
RE3: Massive Performance Upgrade for Xbox One X after Patch

The game now holds higher framerates than its PS4 Pro countrerpart during gameplay, while still drops frames in cutscenes.

"A story with a happy ending? You bet! When we first took a look at Resident Evil 3 Remake's playable, we were impressed by another storming technological showcase for Capcom's excellent RE Engine - but there was a show-stopping problem: the Xbox One X rendition of the game significantly under-performed against PlayStation 4 Pro. Indeed, in certain scenes, frame-rate could even drop beneath Xbox One S's output. The good news is that the game has been patched, delivering a huge increase to performance."

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Kribwalker1513d ago

Wow. So more available power does make it run better when optimized. Who’d have thunk it. Great job DF, i think i’ll get this for my OneX when it goes on sale in a month or two

Tech51513d ago (Edited 1513d ago )

(trying to give the best answer for this case scenario...)

it was initially optimized for 4k, with a variable frame rate.
some gamers preferred it to run at a constant 60fps. (their preference)
so it's not that the game is not optimized, a number of gamers wanted it at 60fps.

- secondary thoughts.
in this case situation it would probably just be better to support options.
so that if gamers want it in 4k with a variable frame rate they can do so.
and the gamers that want it in 60fps can also do so.

timotim1512d ago (Edited 1512d ago )

Running at 4k is NOT the same thing as being optimized for 4k. You need to understand what the word optimize means.

Also, 1X being more powerful is what helped the game hit a solid 60FPS while also running at a higher resolution than PS4 Pro with higher frames.

RangerWalk2671512d ago

I hope this song and dance doesn't continue all next gen on account of the series X being 40% more powerful. Just play it on the console you enjoy and have fun. Or... Do as I do and purchase both consoles. Play the exclusives on the respective hardware to the game. And multi-platform games on the more powerful hardware. Easy.

dantesparda1511d ago

"Massive Performance Upgrade for Xbox One X after"

Dropping the resolution to the PS4 Pro res.

Aquanox1512d ago

This reflects the impact of being the main developing platform. In this case (as usual with Capcom) it was the PS4, and it makes all sense.

By next gen though, I do expect some developers to switch to the Series X given its higher specs, predictable performance and mainly, the easy translation to PC thanks for DX12 ultimate.

RazzerRedux1512d ago (Edited 1512d ago )

No, it is the impact of one version needing a patch to fix some issues. This isn't the first time this has happened and it doesn't matter if we are talking about the "main developing platform" or not. Hell, this happens on first party games as well. You are coming to some exaggerated conclusions from something very simple and common.

" By next gen though, I do expect some developers to switch to the Series X given its higher specs, predictable performance and mainly, the easy translation to PC thanks for DX12 ultimate."

Ultimate will definitely have a positive impact on PC especially considering it will be bring over some cool stuff such as DirectStorage. But all the console tech is being used are mirror images of themselves with variances in specs. PS4/Xbox One, PS4 Pro/Xbox One X, and PS5/XSX....these are all AMD-based tech. I think you are making way too much out of which is the "main developing platform". That was a common topic of conversation during the PS3/360 years, but it is an afterthought these days. No one even asks devs that anymore. Back then you were talking about an extremely hard system to develop for with PS3 and the much easier alternative in 360 and significant differences in comparing the games. This gen the differences have been minor in comparison and are reflective of the power of the console rather than one console being enormously more difficult than the other. Primarily because the tech is ultimately the same. That isn't going to change next gen.

Aquanox1511d ago (Edited 1511d ago )

@RazzerRedux About DX Ultimate, NO... it's not just "cool stuff" as you conveniently summarize it. I'm not saying it would be a direct mirror of what happened in the 360/PS3 generation. What I'm saying is that, DX Ultimate will also bring nVidia and its features to the equation... DX Raytracing (keep in mind the Series X also should have much more RT Cores than the PS5), Variable Rate Shading, Mesh Shaders and Sampler Feedback. Those are even in the Series X publicity, including the 12TFlop number, and for good reasons. This is not minor or just "cool stuff". Therefore, if the numbers make sense (sales) it will be a no brainer for devs.

This a discussion not being touched this generation asthe lead platform is always the PS4 and both systems are very similar, just that one is considerably more powerful than the other.

Next gen, tables will turn around in terms of power. No mid-gen consoles in the market yet and while similar configurations, they will use different APIs, one of them making their lives easier for 2 platforms. So indeed... if Series X becomes the lead dev platform, we will not only see better running games, but also better looking on Series X. Taking advantage of its power and "seamless" porting to PC. Things like RE3 Remake aren't likely to happen (unless it's CAPCOM again) and would probably happen more often on the PS5 side. Being then main system does matter in the final product when its the one with superior hardware (just like it mattered with the Ps4). It's not the same to make something thinking about the superior hardware and then cut things down, than just throwing in the same base game and see how framerates go higher on more powerful hardware, like in this case.

PS. Of course this also happens with 1st party games but that's a whole different situation. They had the game already running smooth on one platform in this case.

1511d ago
CBaoth1511d ago

there is no way a $500 product from a company in last place is going to be market leader. Spare me the fabled DX11/12 PC connection. Console sales will be the determining factor not wishful thinking. I've heard this rationale for nearly 20 years and yet it took a misstep from Sony to make devs briefly use the 360 platform as lead. Not some magic sauce between MS console and PCs like you're suggesting and hoping for. How long did that last by the way? Not even the entire gen. How much cheaper was a 360 over a PS3 during that time span too? See every question I ask is also pertinent to next gen - and aside from power, nothing else is a tick in the checklist on MS' side over Sony.

RazzerRedux1511d ago (Edited 1511d ago )

First....unwad your panties regarding "cool stuff". In no way is calling DirectX 12 Ultimate "cool stuff" diminishing it simply because I don't list all its features. Seems you are one of these types who want to pretend they work in the marketing department for Microsoft.

"Next gen, tables will turn around in terms of power."

lol...where have you been? The "tables turned" in 2016 with the release of One X. So what? Direct 12 has been there all along? So what? Ultimate is going to be a silver bullet? Yeah....that's what was said when DX12 was released. Again....so what?

" if Series X becomes the lead dev platform"

It won't make any difference at all. They are targeting similar architecture with different APIs. That has been the case all gen. You are pretending one will receive favor over the other based on nothing at all. There is no "lead dev platform".

"Things like RE3 Remake aren't likely to happen "

That's just a silly thing to say. It will happen.

"would probably happen more often on the PS5 side"

It will happen to both. Suddenly games getting patched, after launch regardless of platform, is a new thing to you? Again....where the hell have you been?

You are trying far too hard to make irrelevant things relevant.

Aquanox1511d ago (Edited 1511d ago )

@RazzerRedux You need to raise the bar of your replies. Try to start off by leaving insults and personal stuff aside. Also... Just... cool down. Why are you so angry?

Anyway... this one's easy to reply.

• Tables turned? Yes, in mid gen consoles. Base consoles is much different and what matters the most and this is what changed.
• Please read a bit about DX12 vs. DX12 ultimate.
• You clearly didn't understand my first statement. Don't let your anger blind you. I'm saying that, next gen, it's much less likely that a multiplatform game will perform worse worse on Series X than on PS5.
• DX12 Ultimate WILL be relevant, but it's not the "Silver Bullet" from Microsoft. They're addressing next gen from all fronts: Hardware performance lead, deep improvement in 1st party development (we're about to see more of if in the next 2 months... hope to see you then), Gamepass... which will become even more relevant with Series X and seamless backward compatibility with the X One ecosystem, Xbox All Access (great for people with low budget or people like me, who wants to jump in the next gen with a high end TV as well... good to have the option fo "finance" the Series X), awesome 3rd party deals... starting with "Free Next Gen Remasters", and of course, services. PSN has been a nightmare these days, whereas Xbox has kept much stronger during the generation and in the past few weeks.

Am I saying that MS will WIN this generation? Absolutely NOT. Playstation 4 still have the best first party games and for this I'm buying a PS5 as well (when those games come out) No way I'm missing GOW3 or TLOU2 (if it keeps getting delayed, I might as well buy it for PS5) and others. But the Xbox will give much better fight this time around, and this is good for customers. Current gen has been MEDIOCRE at best (my opinion)... the new one looks to be much better thanks to competition, and that' were all gamers win... except those with a fanatic point of view of it.

I'll never understand why people get so mad about consoles.

RazzerRedux1511d ago


You are the guy making a big deal about the phrase "cool stuff". If you want to talk about raising the bar then start with yourself. Don't get upset that someone doesn't reference every detail of DirectX12 Ultimate. You got wound up by that for no reason.

"Tables turned? Yes, in mid gen consoles. Base consoles is much different and what matters the most and this is what changed."

No, it isn't. The same narrative was used when One X was released. It changed nothing, but doesn't stop the same story from being told twice I guess. The ecosystems are in place and moving forward naturally from one gen to the next. This next "gen" is nothing more than a continuation of the last 4 years as far as hardware is concerned where Xbox has had the lead in power. But *this time* it is going to be different. lol....same song and dance as always.

"You clearly didn't understand my first statement. Don't let your anger blind you. I'm saying that, next gen, it's much less likely that a multiplatform game will perform worse worse on Series X than on PS5."

wow.....me telling you to "unwad your panties" really got under your skin. You can make that prediction all you want, but there is no basis for it.

"They're addressing next gen from all fronts..."

You went back into bullshit marketing mode. The rest of your post is irrelevant and you diverged far off from your XSX will be the "main dev console" nonsense and not have issues that need to be patched after launch. Just a silly thing to say really. Your points are entirely speculative, baseless, and regurgitates arguments made from a decade ago.

"I'll never understand why people get so mad about consoles.'

So why are you? You got bent out of shape that I "conveniently summarized" DirectX 12 as "cool stuff" as if that were somehow derogatory and didn't fully itemize and praise this glorious tech like a good MS loyalist such as yourself. It was clear that your panties were indeed wadded so my suggestion that you unwad them stands. Practice what you preach and "raise the bar".

Aquanox1511d ago

Lol... Ok. this got uninteresting. Only in your mind I care about you saying "cool stuff".

Anyway, I'll keep it short this time as you're running in circles.

• If you believe this is a continuation of the past gen, cool. I'll just say time will tell. The evidence is so obvious that it wont that I will not point it out again. Looks like you really, really want it to be that way, but it wont. I already explained why. I'm sorry it gets you so much on your nerves. Oh and don't get me wrong... I enjoy this =)

* Reads the rest of your post *

This is all "argument ad hominem". Nothing that deserves a reply.

Just keep it cool, it's just games. It will be interesting how people like you realize the next generation will be radically different. Just wait and see. Then again, raise the bar on your replies, don't get mad and reply with arguments not rants =)


RazzerRedux1511d ago

"Lol... Ok. this got uninteresting. "

lol.....but you reply anyway. That's funny.

"Only in your mind I care about you saying "cool stuff"."

Now you are lying to yourself. You quoted me saying "cool stuff" TWICE. You got whiny because you equated "cool stuff" as "minor" and then got snarky claiming I "conveniently summarized". And then got further butthurt when I told you to unwad your panties. Sorry....but they were in fact wadded and they still are. If you can't take it then don't dish it out.

"Looks like you really, really want it to be that way, but it wont. I already explained why. "

lol...you made a prediction that I think has no basis. You trying to channel Aaron Greenberg isn't doing yourself any favors. You are trying to mask the fact that this patch has nothing to do with "main dev platform" nonsense with a grocery list of Xbox features. Phil is so proud, I'm sure.

"Then again, raise the bar on your replies, don't get mad and reply with arguments not rants =)"

Don't get snippy because someone does not lavish something with excessive praise. That's what happened. If you want to pretend you had nothing to do with this conversation going the way it did then fine. You'll make the same mistakes again and point the finger elsewhere. But now I know you are just a walking MS billboard so nothing you say is really of any value anyway. You are not the first I've come across but you are all so hilarious in your tunnel vision views of gaming.

See ya.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1511d ago
giovonni1512d ago

I actually finished the game yesterday and it performed great from start to finish🤷🏾‍♂️

Bigman4k1512d ago

Nah dont because you'll probably end up selling it a month after you buy it

tombfan1512d ago

Mmmmmm no, there was no optimation, it was just an adjustment in the resolution so it could hit higher frames.

Obscure_Observer1512d ago


"Great job DF, i think i’ll get this for my OneX when it goes on sale in a month or two"

Same here! That´s why DF´s work is SO important to gaming and has great respect from ALL major developers and publishers like Sony, MS and Nintendo despite some jealous fanboys often try and discredit them.

Keep up the good work, DF! :)

Kribwalker1512d ago

it’s really weird isn’t it. like why would sony have given them an early sneak peak of cerny’s presentation if they weren’t a respectable outlet.

Kornholic1511d ago (Edited 1511d ago )

That's not optimization. The resolution was dropped from native 4k down to 2880x1620. Essentially the Xbox One X version was downgraded for it to run as smooth as the PS4 version.

gravedigger1511d ago (Edited 1511d ago )

RE3 was never native 4k on X1X. It was reconstructed. Not it's down to reconstructed 1620p, same as Pro

Lexreborn21511d ago

Wouldn’t the PRO have indicated that already though? The PRO version was optimized day one and ran at the 1620p 60 they reported from the beginning. Now X runs it identical and the most the “improvements” warrant is cleaner fences without jaggies at 600% magnification.

If anything this tells us brute strength alone wont achieve better results. As the X is brute strength and it’s still not giving super great results. Pro and X are still for the most part identical.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1511d ago
RookieMonsterLives1513d ago

I almost pull the trigger and bought RE3 for my PS4 Pro the other day. This patch seems to make the XB1X run faster in fps in gameplay and DF said it look a bit better too. I am switching my purchase for the XB1 version. I didn't expect the patch to be out this fast.

My initial reason for wanting the disc version of RE3 remake for the XB1 is that the the 4k code is embedded in the disc already so I can install it on the next gen XSX console offline and it'll still keep the 4K resolution plus of course locked 60fps. The PS4 version is coded as 1620p on disc so even if it can be locked 60fps on the PS5, the resolution will remain at 1620p.

Bronxs151512d ago (Edited 1512d ago )

I’m a bit behind. Tempted to pull the trigger on re2 but I feel it’s coming to game pass. Probably a swap out with devil may cry 5 which I already played.

Ps. Still pulling the trigger tho on sale Cus I love re games and will want to own to play it down the road again. Still nice when games come to game pass. For example I was planning to purchase neir automata with all the positive reviews. And I played it first on gamepass and glad I didn’t Cus it would have been one of those games I regretted Cus I’m not really enjoying it and I’m not going to finish it.

RookieMonsterLives1512d ago

RE2 remake is one if the best games of this generation so if you can grab it on the cheap, go for it as you won't be disappointed

timotim1512d ago

It was just a matter of the devs needing to adjust according to what the engine could do. Every dev has to make those decisions...Capcom just got it wrong at first, but I'm happy to see that they've corrected things and the more powerful console resulted in better image quality and frames in the end.

JackBNimble1512d ago

It makes no difference if it's on disc or not , all it takes it a patch to bump resolution.
Don't forget, ps4 and ps5 only install what's on disc , it reads the game from storage not the disc.

DJStotty1512d ago


Even if the console is online on Series X, you will still get the 4k resolution.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1512d ago
Computersaysno1512d ago (Edited 1512d ago )

They halved the resolution so it's basically the same as PS4 Pro with slightly better anti aliasing, now it runs the same 60FPS.

PyroMessiah861512d ago

Nope. Comparisons show it has higher frames and resolution than PS4 Pro. Try again.

Computersaysno1512d ago (Edited 1512d ago )

Nope. The framerates are now virtually the same as to not matter, the resolution is identical as far as Digital Foundry stated. https://www.eurogamer.net/a...

I'll quote DIRECTLY from them: "delivering performance results that are very similar indeed overall to the excellent PlayStation 4 Pro version of the game."

Both are as good as 60FPS, both have some dips here and there. Neither is significant, unlike the pre patch Xbox One X version.

The mild difference in image quality between the machines is more likely down to the method of temporal anti aliasing used when the machines produce the final image. Which is confirmed again to end up as 1620p, for both machines.

The difference between them is incredibly small and minor, you wouldn't be able to tell them apart in gameplay since the PS4 Pro version is also "excellent."

Try again, if you even know what you're talking about.

Baza1512d ago (Edited 1512d ago )

X1X still isn’t locked 60fps. 2 extra TFs get you a few more fps.. really negligible

ProjectVulcan1512d ago

From digital foundry who did a patch analysis all I see is the the difference between the versions is really small.

It's not even worth arguing about who has 54 frames and who has 57 frames. They said that they could not see much difference between the high res launch and the post patch downgrade because of the way the image reconstruction works.

If it is that similar with such a big res drop imagine how tiny the difference is between the versions that now come out the same res!

snoopgg1512d ago

Hey Pyro, as it should since the onex came out a year later with more power. Still looks and runs great on my pro. No need to try, I am satisfied with the pro's performance.

PyroMessiah861511d ago (Edited 1511d ago )


"virtually the same" and "basically the same" is not the same. Any way you slice it buddy.

Try again, if you even know what you're talking about. In DF video they confirm the One X version is better and show multiple times framerate is better than PS4 Pro. Don't salty just because your piece of plastic doesnt play it as well as another.....even if it is close.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1511d ago
Kribwalker1512d ago

ps4 pro runs at 60fps? https://i.postimg.cc/Pf2jyC...

they both dip, but it runs better on the onex now as well as better AA

Battlestar231512d ago (Edited 1512d ago )

1X version dips quite a bit too if you actually watched the video.

angelsx1512d ago

still prefer ps4 pro version

Computersaysno1512d ago (Edited 1512d ago )

Correct, PS4 Pro runs at 60FPS for the vast majority of the time.

Firstly your shot taken out of context is awful, because one machine is rendering a wall (X1X) and the other (Ps4 Pro) is rendering lit and shadowed characters in combat. You never get perfectly aligned scenarios. As soon as the gun is fired in that same corridor in that video the framerate drops on X1X too.

Cherry picking a split second screenshot does not represent the breadth of performance across both machines, which digital foundry has stated and well covered now to be pretty much the same as to make no noticeable difference.

This is like picking a random screen shot of a movie and claiming that it tells the whole story. You have disregarded context completely.

Ridiculous users on this site....

timotim1512d ago

Yes, the 1X version runs at better IQ and better frames. PS4 Pro version dips quite a bit.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1512d ago
Bronxs151512d ago

It loads a bit faster on one x too. You’d think they’d make a bigger deal of this seeing how potential faster load times on ps5 was “OMG AWESOME “

Loktai1512d ago (Edited 1512d ago )

Digital Foundry? Of course they wouldnt, it would seem like an attack at this point. They'll mention it but... next gen will be nothing but instances of the PS5 loading faster. I suspect it'll be the same old story.. .a few FPS here maybe even a dynamic resolution being higher more of the time on the SX, and then faster loading times, first party PS5 games looking ridiculously good and surprising people and also loading so fast you never know its happening, stuff like that. I suspect if you want a PC port thats just done quick and dirty to run sharpest its going to be on the Series X unless they get really lazy or the engine was never designed to utilize as many CUs as possible (workload more clock dependent, which happens occasionally)

snoopgg1512d ago

Yeah the faster ssd will do more then just load faster.

timotim1512d ago

a couple seconds difference isn't going to mean anything to the vast majority of gamers...especially when they are playing the superior version.

I have no doubt though that PlayStation fanatics will attempt to make a big deal out of it on sites like these.

G1L1512d ago

I gotta say that console versions of games nowadays are so much better than they used to be and we are kinda spoiled in a good way. I remember when console versions had gameplay removed (shadow of mordor ps3 ver without Nemesis system; gta 1 on ps1 didn't have the train) , glaring graphical shortcomings (extreme aliasing, low detail assets). And here we are discussing resolution differences that most of us won't notice unless we are 5cm from the TV screen or playing with 800 pct zoom ala digital foundry.

NeoGamer2321512d ago

Well consoles are just PCs with a different firmware/OS now so it is not surprising that they are good.

Mr Logic1512d ago

What a dumb comparison. Shadow of Mordor was an 8th generation game from start to finish. Then it was given to a separate development studio to bring to the 7th gen. In order to do that, they had to cut a lot. When in reality the game never should have been on those systems at all, but it was 2014 and WB wanted as much $$ as they could milk from the established user bases.

G1L1512d ago

@Mr Logic, not a dumb comparison as per the developer take on it:

Mr Logic1512d ago

Where does that article refute anything I said?

1512d ago Replies(1)
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darthv7282d ago

Lego games are always fun... and that is one I had not played before.

isarai82d ago

It's always the ine they leave out if the headline that interests me most 😅 DBZ Kakarot, been waiting for this to pop up on plus

Kyizen82d ago

I completely missed that DBZ Kakarot was in the group, I have midnight sons and RE3 so was kinda disappointed.

StormSnooper81d ago (Edited 81d ago )

Yea, it’s my last chance to play my childhood, now that he is gone. I’m watching way too many good anime at the moment to rewatch the series but this is the perfect excuse to visit that universe.

jznrpg82d ago

Never played Midnight Suns and probably won’t anytime soon but maybe someday. Pretty good month not great not horrible. I used to love sports games when I was a kid but that was before the monetization they went through and now I avoid them.

phoenixwing82d ago (Edited 82d ago )

Not all sports games are like that but ea and 2k games are definitely

DarXyde81d ago

Definitely give Midnight Suns a download if you've got Plus.

It's great.

phoenixwing72d ago

I agree midnight sun's is fun

Eonjay82d ago (Edited 82d ago )

Heard a lot of good things about Midnight Suns! Also looking forward to Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot and will probably download 2K24 as well.

LucasRuinedChildhood82d ago (Edited 82d ago )

Not a great month for me. Will give Midnight Suns a go.

I've never played Jak & Daxter: The Lost Frontier. Might give it a go although it's supposed to just be okay.

Never played a Phoenix Wright game before, so might try Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy.

SonyStyled82d ago

The Lost Frontier isn’t a true Jak and Daxter game. If you haven’t played them before I’d highly advise skipping The Lost Frontier and spending your time on the trilogy. The real Jak games are developed by Naughty Dog

LucasRuinedChildhood82d ago

I'm a big Jak & Daxter fan. Just not that into portables so I never picked this one up (didn't know there was a PS2 port when I was younger).

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Resident Evil 3 Remake is one of the best RE games, actually

Resident Evil 3 Remake is one of the most debated games in Capcom’s survival horror series, but it’s just as good as the remake of Resident Evil and 2019’s RE2.

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CrimsonWing69256d ago (Edited 256d ago )

It’s a good game, but a terrible Remake.

I would choose the original over this Remake any day of the week. More areas, more enemies, more bosses, choice options, better unlockables, and I could go on and on.

If you go into this Remake as it’s own game and not compare it to what it’s, uh, Remaking, then yea it’s a solid game.

But I do not consider the Remake portion of this game to be “good,” like at all.

seanpitt23255d ago

The remake was inferior to RE2R in everyway capcom even said the B team made it the physics was so dumbed down it was such a big disappointment the A team that made RE2 was busy making RE4R

Walalon255d ago

And the whole idea of Nemesis "looking for you" was ripped off entirely making this Remake more than a knock off lol

solideagle255d ago (Edited 255d ago )

Didn't Capcom themselves
say the same thing that they will improve Quality and make Remake Lengthy or something along the same lines because RE3R was not received as good as RE2R critically

-Foxtrot255d ago

Not only that they literally snatched the RE4 off them and restarted development within the main team. That’s how bad the fallout was.

They tried to be cheap and it blew up in their face

It makes me super sad to think of how amazing RE3 could have been

We could have had hubs within the city to explore, to fully experience the Raccoon City downfall in all its glory…but they rushed it.

SyntheticForm255d ago

That boss fight on Inferno. Absolutely no.

GoodGuy09256d ago

Sure it was scripted quite a bit but I enjoyed it. Really good replayability as well.

Dandizzle255d ago (Edited 255d ago )

When I look back at re2 re4 and re4 remakes to which I beat all of them at launch. Re3 is the one I recall having more fun more of the time. Re2 and re4 get over stressful on harder difficulties.

Re4 remake was also great, but I liked re3 remake better

NovusTerminus256d ago

I can't comment on the "remake" aspect as I never played 3, didn't like tank controls even back then.

But as far as the remake goes as a game, I've got like 40 hours in it and played it far more then the 2 remake. I absolutely enjoyed the combat engine and dodge mechanic.

nommers255d ago

I gotta agree with the replay value of the game. Despite the cut areas it still feels like you’re going through more areas than RE2 remake. That and the Nemesis isn’t as annoying as the Tyrant.

BlackTar187255d ago

lol you can beat the game in under 3 hours on your first thorough and under 45 mins on your second without even trying to rush. The game has less content then some demos.

nommers255d ago


Don’t exaggerate so hard. You’ll live longer.

BlackTar187255d ago

If you look up playtime you can see most people beat it between 3-5 hours on the first playthrough and the trophy for sprinter which is beat the game in under 2 hours is a high percentage trophy compared to any other speed run trophies. So no I won’t change what I said. I’d wager with the infinite rpg you could get that even lower then 45 mins. My actual save says 57 mins

nommers255d ago


You can beat a lot of games in under 3 hours as a speed runner. Who cares.

Average time play through says about 6 hours, but for full completion it says 20 1/2 hours. First time through for me I took my time and took about 8 hours. Then again I’m not trying to race through the game. That’s about the same time for RE2 remake for a first time through, which even with multiple paths doesn’t have much extra content outside any given run.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 255d ago
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Why the Resident Evil Remakes are some of the best remakes

Let's discuss why the highly acclaimed Resident Evil Remakes are some of the best video game remakes of this generation.

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283d ago
GoodGuy09282d ago

4 was great... but missed some things. But still, the RE remakes have been some of the best remakes.

anast282d ago

2 was good, but 3 and 4 were phoned in. I suppose 1 out 3 successes is the new standard. This is why publishers get away with so much.

Babadook7274d ago

All were good. None were phoned in.

on_line_forever282d ago

Resident evil 3 remake NEED another good quality remake

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