
The cyberpunk roguelite action deck builder “Haxity” is coming to Steam Early Access on June 17th

Megapop Games have just announced a new launch window today for their rougelite action deck builder with a PVP twist, "Haxity". That's right, because "Haxity" is now coming to PC via Steam Early Access on June 17th, 2020.


Haxity Sets a New Level Of Fun For Card Based Games- Skewed and Reviewed

Michael at Skewed and Reviewed has posted a positive review for the new card based game. He found much to like but did mention that the lack of variety was an issue.


Haxity Is much more than a cyberpunk Slay The Spire (TheSixthAxis)

TSA writes: "Haxity is a brand-new game that takes the deckbuilding components of a game like Slay the Spire or Monster Train and transplants them into a cyberpunk world. Despite those futuristic new threads, it’s still a rogue-like game, and you still build your deck. In the early build we went hands on with there are also three characters to choose from, each of whom has different styles to try out."

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The cyberpunk roguelite action deck builder “Haxity” is kicking-off its beta weekend on May 15th

Indie developers, Megapop Games, has just announced that they are making a final call today for PC beta testers ahead of Haxity’s (which is an cyberpunk roguelite action deck builder) upcoming open beta weekend, running from May 15-17 on Steam.

Jackhass1748d ago

Lots of Cyberpunk stuff coming this year!

TGG_overlord1748d ago

It's the theme of 2020 for sure.