
Has Battle Royale Fatigue Finally Arrived?

Battle royale games like Fortnite, Warzone, and Apex Legends are still very popular—but gamers just might be starting to lose interest.

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MetroidFREAK211152d ago

I'm still heavily invested in Apex Legends. However it's the only BR I play

Antnee5341152d ago

Im in the same boat as you I only play apex

outsider16241152d ago

Something about Apex isn't it. The guns, the legends themselves, their ultimates, and the movement is just so much fun. And its free..

demonseye1151d ago

most battle royal games are free. i think PUBG is the only paid one.

Storm231152d ago

Apex is the only BR I play as well. I was playing a ridiculous amount for the first 7 seasons. This season not as much. I really miss World's Edge. Hoping Season 9 legend will be better than Fuse and that World's Edge is back in rotation.

sourOG1152d ago

No. I never liked them but it’s the kind of mindless shit most gamers enjoy. The replay value I mean, the grind.

Profchaos1152d ago

Yeah I could never understand spending a large chunk of time grinding resources only to have to battle it out with 100 others likely die and do it all again which can take 20 to 45 minutes a match.

Sarcasm1152d ago

I'm not a huge BR player, but it's more fun with friends (like most mp games.)

We also tend to switch to other modes to shake it up.

sourOG1152d ago

We are all guilty of the grind in some form. I just never got into that mode. I’d much rather play a co-op game like left 4 dead or fighting games with my friends. I haven’t truly enjoyed a team based shooter since gears 2 lol.

UltraNova1151d ago (Edited 1151d ago )

In COD Warzone you can get your loadout in a matter of minutes and the only thing you need in terms of floor loot is just one good gun that you can find in seconds. Then you have Gulag and your team keep can keep reviving you as long as they have the money.

I'm not saying Warzone is better than PUBG and Apex, just that it eliminates some of the BR grind and ultimately frustration.

1152d ago
Espangerish1152d ago

Repetitive and dull for me. Not enough there to justify an entire game in its own right...more a multiplayer mode to bolt onto an actual game.

waverider1152d ago

I dont think so. Battle Royale games got their market.

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Monetization in Gaming Is Getting Insane

Trevor Walker said: Well, here we are again. Every time I think I’ve said all I have to say about this topic, another studio falls into the same cycle. Monetization in video games seems to be getting more and more out of hand. If you’ve played any AAA title in the last 6 years, you’ve surely seen it. Battle passes, exclusive skins, and sometimes pay to win features have spread throughout the gaming industry like a plague, and we need a cure. Badly. I never thought I’d see the day, but the first game that comes to mind is one that holds a special place in my heart.

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victorMaje48d ago

You need a cure. Here it is:

1. Don’t buy the game.
2. Don’t just not buy the game, announce it!

Announce on every social media/chat/discourse/streaming … platform available & imaginable that you will not buy the game that is coming out & state the reason that we all know. Then advise others to do the same.

Once you’ve announced it, announce it again for the next game by the same dev that you will not buy their future product either, because of their past dealings with consumers.

3. See 1.


I don't sub to anything digital, games, movies, TV shows, etc. I just take what I want for PC for the unbeatable price of $0.00 🤣 But I sometimes buy the occasional game, but as for the others I mentioned yeah ok, haha paying for a streaming service to watch shows, movies, etc man GTFO lol

jznrpg48d ago (Edited 48d ago )

I know many people who don’t buy MTs or support gaas. But unfortunately there are just as many people that I know who do and they don’t care about it. Companies won’t stop doing it until the vast majority don’t buy anything. Some GaaS do it better than others but most are looking to make as much MT money as they can get away with and there’s too many who don’t mind it at all

anast48d ago

Reviewers can prioritize monetization schemes in their reviews and give companies low scores based on severity.

Chocoburger47d ago

This is one of the reasons why I've been focusing more on older games from PS3 & X360 all the way back to the NES.
Rarely can a modern big budget game garner my attention, because its just the same stale concept over and over again. Open world, busy work, grinding, where your job is literally to be a trash collector (constantly picking up endless resources off the ground), the entire industry has been copying Ubi-junk, and I'm just not interested.

Add in the fact that games are clearly releasing in beta form (sometimes very early beta form!), then there's randomized gear you have to pick up and upgrade, then all those boring skill trees to fill in, which is the laziest form of fake game progression imaginable.

Then there's the nasty business model of paying an extra $20 just to play an unfinished game 3 days early. Disgusting behavior, and anyone who supports those companies are actively making our industry worse.

The game industry has never been perfect, but its also never been this bad either.


Call of Duty Warzone Let's You Experience Today's Solar Eclipse In-Game

Call of Duty Warzone players will see today's solar eclipse happen in-game, which is kind of a neat thing to do by Activision.

Seraphim53d ago

We're afraid that for a few hours today you may actually go touch grass, we can't have that. Activision


Warzone Season 3 adds a lucrative new Rebirth Island easter egg

Rebirth Island is back in Call of Duty Warzone Season 3, and it has a brand-new easter egg that rewards you with the spicy Redacted blueprint.

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