
Destruction AllStars - Announcement Trailer | PS5

Destruction AllStars is an action-packed sports event that pits drivers against one another in an intense competition. The goal?

badz1491453d ago

Fortnite meets Rocket League

ocelot071453d ago

Destruction Derby but in the year 3000 lol but I like the look of it. It looks fun and can't wait to try it out.

Veneno1453d ago

Looks like the usual free to play kinda stuff...

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Destruction AllStars - UNITE Trailer | PS5 Games

Our next event, Unite, is launching today Wednesday, August 10 and brings with it a new AllStar Pass and brand new Trios playlist to dive into, with plenty more to look forward to!

ocelot07660d ago

I decided to try this again first time since launch week. I'm actually enjoying it haha.


Destruction AllStars developer still committed to game after "rocky start"

From Eurogamer: "Destruction AllStars developer Lucid Games says that it is still committed to supporting the game in the long term after a "rocky start".

In a tweet on the game's official account, the developer said: "We've put so much work in to the game from feedback and talking with our players over the last few months.

"We're still determined to keep on pushing forward and there's still so much more to come!"

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Kaii704d ago

Well they went from full price to throwing it onto PS+ monthly, I'd like to know who tested the game and said "Yeah, It's fun"

OzzY-waZZy704d ago

I played for an hour and said to myself, I'm never playing this again. It just wasn't fun.

Fluke_Skywalker704d ago

Same, it was fun for about 20mins. Game is well dead, who the hell is still playing it?

_SilverHawk_704d ago

I play it sometimes and it's a lot better than when it launched. I think it's a fun game but it needs more content. I also think it can be a lot better if they had a mode where characters had some sort of projectile when out of the vehicle and another mode where the vehicles has projectiles. I'm quite sure the devs probably tried a lot of different techniques when in and out of vehicles but I think it's a fun game that just needs a lot more to offer

Profchaos704d ago

I played the tutorial found it extremely generic and a typical
mp game couldn't bring myself to play it further Waa far go bored.

If player counts have not improved after ps plus and now the new ps plus they won't

CobraKai704d ago

I wanted to like it, but it had no depth, nor did it have any real incentives to keep playing. Maybe a career mode or something

Germaximus703d ago

The game looks fun and cool. I just don't have a PS5.


Destruction AllStars announces new game mode and events for PS Plus service

New content and upgraded game modes roll out next week.

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RaidenBlack718d ago

I still like the vibrant colorful visuals of this game.

718d ago
crazyCoconuts718d ago

It's a fun game and I try firing it up once in a while but matchmaking takes too long as no one is playing it anymore

generic-user-name718d ago

This game feels like it's *this* close to being great, it's just missing something. I think if they went with weapon pick ups like Twisted Metal (yes, I know TM is in the works at Firesprite) then that could have been it. Relying on just ramming is a bit meh.