
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 Needs to Abandon One Feature

While fans are looking forward to new features in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2, there is one feature that the sequel should just skip over.

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NecrumOddBoy1449d ago

The entire article is about how the rain makes you slip off of things and how it's annoying. I concur that it got irritating and the clouds came in at the worst times. Perhaps if BOTW had special items like a normal Zelda title, Link could have gone to a dungeon (another missing pillar of the series) and acquired the Power Boots after defeating a boss (a third missing pillar of the game... clone mini-Ganons were complete jokes) so that rain would be minimized and it would have added that item-based puzzle element to the game.

May BOTW will abandon the breakable weapons which were even more annoying.

FullmetalRoyale1449d ago

Sounds great. Well thought out!

DragonWarrior191449d ago

Breakable weapons were fine seeing as you never ran out and they weren't limited in any way. Get rid of the breaking of the Master Sword and Hylian Shield, that was the ridiculous thing to me about BOTW. The Master Sword, evil's bane...but only for 3 hits. Sure the DLC kind of helped but it should not have broken at all.

BigTrain1449d ago

"you never ran out and they weren't limited in any way"

That's exactly why that "feature" wasn't needed in the first place. Waste of time as well as thought process unnecessary shifting crap weapons around in inventory.

King_Noctis1449d ago (Edited 1449d ago )

Breakable weapon really need to go. It is really annoying. Put something else in those unlockable chests instead of weapons.

iofhua21448d ago

I wouldn't mind breakable weapons if it had crafting. I found it manageable with amiibo chests but if all you had was shrine weapons I could see how it could have been really, really irritating.

notachance1449d ago

yeah still remember going on that sort of treasure hunt which give some kinda fire sword at the end, only for it to break after 15 minutes are u kidding me?
after that I just didn't equip any remotely unique weapon and just use common ones

iofhua21448d ago

I agree slippery cliffs should have been addressed with a gear upgrade. They could have had a special zone under perpetual rain you can't climb up without getting it.

I think the zora area was constant rain until you beat the boss wasn't it? Missed opportunity there.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1448d ago
telekineticmantis1449d ago

I like how they expanded off of Shadow of Colossus, Climbing, sight based exploration, colossus/devine beasts, climb stamina meter etc. This is the best we can get unless there's a Shadow if the Colossus successor.

CrimsonWing691449d ago

Bring back dungeons and unique bosses that require a dungeon treasure to beat.

Please don't implement weapon degradation.

sushimama1449d ago (Edited 1449d ago )

That sounds perfect. I hope they keep the puzzles though, they were fun too. But yes, need dungeons and more unique bosses.

VerminSC1449d ago

I like weapon degradation. It made it so that you experience new weapons all the time

Ewan1231449d ago

Exactly, nobody wants to use only the master sword for the rest of the game once you first find it

Positivelypositive 1449d ago

The stamina bar, weapon degradation, at least let us fix weapons we like. Lists of craft-able everything. Storytelling. I am saying all this and I spent over 100 hours playing the original. Even then I thought the storytelling was the weakest part and being told through flashbacks in any order your discover them was a huge let down. Lost opportunity to tell an amazing story.

jambola1449d ago

another gamerant article with "game needs to do this 1 thing" without telling you what the thing is in the title or preview
even they know their articles are worthless and nobody would click for any reason except seeing what the "one thing" is

CorndogBurglar1448d ago

To be fair, it goes both ways. If the title said what the thing is then no one would read the article. I get what you're saying. But so many people on this site don't read articles as it is, that if the headline gave everything away a ton of people wouldn't even bother with it.

jambola1448d ago

i'm just sick of the typical titles like "you won't believe THIS happened"
it' all feels the same to me

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5 Possible Titles for The Sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

The Breath of the Wild sequel is coming in the next year, but Nintendo still has not shed light on what the name of the game will be. Harry Penwell has some ideas and even a scale as to the possibility of these names happening.

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phoenixwing674d ago

Author is so desperate and starved for Zelda news he made up his own titles lol talk about stretching

Jeriphro673d ago

Did you bother reading it? It was quite insightful. Sure, the author made up title names, but they weren't uneducated guesses. They are based on proper research and understanding of the series.

Snookies12674d ago

The Legend of Zelda: At Wild's End. The one where they go and save Link from Ganondorf's locker.

SimpleSlave674d ago

The Legend of Zelda: Smell of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda: Was that you Link?
The Legend of Zelda: NO WAY ZELDA!! IT WAS YOU!!
The Legend of Zelda: ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͠°)
The Legend of Zelda: Ok, it was me. I guess I'm afflicted by the Stink of the Wild Too.

There. Saved you the click. You're welcome.

Pyrofire95674d ago

The Legend of Zelda: Call of the New Frontier


Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 Would Benefit From Encouraging Unique Builds

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Tacoboto739d ago

The Legend of Zeldan Ring. I wouldn't mind that one bit.

dmonee739d ago (Edited 739d ago )

They need to do something. Nintendo faithfuls are gonna gobble this game up and they should. For Elden Ring players???? They’re going to take a big proverbial dump all over it. Nintendo has an opportunity to perfect this open world balance. Elden Ring is flawed. For some reason there was a middle ground that FROM software didn’t venture into, but I believe they eventually will. If they hit that sweet spot then, this new and improved, open world, Souls formula is not only going to dominate gaming, but be copied, replicated and become the de facto standard for open world games in years to come. Breath of the wild 2 has an opportunity to punch Elden ring in the face, and I hope they do, because I’m so sick and tired of losing, dying, raging, and trying again…..

anast739d ago (Edited 739d ago )

I would play this if it were more like Elden Ring. Not a bad idea actually.