
The Last of Us 2: Building Off The First Game

How did the events of the first game set the stage for a sequel, despite the clear end to Joel and Ellie's story?

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The Last of Us Part II wins audience-voted EE BAFTA Game of the Year

BAFTA Games: "The only award voted for by YOU, it’s the @EE Game of the Year. And this year’s winner is… The Last of Us Part II"

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RaidenBlack1181d ago
GottaBjimmyb1181d ago (Edited 1181d ago )

Agreed, I am in the VERY small few I suspect. But I was never too impressed with the original, the second was more polished in ever way (graphics, gameplay, script) IMO. It definitely hit some SJW talking points, but honestly I couldn't care less, as the story seemed good anyway. I will say, the Joel scene was pretty impactful to me, I NEVER thought they would do that to such a well known figurehead in the PS catalog.

I don't get the hate TBH, though, I don't think it is fake hate, just that I don't personally understand it.

KyRo1180d ago (Edited 1180d ago )

The hate is mainly online by trolls of people who never played it or had it spoilt because they read the script before it was released. Not everyone who did play it liked it and that's fine but an overwhelming majority have nothing but great things to say about the game.

Doing what they did to Joel was a very ballsy move and one way to many games, films and TV shows are way to scared to do when it comes to such big characters.

EmperorDalek1180d ago

There's plenty of videos on YouTube explaining why people disliked the story, if you wanted some insight.

@KyRo - Now that's just blatantly false.

Kurt Russell1180d ago

I have the same thoughts as you. I enjoyed the first one, but the polish of the second sucked me in... There were some really immersive levels and dare I say it... I actually liked playing Abbie.

Highrevz1180d ago

The AI was massively improved over 1 and that’s the only fault I could have picked with the game.

Part 2 is a love hate kinda thing, games wonderfully made but the story direction is not what I wanted. I can hate on the game for that but it doesn’t result in the game being crap just because the story didn’t go my way.

RazzerRedux1180d ago


"There's plenty of videos on YouTube explaining why people disliked the story, if you wanted some insight."

Are you seriously going to pretend there are not plenty of videos on youtube praising the story. You are the one who needs insight.

And what KyRo said is correct. Just look at the review bombing the game received on metacritic before it was even released. This is a documented fact.

And now look at the awards the game has received from actual gamer votes. You don't like it and that's fine, but you are in the minority.

tombfan1180d ago

People like to get mad at things that are different, they risk telling a more mature, interesting story with genuine great "twists" and people are mad because it didn't followed the marvel formula of heroic deeds and everyone's alive or resurrected and kicking "bad guys" asses.

1180d ago
1180d ago
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Akira20201180d ago

Just two simple words: Lev LOU3

anast1180d ago

I would be about this.

RazzerRedux1181d ago (Edited 1181d ago )

Audience voted? Yep. Well deserved win. Glad to see actual gamers are recognizing how great this game really is.

Snookies121181d ago

I feel like most of the haters are actually on this site, haha. This game deserves to soak up every single award for how outstanding it was. Truly an incredible step up from the original. My only issue was the pacing which was a bit off for me personally. But everything about this game just radiated love and attention to detail from Naughty Dog. Truly excited to see what the future brings from their studio!

Jin_Sakai1181d ago

I’m sure most of the haters haven’t even played the game.

blackblades1181d ago

@Jin true, also some people hated it for the wrong reasons as well.

SullysCigar1180d ago

I think most hated either because they're just sheeple regurgitating what other haters said, or because it's a MASSIVE game and they thought they'd seem cool..

I expect there is a tiny portion who genuinely didn't like some aspect of the game, but it's fair to say this game was very well received overall and has a huge completion rate too!

LucasRuinedChildhood1181d ago (Edited 1181d ago )

As with many articles about this game, someone is using spam bots to dislike comments ... but hasn't used them on the replies so it's a bit obvious. haha.

blackblades1181d ago

It has been awarded so many awards, the haters can hate all they want its not gonna change anything. It still get many awards a long with sales figure that it sold.

Tetsdah1180d ago

Pretty much. I think it is the most audience voted going by the gameawards.net aggregate. It is something funny to observe, even with the numerous vocals trying to tear it down.

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VerminSC1181d ago (Edited 1181d ago )

AUDIENCE VOTED. Once again proving only the vocal minority hated this game.

They like to pretend critics are idiots and most gamers hated it.

TGGJustin1181d ago

Look at the salty downvoters LMAO. TLOU2 has been picked as GOTY by players over 100 times now which is more than any other game ever has. The haters can't stand that truth that they are a tiny minority.

repsahj1181d ago

well deserved indeed. TLOU2 and GoW for me are the 2 best game on ps4 to date.

Snookies121180d ago

Whaaa-? No Ghost of Tsushima? But yes, those are two incredible games. The twilight years of the PS4 have certainly been a wonder to behold.

1181d ago Replies(21)
NukeDaHippies1181d ago (Edited 1181d ago )

It's still one of the worst/boring sequels ever, no matter how many times you tell me "it won awards though".

When Doom has a smarter story then your narrative heavy AAA game, you got problems.

Silly gameAr1181d ago

No one has to convince you of anything, though. That's the best thing about the world not revolving around you. Just because you didn't like it, doesn't mean others didn't. You're a small fish in a big pond.

You like Doom better? Good for you. Go find a Doom thread since you have no interest in this game like you say you don't.

SDuck1180d ago

he's still allowed to express his opinion though. No need to be so triggered about it

Tetsdah1180d ago

@ SDuck

He's voicing that opinion due to the game winning all those awards. Otherwise there is no reason to say that no one can change his mind. He was triggered the game winning that and other awards.

I'd recommend him just to move on.

AnotherGamer1181d ago

Comparing Doom Story to TLoU2.... really dude?

1180d ago
outsider16241181d ago

"It's still one of the worst/boring sequels ever, no matter how many times you tell me "it won awards though"."

Thats your opinion. The awards it won just proved to the haters that it deserved to be the goty. And not just that, it went on to prove to the haters that not everyone hates the game by winning awards voted by the gamers themselves.

As for Doom..good for you. I didn't even know doom has a story. I thought it was mostly for gameplay.

Unknown_Gamer57941180d ago

Unless you're a big deal in the industry, no one needs to convince you of anything, because the only thing you're an authority on is your own opinion. All opinions are subjective, including the majority opinion, so no one's making you believe anything. What this proves however, is that you and the majority can agree to disagree.

waverider1180d ago

Doom, story, lol.... One thing that doom never had is story. Do You even know what that word means. Story, plot, back ground story. Doom and smart story is just....

Edgelordsupreme1180d ago

Doom Eternal did not have a smart story, it’s just a vehicle for the gameplay. It’s amazing how simple you guys are.

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A Last of Us 2 easter egg has been found in Uncharted 4

A new discovery appears to link Uncharted 4: A Thief's End to The Last of Us 2 in an intriguing way.

In a post on The Last of Us sub reddit, user kheinrichs547 spotted that in Uncharted 4, you can find a pill bottle from Weston's Pharmacy - the same pharmacy that's seen in The Last of Us 2.

In the comments section underneath the original post on the subreddit, there are additional details about the pharmacy. It turns out that Weston's is actually present in Left Behind, the story DLC for the original Last of Us which starred Ellie and Riley. The pair explore this store in the mall that they escape to in the DLC.

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Sonic-and-Crash1182d ago (Edited 1182d ago )

im calling it now ...i found TLoUS2 has ton of easter eggs for the next game ND will develop ... if you look closely the books in TLoUS2 they r reffering to prehestoric life and space worlds/travel (also the TRex in the park)...their next game will have smthing to do with Dinosaurs and Space

1nsomniac1182d ago (Edited 1182d ago )

The dinosaur models are pretty generic however the space ships are very customised and have been done to an extreme level of detail so 100% their next game involves space and I would assume reuse the models to a larger degree and that’s why they contain so much detail.

NealGamby1182d ago

I thought it was confirmed years ago that ND was doing a space game. If I remember correctly, there were a few articles that mentioned them doing R&D at NASA or something similar.

Sonic-and-Crash1182d ago (Edited 1182d ago )

@Neal ...yes Space plot/theme has been almost confirmed by the numerous leaks/indications....but prehestoric world content is not ...i m guessing will have smhting to do with that too judging by the plethora of elements in TLoUS2 and also the tons of work they ve done on organic environments

1182d ago
Kurt Russell1181d ago

Haha, I would be well up for Space Dinosaurs.

Goodkush1182d ago

I just want my ps5 patch 😅

SullysCigar1182d ago

And the new Factions game, please!

SheenuGameCenter1181d ago

yes missing factions a lot and a return of Uncharted multiplayer and co op like uncharted 2 would be great.

Atticus_finch1182d ago

I hope we hear something about the MP soon. The wait is too much for me.

technophobia1182d ago (Edited 1182d ago )

Yup...has been found 5 years ago. https://youtu.be/WyA13Ll6pw...

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Naughty Dog Has “Several Cool” Things They “Can’t Wait to Share”, Urges Fans to Remain Patient

Naughty Dog co-president Neil Druckmann has said that his studio has some things in the works that they can’t wait to share.

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RaidenBlack1203d ago
TheExecutioner1203d ago (Edited 1203d ago )

IF ND then I cannot wait too to see

I believe their next project will have something related to "space"

RaidenBlack1203d ago

Yea, I want something sci-fi but also grounded. And a tease of it in late-2021 🤞🏻.
But before that, in near future, 4K@60 updates for Uncharted 4, LL and TLOU II.

Sonic-and-Crash1202d ago (Edited 1202d ago )

Personally i dont want to see any game from Druckman in collabaration with ND....and to explain myself i really would to love to see /play a game from Druckman separately that would have designed whith his own studio (team) and separately from ND .....ND is not a company to make personal opinion games and impact already successful IPs, ND is the best first party studio of PStation, is the tip of the spear for PS and needs wide acceptance , technologically perfect, super quality 3A games like Crash, Jak and Uncharted ...

Druckman needs his own studio to express himself however he wants (smhting like Kojima) i would really go buy and fully support his games but is not right to impact games that ve been created collectively , have tremendous success with their design/lore/type of game and are the flagships of one of the biggest companies in gaming

cerpintaxt441202d ago

@Sonic-and-Crash wtf are you on about dude? did you play the last of us 2?

jznrpg1202d ago

@Sonic your out of luck then because he’s the head of the studio .

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solideagle1203d ago

uncharted and TLOU coming to PC /s

Espangerish1203d ago

That would be a let down of comically epic proportions if it turned out that was the ‘big surprise’

Atticus_finch1203d ago

You're going to be waiting for a long time.
You would be lucky to get U1.

neomahi1202d ago

Kiss PS goodbye then, if its on PC, what need is there for a console, right? If console manufacturers just want to put it all on PC, why are they bothering with console exclusivity, do they figure by leaving the console war first, theyll look like SEGA? Honestly, SEGA left at their strongest moment and then once there was no console, somehow, the quality rappidly flew downhill like Sonic at the start of Sonic Adventure 2.

Its doing far more damage than it is good. Sonys install base is massive, they dont need the PC market. Theyre just doing it because Microsoft is and it seems like a good idea after as many years riding thr innovation highway, while Microsofts sales floundered, they had to come up with some way to get sales, and picking on the PC market seemed like a way to keep from drowning, problem is, even Microsofts PC service sucked so, now theyre hanging out at Steam.

RaidenBlack1202d ago

( Uncharted Nathan Drake Collection + The Last of Us Remastered ) Bundle?

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IGiveHugs2NakedWomen1203d ago

Savage Starlight

The comics Ellie collected.


generic-user-name1203d ago

I really hope Factions 2 or TLOU Online or w/e they end up calling it, is truly expanded upon. They said the reason it wasn't included with TLOU2 was because they got too ambitious, so I want to see that ambition. I've seen rumours of a leaked 'Incursion' mode, would love if it was like an open Seattle map that you could scavenge in with friends and with PvP and PvE. That's what I would consider ambitious, if it's just the same modes from Factions 1 with no major improvements it'll be a let down (that I'll still play because Factions was great).

SullysCigar1202d ago

Same here. They must have learned so much from Factions - even though they nailed it at the time - so I'm hoping for a huge improvement given the time that's passed between the two games' development.

So excited for it!

rpvenom1203d ago

pretty sure it's going to be uncharted thieves end and last of us 2 ps5 versions included in this "several cool things". as well as the LOU2 multiplayer. Hopefully we see a new game announcement though.

LegoIsAwesome1202d ago

Hmm several cool things. Either a TLOU2 MP or UC/Tlou series PC announcement. Jim Ryan is really the best if its the latter.

SullysCigar1202d ago (Edited 1202d ago )

Lol 0/10 for trolling

LegoIsAwesome1202d ago (Edited 1202d ago )

0/10 for trolling? Remember when HZD PC leak was laughed out by ppl? Look at that game now. Oh and Days Gone PC? Yep. So who's trolling?

You fanboys are quick to defend Sony. But when Xbox was in this situation laughed at them but with Sony "Its ok, its for so more people can play the game." LMAO. What a joke

VenomCarnage891202d ago

@Lego; you're being disagreed with because of the context of this info from ND. They wouldn't boast about cool things to come, while referring to pc ports, that's just obvious. I see it happening eventually, yeah, but that isn't what they're referring to here. Here they are talking about exciting stuff that will be relevant to their fanbase, which is on PlayStation.

Also, regarding the thing about Sony and MS fanboys you've mentioned, there's a huge difference between MS releasing every single game on PC on day 1, vs Sony doing it years later after sales have already dried up on their console.

CrimsonWing691203d ago (Edited 1203d ago )

I'm hoping a new IP, which I know Jim Ryan said they're a big risk, but nothing ventured nothing gained.

Jin_Sakai1203d ago (Edited 1203d ago )

Some will work and some won’t. If not for taking chances no game would exist. We need new IP.

SierraGuy1203d ago

This ryan character needs to go.

Tacoboto1203d ago

This was the only generation without a new IP from Naughty Dog too...

mkis0071203d ago

Sony has more new ips each gen than any platform holder.

CrimsonWing691203d ago

Yet nowhere near as much as earlier generations.

You want to make comparisons? juxtapose the PS1 library original IPs to PS4 or even PS2 original IPs to PS4.

I get that game development is way more expensive, but giving consumers less and less original IPs isn’t doing the industry any favors.

Army_of_Darkness1203d ago


Naw bro, you compare with other consoles and Sony is still way ahead in terms of new IP's... You can't compare ps4 to ps1! obviously the ps1 was a new platform so of course your gonna get shitloads of new ips! like duh...
ps4 on the other hand is more established so as a company of course they are gonna play it safe and use the more known ips like any other platform holder. which is why I have much respect for Sony's consoles cause they are still pumping out new ip's every gen unlike the other ones that play it way to safe.

CrimsonWing691202d ago (Edited 1202d ago )


That doesn’t make sense. I’m comparing the companies previous generations to their current generations.

The PS4 was a new platform as is the PS5. I’m not sure what you mean by “new platform gets a shitload of new IPs”. Isn’t that how it should be with any new platform? ...like, duh?

Being more established means you play it safe? I’d venture to say if you were brand new to the industry you’d play it safe. It makes no sense to take risks starting out and being successful to take less risks. The only reason you see less IPs is the cost to develop games are substantially more expensive than in the past.

Still, my point is if you don’t take risks with new IPs the industry will get stagnant. Can you imagine if in the past they didn’t take a risk on something like The Last of Us just because they’re afraid to take the risk and instead just gave us more of a game that was successful from the generation before? It’d be like eating Thanksgiving leftovers all the time so-to-speak.

1202d ago
jznrpg1202d ago

@CrimsonWings69 games cost a lot more to make and a lot more time these days so less new IP from everyone is obvious . But they still do it better than anyone

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kneon1202d ago

its really no different than the movie business. For every blockbuster movie that rakes in 100s of million there are a dozen that barely break even or even lose money.

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