
Nintendo is Dominating 2021: Will it Continue?

Nintendo is decimating its competition both in Japan and abroad in 2021. Will it continue?

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Automatic791197d ago (Edited 1197d ago )

Yes, Nintendo has the games and more surprises. I expect 2022 to be the same. Doesn't mean the competition won't have great experiences. Just that Nintendo really is primed to have a solid couple of years.

CaptainHenry9161196d ago

Nintendo might be the only company that will fully support Japan and western games. Sony and Microsoft don't care about that anymore. Well Microsoft is at least trying though

mikeslemonade1195d ago

Japanese gamer has poor taste anyway. That has been the case after the PS2 generation.

Neonridr1197d ago

as long as stock is hard to come by, Nintendo will continue to do well. I expect things to start slowing down a little for them. They are crossing 80 million sold to this point. But I expect another solid couple of years worth of sales before we see the eventual successor.

GoodGuy091197d ago

With next gen being a rare sight from stores and nothing huge next gen exclusive for the year atm, id agree.

-Foxtrot1197d ago

"Nintendo’s Direct was so successful"


Shiken1196d ago

That direct was nothing to write home about, but it was better than the State of Play from Sony, and MS has not given us anything.

NotoriousWhiz1196d ago

I know we like to compare Directs and States of play, but the two companies actually use them differently. Directs are supposed to let us know the surprise releases for the year and get us hyped for them. Sony already announces their releases years out, and state of play gives you a deeper dive into the games they've already announced.

They were both underwhelming, but at least we know what to expect from Sony. Nintendo's 1st half is pretty empty. Super excited for Project Triangle but thats next year.

Shiken1196d ago (Edited 1196d ago )


I wouldn't call Switch empty in the first half. I just finished Immortals Fenix Rising (fall last year I know, but for context), and my current forcast is Persona 5 Strikers, Bravely 2, Monstsr Hunter Rise, Mario Golf, Disgaea 6, Ys IX, Trails of Cold Steel 4, and SS HD. I am pretty busy with Switch through July, and all the other two have to offer me (of interest) is RE8, Back for Blood, and Ratchet. Calling the Switch's line up empty is a massive hyperbole, especially when I have more to play on it than the other two.

Also Nintendo has been announcing most of there games within 3-4 months of release. If people really expected them to drop their fall/late summer/holiday line up, then those same people really set themselves up to be disappointed TBH.

So saying directs are meant to cover releases for the year is just incorrect. They cover games that are literally just about to release, with a few suprises sprinkled in. There will be more directs once the current line up has been released, it has always been that way since the Switch launched. (be it another big direct, or a series of minis)

septemberindecember1196d ago


I wouldn't call Nintendo's first half empty. Super Mario 3D World, Bravely Default 2, Monster Hunter Rise, New Pokemon Snap, and Mario Golf are all in the first half. Also miitopia if you're into that (looks fun but overpriced imo).

I'd say that's not a bad start exclusive wise. You may not be interested in all of them, but there is more to offer this year than other years for the first half.

iplay1up21196d ago (Edited 1196d ago )

March 23rd Microsoft is having an event. It is supposed to have some new announcements, and updates.

JimmyDM901196d ago

Sony has a solid line up this spring. For context some games coming to PlayStation this spring that are not coming to Switch.

Ratchet and Clank
MLB the show 21
Kena Bridge of Spirits

Shiken1196d ago (Edited 1196d ago )


For context, only two of those games interest me. The Switch has more to offer me based on what I like to play. Not a hard concept to understand.

Disgaea 6 will not have a PS western release.
Monster Hunter Rise is not on PS.
Bravely 2 is not on PS.
Hell most of the games I said I was getting will not be on PS.

My point was not to bring down PS or XSX, it was that when people say Switch has an empty 1st half it is a hyperbole or attempt at downplay. All your little list did was prove my point, the PS and XSX have no more to offer than the Switch does for the first have of 2020. The games on each platform that someone prefers and will be bisy playing however will vary from person to person.

CaptainObvious8781196d ago


No one cares what you are personally interested in.

"Nothing on switch interests me, therefore barely anything is releasing on it and it's support from ninty is lacking severely." See what an utterly stupid argument that is?

We are not debating you're own heavy biases, we're discussing, objectively, who has the better line up. So when you're telling me what games you've been playing this year and you have to include a myriad of multiplatform games, the look and run VASTLY better on proper next gen hardware, you've already lost the argument.

Shiken1196d ago (Edited 1196d ago )


Your name is not a reflection of your logic I see.

I am saying everything is subjective. Objectively each platform holds value for different people. No one gives a shit about what in your OPINION is Objectively the better line up, because that is still subjective. You talk about visuals and tech, but if someone wants to play something that isn't on the platform, like MHR, SMTV, MH Stories, Resident Evil Outrage, Disgaea 6 (English), etc at some point in 2021 then your arguments are meaningless.

Nothing is objective about any of this, and I never claimed it to be. Only you fools that claim the Switch has an empty spring despite being proven wrong seem to be making such statements.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1196d ago
ZeekQuattro1197d ago

Yes. Nintendo will remain at the top while Sony and Microsoft duke it out over who will come in 2nd though Microsoft isn't really putting up much of a fight at the moment. So Sony will be a solid second this year.

iplay1up21196d ago

With all of the new studios Microsoft has acquired, I wouldn't count them out. March 23 Microsoft is having an event. It is supposed to show off new games and provide updates.


And what is Sony doing at the moment to put up a fight? You Sony fsnboys need to let last gen go with those last gen insults. Neither MS or SONY has anything worth playing right now and BOTH companies have delayed next gen games.

derek1196d ago (Edited 1196d ago )

Nintendo same games, different year.

badz1491196d ago

"And what is Sony doing at the moment to put up a fight?"

trying to make as many PS5 as possible to meet demand is one. My country is not one of the main regions for release, and I have yet to see any store selling a PS5 here due to shortages. The official Sony Stores aren't even taking pre-orders at this point, that's how hard it is for the PS5 to come by. the only way it to go online and pay scalpers $1000 including shipping last I checked yesterday. and I'm not gonna do that! for comparison, last gen, I was able to get my hands on the launch PS4 less than a month after release.

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Behind The Dangerous Stunts Of Nintendo’s Iconic Mario Commercials

Two married costume designers share stories from a decade of traveling the globe with Nintendo.

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305d ago

Bowser Is Canonically 34 Years Old

In a YouTube video showing Nintendo Switch owners how to create a Nintendo Account, Nintendo of America revealed that Bowser is canonically 34 years old.

jznrpg367d ago

I saw Bowser when I was a kid and now I’m older than him , sigh.

Brazz366d ago

Wow, i'm as old as Bowser!!

Stanjara366d ago (Edited 366d ago )

He looks 55 to me.

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Nintendo Is A Bad Company, But We Can't Help Loving Them Anyway

TG: “Most of us also grew up with Nintendo, likely forming a nostalgic connection with games that have long been crowned as our personal favourites. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker was an experience that shaped my view on open world fantasy, and Super Mario 64 changed my life like it did for millions of others. These titles have earned their place in history, and remain loved to this day for so many worthwhile reasons. We replay them and beg for remasters all while delving into their worlds time and time again because they mean that much to us. It’s a shame then that the company behind them often kicks its own sweet darlings to the curb.”

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Magog376d ago

I never got the love for Nintendo games personally. The annoying vocalizations and ugly character designs do nothing for me.

Kosic374d ago

Don't forget the constant hand holding with tutorials. Learn this new ability by pressing Y, now prove that you can press Y 8 times before you can move on....

Tapani375d ago (Edited 375d ago )

Another very weird article.

Nintendo is a great company by almost all possible normal measures. The biggest one being: their own staff is happy, and they seem to be very happy, well compensated and retain rate is solid. They are also financially very stable, profitable, and cash rich, so shareholders love them.

Overall it is an extremely creative group of people, and their mission statement is fantastic as well "to put smiles on the faces of everyone we touch. We do so by creating new surprises for people across the world to enjoy together." The social impact is also massive, not to speak culturally. Additionally, they have a really strong core business, high customer retention rate and loyalty. Nintendo's reputation is extremely good, I think in the US alone they are 9th most reputable company, their customer service is better than the average company. Plus, the press gives them a pass, because they are Nintendo. But there's a reason why they do that, it's not "because they are Nintendo", there are more layers to the argument.

Then, then there's the random negative gamers online...and their "reputation" which is inside their heads. And their western ideas of how a Japanese company should behave or what they should do. But they have no right to ask a company to do anything for them, because they can vote with their wallets.

There's a small vocal community online who dislikes Nintendo for what they are, but then again, there's always a small vocal community that dislikes something.

Nintendo also disagrees with the Western world about IP, but most people call Westerners "hidoi!" when they emulate Tears of the Kingdom and do not experience it the way Nintendo wanted them (even if it is not the best visual way), because it is a matter of principle to them (Japanese are very much against anything close to plagiarism, and there are laws that are tight about creative works copying etc.)

The Western Braveheart "freedoom!" shouters need to understand that it is not an American company, nor they need to behave like one. They can have their own fights based on their principles (against emulation). And they very well may lose the battle with that and change, or find a new audience.

In the end, it is so very simple. Don't buy the products if you don't like a company, but there's no need to paint a picture that is unrealistic about Nintendo either.

MadLad375d ago

I hate virtually everything about their business practices, actually. Suing everybody for virtually anything, shooting down fan projects, games they never let devalue, their online infrastructure and how they handle BC.

They're lucky they make great games, because that's the only thing I feel they do right.

gold_drake375d ago

my issue with them, is the complete refusal to have decent tech for us.

and their odd censorship and lawsuits for modders.