
DS Fanboy Review: Luminous Arc 2

DSFanboy: There's a lot of strategy available on the DS. Whatever your strategy-flavor preference, you can get it (almost), so it takes a lot for these newer faces to stand out. If all you saw of the Luminous Arc series was the ads and the occasional screenshot, you might think the burgeoning franchise was all about boobs and butts, and while they play an important part, of course, there's a lot more to Luminous Arc than itty-bitty witch costumes.

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Nintendo Life: Luminous Arc 2 Review

Nintendo Life writes: "The DS has seen some fantastic RPGs released this year, with Valkyrie Profile, Nostalgia and of course Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story, and Luminous Arc II keeps the standard high with a quality Japanese RPG package that is sure to please anyone looking for a tactical fix."

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GameBrit: Interview with Rising Star Games

In an interview with GameBrit, Tristram Defries of Rising Star Games has confirmed the publisher is thinking of introducing pre-order bonuses for titles in the UK. He also discusses sales of Little King's Story.

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Rising Star Games Reveal Final 2009 Release Dates

The irrepressible UK publisher Rising Star Games have revealed the release dates of the remaining titles on their 2010, including fantastically original games for both Nintendo DS and Wii. Including a number of titles from Rising Star Games' "The Home of Japanese Games" range, Rising Star Games are set to prove that, once again, they are one of the leading third-party publishers for traditional gaming on Nintendo consoles.

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phalanx_mark5375d ago

at last. i hope i have enough monies!