
The Nintendo Switch's Success Is Hurting Fans

The Switch has been a commercial success, and that success seems to have served as validation for a series of business decisions contrary to the interests of consumers and fans.

The fact that many of Nintendo's choices are against consumers' interest is of concern to many fans, but at this point, it should not come as a surprise. The system has sold well enough in its current form, and its games are still selling despite their high price points, so fans' desires for a more powerful Switch likely don't equate with a business necessity.

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masterfox1059d ago

Is not only hurting fans but the switch success is hurting the whole the game industry, some will say "how in hell is that even possible?, that thing is selling like hotcakes,", well the problem lies in the hardware itself , devs can't do that much with specs that a bit more powerful than a PS3 or xbox360, the main idea of creating a generational console release is to let developers have more freedom to develop their games, so their main idea in creating a game is not blocked by the hardware limitations, I really was hoping the Switch wasn't that successful but not because I hate Nintendo, it was because the whole industry can become stale and is giving the wrong idea of hardware is not that important, and sadly this is what's starting to happen imo, yes Nintendo is making lots of cash but and is great for them, but the whole game industry is not thriving as usual, console competition is very healthy but is healthy when the other companies also brings new ideas for games , new ideas what a game can be, new ways to portray your games with new visual effects. So when this factors exists everyone and I mean everyone wants to buy the each companies gaming device, because of the simple fact each game companie has something special in a form of game to buy, and not one game but lots of great games, but this is not the case for all todays big name companies.

Nintendo its latest cheap move was to upgrade its screen?, hmm if you still wondering why you haven't seen a proper Metroid game or Bayonetta sequel, or something very special in a form of a game in years from them?, well read the above then. MS is investing hard to win fans or consumers by just glorifying a game service, yes you read that right, they aren't trying to win fans by releasing new awesome looking games, they only trying to win you over by a service that mostly contains last gen games. So now we move to Playstation , Sony literally is all by itself maintaining the main pillars of this game industry, cause they are the only ones releasing true generational games, from one side that's awesome and great but from the other side is worrying , cause they are the only ones doing that, and by obvious reasons we can't expect Sony to release a triple A game each month, that's the why other companies doing a proper generational console release and games was so important, cause as consumer we get to see what great games the competition has to offer, but this is no longer the case and so by consequence the industry is becoming stale, oh and this just an opinion please don't get mad.

1059d ago Replies(1)
Neonridr1059d ago Show
Leathersoup1058d ago

My main issue with wanting the highest performance systems is that the developers are being pushed to release games that have a far longer development cycle. If you keep the specs low and don't push for realism constantly, it's possible to put out games in less than what it's taking for the next gen consoles.

jznrpg1058d ago

Nintendo is releasing games just as slow . Metroid Prime 4 was announced almost 4 years ago by your logic it should be out already .

CorndogBurglar1057d ago

This is how every new console generation works. Its usually 1-2 hears before we start seeing a normal stream of games for new consoles.

No, Metroid Prime 4 isn't taking so long because its got amazing graphics and its high performance. Prime 4 is taking so long because Nintendo originally had a separate developer working on it and they didn't like the state it was in. So Nintendo basically took it back and started all over from scratch on it. There's a big difference.

1058d ago
ChasterMies1058d ago

The Nintendo DS was more successful and yet Nintendo fans and gaming as a whole were fine. The real issue is that fans like to root for underdogs and Nintendo is no longer an underdog.

CorndogBurglar1057d ago

Nintendo's success and the decisions they make are two different things.

I'm not sure I agree with what you are saying about Nintendo slowing down the entire industry, mainly because MOST multiplat games don't even release on the Switch. So if most video gamez aren't even releasing on the Switch, then how can that system be impacting the entire industry like you claim?

But the article is really talking about the anti-consumer decisions Nintendo has been making. And again, the success of the Switch has nothing to do with that. If that were the case then why isn't MS and Sony making those same horrible decisions? They are also successful consoles.

Success does not equal anti-consumer. The Switch can be successful without having anti-consumer tactics being made. They just CHOOSE to never lower their game prices, offer old ports for full price, release old games for a limited time during an anniversary, etc etc etc. Again, you don't see Sony and MS doing crap like that and they are also successful.

ZombieGamerMan1057d ago

@masterfox " they are the only ones releasing true generational games" Yeah like God of War Ragnorok which will be a PS5 & PS4 exclusive......lol dumb ass.

I don't even own a Switch but Breath of The Wild has impressed me more than the entire PS4 generation with the level of freedom it gives the players. With all this fancy tech at the devs finger tips all I see them do is try and fail to be the next Fortnight or just be another by the numbers open world game.

Also by your logic, PS5 & Series X are holding devs back because a gaming PC with and RTX 3080 ti and i9 is more powerful than those systems and offer true 4K gaming with Ray tracing

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1057d ago
-Foxtrot1059d ago

It's not like people want Nintendo to fail, it's just sometimes, like during the Wii U era, they only learn from their mistakes when they realise the same thing they do all the time isn't working, that's when they get a wake up call.

Issue is by the time they were starting to learn from their mistakes with the Wii U, the Switch become such a success that they reverted back to what they were.

This is why if their hardware or games aren't good or has issues, then say, be honest, don't just ignore things and slap on a perfect review, then talk about all the issues months after.

Neonridr1059d ago

I've never seen a perfect review for an actual bad game on a Nintendo console. Why is it that fans of one console (and usually one console only) take such huge exceptions or get offended if a Nintendo game is rated well or sells really good?

-Foxtrot1059d ago

“ Why is it that fans of one console (and usually one console only)”

Typical you…making assumptions

Anyone who says something out of place with Nintendo is a fanboy of other consoles

I own both so…

Neonridr1059d ago (Edited 1059d ago )

@Foxtrot - you own both? Could have fooled me. I support everyone, I own hardware and play games on Sony, Nintendo and Windows, so call me what you will. I don't pledge allegiance to one thing, too many good games out there. I don't think I've ever heard you say one positive about Nintendo. So why own something you clearly hate?

JEECE1058d ago

Lol are you seriously accusing the guy who can't let a week go by without trashing TLOU of being a Sony fanboy?

Fluttershy771058d ago

Whatever... at the end of the day Nintendo games are rated really well and the console is selling really good. I like what they offer, I'll keep supporting them

RosweeSon1058d ago

No people just like to bang on like Nintendo games get a free pass on reviews no they just make great games consistently over 35 years games that can be played years and years later not just for a 12 month shelf life like fifa. https://www.metacritic.com/...

Animal crossing Amiibo festival didn’t exactly score great (good) looked like a bag of 💩 and rightfully got slammed on reviews release a trash game and it’ll get trash reviews even Nintendo aren’t exempt from this not all their games get 9-10/10 but a hell of a lot do, more than some companies have ever managed in their history… EA/Ubisoft 🤷🏻‍♂️😜

-Foxtrot1056d ago


First of all it would be The Last of Us Part II, not the first since it's almost perfect

Secondly, it's very rare I even bother talking about the TLOU2 on here all considering, as I know what white knights are like, only when people are actually going into the subject, not out of thin air


More you know...

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1056d ago
Lexreborn21058d ago

I ultimately feel that Nintendo has just combined their two market shares into one. At some point the narrative for switch is going to go from it’s a home console that’s handheld to its a handheld that plays as a console and people will say “what more could you expect”.

It’s already getting very limited style games released to it. All that fit portable style of gaming, devs are going to eventually abandon the system. Or they are going to release more games that look and play like Apex legends does.

A pro version is inevitable but it’s still another year or two away for Nintendo to release it with profitability in mind. They aren’t going to try and experience a GameCube and Wii U again. They are going to make decisions that keep them in business.

If the consumer keeps them alive then so be it. As for the hardcore gamer? We will support our interest wether it aligns with a new device or we choose not to buy it at all. We support this business as much as possible so we can get more of what we love.

Yui_Suzumiya1058d ago

I get to play some of my favorite games portable so I'm not complaining. BioShock, Doki Doki Literature Club, Doom, Resident Evil, Wolfenstein, Metro, The Outer Worlds, Bayonetta, Gal*Gun and soon Fatal Frame and Life is Strange. Just wish we'd gotten a port of Fallout 3. Yes, I own all these on higher end systems as well. There's just something cool about having the option to play them portable as well.

MADGameR1058d ago

It really is. So keep being idiots buying weak hardware. The next Nintendo console will be another weak handheld that will be behind the times.

Stevonidas1058d ago

All consoles are “weak hardware” compared to an average PC.

Gamers have spoken. With their wallets.

Take your insecure, small-dick/console syndrome and splooge all over your PS5. It won’t make Ratchet & Clank any less bare-bones, however.

CS71058d ago

I agreed with you all the way until you called Ratchet bare bones. Just came off playing it. That game is seriously awesome!

Michiel19891058d ago

@stevonidas exactly that. but because one of the consoles is significantly weaker it makes them an easy target, while the other 2 hold the industry back as well.

I actually think its good to have nintendo not following the same path as sony and ms, it will just oversaturate the market. Why go in direct competition with 2 giants while there is a whole untapped market available for the taking?

Not so sure about that ratchet and clank comment, havent played it myself but i dont think youre doing it justice.

Sitdown1058d ago

Do you also go around calling everyone idiots who don't purchase exotic cars? Get over yourself, bleeding edge specs aren't needed to have a good time.

Imalwaysright1057d ago

As someone that has a PC with a rtx 3070/Ryzen 5 5600 combo then can I make the claim that anyone that buys any given console is an idiot? As someone that also has a Switch and thoroughly enjoys it then can I also call myself an idiot?

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I've been waiting for this as well ever since it was announced. I think it was supposed to come out way earlier, but at long last!

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If it doesn't have Microtransactions then I am interested.


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