
Making Backward Compatible Games Even Better with FPS Boost

From Xbox Wire: "When we were designing Xbox Series X|S, we knew we wanted to continue our commitment to compatibility we started back in 2015, enabling gamers to play their favorite titles from past generations on the new consoles. Nearly all titles benefit from next generation features like faster loading times and the ability to Quick Resume. Then the team went one step further; adding enhancements to many of our most played games so they look, feel and play better than ever before."

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darthv721172d ago

Nice! I really hope they can apply these enhancements to BC 360 and OGX games as well.

IanTH1172d ago (Edited 1172d ago )

FWIW, the Digital Foundry video on this included some talk about how MS has discussed the potential for that to happen. That XB Prime and 360 games could get 60-120fps support, apparently viable given these enhancements are D3D driver-level tweaks, as opposed to actually altering game code.

Would love it if Sony announces a similar commitment to BC in the near future!
EDIT: I'm a PC/Sony guy, but MS's commitment to BC is laudable. I think it is bizarre to see people disagreeing with this. We all care about different stuff, certainly, and I'm sure plenty couldn't care less about BC. But even if you don't care for it, why knock it? Who would turn down extra functionality? I don't care a whit about social features, but I'm happy when stuff gets added for those that use & enjoy those features. Celebrate options!

CYALTR1171d ago

Who are you with this crazy logic?? LOL

JCOLE131951172d ago

This is pretty neat. Hopefully it’ll apply it all previous Xbox generations eventually.

autobotdan1172d ago

Assassins creed odyssey please

Orchard1172d ago (Edited 1172d ago )

Awesome! The things MS can do with their backwards compatibility never fails to amaze me. Easily miles ahead of anyone else in this space.

jukins1172d ago (Edited 1172d ago )

Except pc 😁😆😅. But let's be honest. How eager are you to play the 5 games that support it? The big announcement they teased for a month....60-120fps on 10+ years old games....and only 5 of them at that

RazzerRedux1172d ago

Yep. And it isn't even close. The mod community in the PC realm just dominates anything as far as making old games feel new.

Orchard1172d ago (Edited 1172d ago )

Obviously PC emulation is ahead - they even emulate PS3 on PC - something Sony still hasn’t delivered. Still on a commercial (and legal) level, nothing close to MS.

I do play a lot of 360 games on my XB1 - don’t have an XSX yet but when I do, I will keep playing my old classics.

And clearly more than 5 games will be enabled over time - look at how the original back compat program worked.

But the fact remains, this tech is miles ahead of anything Sony & Nintendo are doing today in the space.

1172d ago
RazzerRedux1172d ago

This isn't about emulation at all. This is about games getting improved and updated on a continuous basis through the mod community. None of the console makers provide what the mod community on PC does and it isn't limited to FPS boost or just graphical upgrades, but quality of life enhancements as well bringing newer game mechanics into old games.

If you want to limit the discussion to consoles then yes, no doubt Microsoft is far ahead, but if you want to talk about "anyone else" then PC is "easily miles ahead".

Orchard1172d ago

Sure, but a lot of that, while technically possible for MS, probably wouldn't be legal for MS to do based on the licensing of the game etc. - heck, they can't even release 360 games on XB1 without the publisher signing an agreement etc.

Also, for me at least, I don't want new gameplay mechanics - I want to experience the game I remember playing before.

RazzerRedux1172d ago

That's the great thing about PC. No such constraints.

"Also, for me at least, I don't want new gameplay mechanics - I want to experience the game I remember playing before."

With mods you can pick and choose whatever you want.

Father__Merrin1172d ago

Depends some user made mods on PC can be pretty neat aka via steam but others are usually horse armour too much hassle jumping in and out of folders.

But The most impressive mod ie free mod is BMS for PC Falcon 4.0 I don't think anything can come close

jukins1172d ago

Lol sony knows its fans want newer content. I mean seriously....we're pumped that we can play super lucky tales at 120fps? We want to play watch dogs 2? All the sudden these low rated games are exciting because increased fps? This is what xbox fans let microsoft know they'll accept. 5 old games boosted fps...thats what you giysbeere asking for lol

Orchard1172d ago (Edited 1172d ago )

I'm a PS gamer / fan, and I want to be able to re-play MGS4 without finding a PS3 on eBay. It's not as clear cut as you're making out - there are lots of good games being left behind on PS1/2, and especially PS3.

Also, since when were 80+ metacritics 'low rated games'?

jukins1172d ago

As said before.... pc gives all of this....the proof is in the pudding. Bc is a luxury...Microsoft has focused on it for awhile and whats the result? Sony hasn't focused on it as much and continues to dominate....just shows howbmany people actually care about bc.

SpeedDemon1172d ago

"Lol sony knows its fans want newer content."

Then whats with the PS Plus Collection? I hate to break it to you but Xbox isn't the only one that has interest in offering older games to their users.

It's 5 for now, but the number will increase and none of these games are low rated. You make it sound as if it isnt possible for them to have a team work on these older titles while others create new games, MS didn't purchase all these gaming studios for nothing.

jukins1172d ago (Edited 1172d ago )

Lol games released on ps4 within the last 2 or 3 years? Lol a collection of high selling high rated games is thrbxame as microsoft spending the 3 months prior to this ven toutomg backwards compatibility and now after launch teasing for a month about a platform update for only 5 games to take advantage of lol. Yep totally the same. As I've said sony has made more than xbox and switch combined!!!! Last gen had ZERO bc still dominated. Sony didn't give influencers units to and tell them you can only talk about backwards compatibility.....sony was like ps5 had bc will make some games run better moving on...were 4 months into the gen and microsft is STILL putting bc front and center. And for the 100th time....pc has done this and for these games already lol

1172d ago
SpeedDemon1172d ago

No not all those PS+ collection games are 2-3 years old and some of them are older than these 5 titles. The rest of what you said is hard to follow so I can't touch on that.

AngelicIceDiamond1172d ago

Lol sony knows its fans want newer content.

What's funny is MS announced this feature last May https://www-theverge-com.cd...

Its a feature that MS already announced awhile ago. You know your fanboyism is fever pitched when MS announces BC that has NOTHING to do with their future line up of games and believe in your head they're not developing nothing new. Or all their studios just suddenly goes into a massive stand still because MS is rolling out an update, a feature that was promised damn near a year ago.

People like you need help or get with reality or somethin.

RazzerRedux1172d ago


"Then whats with the PS Plus Collection? I hate to break it to you but Xbox isn't the only one that has interest in offering older games to their users."

That's fine, but Sony the PS Plus Collection is in addition to an incredible first party line up of games. PS+ Collection isn't designed to mitigate a subpar first party offering like Microsoft has had for the entire generation. It is a bonus on top of an already top notch first party library. So it is fine to give away some older games, but what jukins said is absolutely true. Sony delivers new content to their customers far better than Microsoft does for theirs.

SpeedDemon1171d ago

Oh no doubt, Sony has done better with their 1st party games last gen and MS has used bc to fill voids, I'm not saying that they haven't. But to suggest few people care about bc or that MS isn't focused on new projects just isn't true.

RazzerRedux1171d ago


Agreed. Until that content is being delivered, however, things like all these BC enhancements feel like stopgap measures. I'll be the first here to praise Microsoft when they bring some truly great AAA first party games to my PC. Especially looking forward to Perfect Dark and Fable.

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ApocalypseShadow1172d ago (Edited 1172d ago )

Lol. Miles ahead. Look at these guys Razz. Glorifying Microsoft over 5 games boosted. Should be a mad rush to play Super Lucky Tales. Probably announced because Sony announced a date for Ratchet and Clank. An actual next gen game.

39 games out of 997 for OG Xbox.
568 games out of 2154 games for 360.

Over 900 games from OG Xbox MISSING from BC on one. And over 1500 MISSING on the other. But sitting here claiming Microsoft is miles ahead. On something Sony has never worked on. Can't be miles ahead if you're the only one in the race. Lol. Even Sony's PS Now list of old games dwarfs the amount Microsoft has made BC.

But let's take a look. Microsoft has over 2,684 games that released or will release on Xbox One. Sony made almost the entire PS4 library compatible on PS5. That's over 4,000 games including VR.

Maybe I'm counting wrong. But PS4's library makes the miles ahead statement ridiculous. Where many regular and VR games are enhanced on PS5.

Let them have their BS win Razz. It's the same thing, different day. Talking about old games because there's no new Microsoft in house IPs to talk about.

Orchard1172d ago

"39 games out of 997 for OG Xbox.
568 games out of 2154 games for 360."

How many PS1/2/3 games work natively on my PS5?

ApocalypseShadow1172d ago (Edited 1172d ago )

Doesn't matter. Your foolish statement of miles ahead was a lie. I don't care who you support. All this hype. Is it a new game? Nope. Just like always.

Microsoft continued summary:

"We have no new games to play or releasing from in-house. Here's some old games you already might have played to distract you from the fact that we have all these studios, but no new IPs releasing. And the continued wait and see. We got all this money, but we can't produce the amount and quality of our competitor."

Getting caught in a lie is still true. 39 games out of 997 is not miles ahead. Lol. So sad you think so. You also neglect to mention that Sony beat the snot out of Microsoft with no BC. Take that to the bank.

Orchard1172d ago

Since you love Razz apparently - Razz also said above that in the console space (w.r.t back compat), Xbox is miles ahead.

If your main complaint about Xbox is about exclusive games then I have good news for you - they're correcting it by purchasing companies like Zenimax :)

You should stop being a fanboy and actually look at things properly. I like my PS, but I do wish Sony put as much effort into backwards compatibility as MS does - lots of good games on PS1/2/3 that are now in the graveyard for those of us not lucky enough to still have those consoles.

AngelicIceDiamond1172d ago

"Let them have their BS win Razz."

You really do live and breath the fake console "war". "let them have their win"

Whatever that means you know there's a whole planet you're on that's worth exploring.

ApocalypseShadow1171d ago (Edited 1171d ago )

Lol. It took them a whole generation to correct a mistake they should have corrected years ago that's still not corrected. Those games haven't released yet. They're worth a trillion dollars but fail to pump out games at the level and quality of Sony. But you excuse them orchard. So, I'll stop fanboying if you stop fangirling. Because you're the one making excuses for them.

BC is a nice feature. But that's all it is. While they launched ZERO in-house launch games. Oh. You forgot that. Microsoft's BC is not even close to being complete. But you ignore that and say they're miles ahead. I proved that 4,000+ BC games Sony has makes your comment untrue. Sony not only has PS Move working on PS5, but also PSVR. None of the Kinect devices work or the games on any Series S/X model. But they're so far ahead according to YOU.

So, who's being a fanboy claiming they're a PlayStation fan?

And angelic, your comment was worthless. Instead of proving his statement of "so far ahead," you personally attack. Your comment was the very definition of weak and empty. 5 games boosted is about as important as the cross play nonsense, quick resume and BC. You'll play it up like I know you will. Instead of new games for a new system.

Orchard1171d ago (Edited 1171d ago )

I love how you come out with a 4000 number. Yes, 4000 PS4 games - almost every PS4 game, just like almost every XB1 game works on XSX. How many PS1/2/3 games work in my PS5? Zero.

And BC for OG XB + 360 may indeed be incomplete, but that doesn't mean it isn't miles ahead of PS - there are hundreds of OG + 360 back compat games versus zero PS1/2/3 games on back compat.

I'm sure MS could get Kinect working on XSX if they wanted - but why? The thing was discontinued many years ago. By that logic, my PS2 eye toy doesn't work on my PS4/5.

Anyway, my point was that I wish Sony would put effort into back compat like MS has. They are leaving behind a lot of good games.

It's clear to everyone here who the fan boy is - only a fan boy would say "Let them have their win!" since that clearly suggests you think this is some kind of console war. I am a fan of PlayStation, Nintendo/Switch, Xbox and PC. I game on all of them, I've owned every console manufactured by the above during my adult years (even a WiiU...) except for XSX - which is on my buy list as soon as I can get one.

Similarly, I will praise any of then when they do good, or criticize them when they do bad - because unlike you, I am not a fanboy or some corporate loyalist/shill - I am a gamer.

Edgelordsupreme1171d ago

The way you talk about this like we are out here competing is really cute. You're among the sychophant fanboy losers on this site that makes me embarrassed to enjoy Playstation.

Its a feature that is going to boost the framerate of older titles. Why oh why do you feel the need to try to downplay that? Personally I think features that breath new life into my older games are always welcome regardless of the platform. Like holy shit dude, grow up.

AngelicIceDiamond1171d ago (Edited 1171d ago )

My comment is empty? You're the one who found your self in here getting mad, angry and offended salty af over improved BC features makin it about Sony for what eeeeever reason. You're the one who started it, now you're playing the soar victim. Self awareness is beyond your vocabulary perhaps you should look it up then use it. You said "let them have the win" who's them? You came in and started crap like all of your kind do. Why you so offended over something like this? This is about you and your fanboy issues nobody else. You could of ignored this post if you hate it. Instead your inner child came out and involved your playground sandbox console war.

"You'll play it up like I know you will. Look up my comment where I said it's a cool feature but I'll be playing current gen games when available. Go ahead kiddo.

"It took them a whole generation to correct a mistake they should have corrected years ago that's still not corrected. Those games haven't released yet. They're worth a trillion dollars but fail to pump out games at the level and quality of Sony. But you excuse them orchard. "

OK so tell me what do expect Xbox fans to do. Cry and complain every single day flood their reddit and twitters every hour on the hour. Saying Where are the games!?

You guys aren't doing anything! Release the games MS! Cry, cry, cry, cry, cry forever until they release something. So you can say "MS doesnt let their teams work this games looks like crap!" MS is running their studios in the ground! I'm gonna say this one more time if MS doesn't care about an Xbox fanboy (yes it's true) what makes you think they'll listen to a bunch of Sony fan fanboys crying about about nothing? Keep complaining about nothing though only ppl who care to hear you are other fanboys anyway so it's no matter.

Btw it's not a personal attack it's to you just don't live in reality. Fact: You got angry over an improved BC feature and through a child like tantrum. You can't get around that fact no matter how much you deflect and parry.

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Fist4achin1172d ago

I wish they would add Max Payne 3 and Beautiful Katamari to the BC list.

Orchard1172d ago

+1. I never got to finish MP3.

purple1011172d ago

Katamari just got re remastered on ps4.

"The beloved roll-em-up game returns with fully updated graphics, completely recreated cutscenes and in full HD! Platform: PS4; Release: 19/11/2020"

Can't speak about max payne. Played that on pc back in the day. That game really REALLY deserves keyboard and mouse input!

Edgelordsupreme1171d ago

That's Katamari Damacy, iirc Beautiful Katamari isn't the same game. He also may still own his Beautiful Katamari disk, and doesn't want to spend more money.

Amplitude1171d ago (Edited 1171d ago )

Nah I played MP3 on PC with a controller at launch and it's still amazing with a controller. Mouse and keyboard is nice but the controller works totally fine. Even online I killed it with a controller lmao but aim assist was nuts though

Man, that game had the most underrated online multiplayer ever. I had so much fun with that

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