
New Ubisoft Collector's Editions On Xbox Won't Have Physical Games

Ubisoft have confirmed that the Xbox versions of their upcoming Collector's Editions won't have physical games included.

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-Foxtrot1383d ago

Wait...what? They aren't even lowering the price aswell?

You're making people pay a lot of money for these kind of editions, why the hell would you remove a physical version. Collectors Editions should be the ones which always include them.

Sonic-and-Crash1383d ago (Edited 1383d ago )

Ubisoft logic : gamers pay 150 euros for the game but dont give them the physical edition of the game (which is the core product we re selling) but instead give them the useless plastic toys we made for it that were the extra thing for the product to makes sales ....

aka: we sell cakes but if you buy chef s special cake you get only the icing and the cherrys not the cake .

-Foxtrot1383d ago

They are really bad for collectors editions

Like, every different edition they make, like the higher price ones, should included EVERYTHING from the previous one. So the highest collectors edition would get all goodies, pre order bonuses and goodies.

Do Ubisoft do that? F*** no.

Edition X has an exclusive Trinket replica

Edition Y has a steelbook BUT with better artwork

Edition Z includes a bigger artbook and a season pass but being the highest edition you wouldn't get items from the lower Y and X editions.

1382d ago
bouzebbal1382d ago

Microsoft is pushing so badly for a cashless and digital society.. No wonder we're starting to see practices like this one.. Ubisoft is one of the worst publishers, the alliance is pure evil for consumers

rainslacker1383d ago (Edited 1383d ago )

Because people who collect collectors editions don't actually care about collecting the thing that they're collecting.

Or that's the idea.

personally, my collecting of collectors editions is for the game, and the swag as a package. Otherwise, I'd just buy the swag, which I can usually get better and cheaper stuff from licensed merchandise if you wait a while, because it's typically not something a lot of people want, so it becomes really cheap after a while.

There have been a few cool collector's editions add ons that I saw this gen that I immediately cancelled as soon as I saw the physical game wasn't included. If I just wanted a statue, I'd buy a statue, and the art books and CD's are usually pointless outside of having a complete product.

I haven't brought an Ubisoft CE since the start of this gen. The AC CE's always were pretty good. But since then, they barely put out any games I want, and the one's I do, never have CE's.

L7CHAPEL1382d ago

only reason I ever buy collector's editions or upgraded editions of anything, is to get additional content and season passes, things like that.
I try to get it all included if I can,
I don't care about collecting anything or the "swag" but this idea of not getting a physical disc or not giving people that option, isn't something I can support.
I think that's not going to bode very well for them.

dumahim1382d ago

Seems like the last few times I bought a UbiSoft CE of a game, the good stuff was separate from the game anyway and it was just their Gold Edition copy of the game. Kind of ruins the fun of it for me, so I stopped buying UbiSoft's CE stuff. Seems to me they could just sell the stuff separate from the game.

n1kki61382d ago (Edited 1382d ago )

Having a 5cent disc to unlock what is essentially a download and day 1 patches is that important to you? The disc is just a digital license unlock at this point. Try playing the game off the disc on day 1 without your internet connected and tell me if it works.

Christopher1382d ago (Edited 1382d ago )

But the disc can be given to someone else once they're done with it.

People are essentially being told to buy a CE for the items only or go standard so you can trade or sell it when you're done. Before, this wasn't an issue.

This is a big problem in my BIL's household. Four kids, sharing games is a necessity, but digital only is a huge headache and limits who can play what and where in the house.

n1kki61382d ago

Ok, so you want the collector's edition, but want to give the disc away?

Christopher1379d ago

@n1kki6: read my full comment. Not just the first line. Perhaps especially that last paragraph? There's really good reason for people to give others the disc.

shaunh201382d ago

Why would they lower the price? The game is included in a digital code.

morganfell1382d ago

Because you can trade in a physical disk.

Muzikguy1382d ago

And this is why I don't mind giving Ubisoft games a pass.

DarXyde1381d ago

What I'd like to know is how collector's editions like this will work for PS5ADE and (if the rumors are true) the Series S if they are digital. Every console having a disc drive would make collector's editions feasible regardless of content delivery format where it can be physical or digital...but now, if you get a collector's edition, the only way to ensure everyone can play it (and to avoid confusion at the register) all games would need to be digital with physical swag. Let's say, for example, Persona 6 has the digital deluxe edition that comes with digital content, as well as the physical collector's edition that comes with some physical swag. Are all collector's editions going to come with digital codes? That might be the only way to avoid mass consumer confusion. No, I don't have much faith in the average consumer knowing the difference, but this can really become a messy issue. I think it's a mistake to not include a disc drive in every console and this new controversy surrounding Ubisoft is really just the beginning. I believe something very similar was done with Sonic Mania, but I genuinely think this will be a problem in the future.

robleroy1381d ago

Its another way of DRM :) NO options to sell this version for a lower price after play. $$

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1379d ago
ziggurcat1383d ago

And this is why I only buy the regular editions... you get burned so easily. It's a shame that the physical version of those collector's editions don't actually come with the physical version of those games.

BlackIceJoe1383d ago

People have wondered why I've said Ubisoft is the worst game developer out there and this is just more proof why they are worse than EA or Activision.

rainslacker1383d ago

Both EA and Activision have had CE's this gen without the physical game included. I think MS first Halo game this gen also didn't include it, but I recall they would replace your code with the physical version....or maybe that was GameStop that did that. But, for a collector, it's not really the same thing.

Minute Man 7211382d ago (Edited 1382d ago )

That BF1 CE was dope as hell. Woot had only the 13 inch statue for like $13 2 years back. It's in my avatar pointing his gun @ Drake

franwex1382d ago

Yes. Halo 5 $250 edition included a digital code rather than the game, and yes-if you send it to Microsoft they would send you a disc (of course the code couldn’t be redeemed). Which meant that hardcore fans would have to wait another 2 weeks before playing the game if they got it at launch.

I think Microsoft will replace any code with a disc, and any disc for a code.

King_Noctis1382d ago (Edited 1382d ago )

Take Two, EA, and Activision, the Holy Trinity of Greedy Bastards.

Ubisoft is hiding under their legs somewhere ready to pull one of them down and take their spot.

shaunh201382d ago

More people prefer digital now than physical and they are losing sales because of it. Personally I only buy digital and have not bought a collectors edition for a long time for this reason. They will now get my business. This will only help their sales, not hurt their sales.

r2oB1382d ago

I'm sure there are people that want to collect the novelty items and wouldn't mind having the game itself digital. However, people shelling out top dollar for collectors edition mostly like to collect physical items, that would also include a physical copy of the game. If they offered both options then I wouldn't see this as an issue. The purpose of collecting is to have something physically, because there is value in the physical item. This will definitely turn off most collectors. Time will tell, as they will be able to compare sales of discless Xbox versions to PlayStation versions.

L7CHAPEL1382d ago

I wouldn't say worse,
in some ways I wouldn't say anywhere near as bad.
I guess everybody has that entity/developer publisher they don't like.
one thing's for sure:
they've got a lot of trouble with their organization right now.
they're going into this next-generation deeply crippled as far as the internal structure...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1382d ago
Knightofelemia1383d ago (Edited 1383d ago )

Then what's the point on offering a collectors edition and why should I be owning the collectors edition and why market a collectors edition if you're not going to include a disc? You pay a high price for a collectors edition you get some neat stuff even a figure depending on the company and a disc. The disc is essential as part of the collectors edition there are collectors who do like to brag and show off collections with collectors editions that have a game disc. You'd look pretty dumb showing off a collectors edition to a friend and saying oh yeah the game is currently digital only and its stored on my hard drive. Right now as it shows Microsoft is getting screwed over and Ubisoft is focusing more on Playstation saying skip the Xbox version just grab the Playstation version. There are people who do play on Xbox and who do collect for Xbox hell I am still waiting for the KH Collection to physically grace the XB1. Usually when it comes to Far Cry I always wait until the game goes dirt cheap as for AC Valhalla I plan on getting day one and still haven't decided on XB1 or PS4 but alienating a person because they chose a different machine is a poor way to market a game to someone and a shitty business practice.

rainslacker1383d ago

It renders a collectors edition worth about as much as the stuff they include in it. After 2 years, those codes expire, so even if you don't open it, the value immediately drops after those two years. If you open the box, it's pretty much like saying the game isn't included, because there is no way to know if the code was used.

Beyond that, people who collect games, and these CE's, tend to want the game to actually collect.

They may as well just sell the stuff separate, because those extras are about all people would be buying, and there are other ways to get that stuff....usually better products even, just by buying licensed merchandise from companies who have better quality for such things.

Minute Man 7211382d ago

From my experiences the code doesn't expire

Knightofelemia1382d ago

@Minute Man 721

Codes can expire there are some rare codes where the date says 2099 I have seen a few PS3 codes with that date. But once the code is used it expires it's locked to that persons account if you trade the game in and the code is used the person who buys the game used has to flip for a new code. Also codes can expire if the game loses online support like servers shutting down or systems losing the ability to access online content. I bought the God of War Collection on PS3 I had a month left and the game was brand new to use the code or it would expire.

dumahim1382d ago

I guess with the coming of digital only consoles, they don't want to limit themselves to selling to physical only game buyers.

They separate the CE stuff from the game package anyway, so why not just sell the CE stuff separately from the game then and let the buyer purchase whatever copy of the game they want?

warriorcase1382d ago

This is all PC collectors editions for years. They seem to just be going that way with it for some strange reason with console. Really it should be optional for those on buying on console.

Relientk771383d ago

This is really sh*tty. I would be so mad if I bought a collector's edition and it didn't even come with a game disc.

shuvam091382d ago

What the actual F is going on with this new generation? I kinda don't want this generation to arrive anymore.

xander707691382d ago (Edited 1382d ago )

The industry is going to keep taking steps to an all-digital future. IMO it should be resisted at all cost. An all-digital future is one where publishers have all the power and consumers have little, if any, actual ownership over the media they purchase. It seems convenient for many now, but the reason the industry is pushing for it is because it strips consumers of rights. One day you won't be able to play games, even single player games, without being constantly connected to an online server, and likely paying subscription fees etc.

shaunh201382d ago

I'm glad, digital is so much better, more convenient, no disc to damage, cannot be stolen, about time a publisher understood this and took this step I say!

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Modern Games Are Getting Too Long

While there’s a lot to love about modern video games, there is one trend — particularly in the AAA space — that tends to grate: their length.

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GoodGuy0968d ago (Edited 68d ago )

Games are coming out with too much fluff and side activities that are horribly dull. That's my main issue with all these open world games. Open world should be about exploration, discovery and wonder, not have some stupid 10s or 100s of boring activities spread throughout.

IAMRealHooman67d ago

100% agree
All these ubisoft titles, Farcry, AC, Ghost recon, boast huge maps, but with the same, 3 missions or the same base to clear 100s of times. Hour 1 of any of those titles is the same as hour 100, there big for the sake of being big, with the illusion of player freedom, where we really want depth and player expression.

Ninver66d ago

Give me a solid 15-20 hour engaging single player driven IP any day. Life's too short you dig.

isarai67d ago

I stopped buying overfluffed games like a decade ago. Cant stand games with the Ubisoft mindset of just filling maps with uselss collectibles and fodder. Make it mean something. Ill gladly take 1/4 size of the map and 1/10th the "content" if it all meant more, were more unique and greater affect on your progression.

Abnor_Mal67d ago (Edited 67d ago )

Well people complained like the world was ending when a few games were six to ten hours of gameplay. Developers listened and started making longer games full of repetitive gameplay, time wasting fetch quest and other forms of bloat. In doing so they were able to justify the high cost of a game being sold to the customers at seventy dollars or more.

H967d ago

Filler, it's like a 80 episodes show where only the first and last episodes actually matter

Inverno67d ago

It's been a problem with pretty much every modern AAA game all through last gen and this gen. God forbid you point it out tho because all these big games are masterpieces and people lose their minds if you criticize them. Death Stranding is a fetch quest fest, but people will die defending it cause it's a "masterpiece".

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Far Cry 20th Anniversary Celebration

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DefenderOfDoom281d ago

Played and enjoyed Far Cry, Far Cry 3 and 4 campaigns .

-Foxtrot81d ago

4 wasn’t so bad

Pagan Min was pretty entertaining

Skuletor81d ago

Yeah, 4 was good, was hard choosing which Golden Dawn member to side with, when they were both pieces of sh!t.
I've beaten all the main entries except 2 and 6, ended up uninstalling 6 to download something else instead.

Profchaos81d ago

I'd love a far cry pack with the original PC game (not the half assed port on ps360) instincts, predator even a port of far cry 2 to modern consoles back when these games had their own identity and weren't far cry 3 cut and pastel

Demetrius81d ago

Still one of my most favorite franchises along with assassins creed

banger8881d ago (Edited 81d ago )

Same here, I don't know why these games get so much hate. I've thoroughly enjoyed every single one of them, with only a couple of exceptions. I wish they'd hurry up and announce Far Cry 7. The only thing I'm concerned about is the rumoured time limit.

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