
The Flock: The Ultra Permadeath Game That Died Too Soon

The Flock was intended to go offline once its total player lives hit zero, but it happened much earlier than that for other reasons.

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33 on Metacritic: Why My Game Failed

Despite enjoying a lot of positive pre-launch coverage, Vogelsap’s asymmetrical multiplayer shooter The Flock failed at launch. Creative Director and Game Designer Jeroen Van Hasselt analysed the launch and what went wrong during this frank and honest talk at Control Conference 2015:

The_BlackHeart__3261d ago

I will really like to talk to that guy and ask him why they decided not to run a KickStarter. I mean, they had the only thing that is really needed for a KS campaign: Hype. I know a lot of the backers will end up being disappointed, but at least the developer team wouldn't be in financial troubles. Is there any true advantage on releasing directly on Steam?

Jdoki3261d ago

Very interesting video.

Seems to boil down to a naive and inexperienced team trying to do something different.

The sad part is that the game doesn't come across as ambitious or interesting. It comes across as a generic game with one gimmick - the population count. The game needed to be able to stand on its own even without the population part, but it didn't come close.


The Flock Has Sold 3000 Copies, Didn't Make Enough Money, Will Get New Content This Halloween

The Flock was an interesting game that was plagued by some really awkward and silly issues. While the game was fun, it got repetitive fast and its content did not justify its price tag. Thankfully, Creative Director and Game Designer Jeroen Van Hasselt realized that and shared his opinion about the game’s launch, and what his team will do in order to spark further interest.

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Four More Small Games From EGX 2015 That Attracted Crowds

VGChartz's Daniel Carreras: "The other day I highlighted some of the stand-out titles on the EGX 2015 show floor that caught my eye, but EGX 2015 played host to a wealth of great indie experiences. Here are some of the more notable examples, and games that anyone who appreciates a good indie title should keep an eye on."

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