
Disintegration | ThisGenGaming Review

TGG says: "Disintegration aims to mix things up by adding RTS ingredients into the FPS genre but just like the Gravcycle you pilot, it fails to fly high."

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bloodyspasm1441d ago (Edited 1441d ago )

If anyone here wants to help set up a multiplayer match, let me know. I'd really like to try the MP mode, yet I haven't found a soul online in the last 7 days :(

AK911441d ago

I actually quite liked this game it tried to do something new in an era where doing such a thing is considered taboo and honestly imo it succeeded it just needed more content game just abruptly finished in a completely random spot.

bloodyspasm1437d ago

I think they had big plans for the multiplayer that will never come to fruition as nobody is playing it. as for the singleplayer, it just feels like too many of the important story beats have happened off-screen. Why is Romer Shoal so famous? Why should we hate Black Shuck? Why are the rayonne so motivated to kill or enslave all the humans?


Disintegration Update 1.06 Removes Multiplayer From The Game

Disintegration has been updated to version 1.06 on PS4 and the patch notes confirm that this update has removed the multiplayer from the game.

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shadowhaxor1298d ago

Shame, even though MP was a bit rough, it had potential.

TGGJustin1297d ago

What's good about this though is that the developer changed the trophies from the MP mode to the Single player trophies. That way you can still earn all of them. This is the only time I've seen that done and more games should do this when they shut down the online part.

1297d ago

Disintegration’s Multiplayer Will Be Removed

V1 Interactive says: "We have made the difficult decision to remove Disintegration’s multiplayer modes from the game across all platforms. This will be done in phases over the coming months, starting today with the removal of the in-game store, and will conclude on November 17th with the full removal of multiplayer. The single player campaign will remain fully playable moving forward."

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bloodyspasm1359d ago

It's sad, but not totally unexpected. We tried to boost the multiplayer achievement with 7 people once and couldn't even find the other three needed to start the 5v5 games :(

Skate-AK1358d ago

The devs said they are supposedly patching the game to remove the MP trophies/achievement. https://i.imgur.com/x9fuRy4...

SaveFerris1358d ago

Disintegration’s Multiplayer is set for disintegration.

1358d ago
DragonWarrior191358d ago

I honestly forgot this game was even a thing. The reveal trailer wasn't that good. This has got to be the quickest this has happened, right?

bloodyspasm1358d ago

It's also the quickest it's ever become clear that MP wasn't going anywhere.

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Disintegration Review | Player Vs Alcohol

"Disintegration looks to walk a path that has only ever seen a handful of travelers. That path is the one of the hybrid RTS/FPS genre, which does not immediately recall a slew of titles."

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bloodyspasm1423d ago

Pretty bummed how the multiplayer was DOA (on xbox at least) :(