
NVIDIA RTX2080Ti cannot run Watch Dogs Legion Preview Build with 60fps on 1080p/Ultra Settings/RTX

DSOGaming writes: "Watch Dogs Legion is one of the first Ubisoft games that will support real-time ray tracing effects. Ubisoft held a preview event in which various media had the opportunity to test the PC version with its RTX reflections enabled. However, it appears that NVIDIA's most powerful GPU, the RTX2080Ti, is unable to run the game at 60fps."

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Daniel21831422d ago (Edited 1422d ago )

Phil Spencer confirmed DirectX ray-tracing for the title on Series X. Hopefully also 60fps

ColdSin1422d ago

Not with incompetent Ubisoft at helm.

MightyHealthy1421d ago

They must be doing something right, they're what, the 3rd biggest dev

Sunny123451421d ago

Are they incompetent, or does Ray tracing requires that much of graphical power, that they have to limit to 60 fps. Time to preorder the 3080.

RazzerRedux1422d ago

"Hopefully also 60fps"


TheHan1421d ago

More likely to hit 60fps on Xbox than PS.

Shane Kim1421d ago

The Han

Fps is cpu task wich is the same on both consoles.

RazzerRedux1421d ago

More likely it will be 30 fps on both.

Jin_Sakai1422d ago (Edited 1422d ago )

Ubisoft games usually run like crap. They don’t know the definition of “optimization”.

morganfell1422d ago

Optimization in ubi speak means optimal DLC coupled with optimal games as service packaging to provide optimal profits.

UltraNova1421d ago

Add optimal executive shuffling to the mix and your spot on Morgan.

Baza1422d ago (Edited 1422d ago )

All those TF and no confirmation series X will run this cross gen game at 4K or 60fps. All we get is a “ray-tracing”/little better reflections!? Expected more

aftershock1421d ago

If it doesn't run at 60fps with DXR on a 2080ti it's not going to on XSX 😂😂😂

BeRich2331421d ago

if ubisoft makes a performance mode, it might happen.

ForwardDude1421d ago

"Hopefully also 60fps" If he didn't confirm it, probably won't happen. If he knew it was 60fps for sure, he would have say so. If you have to guess and be hopeful, either Phil Spencer is not good a marketing ( which honestly he is not ) or it won't happen. When Watch Dogs Legion is confirmed to run at 60fps on Xbox, Phil Spencer will not hesitate to say it is so. In the meantime, spreading rumurs is unhealty since it give unrealistic expectation of the effective power of the Xbox.

lpking20051421d ago

Phil Spencer says a lot of things!

Profchaos1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

Nope no chance they will target a locked 30 with partial ray tracing if today's digital foundry analysis is anything to go off.

I'm sorry but Phil Spencer's 60fps with RT is all marketing and in house first party targets while third party make zero promise of this. Some of the most advanced of hardware and graphics cards that will cost the same as the entire next gen console range will only do 30 with RT. Console optimisation is a thing because you don't have a big os overhead but it's not that big.

But maybe they will give a 60 fps option if you use SSR instead of RT or something

SierraGuy1421d ago

Trust me....windows overhead is so big...Ms doesn't even use windows to manage their azure servers...they trust Linux more.

rainslacker1421d ago


That's more because Linux is more adaptable to different architectures. They wouldn't be using a standard Windows Kernel either way if they were running servers of that magnitude. Has nothing to do with the overhead of Windows....which is actually a lot, and is actually why consoles can outperform PC's with similar, or somewhat better specs.

gravedigger1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

60fps in open world title like WD3 with full path raytracing on next-gen consoles? Yeah, no . If much more powerful GPU 2080tiRTX than GPUs ( and CPUs and more RAM ) in next-gen consoles can't run this build at 60 fps at 1080p, neither will PS5/XSX

SierraGuy1421d ago

Sony first party developer could easily get 60fps out of this title...with rt.

esemce1421d ago

If a 2080Ti can't do 60 fps then the consoles have no chance.

Father__Merrin1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

it doesnt even run at a solid 60 fps on pc it definatly wont on consoles it will be 30 i predict.

edit: yes lets just buy a 3080ti when it comes out lol thats laughable what about a pc gamer who have a 1060

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 1421d ago
SamTheGamer1422d ago

XSX will run it smoothly with 4K 60fps and RT enabled.

TheOptimist1422d ago


Valhalla won't be running at 60fps on next gen consoles. What makes you think Legion will lol

Destiny10801422d ago (Edited 1422d ago )

the fact that all Developers are showing 2080ti footage and not xbox footage should tell you all you need to know about the xbox version

Kavorklestein1422d ago

MS went with Assassin's Creed for marketing. So of course they went with the 2080ti to show this off, since Nobody paid them.
This game looks dumb to be honest, and AC didnt even get gameplay during Xbox's stream in May.
Ubisoft totally dropped the ball.
Ubisoft are really struggling the last year or so, which is sad, cuz I've always liked them. AC Valhalla.... yikes.
I knew Vikings seemed like kind of a dumb fit for an Assassin's Creed title.
I've seen enough to know that I will never care about what is there in that game. First AC game I have no interest in.

Yodasfavoritesoda1422d ago

Well a 2080 max q ran the unreal 5 demo better than the ps5 so what’s that tell you about it. Them epic tried to cover it up and went around having people delete tweets and interviews. A 7 and some odd tflop mobile gpu

SamTheGamer1421d ago

They were running the UE5 demo video on a video player 🤦🏻‍♂️

IRetrouk1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

@ sam, dont bother mate, fanboys spreading shite dont care about facts, or care about listening, just a normal day on n4g😂

ForwardDude1421d ago


"MS went with Assassin's Creed for marketing" vs "Nobody paid them"

Which one is it? Nobody pay them or Microsoft pay them?

RazzerRedux1421d ago

"MS went with Assassin's Creed for marketing. So of course they went with the 2080ti to show this off, since Nobody paid them."

Microsoft bought the advertising rights from Ubisoft so yes, Microsoft is paying Ubisoft.

Kavorklestein1421d ago

You guys don't even get what I'm saying, jesus... I'm saying nobody paid for WATCHDOGS.... so they did it on a 2080ti cuz it's the best way to show it by default.
Pretty much Nobody wants exclusive promo rights to watchdogs or even really cares about it from what I've seen.
Assassin's Creed, MS paid for that deal, yes I know that guys.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1421d ago
olafu1422d ago

Well... maybe at PC low settings.

Harryvok1422d ago

I think you underestimate how taxing ray tracing is, let alone 4K. These consoles are 'budget' machines compared to high end PC setups. We need to lower our expectations. While some games may be 60 FPS, they won't be 'ultra' settings.

SierraGuy1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

Maybe you should go watch the DF comparison video on F1 2019/2020.

The PC does almost nothing more than current gen consoles...sharper shadows....oooohhhh...give me a break everything set to ultra.

Mr Logic1422d ago

HAHAHAHAHAHA. You'll get either 4K30 with RT or Dynamic 4K30 with RT. If you're lucky there will also be a 60fps performance mode in the 1080-1440p range without RT, but I highly doubt it. Ubisoft seems allergic to 60fps with their open world games.

silenthillstrangler1421d ago

I'd be happy with chequeredboard 4k or 1440p if I can have 60fps.

SierraGuy1421d ago

Not their fault open world sucks.

aquamala1422d ago

More like checkerboard 4K, 30 fps, selective RT, medium settings

rainslacker1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

But it will have the highest quality pixels.

Plus, according to Spencer, Checkerboard is still True4K. At least on the X1. Apparently it's not True4K on PS when it does the same thing

tontontam01421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )


Minecraft with RT enabled runs @30 fps on xbox series x.

DashMad1421d ago

XSX won't be able to run 4k 60fps let alone PS5 both GPU inside them inferior than RTX 2080TI.

SierraGuy1421d ago

I think they're equal...that's why they used it.

Sunny123451421d ago

Cmon man, we all know 2080ti is atleast 30% more powerful than the next gen consoles gpu. So if pc can't do it, consoles can for sure not do it. Optimization can only take you so far.

peteymcpickle1421d ago

If a £1000+ graphics card can't do it, the new xbox absolutely can not. No matter how much time you spend with Mr Spencer's cock in your mouth.

ForwardDude1421d ago

Confirmed...in your wet dreams!

NobleRed1421d ago

Yeah because the Xbox can do what the 2080ti isn't able.😂🤣㊃ 8;‍♂️

RazzerRedux1421d ago

Expectations for next gen hardware is over the top.

Charal1421d ago

You made my day.
It will run at 30fps on consoles, period.

Sunny123451421d ago

Don't say period when you ain't sure. Console games don't have graphics on max settings, its medium. So whats most probable is devs giving options for either 60 fps@ low graphics/ray tracing, or vice versa. Only someone mentally retarted will say that next gen console and pc high end graphics card have the same power. I only play on ps4, but I have the audacity to accept that pc has more graphical power than ps4/ps5

Powerhug1421d ago

Yes, it will also clean, cook and give you blowjobs.

Sunny123451421d ago

all this pc/ console comparison is redundant. You all say about high end graphics card. Fine pc is superior, double fps on same settings. Look at the fckin cost, all these people saying 2080ti(most here don't have it). That alone is 1200$. You are comparing a 3500$ product with a $400 dollar product and getting 30-40% more output. Congrats retards.

1421d ago
+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 1421d ago
TheOptimist1422d ago

Ubisoft games are almost always crap in terms of optimization. No surprises here.

masterfox1422d ago

Why we are focusing in reflections instead of creating some appealing fun gameplay instead?, if this will eat lots of GPU performance just to show off some shiny reflections is not worth a damn bit put your hardware in such consumption stress, overall while you are playing and if you are really are having fun, in the end you will not even notice it this so called ray tracing thing.

Rachet and Clank PS5 is the perfect example in how to use new technology in games, even thou it will include that ray tracing nonsense, is main focus is how they utilize their new SSD tech and displays how it affects the gameplay and create a very frenetic world that I would really want to play right now, and for this new Watchdogs game it looks kinda nice visually but for the gameplay part it just looks more of the same.

Edgelordsupreme1422d ago

When you dont know what you're talking about, but still feel compelled to open your stupid mouth.

1422d ago
masterfox1422d ago (Edited 1422d ago )

lol seriously some people get very mad for no reason.

"these people think the SSD will add some magical gpu power"
haha nope is just that some people are well informed ;)

JCOLE131951422d ago

@Fax There was also a guy in here named MorePowerofGreen and he was probably one of the worst I’ve seen.

Ashunderfire861421d ago


So a genius like Mark Cerny that is smarter than you don’t know what he is talking about when he talks SSD being a game changer? You Xbot gamers are so ignorant! Hell many developers praise the SSD for the PS5 including Epic games so your smarter than Tim Sweeney???? Why don’t you work for any of those companies? If SSD is only about load time why even talk about it being a game changer? It was already confirmed that Rachet and Clank For PS5 is using the SSD to go thru worlds without a loading screen at all! Both Series X and PS5 is taking full advantage of the SSD when games now require it! Most games you played on PC on current gen only had games with mechanic hard drive, an if you had the SSD it was only used for faster loading. The next generation consoles are not only using it to load games faster, it’s all about the changes in game development and how a level is made. No longer and repetitive corridors in a shooting game as a limitation. Developers never have to use cutscenes techniques to hide load times. Understand the fact that games up until point have been running on old mechanical hard drives. That why Resident Evil 8 according to Capcom can’t run on PS4 and Xbox One because it’s a demanding open world horror game with no load times that run smoothly on required SSDs, which also means the PC version have to completely change the requirements! You see you gamers think you know more than the developers who have PS5 and Series X Dev kits! So do your own research before you run your mouth 👄

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1421d ago
RonsonPL1422d ago (Edited 1422d ago )

While I hate seeing ray-tracing hype at this point (clearly consoles (30fps) and PCs (1080p on 2080ti..) are too slow for it to be reasonable use of power and die space) I cannot agree that R&C is a good example of technology improving gameplay.
Here are my points about it:
- this looks like something which will be "cool" for a few minutes
- even if not, I'm not sure it fits the fast paced exploration+shooting style of the series
- if they wanted, they could've done that already. PS4 has 5GB or RAM for the game. PS3 had like 400MB. The graphics would take a hit, but by using the graphics style of PS3 games, this could still look nice, and would run at 60fps, which is way more important for gameplay than RT and SSD combined, even on PS4, and with 12GB of RAM for the game on PS5, even more so.
- even if you like the portal thing, answer this question honestly: Is it bigger than one simple addition in R&C:Crack in Time on PS3? Cause the time mechanics were more interesting and a bigger "feature" than portals IMHO, and even so, I still didn't find it to be anything special. Glide flying on PS3 was 100x more fun gameplay addition than even this. And I don't see myself liking portals more than time manipulation mechanics in CiT.

SSDs are cool and all, but you should not expect it to bring huge gameplay improvements. The only thing which really matters in terms of gameplay, in next-gen consoles, is the CPU speed increase. Count more complicated physics, move games with current physics from 30fps to 60fps or more. Allow for better VR. These are the things that shape the next-gens, not RT and also not SSD for many, many game genres. You can imagine SSD to be helpful in GTA VI, but not so much in a Tekken game.

IRetrouk1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

So all the devs saying the SSDs will allow new gameplay, features and designs are making it up? Including microsofts devs?

While I agree with you point about cpu etc being important, so is the SSDs in these consoles. The io stuff alone is a game changer.

as for ratchet, there is no way that would run on current gen, never mind a ps3....come on man...be a bit more realistic.

"Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart is a game that utilizes dimensions and dimensional rifts, and that would not have been possible without the solid state drive of the PlayStation 5. The SSD is screamingly fast. It allows us to build worlds and project players from one place to another in near instantaneous speeds. It is an unbelievable game-changer in terms of, we can now do gameplay where you’re in one world and the next moment you’re in another.”


rainslacker1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

Next gen raytracing is kind of a half step into the raytracing technique for gaming. Even the newer GPU's yet to release are only maybe 3/4 steps. Ray-tracing in it's full form, like they use for Pixar movies and the like,is quite involved, and still can't be done in real time using massive rendering farms.

What's done currently with games is sufficient given the level of power available to the consumer, but it's not what most people would cite as full ray tracing if they really use the technique to it's fullest. At least not say that it's what is fully capable to achieve....because technically it is RT.

But, that's OK for consoles, or even PC gamers, because it's become apparent not many people really understand what raytracing does anyways, nor really what to expect from the process. Reflections are a good way to exemplify the technique, but it's actually much more involved than that, and reflections can be done in ways that are not as taxing, although they'll be limited on their scope and quality. What'll be more impressive is the ray tracing that is more about how real light reflects or reacts to objects as a whole, and combining multiple sources into one, and have the object actually show that light the way it would be shown in real life, which will then have some sort of effect on other objects or light sources. Something that will still be done through more traditional lighting methods that we're already used to.

RonsonPL1421d ago


(Why I don't have REPLY button on your messages?)

""So all the devs saying the SSDs will allow new gameplay, features and designs are making it up? Including microsofts devs?""

Give me quotes. Loading times and bigger locations are not significant gameplay changes. This is not gameplay-related. Don't get me wrong, I fully understand what devs say and what SSDs will bring to the table, especially when the mess with latency is taken care of. I know PC tech stuff, no worries.

SSD being a game changer.

No. SSD is not a game changer. It is a game changer for very specific things, which won't matter or even exist in majority of games.

""as for ratchet, there is no way that would run on current gen, never mind a ps3....come on man...be a bit more realistic.""

I didn't say it would look the same. Read my mesasge again. I've said the graphics would have to be changed in order for it to fit in the RAM alone, without SSD fetching the data. I meant just the gameplay mechanic. It was possible without SSD. The raytracing takes RAM. The realistic lighting and materials take up to 6x as much as the "non-realistic" ones. And this game seriously can stay away from realism without any harm. I mean, come on. It's R&C, you cannot go much more unrealistic if you wanted to.
Assume the level in PS3 had to fit in 400MB. Two levels of this quality is 800MB. You really think it's not possible to get this running on PS5 with its 12GB of RAM? It would still have enough RAM to make it look nice. And it would be even possible on PS4. Less data could go nicely with higher framerate, which is a real game changer, unlike SSD or this portal mechanics.

Kavorklestein1422d ago

Ratchet and Clank does not need an SSD to make those world jumps happen, and we don't have any proof that it even uses the SSD to do those scenes.
Any platformer game could do that honestly if the devs wanted to.

one2thr1421d ago

Um no, those were entire levels[Allegedly] being loaded in within a few frames.

Something like that on todays tech, requires a load screen.

IRetrouk1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

The devs literally said it was only possible because of the ssd, take you head out your ass and stop making crap up man, starting to look desperate now to be honest.

"Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart is a game that utilizes dimensions and dimensional rifts, and that would not have been possible without the solid state drive of the PlayStation 5. The SSD is screamingly fast. It allows us to build worlds and project players from one place to another in near instantaneous speeds. It is an unbelievable game-changer in terms of, we can now do gameplay where you’re in one world and the next moment you’re in another.”


Kavorklestein1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

@one2thr yes I agree. Allegedly is the right word.
@IRetrouk You don't know what I mean. I know the SSD is Faster than the Series X. Doesn't mean it is ONLY possible cuz of SSD.
I look at Titanfall 2, when we used the time travel mechanic, that showed no sign of affecting framerates or performance. Sure there were a few jumps in Ratchet, not just switching 1 back and forth so it's got obviously More going than Titanfall 2. But I'm saying, if a specific mission or sequence was DESIGNED to allow us to jump more than one time, or to have multiple worlds to jump to, then I still believe it could be done on current gen hardware.
Sorry you're not gonna convince me without system breakdowns that PROVE it could only be done with an SSD.
Because logically when thinking about the developers goal, and that when putting all the work into the entire sequence, all the planning required to make sure that when you press X on the controller to make Ratchet jump, and then he magically continues his fall directly onto a rail perfectly in another "dimension" or when you are sliding down glass windows on a sci fi building for a few seconds, and it becomes a waterfall in the next dimension, that that visual sequence is going to be streamlined and designed to "appear" like you are going thru or warping thru multiple worlds and dimensions. But you really aren't. There has got to be some huge tricks put in place to make it APPEAR like you are going thru multiple worlds.
From what we've seen, They are probably nothing more than slices. Meaning they are scenes, interactive scenes to move around in while the scene changes around the character. This means They aren't fully open worlds where you are going to go 2 miles off into the distance to explore and then have another 20 fully fleshed worlds to explore. If you ask me, Unless the player gets to choose (for example, using a quick select radial wheel or shoulder buttons or something) exactly which world to jump to, and unless the player gets to choose exactly how short or long to stay in that world, then when the "warp" happens, it's nothing more than a highly scripted and visually varied scene. A scene being rendered behind the scenes in a specific sequence, according to the plans the devs created for that specific pursuit or race, or flight, or chase scene, but the worlds are not fully fleshed out and they are not truly real time... It's a slice chosen for a scene or sequence.
And that could be done on current hardware. Period.
Unless you can see and track an object or npc's movement between warps and see them exactly where they should be when you jump 2, 3, or 4, or 7 times, and come back again, OR unless you can control and compare the jumps, and fully roam and jump freely, then it is clearly designed according to follow a sequence or scene. Sequences have been done in engine before, chase scenes have had lost of tricks used to make them varied because they are more or less on rails. This looks to be on rails, and allow character movement.
Now at the end of it all, we have the next question... Is jumping around like that actually gonna add something significant and meaningful to the game or gameplay? Cuz if we don't actually get to spend more than a few seconds in each section then I'm just gonna be frustrated that I can't stay longer in the futuristic sci-fi city, and that I'm stuck in the Grassy hills and butterflies world instead.

It's nifty and its visually cool and all, and I love the Ratchet games, but unless there is a real reason for it to be part of the core gameplay besides "oh no! the space time rift is collapsing!" And causing me to run thru the world and platform thru the sections that change then I don't really see what is so special/important about it.

IRetrouk1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

Not trying to convince you of anything, just repeating what the devs have said, also I didnt mention the xboxs ssd at all, not sure why you felt the need to add that, has nothing to do with our discussion 🤷‍♂️.
I'm just giving you what the devs are saying that directly contradicts what you are. You said we have no proof an ssd is needed for r&c, or even that it's being used, I gave you a direct link to one of the devs telling you it is and that you are wrong, like it, dont🤷‍♂️

You cant say you dont believe the developers or what they have specifically told us and then go off on a tirade of reasons you have just made up for why the ssd is in fact not needed, why are you right and the devs are wrong? What games have you designed or developed🤔

Kavorklestein1421d ago

Dude, I'm just not gonna believe what they say. They, as a company want to sell a product. They are gonna say whatever they want. I don't have to believe it is only possible cuz of an SSD. I can think what I want.

And to be honest, MS isn't saying stuff can only be done with an SSD. Devs are talking about the SSD' because it probably makes their jobs easier.
Also, If anything, MS is actually saying that much of the new stuff can be done on older or weaker hardware, just with lower fidelity.
And I agree with their statement, until I see proof otherwise. I think this is an example of Insomniac creating slices to help hype an SSD because that's what Sony wants... to sell consoles, and Insomniac wants it to help sell copies of the game.
And it's fine, not a bad idea, and I'm not gonna lose sleep over it. And you shouldn't either.
I'm excited to PLAY Ratchet and Clank regardless. But I'm not so easily convinced that the SSD's are so important. Frankly, I think I'd rather have a 3 tb internal HDD than an SSD cuz I'm still waiting for a breakdown of what the SSD does besides help with loading times and open world draw distances/pop-in or reduce redundancy for assets etc.. etc..

Still Haven't seen a radical example of something that ONLY AN SSD could handle. At the end of the day, even if the SSD doesn't do much besides make it easier for devs, speed load times, help with asset streaming to the GPU, and like on Xbox, quick resume or swap games in a jiffy, then that's okay, I'm not trying to convince YOU or argue with you either. You replied to me saying my head was up my ass.
I gave a very detailed breakdown of what I believe is going on with Ratchet and Clank. That's MY opinion.
You don't have to agree with me or care.

IRetrouk1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

Again, not trying to convince you of anything, I'm pointing out things you said that contradict what the devs have said, like it or dont, agree or dont, that's fine, but if you say stuff expect others to dispute it, like it or not, a devs word is way more believable than a forum user, whether they want to sell their new game or not.

Ms have stated more than once how important the ssd and io work is...you want links?

Also the medium is next gen only, their devs also say it's because the game is only possible with the xboxs ssd, it's also been in an article or two on n4g, are they also wrong?

IRetrouk1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

And just to be clear, I only said you have your head up your ass because of your original statment.

"Ratchet and Clank does not need an SSD to make those world jumps happen, and we don't have any proof that it even uses the SSD to do those scenes."

You wrote that as fact, I provided a link to a dev that proves what you said is wrong, you then proceeded to double down on your assertions, while talking like they were fact, which again is fine but contradict what devs are actually saying, you also keep mentioning ms, not really sure why to be honest🤷‍♂️

You also said any platformer could do what we seen......crazy talk.

Kavorklestein1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

Yes. I believe the Medium Devs may just be hyping up the SSD's as well.
The only things we KNOW have real performance benefits for graphics the RAM, CPU, and GPU's in these machines. The SSD can help load those assets into memory, or into the other components faster than before.
Even still, I don't see anything yet that makes me feel like I needed an SSD
to achieve what I'm seeing for any upcoming game. Maybe that will change with time. I do know The Quick Resume on Series X seems nifty, and I suppose load times being faster on Xbox and PS5 sure doesn't hurt, so I'm not bashing them for using SSDs, but I'd rather have a 3 or 4 tb internal drive instead if I had a choice... UNLESS these devs show me proof that the SSD is in fact what makes it possible.
Ms and Sony have a lot to prove.
The Medium Dev IS just hyping the SSD in my opinion.
Insomniac however is taking something that doesn't really look that difficult at all, and saying it is only possible with an SSD. Just because they are "WARPING" doesn't mean the Character actually went to an new world. The scenery probably was just changed around them. Likely Loaded behind the scenes while Ratchet walked closer towards an objective/waypoint and then the sequence starts... and then the exact sequence plays out. Or maybe a handful of "possible sequences" That are randomized.
Until I see more or get a detailed breakdown of how it works, then I don't believe it's anything spectacular or needs a blazing fast SSD to accomplish. Mayne it makes it EASIER? But that doesn't necessarily mean it's only Possible with an SSD.

If Ratchet's worlds are truly open worlds that are fully detailed and explorable, and have many things you can do at your own pace, and jumps you can do ay your own pace or timing, then it's nothing more than an interactive cutscene, a distaction to help load the next scene/scenes, in essence.

I don't have to be a game dev to know that it's a good idea to visually stun people and wow them. And I don't have to be a game dev to tell the difference between what they say is happening, and what is more than likely happening behind the scenes.

Now if I'm wrong, then great!
I'll be very excited if these worlds are actually really there and are fully explorable and able to be loaded at the drop of a hat. I just don't believe it is the case.
Probably just visual tricks and design choices make it appear like you warped somewhere else, briefly, an action filled cutscene on rails.
People don't have to be developers to know that there is a difference between what CAN be shown visually on a screen, and a fully detailed and explorable world being rendered in an instant.
We just haven't seen enough and/or they haven't specifically shown enough to confirm what they are claiming is more than a cutscene of sorts.
Devs seem to like these SSD's cuz they make their jobs easier. Faster and IO read/write speeds help them put their ideas on the screen easier with less redundancy, and probably less optimization.

Doesn't mean I believe everything MS and SONY are trying to sell us tho, or that I believe everything they are Paying devs to tell us.

IRetrouk1421d ago

Look I cant dissagree with scepticism, it's a healthy thing to have, but I do honestly believe the likes of r&c and the medium really are doing things the older consoles just cant do with their new memory systems, I'm excited for these next gen systems, this gen has went on too long for me personally, even with the mid gen upgrades.

Kavorklestein1421d ago

@ Retro
Fair enough.
I'm not bashing you at all for being excited. Notice I never made it personal.
I am glad You are excited, I am too. I am just being skeptical until we see more.
I wanna take devs at their word, but I've seen enough about how the world works to know most ideas and hype need to be taken with a grain of salt I suppose.

I personally hope I am wrong, but I kinda want to see the proof in the pudding on a comprehensive level.

I kind of wish devs would show us breakdowns of what they are doing. I like geeking out with Digital Foundry Videos and wish there were more in depth breakdowns from the devs themselves. Maybe as unlockable developer diaries when we beat a game? Or a deep dive that shows the side by side performance changes on each version of a game from a performance standpoint, and what the devs themselves had to do to get to that level.
That stuff could always be faked too I suppose.... Damn.
Idk my whole point for going off on a tangent was to make sure you understood why I think there isn't always such painstaking and revolutionary work being done on a certain scene.
They say "work smarter and not harder" so I think tricks are definitely used in games all the time.
If the SSD's really are what they say, and really are what makes it all possible, then that's fantastic.
I'd rather them be telling the truth, than buy something expensive as part of a console that is more or less just an extra convenience perk for me or the devs.
I'd rather not be sold to, telling me it is essential for a game to run.

I'm hoping these consoles live up to the hype, big time.

IRetrouk1421d ago

I apologise for my bluntness, it can come off as disrespectful and I honestly dont mean my comments that way, I can see your point of view and dont dissagree with your thought process at all, I guess I just tend to believe the likes of insomniac as I've spent a long time playing their stuff, either way, we find out before Christmas lol.

Kavorklestein1421d ago

No worries dude!
It happens. I'm not worried about it,
To be honest this was a fairly decent exchange back and forth, especially for N4G! LOL
I like Insomiac too for sure.
I liked Sunset overdrive crazily enough Even tho many others didn't.
I've played almost all the Ratchet and Clank Games so far and this one looks beautiful and fun.

I really really didn't wanna come off rude either, just wanted to fully explain my view on it all.
Thanks for reading all my thoughts and staying rather civil.
I hope these consoles live up to the hype, and that we will be able to get our hands on them in a timely manner with no Shortages.
Cheers man, and Happy Gaming.

ForwardDude1421d ago

I can feel the salt of your tears on my skin. Please stop being a soy boy for once and admit PS5 has a next gen SSD and Xbox honeslty don't.

Kaze881421d ago

"I look at Titanfall 2, when we used the time travel mechanic, that showed no sign of affecting framerates or performance. Sure there were a few jumps in Ratchet, not just switching 1 back and forth so it's got obviously More going than Titanfall 2. But I'm saying, if a specific mission or sequence was DESIGNED to allow us to jump more than one time, or to have multiple worlds to jump to, then I still believe it could be done on current gen hardware."

So very strict linear corridor slice of a game that uses 80% of the same assets and there is not a lot going on (around 10 enemies max at any point + only couple moments you can see people running on a lobby in the next room) is compared to a game that loads totally different assets with filled backgrounds as far as the eye can see, with pedestrians/cars/animals and enemies around 3 seconds and does this same for 5-6 times in a row + looks graphically more impressive than Titanfall 2 (love that game btw)....definitely was not using any new hardware or an SSD to pull that of....yeah, sure.

Press X to doubt.

C-H-E-F1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

@kavorklestein, Don't believe everything you read on the internet bro. Also, spend more time learning about COMMON SENSE, I know that is a lost trait in society today.

Kavorklestein1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

I DON'T believe everything I read on the internet. Duh.
Exactly why I wanna see the info and the proof before I simply believe something a dev says. I fully am on board when saying the graphical fidelity of the New ratchet and clank is impressive, and Horizon 2 looks even MORE impressive. But then again these graphical advancements are what we expect from the PS5. I'm not bashing the PS5, or anybody. I'm just looking for more substantial proof that the SSD is actually doing something besides load fast. I'm not looking for on rails cut scenes being passed off as "seperate worlds" which is what appears to be what we've seen so far. Unreal Engine 5 demo was much the same way. The part where the character is exploring sure seems legit. It's the most stunning Graphical stuff I've ever seen done in an engine. By far. But the part where she flies around at the end seems like an on-rails interactive style cutscene and not actual free play. Combine the fact that there is only one character on screen and the entire Demo only has to draw the world and the 1 character in it, on rails, with a little freedom to maneuver her around during flight, then who knows what we actually saw?
Still looked stunning, it would seriously be amazing if games have the potential to end up looking that beautiful. But that's not my point.
I'm remaining skeptical of anything I am shown from next gen. From Xbox and PS5. I want to see the real data and details for myself, or being broken down and explained for ultimate transparency. To be honest, many next gen games we have seen DO actually look really stunning. I just want more. Even if all the games coming out use clever tricks to achieve what they are doing, as long as it looks good, then I won't really care in the end. So don't worry, I'm not in need of common sense.
More infirmation and data is all I need. I am more than capable of detailing my initial impressions of these recent game trailers, and I fully fleshed out my explanation for what I think could be done to make a game look like real time jumps between worlds.
My thoughts make sense, and I'am bother to diss or bash anyone or anything. That's why Me and another person were able to have a rather civil conversation about it all.
I always make plenty of sense.
I'm not worried about what anyone thinks of me or my opinions anyway though.
I already know My thoughts and opinions are far beyond what most people can even follow along with or understand. That is THEIR issue, not mine. I have the ability to understand and dissect and analyze far more than most people I've ever known, let alone
think, let alone coherently type.
I'll be the first to say WOW when I see something being broken down or fully explained. If the proof I'm looking for ever comes to light then I'll eat my words.
But until then, my hunches and guesses are more logically sound than just believing everything a dev says blindly. No matter who that developer is.

rainslacker1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

The dev said that the SSD was required to design that game that way. I'm not sure what proof that they could provide that would appease your claim, because you can't prove a negative.

If you can make something like that work to prove you're right, then go right ahead. But claiming that the dev is lying because they can't prove it is not really a strong way to back up your claim.

If any game could do that now if the dev wanted to, at least that fast, why is it that we still have masked loading times, or long load screens for levels? Are you saying up to this point, not a single dev has been able to manage it, or even try? That seems rather implausible, because any dev that could manage to do that would have a technology that is more valuable than any game they could make. Hell, loading that much data from a standard hard drive that fast would have ramifcations on the entirety of technology, from hardware, software, up to data transfer on the internet. We're not talking being worth millions, bot billions, but being worth trillions. You have no idea how much data you're talking about sending at that speed with nothing more than software, on what is a rather modest hardware set up.

Since that hasn't happened either in gaming, or in general purpose computing where people dedicate themselves to do nothing but trying to figure out how to lessen bandwidth between systems, i'd say that maybe it's more likely that Insomniac was just telling the truth.

So, we're faced with two choices.

1. Believe Insomniacs claim that what they specifically showed to show off the SSD tech actually did require SSD because no other evidence suggests that it's possible otherwise.
2. Believe some random internet guy on a modest forum site who says it's possible without SSD because he thinks he knows, and needs proof to believe, despite providing absolutely no proof of his own, or giving one example where it's even been tried.

Tough choice really.

Be careful what you claim to think you know. There are things in the works that show things being streamed in as fast as you can turn the camera....which is basically at the speed the GPU processes a frame. You can only hold onto your theory for so long before you end up looking foolish.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 1421d ago
Bobertt1421d ago

Ray tracing is overrated. Its just Nvidia and Amd pushing it down everyone's throat so they can charge more. It's clearly not ready for games and even when it does work its not worth the performance loss. It looks cool when you first see it but after a while you don't even pay attention to it in most games. I would of preferred they focus on improving VR cause that's more useful in the long run.

Kavorklestein1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

I agree to an extent.
I'd rather not take the performance hit for something so negligible.
And for sound, I swear that companies always have some new gimmick to sell sound devices and peripherals to us, and have done so for decades. Games have sounded good enough for almost 3 gens in a row.
If it's all about power, why potentially cut it in half for better puddles, God Rays, and sound?
Oh well. Maybe there will be something that really makes it all worth it. So far, I'm kinda like "We'll see."

XBManiac1421d ago

Because Ray Tracing sells now... every generation of consoles there is a catch for some consumers and this one it is RT.

Saijahn1421d ago

Reflections add to the realism of a game. So while I agree that there are more important features for next gen, mainly making 60fps the standard on both platforms, both companies see raytracing as an integral part of the next wave of gaming capabilities.

NotoriousWhiz1421d ago

If Ray tracing is so taxing, why even use it? I'll gladly take 60fps over ray tracing. Every single time.

SierraGuy1421d ago

Raytracing is overrated I agree 100%.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1421d ago
XxINFERNUSxX1422d ago

RTX 3000 series will be coming. Preview build hmmm, needs more time but I doubt it will change the performance much. Ray tracing is still not ready yet. This should be on ultra 4k/60fps not to struggle at 1080p/60fps pretty pathetic. I have a 2070 Super will be upgrading to the new 3000 series but not so much about ray tracing, it's more about how much more FPS I can achieve.

SegaGamer1422d ago

Even when the official game is released, with RTX 3000 series and a new driver for performance optimisation, I still don't think the game will run amazing. Ubisoft's open world games are terrible when it comes to optimisation.

XxINFERNUSxX1422d ago

Yeah, Ubisoft is not putting enough effort to take advantage of the RTX cards. Again, all this power yet here we are with sub-par performance.

phoenixwing1422d ago (Edited 1422d ago )

I find it funny you're upgrading to 3000 series and I just bought the 2070 super online lol. All I wanted was something that could run next gen games at 1440p and be around 60fps.

XxINFERNUSxX1421d ago

Yeah I don't know LOL I got my Super in Nov of 2019 but I feel like I just wanna upgrade :D And sell my super to https://sellgpu.com/ I usually send my older gpus/cpus there. As I don't like to wait around for ebay buy it now or bids :D Your more than fine for 1440p/60ps or even more than 60fps. Me I have an Alienware - AW2518H 240hz gsync. It's 1080p but I still want a faster GPU to push more FPS in future games ^)^

phoenixwing1421d ago

Good luck on the 3000 series I hope your frame rates are buttery smooth and the gpu not overpriced too high (we both know Nvidia will price them a little high though lol)

XxINFERNUSxX1421d ago (Edited 1421d ago )

Thanks. :D The Super was 499$ at the time I bought it. I know they will launch their higher end models then move down to the lower end ones first. Because paying over $1,000 for the 2080 ti and not getting the performance it was made to do is pathetic really LOL. nVidia needs to do better and step it up.

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Watch Dogs Legion Receives Mysterious New Update After Ending Support Two Years Ago

Over two years later, Watch Dogs Legion has gotten a surprise update on the day of The Game Awards.

northpaws178d ago

New ads? I kid I kid.

I do appreciate Ubisoft's keep making single player games, but hope they can learn from some of the best open world games in the industry and evolve, I don't really like their recent games, but I don't want them to go away either.

Profchaos177d ago

I hope they learn from wd legion don't build a fanbase then use that fanbase as guinea pigs to test out a new idea on a sequel.

Who am I kidding it's ubi the whole franchise has probably been put on ice because of this failed experiment

Hypnofear177d ago

Which is a shame because Watch Dogs 2 was actually really good!

Ironmike177d ago

If they just left with the Kames bond like char ter in the beginning I'd loved it


The entire WatchDogs series is 87% off and it's not even Black Friday

If you are looking for a bargain, check out the huge discounts across the entire WatchDogs series on Steam.

Read Full Story >>

PlayStation Plus Game Catalog lineup for May

Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, Humanity, Watch Dogs: Legion, Dishonored 2, Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition, Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin, and more.

Today we’re happy to reveal the PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for May 2023. All games will be available on Tuesday May 16. Let’s dive in.

Read Full Story >>
closed_account390d ago

Holy crap, R&C Rift Apart is a huge score for those who haven't played it! It was so good.

just_looken390d ago

i agree though I don't have a ps5 but i will activate this when the prices get out of apple range.

outsider1624390d ago

Well lets hope its soon, because you never know when the game will leave psplus.

DivineHand125389d ago

I don't think it is fair to compare the PS5 to apple prices since an iphone hasn't been at $499 since the original iphone launched.

One thing I can say at your benefit though is that in gaming then longer you wait to buy, the better the deal, though if you wait too long your backlog will get out of control.

LordoftheCritics389d ago

Rift Apart is the best chill game I've played this gen.

System seller on PS Plus is a huge win.

roadkillers389d ago

I think you can redeem over your phone, no? When you get a PS5 you will have games.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 389d ago
MasterChief3624390d ago

A huge score for those of us that didn't just buy it literally one day ago and it's on the way now :'(
But I guess it's good to own it, as well! And I don't think I want to get PlayStation Plus right now, so it's not a huge loss. But it is still a little saddening.

I got my PS5 today, actually! Been wanting to play Rift Apart for so long. And I played Astro's Playroom at a friend's house, and that was when I was like, "I NEED THIS." Such a fun little game with so many wonderful references to Playstation stuff!


potatoseal390d ago

You could just re-sell your copy that is coming in the mail. But it's up to you. Rift Apart is so damn good. It blew my mind how good it looks and plays.

Dirty_Lemons389d ago (Edited 389d ago )

I hope you love it, dude. Nothing beats a shiny new console, and the PS5 is 👌 May I recommend Returnal, challenging but not Soulsborne-level challenging, and extremely good making use of those new haptics you're going to be playing around with.

Tapani389d ago

Hey I'm a relatively new PS5 owner here, but how does this new PS Plus system work? So if I go in at the Premium level for a month, it would mean I can play Horizon 2 and Ratchet & Clank just like that, right?

closed_account389d ago

Yea, you don't even need to sub Premium if those are the 2 games you're after, they're included on PS Plus Extra.

Premium just adds the legacy library of PS1, PS2, PS3 titles that are on the service.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 389d ago
potatoseal390d ago

Played and platinumed Ratchet And Clank: Rift Apart at launch. Loved it so much. 9/10

Am I going to download and play Bus Simulator 21? You bet :-D

potatoseal390d ago

Was just thinking I wish Bus Simulator was PSVR 2 compatible. Imagine looking over your shoulder at the passengers you pick up? Haha

*turns head around while driving*

"Shut the Fk up back there!!!! You want me to crash the bus?!?!?!?!!"

Davros69390d ago

haha, you sound like an Aussie

MrNinosan390d ago

Have to download it as well. Is it compatible with wheel?

potatoseal390d ago

Yeah apparently it's compatible with a fair few wheels. Game has been out a while.

just_looken390d ago

Yeah the vr experience on playstation continues to be crap compared to pc sadly.

Bus sim 21 vr on pc

And do do that well its on pc duh crap $700 console should do vr on alot more than select titles

potatoseal390d ago

PS VR2 is actually really awesome man. I have one. It's only new, so maybe I will wait for Bus Simulator 21 to get a VR update then. Judging by that video, the game looks fun in VR

just_looken390d ago

I doubt it will look at psvr 1

Dandalandan117389d ago

Will definitely download Bus Simulator as well.
My son will surely have a blast with it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 389d ago
italiangamer390d ago

I think this news has reunited two long lost brothers, OtterX and potatoseal 🤣.

potatoseal390d ago (Edited 390d ago )

For 5 months we got 102 games

001. Back 4 Blood | PS4 002. Dragon Ball FighterZ | PS4
003. Devil May Cry 5 | PS4 004. Life is Strange: Before the Storm | PS4 005. Life is Strange | PS4 006. Jett: The Far Shore | PS4 007. Just Cause 4: Reloaded | PS4 008. Omno | PS4
009. Erica | PS4 010. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order | PS4 011. Fallout 76 | PS4 012. Axiom Verge 2 | PS4 013. Syphon Filter 3 | PS4 014. Star Wars Demolition | PS4 015. Hot Shots Golf 2 | PS4 016. Evil Dead: The Game | PS4 017. OlliOlliWorld | PS4 018. Destiny 2: Beyond Light | PS4 019. Mafia: The Definitive Edition | PS4 020. Horizon Forbidden West | PS4 021. The Quarry | PS4 022. Resident Evil 7 biohazard | PS4 023. Outriders | PS4 024. Scarlet Nexus | PS4 025. Borderlands 3 | PS4 026. Tekken 7 | PS4 027. Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown | PS4
028. Earth Defense Force 5 | PS4 029. Oninaki | PS4 030. Lost Sphear | PS4 031. I am Setsuna | PS4 032. The Forgotten City | PS4 033. The Legend of Dragoon | PS4 034. Wild Arms 2 | PS4 035. Harvest Moon: Back to Nature | PS4 036. Destroy All Humans! | PS4 037. Battlefield 2042 | PS4 038. Minecraft Dungeons | PS4 039. Code Vein | PS4 040. Uncharted 4 | PS5 Fixed 041. Uncharted Lost Legacy | PS5 Fixed 042. Tchia | PS4 043. Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Extraction | PS4 044. Ghostwire Tokyo | PS5 045. Life Is Strange: True Colors | PS4 046. Immortals Fenyx Rising | PS4 047. Life is Strange 2 | PS4 048. Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot | PS4 049. Street Fighter V Champion Edition | PS4 050. Untitled Goose Game | PS4
051. Final Fantasy Type-0 HD | PS4 052. Rage 2 | PS4 053. Neo: The World Ends with You | PS4 054. Haven | PS4 055. Ridge Racer Type 4 | PS4 056. Ape Academy 2 | PS4 Fixed 057. Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror | PS4 058. Meet Your Maker | PS4
059. Sackboy: A Big Adventure | PS4 060. Tails of Iron | PS4 061. Anodyne | PS4 (Bonus Game) 062. Kena: Bridge of Spirits | PS4 063. Doom Eternal | PS4 064. Riders Republic | PS4 065. Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus | PS4 066. Slay the Spire | PS4 067. Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom | PS4 068. The Evil Within | PS4 069. Wolfenstein: The Old Blood | PS4 070. Bassmaster Fishing | PS4 071. Paradise Killer | PS4 072. Doom | PS4 073. Doom II | PS4
074. Doom 64 | PS4 075. Doom 3 | PS4 076. Dishonored: Definitive Edition | PS4 077. GRID Legends | PS4 078. Chivalry 2 | PS4 079. Descenders | PS4 080. Humanity | PS4 081. Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart | PS5 082. Watch Dogs: Legion | PS4 083. Dishonored 2 | PS4 084. Dishonored: Death of the Outsider | PS4 085. Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin | PS4 086. Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition | PS4 087. Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration | PS4 088. Shadow of the Tomb Raider | PS4 089. Bus Simulator 21: Next Stop | PS4 090. The Evil Within 2 | PS4 091. Wolfenstein: Youngblood | PS4 092. Thymesia | PS5 093. Rain World | PS4 094 Lake | PS4 095. Conan Exiles | PS4 096. Rune Factory 4 Special | PS4 097. Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town* | PS4 098. Soundfall | PS4 099. Syphon Filter: Logan’s Shadow | PS4 100. Blade Dancer: Lineage of Light | PS4 101. Pursuit Force | PS4 102. Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered | PS4

January 15 Games | February 21 Games | March 21 Games | April 19 Games |
May 26 Games | June Unknown | July Unknown | August Unknown | September Unknown |
October Unknown | November Unknown | December Unknown |

meanmallard390d ago

PS Plus IS the best gaming subscription.

S2Killinit390d ago

It really is the best way to go.

crazyCoconuts390d ago

For a lot cheaper than the other guys even

PhillyDonJawn390d ago

102 games aww that's cute 🤭

Petebloodyonion390d ago

Well technically the best deal remains by far EPIC games free offering since well it's free but aside that it's a hell of deal :)

andy85390d ago

Its funny, a few months ago this would have got so many down votes but it probably is now, the Extra/Deluxe service is flourishing. Even a day one game this month is added

andy85390d ago

@phillyDonJawn that's games added, not total. PS sub has more games on it than Gamepass but keep reaching 😂

potatoseal390d ago

@ PhillyDon, lol there are something like 534 games on PS Plus Extra right now. That is not including PS Plus Premium

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 390d ago
ModsDoBetter390d ago

Seriously didn’t even realise how good the PS offering was.

I’m on the highest tier but the only things I gravitate toward are the two monthly games.

It was only recently that I found how to properly browse the PS+ section on the dashboard and there’s a ridiculous amount of high quality content on there.

I own a good amount of them either physical or digital but still a great selection.

Crows90390d ago (Edited 390d ago )

Yup. Ps extra is cheaper than gamepass ultimate as well...until those quality Xbox 1st party start actually kicking in ps+ is the most affordable and highest quality service.

I'll be trying out legion and humanity for sure.

MasterChief3624390d ago

So how does it work? Are these all available now? Or is it a rotation system? I literally only got my PS5 today and am a bit of a newb of this console generation.

potatoseal390d ago (Edited 390d ago )

These are all available right now I'm pretty sure. But I will post the actual lists of games. You will know in advance if anything was to be taken off this list too. A good time in advance.

PS Plus Essential (lowest price) - is the normal PS Plus and you get games every month. Here are the games for this month...

PS Plus Extra (mid price) - Is same as essential, BUT has all these extra games from this list, except for the PS1, PS2, PS3 and PSP games, (there aren't that many). More releasing every month. Here is all the games from PS Plus Extra

PS Plus Premium - same as essential and extra. But has all the PS1 and PS2 and PS3 and PSP games. More games releasing every month. Here is the list of games from this one...

Glad you got a PS5. It's a good investment. So much to play and so much to come. Have fun man

Ps5conehead389d ago

These are available may 16th

meanmallard390d ago

Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin Is fantastic, I can't recommend it highly enough.

Even though you have never heard of it it went on to sell well over a million copies.

meanmallard390d ago

If even one person reads this and plays it and has half as much fun as I did I'll be super happy.

jznrpg390d ago

I own a physical copy good game

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