
Call of Duty Community Calls Out Infinity Ward for Not Acting on Modern Warfare Racist Player IDs

There are loads of Modern Warfare racist player IDs and clan tags in the game, and the community has called out Infinity Ward for staying silent on it.

Majin-vegeta1465d ago

Pretty sure mods are locking them cuz they usually turn into shit shows.

SpaceRanger1465d ago (Edited 1465d ago )

I wonder how the system allows it in the first place.

There’s usually some pretty bad ones overall in big warzone lobbies. Not to mention the ridiculous use of the n-word by most players. Something that’s been around since early days of online gaming.

excaliburps1465d ago

Thing is, stuff like "IDGAF" are blocked, I think even "peen" or something gets blocked. But the racist N word isn't? That's insane. Just see the screenshots. IW has been super silent about it too. Never said anything about it.

Nitrowolf21465d ago

I'm surprise they allow those words, most games dont'

FPSRUSSIA1465d ago (Edited 1465d ago )

Infinity ward just posted about it there banning them


excaliburps1465d ago

Only took them what? Six months to actually post a tweet about it. Yeesh.

Jrios3551464d ago

Better late than never, I guess.

Games1st1465d ago

"thousands of bans a day" and more systems in place to increase that number.

hanko141465d ago

it didnt stop them when covid hit.

Rowco1471465d ago

Its a freaking user name. Snowflakes get over it and play the game. They're just trying to get attention

Hayter4561465d ago

So it is fine to have usernames with offensives words or when it clearly being used to spread hate? How about you stop being ignorant. Pretty sure you cant use offensive usernames on here either and normal not to be allowed anywhere.

Rowco1471465d ago (Edited 1465d ago )

I mean freedom of speech and expression. I'm not promoting im just saying ignore the trolls trap for attention. If not then their job is complete. They win.. plus how long have you been gaming man? usernames against every race and gender has shown up in a lobby for years. This isn't anything new

SpinalRemains1381464d ago

Rowco this is not a first amendment issue. Are you kidding? No one says arrest the player. The game is run by a private outfit.

outsider16241465d ago

There was a username going by "GeorgeFloyeddeservesit&q uot;.

That's pretty messed up.

medman1464d ago

Meanwhile these junkless types online won't even look a real man in the eye on the street. Typical for that kind. Cowering behind a screen and a controller and fake names to hide their impotence. It is to laugh.

ReignMan_271465d ago

While I get what you're trying to say by just overlooking it, as a black man growing up in the south it's not that easy. People have been ignoring racism for years now and look where it's gotten us. The people that have racist usernames and etc are typically thinking like those police officers and others that's racially profiling and killing people because of the color of their skin. When racism is ignored, the racists win. I've been playing CoD since 4 Modern Warfare so I know how the lobbies can be, but should it really be like that? Throughout the years I've been playing more single player games than multiplayer because of this.

medman1464d ago (Edited 1464d ago )

Yet another cretin belittling a problem it doesn't understand. Wake up skunk, and realize your pathetic little mind isn't capable of understanding basic concepts. Talk less, listen more, and seek to improve yourself. If not, you will undoubtedly suffer the consequences of such sheer stupidity. Good luck.

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EazyC51d ago

MW was an excellent videogame. They messed up Spec Ops big time, but aside from this it was a huge step in the right direction initially. Most notably, at launch it seemed to come from a very cohesive creative vision that was felt across gameplay, to story to art style/visual direction. It was also very notably written by prominent ex-Naughty Dog guys that quit almost immediately before release.

That COMPLETELY dissolved through post-launch content and the full pivot to a "cross-mode" narrative that completely obliterated the cohesion in overall story direction. Warzone then "became" the new face of Call of Duty and the franchise completely removed itself from anything remotely creatively "good". It is a pure money machine, so I kinda get why they're doing it....but I personally completely lost interest.

I would love to see Infinity Ward move off CoD and get to make their own product with full control. They clearly have some massive talent in their ranks but it's perverted by Activision's corporate interests.


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neutralgamer1992327d ago

I really hope we get other activision games on GP soon. My dream would be Scarface but I know the license probably expired

P_Bomb327d ago

Love me some Scarface! I even bought the comics. Yeah, licensing would probably be an impasse.

4Sh0w327d ago

hmmm, coincidence? Either way this is a good sign for gamers after the ABK deal.

porkChop327d ago

I played through Scarface again last year and it still holds up. Such a fun game. I would love for Xbox to get the rights back to remaster Scarface and make a sequel. It sold well and they had plans for Scarface 2, 3, and 4. With how long it takes Rockstar to make games the market is wide open.

TheColbertinator327d ago

That game was so much fun. Expected a cheap GTA clone but it was a good drug empire building game.

shinoff2183327d ago

They didn't just have plans but there's actual gameplay out there for scarface 2

neutralgamer1992327d ago

Seriously man we need games like

True crime
Sleeping dogs
Watch dogs( more like original not legion)
And proper saints row

GTA can’t be the only option we need other games

P_Bomb327d ago

Gun was Activision as well. Nice open world Wild West there imo.

neutralgamer1992325d ago

Gun is such a underrated game

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SlothLordPootus327d ago

None of those games had dedicated servers on console in the first place? Were always player hosted. Did something change?

Rutaprkl327d ago

Older cods like Mw, Mw2 and WaW were way better than Call of Dutys nowadays

GoodGuy09326d ago

Make activision remaster mw2 (2009) multiplayer please xbox.