
Hi, My name is Sebastian and I am a recovering trophy addict

"Hi, My name is Sebastian and I am a recovering trophy addict. I hope my personal journey may help some people who may be in the same boat I was." | Sebastian Hawden, The Digital Fix

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ps3rider1516d ago

i enjoy the game first before i do a trophy hunting even if take multiple walkthrough.
Its not a sickness as author tried to describe but yes it kills the enjoyment

rlow11516d ago

Not for you, but you can't speak for everyone. Their are people out their obsessed with getting these trophies/achievements. They will put off important things in life just to get them. Plus spend money on games that they don't care about playing, they just care about the bragging rights........ Again, addiction/obsessions come in many forms and it a real thing. So to minimize it because you don't have that issue, doesn't negate it being a real problem for others.

ps3rider1516d ago

Bro i did not speak for everyone ... i am a trophy hunter but if you see my list you can understand i play games before i do the journey of trophy hunting.

1516d ago
BrettAwesome1516d ago (Edited 1516d ago )

There's a big difference between "there" and "their". You should look into it.

P_Bomb1515d ago (Edited 1515d ago )

I know a gamer that hasn’t beaten a AAA in years. All their time goes to quick NeoGeo fodder or Barbie du jour. I don’t know what they’re chasing, but when each Double Dragon gives you 100g just for turning on reverb... 🙄

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1515d ago
1516d ago
rainslacker1516d ago

Same here. Although if I'm aware of some trophy I might try harder to get it during a play through. Usually missables, or sometimes grindy type trophies. But I try not to read the trophy lists on my first playthrough.

monkey6021516d ago

Funny story, I couldn't be bothered with most platforms achievement system. Both on Xbox, Steam, Wouldnt care for Nintendo to implement one. However trophies I love for some reason. I think it's the fact theres an individual reward for completion with the Platunum trophy at the end opposed to a numerical value

1516d ago Replies(1)
mandingo1515d ago

def prefer numerical value

MrVux0001516d ago

"It got really bad at this point, I was missing out on games that I deemed the platinum to be unachievable and I was buying games that were cheap and easy to complete."

Yup I've seen a lot of fellow trophy hunters like this one. They tend to miss out on really great games and as a result they turn a really fun little hobby into an prestige hunting job.

Mr_Writer851516d ago

See I've done the latter but not the former.

If I wanted a game I'd play it, if the platinum was achievable that was a huge bonus.

However even if the platinum seemed impossible I'd still buy it.

But, I would be play awful games because they were cheap and had an super easy Plat like that Orc game.

I have also enjoyed a couple of easy plat games.

However I too have retired from Platinum hunting, I will still get them, but only if its a game I want and is an easy Platinum, for example Spider-Man, I enjoyed getting that plat, and I enjoyed the game anyway.

monkey6021516d ago

I've never let a trophy list persuade my decision. I've never bought a cheap game because of a trophy. If I dont enjoy a game, I stop playing it. If I do enjoy a game I'll probably try the platinum. At least for as long as I'm having fun with it.

I am 1 trophy away from getting the plat in Sekiro but it's for getting all the skills and a skill point seems to be unlocking at a rate of 2 per playthrough and I cant be bothered with that. It would kill all enjoyment I have with it so I stopped.

rainslacker1516d ago

Yeah. That's the wrong way to approach trophies. At most, if I know a game I want to get a plat in is going to take a really long time, I might play something else first. But if I care enough about a game, trophies wont keep me from playing it.

neutralgamer19921516d ago

I play like normal and whatever trophy unlocks i am happy

UltraNova1516d ago

Same here. Some games though I play on hard from the get go.

CaptainOmega1516d ago

I play an Insane difficulity from the get go.

UltraNova1516d ago

Most games have "insane" difficulty locked until you go through the game once though...

shaun mcwayne1515d ago

I believe you Captain Omega, with a name like that, insane difficultly is a walk in the park. Im with ya Bro.

rainslacker1516d ago

I usually just play the game regularly the first time. Then if I really enjoyed it, I'll go for the plat, or at least do some clean up. I dont ever feel I have to get a plat if I stop having fun with the game. I have a few games where I'm one or two short of the plat, and I just leave it. On occasion I might boot it up in the future and knock it out, but that's kind of rare.

REALAS1516d ago

Geez. I get the whole obsessive behavior thing, but, really. Get some priorities and deal with the real world. Unplug once in a while.

Retard1516d ago

says the person on a video game news commentary site. Smh

REALAS1516d ago

Yeah, reading a gaming website is equal to basically being addicted to psn trophies. Perfect user name.

mandingo1515d ago

Why does being on this site mean you can't unplug lol. Must be you with the obsessive behavior.

1516d ago Replies(1)
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Search and Destroy is nice, but Black Ops 6 should have more one-life game modes

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Xbox Has A Lot To Show That Couldn't Fit In June Showcase, Could Be Revealed At Gamescom 2024

Xbox allegedly has a lot more games to show that it couldn't fit in June's Showcase, and they are likely to be revealed at Gamescom 2024.

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blackblades17h ago

So what they gonna show next June then?

just_looken54m ago

Pro versions of the console and or rumor's of the next console specs.

Obscure_Observer9h ago


I wonder what could those even be?

We already got both 2024 and 2025 packed!

just_looken52m ago

but 2027 is when the next xbox drops so the schedule demands pro versions and the start of hype train for next gen.
2000 xbox
2005 360
2013 xbox one
2020 series x/s

andy8511m ago

Very much doubt they will be bringing out a pro version. They'll move next gen slightly early to try and get the jump imo

porkChop44m ago

We still haven't seen Contraband from the Just Cause devs, or the fantasy RPG with dragons from the Hitman devs. They've got a lot of 2nd party stuff in the works.

PhillyDonJawn16m ago(Edited 15m ago)

Halo and a rumored new ip. I was wondering why they were missing


LEGO Horizon Adventures hands-on report - Playstation Blog

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darthv723h ago

I quite enjoy the lego games myself. And I say that confidently as a 50+ y/o man. They are just pure fun.