
PS4 Has Sold Through 9 Million Units In Japan Faster Than The PS3

PS4 is continuing to do well in Japan and while it has failed to reach the same level of success as the Nintendo Switch, it is not doing bad either.

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UnSelf1515d ago (Edited 1515d ago )

I wanna make a video game called Console Wars and you can pick different consoles to fight with.

PS3 vs Calecovision would be my dream match.

No, Jaguar vs Neptune (secret unloveable character)

NeoGamer2321515d ago

It is a solid not a fantastic achievement.

Switch has been fantastic in Japan. Switch has sold 13 mln units in half time Sony has this generation.

xX-oldboy-Xx1515d ago

No - it's a fantastic achievement, Sony will always struggle to reach Nintendo numbers. They're essentially in different markets in Japan.

Nintendo is in a league of its own over there.

NeoGamer2321515d ago (Edited 1515d ago )

PS4 - 9.06 mln in timeframe
PS3 - 8.74 mln in same timeframe

A 9.6% increase. I doubt anyone considers a 9.6% increase "fantastic". Solid... YES!

Final sales of Wii in Japan was 12.77 mln... PS3 ended at 10.47 mln. The Switch has widened its lead this generation on PS in a shorter time period.

I am not saying that Sony isn't doing good. Really they are doing good. But, I think it is a stretch calling it a fantastic accomplishment when they are actually losing market share to Nintendo and not even in double digit growth in quantity sold over a 5 year period.

Lets put it this way. Personally I think XSX will have at least 10% growth (not just Japan, but globally) this next generation (As long as they deliver some great first party games). If they are still second fiddle to Sony would you call the XB growth "Fantastic"? I doubt it. I certainly won't.

1515d ago
Dragonscale1515d ago

Well compared to a certain other console its definitely fantastic.

RosweeSon1515d ago

Yet they’ve sold 9 million where Xbox prob struggled to shift 900,000. 9 million in 1 country alone home turf or not is pretty impressive even if it’s only compared to ps3 which was their least successful console.

TheCaptainKuchiki1515d ago (Edited 1515d ago )

@NeoGamer232 Wow you're clearly ignorant about business. ANY company in the world would be happy to see their revenue or sales grow 5%, so a 10% increase is a very good achievement in very mature industry.

The Japanese video game market is a very specific market and has always been a special market. The tastes of the japanese consumers are quite different from the rest of the world, that's why western studios have always had troubles being successful there. The japanese market has always favored portable consoles and this generation it has nearly completely switched to portable/smartphone gaming. The fact that the PS4 sold nearly 10 millions there is impressive. The Japanese people like the Switch because it can be used as a portable console. If Nintendo had released a pure home console, it would have probably flopped even in Japan.

ABizzel11515d ago (Edited 1515d ago )

Handheld Hybrid vs home console, they are not the same and have very different audiences in JP which is primarily a handheld / mobile market. Anything over 10m for a home console is a strong seller in JP.

NeoGamer2321515d ago (Edited 1515d ago )

@genericgamer01 and @ABizzel1
So, what you are saying is that Sony is not building anything to adapt to the Japanese market uniqueness.

I know a ton about business. And an average of 2% increase in tech is not much at all. That is considered natural growth in tech. The big key is losing market share because they are not adapting their tech to work for Japanese gamers. Neither is MS for that matter. So they are both losing market share in Japan.

caddytrek1515d ago

RosweeSon, xbone has sold around 110,000 in Japan total all generation. For reference 360 sold around 1,660.000.

TheCaptainKuchiki1514d ago

@NeoGamer232 Show me a hardware company in a mature industry that has managed to increase their hardware sales of at least 20% (the only example I can think of is Chinese smartphones brands like Xiaomi).

NeoGamer2321514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

@Dragonscale and RoweeSon
And I don't see anyone calling XB sales in Japan fantastic. One could argue that Sony's uptick this generation is directly related to XB being so stupid in Japan. Not launching at the same time, no Japanese exclusives, etc. X360 didn't do all that great in Japan. But they launched their the same time and built two pretty good Japanese exclusives in Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey. But, if you are comparing Sony performance in Japan with XBO performance that is really not a place to be comparing yourself with. XBO is pretty much the worst performing console in Japan ever. Even XB ORiginal outsold XBO in Japan, I guess its sales were fantastic to then.

So what is the definition of a console then. Just because Nintendo has built a multi-purpose device does not mean it is not a console. It is a console+portable gaming device. There is nothing stopping Sony or MS from doing the same thing.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 1514d ago
Abnor_Mal1515d ago

Probably due to FF7R selling over 700,000 copies, so the PS4 also got an uptick in sales.

Neonridr1515d ago

it will be interesting to see if it outsells the PS3 overall in Japan. Needs another 1.5 million for that. (give or take)

waverider1515d ago

Final fantasy Was the last push

The_Sage1515d ago

Yeah... Cause no one in Japan would be interested in playing Ghost of Tsushima in Japanese.

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