
Xbox Series X Review: The future is not here

Microsoft is ready to pull its next-generation console out of the oven, but the center is still frozen.

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Thump19671310d ago

PS4 fan damn any Xbox user knows the interface I guess you don't games will come Click Bait your warned

Jericho13371309d ago

This is why reviewing a console at launch is a bit of a farce. Yes, as it stands right now Xbox isn't a particularly compelling purchase but their first party lineup over the next 2-3 years speaks for itself. Personally I think it's also a good entry point for people new to Xbox as they can subscribe to Gamepass and play through their back catalogue.

Kaedro1309d ago

Oh yes, the same talk as ever: "The future will be better"; "The next 2-3 years will be amazing"; "Crackdown 3, Halo Infinite, Cloud Gaming, Kinect, and Hololens will all be amazing game changers". Keep dreaming... Oh, I mean: "Power your dreams".

Army_of_Darkness1309d ago

"The reality is that, without backwards compatibility, the Series X is nearly a paperweight"

Someone speaks the truth.

ABizzel11309d ago

I somewhat agree.

PS5 2021
As I said before, the best time to get a PS5 if you missed it at launch would be next holiday in 2021. By then you'll have Spiderman, Demon's Souls, Gran Turismo, Ratchet and Clank, Horizon, and God of War (I still say Spring 2022) as far as exclusives go, and 3rd parties should have well-rounded offerings by then or rolling out early 2022.

Series X 2022
Series X should be a great buy holiday 2022, since Halo, Forza, Unreal Engine 5, and possibly Fable release in 2021, while 2022 should be a big year for since the vast majority of their games use Unreal Engine 5 and many have already been announced to be using the engine (which has been confirmed that games can be made in Unreal Engine 4 and migrated to Unreal Engine 5, where they can finalize development of the features exclusive to UE5).

Stanjara1309d ago

It doesn't speak at all until games are reviewed and playable. Gow, Horizon, Demon Souls, and I don't know..Spiderman are sequels of fantastic games so yo do know what you're getting.
Medium can be great but can also be Blair witch, Godfall can be Anthem, Halo...well...who knows maybe gaas?

Jericho13371309d ago

Sorry but these Xbox ‘wait for the future’ comments are becoming a meme in itself. Microsoft has 23 first party studios and a bucketload of AAA franchises.

I get if you prefer PlayStation, but you’re in denial if you don’t think there’s a reason to buy an Xbox.

Kornholic1309d ago

Ah, the classic Microsoft waiting game. Only on Xbox.

bouzebbal1309d ago

They said it has the biggest line up in history.. Speaking of BC catalogue 🤣
I'm sorry but if you don't have games doing your console justice then no need to release a next gen console and try to sell it by promoting old gen.

Darthpaul841309d ago

23 studios and 35 teams making up the largest 1st party in gaming by a large amount says your right. Xbox is gonna clean Sony’s clock game wise this generation. Xbox has the better hardware and will have better games overall. More of them to

The Wood1309d ago (Edited 1309d ago )


Face Palm

Produce over promise

Form over fallacies

New games focus over old games focus.

I mean the headline is harsh but the review is hitting a key issue and that is its customary to release new hardware with new software. Call it arrogance or being out of touch, whatever.... ms not releasing new games for up to 2 years isn't a compelling draw for those outside of the loyal fandom especially those on the fence or the hardcore gamer. Lets see if the buyers numbers will wipe the floor, me thinks you'll be in for a little surprise

1309d ago
agnosticgamer1309d ago

Yeah... Lots of people forget the PS4 1p launch line-up was appalling... Not to mention PS5 isn't exactly stellar... But it looks terrific next to the non-existent Xbox Series X/S 1p line-up.

Hedstrom1309d ago

Jericho1337: In 3 years time Xbox will probably have another more powerful console coming out.

1309d ago
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S2Killinit1309d ago (Edited 1309d ago )

Strange you say that, he seems very informative and factual. Im sure i will find an opinion in there somewhere but as im halfway through reading it, i thought about your comment.

Edit: yes at the very end he concludes with his only opinion that without software that is befitting of a next gen console, the xbox is a paper weight for now. The use of the word paperweight might be harsh, but he gave an honest assessment then concluded with his opinion supported by facts.

Charlieboy3331309d ago

I agree the word 'paperweight' is a bit harsh. At the very least it would make a better footstool or doorstopper....

1309d ago
1309d ago

Yeah like they did for the Xbox one? LMAO 🤣🤣🤣

Weapon_of_choice1309d ago

Truth hurts, I know, it's okay....You can always get a PS5 and improve your gaming experience 😎

dumahim1309d ago

Had Xbox One since day 1 and I still struggle with the interface when I need something other than finding a game.

1309d ago
1309d ago
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jwillj2k41310d ago

the hard to swallow scenario of turning off game pass, going to the store, purchasing a new console, coming back home and turning on game pass is almost upon us.

CaptainObvious8781309d ago (Edited 1309d ago )

"...compared to thin launches in the past, Holiday 2020 looks like a bonafide woofer for those hoping to dive into next-gen. I saw nothing running on the console that looked remotely next-gen or did anything other than match some older PC titles."


Again, MS clearly isn't ready to release a next gen console, but they don't want sony releasing uncontested.

If you're buying an xsx it's for a future promis from ms, but after so many lies and broken promises, you'd be a fool to buy an xsx now instead of waiting.

As for me? I'll be buying a PS5 and experiencing next gen day one, not some arbitrary date in the future that may never arrive.

Wait for E3 indeed...

gamer78041309d ago

Oh cmon both are next gen, they are both great consoles they both have plenty to play on day one then one month away is cyberpunk which lets be honest is what everyone will be playing... let’s stop the fanboying...

1309d ago
Gaming4Life19811309d ago

I think it is but the truth is nobody needs to go out and get a next gen console asap like in the past. That is true for both next gen consoles but for me im a early adapter so i will have both as soon as possible.

We all know that xbox games are coming and that they have been delayed due to whats going on in the world. Im looking forward to playing my entire enhanced library of games until some worth while games drop on both next gen consoles. The games start dropping in january which is only one month away so if people want to wait its not that long regardless. Ps5 has the amazing controller features and xbox has the amazing power and im excited for both.

Kaedro1309d ago

"We all know that xbox games are coming" - This is looking a lot like Game of Thrones' "The dragons are coming".

Gaming4Life19811309d ago

Lmao. The games have been announced and will come out next year. I mean games get delayed all the time and yes it sucks but nothing new.

If no exclusives launch next year then i will apologize and admit i was wrong.

SamPao1309d ago (Edited 1309d ago )

You mean winter is coming?
And then 7 seasons later winter comes and it takes 1 episode and winter is gone again...

Aussiesummer1309d ago

Demons souls, mile morales in 4 days.

Gaming4Life19811309d ago

I dont like demon souls but the game looks amazing but not enough for me to buy it. Ive played the original demon souls and the souls games are not my cup of tea.

I went half on spiderman miles morales with a friend i gameshare with so as soon as i get my ps5 ill be on it. I could play the ps4 version but i can wait since im playing thru at least 10 games at the moment.

lifeisgamesok1309d ago (Edited 1309d ago )

Fire lineup! I'm getting Sackboy and The Pathless too

1309d ago
NEXUS-61309d ago

I don't want to burst your bubble - but I think you'll be lucky to see halo next year.

I'm not sure what other 1st party games you're expecting.

They'd have shown gameplay by now if there were - and there's been none.

NXFather1309d ago

Actually I think we will be unlucky to see a mediocre or Horrible Halo infinite next year.

Starfield maybe good and it does not make sense to put the prove developers they purchased in the same level as their own.

Gaming4Life19811309d ago

Halo infinite will launch next year and starfield maybe launching. The medium launches next year in January. I can name more thats expected to launch next year but the point is games are coming but i know n4g loves to hate xbox and their games.

NEXUS-61309d ago

The Medium is 3rd party and timed I'm pretty sure.

The games mist definitely are coming - but when?

Haven't xvmbox gamers waited long enough?

I guess ms gets another pass, really wish I'd see - just once - an xbox gamer get genuinely pissed off at ms.

You guys were promised new 1st party games every 3 months - remember?

Personally I would've gone with door stop as oppose to paperweight.

Gaming4Life19811309d ago (Edited 1309d ago )

I dont get mad over video games and i never will. Im a gamer and i have tons of games to play so im good. MS has shown upcoming games so all this talk about no games is untrue. Halo was the big game that was supposed to launch with series x but it was delayed and yes it sucks but its coming next year get over it. Hey if you dont want to wait then dont move on play pc play ps5 or whatever.

People are excited for the games thats coming to xbox this year next year and beyond and people on this site seem to always try and hate and downplay xbox. For once i would like to see non xbox players or people who have no interest in xbox actually stop hating and just stick to what they enjoy.

1309d ago Replies(1)
NEXUS-61309d ago

But none of those games - 100% - are exclusive to series x/s. They can be played on the console you already own - no need to upgrade.

The point about being pissed off has to do with ms always seemingly stringing its fanbase along.

The spit out a lie and get a free pass, they're actually releasing a NEW console with no NEW games.

It's bloody embarrassing and sets the tone for the generation ahead.

Hope you enjoy.

Gaming4Life19811309d ago

So because games were delayed they should delay the entire console? Ps5 games are also coming to ps4 so whats your point. Demon souls remake is only on ps5 but its not a new game.

Im done going back and fourth but ill have xbox series x and ps5 and enjoy both. If you and others can only enjoy one console then do that and move on.

Cockney1309d ago

Forgive me but I'm wary of any promises made by the xbox management team, I've been burned before

SullysCigar1309d ago

It's not easy to believe, given their track record. How anyone still backs Phil is a mystery.

NEXUS-61309d ago

Your first comment was - 'we know the games are coming' - how long have you heard that?

Has a single xbox gamer called ms out - nope. Too busy defending them.

And yes - I think they should've delayed the console, they're clearly under prepaired.

It all makes sense why they've been waterboarding the consumer with gamepass.

Not a strong start for ms - and we all know how they finish haha.

TitaniumExposed_VIP1309d ago

You seem like true gamer, and yet your comment got so many disagrees just because you mentioned xbox, the mental age in this website must be pretty low i take.
I don't play on xbox but i think they did a masterful job on their backwards compatibility going back three generations as i'm all for game preservation, i can definitely see the appeal of that added to the modern stuff.

1309d ago
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talocaca1309d ago

They were clearly not ready to launch.

Surprising since it really felt like they gave up on the XBox one years ago....I really expected them to have a killer line up ready for their next gen system.

Then Halo was shown.....and delayed.

What have they been doing for the last 3 years?

Kaedro1309d ago

"What have they been doing for the last 3 years?" - Brainwashing the fanbase that GamePass is the best thing since sliced bread.

NEXUS-61309d ago

Bingo. Seems to be working too.

Yppupdam1309d ago

Software as a subscription has been a Microsoft wet dream for a number of years now, They even want to move Windows as well as Office ect.. to a subscription model. Imagine having to pay monthly or annually to keep using your computer OS?

1309d ago
turd_ferguson741309d ago

What has Sony been doing the last 3 years? Miles Molrales DLC? Delays to sackboy, Destruction All Stars? Is that the same delayed shit with Microsoft going on with Sony? Seriously, the fanboyism on this site fucking pathetic.

TheGreatGazoo301309d ago

Right. MS wasn't ready for launch but PS5 is a compelling buy? What Exclusives do they have next week? A remake and more pretty versions of games available in PS4. Sounds similar to Xbox. The reason to get these systems at launch is if you care about playing the best versions of games. Xbox will be the best place to play 3rd party titles like Assassins Creed and Cyberpunk while also having great next gen version of 1sr party games. Personally I can't wait to play Gears Tactics too and that a new system launch title.

Nyxus1309d ago

Aside from the PS5 games, they also released titles like The Last of Us Part II and Ghost of Tsushima this year. So it's pretty clear what they've been doing.

S2Killinit1309d ago (Edited 1309d ago )

What have Sony been doing the past 4 years? Really? How about kicking MS back side and dragging it through the mud by innovating both hardware wise and games wise?

Gaming4Life19811309d ago

Yea fanboys on n4g are the worst and are so hypocritical its unreal.

elazz1309d ago

I played God of War, Spider Man, Horizon Frozen Wilds, the wonderful Dreams, The last of us Part 2 and busy with Ghosts of Tsushima.... Yep... I'm buying PS5 knowing that spree will continue this fall and in 2021

PS-Gamer-19861309d ago (Edited 1309d ago )

@ turd

Team green never ceases to amaze me. Denial in perfection.

Comparing microsoft who didn't release worthwile AAA games in ages AND also releases series x with no system seller at the launch of their new console to sony who released top tier games all gen, the last of us 2 and ghost of tsushima this very year and managed to release miles morales, demon's souls, sackboy along their new console is pure craziness . And all this just to avoid admitting that ms dropped the ball again

Teflon021309d ago

You know GoW, Shadow of the Colossus, Dreams, Spider Man (OG), Medevil, Concrete Genie, Days Gone, Ghost of Tsushima, Last of Us Part 2. As well as Sackboy (just Online coming later and yes that's annoying, I was pissed at this. But the whole game is done otherwise), Miles Morales isn't DLC and you know damn well it ain't. Xbox fanboy talk right there. A standalone game isn't a DLC because it's shorter. Miles is an entirely different spiderman. Demon's Souls, Ratchet coming very soon, Destruction is clearly ready and being held back for Plus in Feb. They've been clearly moving alot and that's all games Sony published. You'd be delusional to think that's some point because PS has been making moves non stop to the point people really didn't expect Sony to be ready with multiple self published games for launch lol. X guys lying that Spidey will be delayed because Halo showed gameplay before it lol. To find out Insomniac may drop back to back before halo lmao. To be real though, MS needs to Drop a new Banjo that's actually Banjo and a New conker that's actually conker. If they can do that. I'm on those

Now that whole I'm hyped for Gears tactics lol. The Niche genre ppl rarely play? Ain't even to say thats a bad game. But there's games on PS5 at launch that aren't on PS4 that are important and not optimized for PS5 lol. We're not going to add Days gone and Ghost to the PS5 launch list just because they got optimization patches for PS5 like Gears and such lol

BehindTheRows1309d ago (Edited 1309d ago )

I cannot believe someone would ask this ridiculous question. Truly. Review from 2017 till now and tell us what Sony has been doing. Review what their nearest competitor was doing (or, rather, NOT doing).

This isn’t a Sony Too. Microsoft needs to get the games in gear. No amount of “but Sony” will change that.

NEXUS-61309d ago

turd - did you really just ask what has Sony been doing? Haha

Releasing GOTY contenders consistently, prepping for a new launch of a console.

Has Sackboy been delayed? Destruction All-Stars moving FTP and a PS+ game is the best thing for it.

Now cast that ever seeing eye over ms - chalk and cheese - simply no comparison.

outsider16241309d ago

"What has Sony been doing the last 3 years?"

What had MS been doing this whole gen??

boing11309d ago

Dude... were you living under the rock all year?

Charlieboy3331309d ago

Wow. Ok, we don't even have to go back 3 years.....let's just look at what those useless Sony bastards have given their customers THIS year. Ghost of Tsushima, FF7R, Last of Us 2, Persona 5 Royal, Demon's Souls, Spiderman MM ( I know you find it difficult to read.....so the reviews for the game are just a bunch of confusing symbols to you. But that's ok because your xbox channel boyfriends told you it's 'DLC' and those 3 letters are all your brain can retain without hurting ). So now we have covered the last year a bit, would you like to discuss the upcoming year? Cos the only liferaft that I see for you to cling to is a watered down Halo....meanwhile Sony has more killer games lined up than you've had wet dreams. I used to get frustrated with people like you, but now it actually makes me HAPPY that you are such a sucker for Xbox. Why? Because I see another whole 7 years of disappointment, jealousy and lying to yourself ahead. It's going to be SO exhausting for you...but hey....no one's fault but your own.

Chevalier1309d ago

You mean how Sony released MLB 20, Dreams, Ghost of Tsushima, Dreams, TLOU2? Then add Miles Morales and Demon Souls? Not evening adding 3rd party stuff like FF VII Remake, Persona 5 Royale etc

Its crazy you idiots can exclude such amazing games that happen to he playable on PS5 yet have the gall to go on about Gears 5? Lol. That's truly sad. Playstation and Nintendo have amazing games this year in general. Take off your fan goggles and you'd see.

MS has been constantly delay this, wait for this, its literally a wait simulation. Its night and day. Sony killed it this year with 3 record breaking games between TLOU2, Ghost of Tsushima and FF VII Remake

dekke1309d ago


jesus u must be so stupid "What has Sony been doing the last 3 years?" what ?

potatoseal1309d ago

Talk about the dumbest and most uneducated comment in the history of N4G

CaptainObvious8781309d ago


You know the worst thing about your completely divorced from reality rant? That you had the gall to call others pathetic fanboys. The levels of lack of self awareness you displayed in 3 short sentences is beyond my comprehension.

Z5011309d ago (Edited 1309d ago )

MLB, Dreams, GoT & TLoU 2 to name a few. What's MS's excuse?

1309d ago
1309d ago
1309d ago
ocelot071309d ago

What has Sony done for the last 3 years you asked? Ok at the top of my head:

Released Spiderman on PS4 with a score of 88 on open critic.

Released God of War on PS4 with a score of 95 on open critic.

Released shadow of the Colossus on PS4 to a score of 92 on open critic.

Released Dreams on PS4 to a score of 90 on open critic.

Released days gone on PS4 to a score of 71 on open critic.

Released Concrete Genie to a score of 77 on Open Critic.

Released Blood and Truth to a score of 81 on open critic.

That's what Sony has done over the last 3 years and that's without me including the last of us 2 lol.

I await your goal post moving next question.

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derek1309d ago

What have they been doing? Alot of talking, good guy Phil is the master of talking big and making promises. Microsoft is also the master of talking trash about and taking cheap shots at Sony that earn praise from their fanbase. Still through it all they consistently fail to put out compelling games.

moriarty18891309d ago

worried more about gamepass than actually keeping on top of game development like Halo Infinite in this case. They have been screwing around too much and Bonnie Ross needs to go with most of her woke staff.

Charlieboy3331309d ago

What were they doing? They were 'preparing' for next gen. Well next gen is here and it is clear to everyone with more than one working brain cell what they have 'prepared'. I'll give everyone a clue......it rhymes with 'duck call'.

anast1309d ago

more like the last 20 years.

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gold_drake1309d ago

one of the many reviews who says just that. i dont think MS was anticipating this. but they dont care if we buy it anyways.

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