox Live Gold and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate members to play from Thursday, August 18 at 12:01 a.m. PDT until Sunday, August 21 at 11:59 p.m. PDT. In addition, The Elder Scrolls Online is available for an extended time from now until Monday, August 29 at 6:59 a.m. PDT."

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Outriders is free to play on Steam this week

SQUARE ENIX® today announced that OUTRIDERS™ will be available to play for free on Steam from Monday June 20th to Thursday June 23rd.

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Terry_B713d ago

played it..de-installed it after 30 minutes.

Lighter9713d ago

I got pretty far, and just stopped caring. I uninstalled it as well.

Profchaos713d ago

It's extremely generic. It's not bad but it reminds me of the period between 2007 and 2009 where gears introduced cover shooters so almost everyone went out and made a unreal engine 3 cover shooter.
It feels like that to destiny

IanTH713d ago (Edited 713d ago )

For some it is. At launch, I expect more people felt that way. It also had tons of technical issues back then, at least on PC. I tried it after the New Horizons expansion later last year. I found the campaign enjoyable enough, even if not an amazing one. The gameplay was pretty fun, the story was pretty pants (but how many games can say otherwise lol). Still had some bugs even then, though.

I've no idea what is in the newest expansion, but if it ever piqued your interest, I'd suggest giving it a shot. It might give you 20-30 hours of fun before it fizzles out. Maybe I'll look into this expansion, see what's what.

MadLad713d ago (Edited 713d ago )

I'm having fun with it.
Originally avoided it having heard of the issues around launch.
It has been sitting on Gamepass so finally downloading it the other day.
I'm about 3 hours in, have my Trickster class at level ten, and it's a pretty good time.

Don't know if I'll end up beating it or not, but I'd give it a solid 8 so far, personally.

Livingthedream713d ago

Nah it’s fun, first 30 minutes ain’t enough. Give it a go!

Terry_B712d ago

Bad...nah. Its simply super boring

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 712d ago
713d ago Replies(1)
jjb1981712d ago

I played through the entire campaign. It was very generic. The story was mediocre and the technical issues on PC were pretty bad. They patched it up quite a bit. It plays better now. I can say the only reason why I enjoyed it was because I missed Division 2-type gameplay but was was tired of running around the same areas in New York. The endgame is just an enemy hitpoint multiplier where a tiny creature has 20,000 HP. It's too bullet-spongy.

aarogree712d ago

Call me when it's free to keep.