
Modern Warfare 2 Remastered Multiplayer Is Still In Development, Currently Being Tested

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Remastered is available now as a timed exclusive for the PS4. It doesn't include any multiplayer but that might change soon.

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Killa781503d ago (Edited 1503d ago )

Not sure it would be worth releasing.

Even though this was by far my favourite cod, never (re)visit your childhood heroes comes to mind.

It probably hasn't aged well like the MW remaster...

KyRo1502d ago

It's really not that dumb. Nostalgia plays a big part. MW2 MP was a unbalanced mess. It brought the franchise forward but going back you realise how much of a mess it was.

xX1NORM1Xx1503d ago

What they are actually remaking the multiplayer too???? God help anyone who buys it, I love MW2 it was my favourite call of duty game as a kid.
As much as I loved it, it's an incredibly broken game... Commando pro knife lunge, one man army grenade launcher spam, quickdraw on snipers and heartbeat sensors as an attachment just to name a few.

ShaolinDude1503d ago

Yes, the MP is definitely broken. It was technically a great game but being so unbalanced and broken made me hate the MP most times.

BadElf1503d ago

People must learn the noob tube epicness

TheColbertinator1503d ago

All that stuff you mentioned is what made it great

Parasyte1502d ago

Let’s not forget the Javelin glitch and the Infinite Care Package glitch either

xX1NORM1Xx1502d ago

Yeah but they were glitches they can be fixed without changing the game, the things I mentioned are actually supposed to be part of the game.

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Toiletsteak1503d ago

That's all I care about. Hopefully it won't be a 30 day exclusive to PS when it does come out.

annoyedgamer1503d ago

They batter not add MTX to it.

Hungryalpaca1503d ago

You know they made the MTX before they even got the game working

RGB1503d ago

Facts, that's why it's delayed, finding all possible ways to get money out of the MP before they sell it. Scandalous.

annoyedgamer1502d ago

Stop ruining my delusional fantasy pls

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Top 10 Best Optimized PC Games of 2020

DSOGaming writes: "And the moment has finally come. Here are the PC games that, we believe, were the best/most optimized for the PC platform."

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Let's Give Activision a Bit of Credit, Yeah?

It’s a truth universally acknowledged, that a Real Gamer™ must hate major publishers. None of the big boys escape criticism, whether it’s Ubisoft for its perceived approach to copy-and-paste game design or EA for, well, absolutely everything, really. Activision has oft been a dirty word in enthusiast circles, presumably because it insists on releasing wildly popular Call of Duty titles every year, but while other companies have had a dire generation, let’s give Bobby Kotick and his underlings a morsel of credit for some of its extracurricular activities recently.

The reality is that even if you think first-person shooters will give you cooties, Activision has done a wonderful job resurrecting some of its older brands. All the talk at the start of the generation revolved around whether Sony could wrench the Crash Bandicoot franchise out of the publisher’s cold hard grasp; the discussion was partly fuelled by outright fandom, but also because no one truly believed that the American publisher could do the mischievous marsupial justice in this day and age.

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Knightofelemia1344d ago (Edited 1344d ago )

You should define what a real gamer is you ask anybody what a real gamer is and the definition will be different. A real gamer in my definition does not care about console wars, and is in it for the feel of the game the enjoyment of the game relating to the characters and story of the game and says wow this is a great game. As a customer I hate EA I hate their business practices I hate how they close down good studios I hate how they litter a game with loot boxes and microtransactions I will not support EA. Activision releasing older titles as remakes is nothing new other companies have done it I like Spyro and Crash but I will not buy them day one I wait until they are cheap then I buy them. As a customer I just don't like Activision either I like Namco,Sega,Insomniac,Epic,Naug hty Dog,Santa Monica,Ubisoft,Quantic Dream,Banpresto,Gust,KOEI Tecmo, and SquareEnix. Again as for Nintendo's Disney approach to the new Mario collection releasing it as a limited number run both digital and physical then throwing it back into the vault is a dumb idea. I want the Mario collection just for Galaxy and Sunshine but as a customer especially if I am buying said limited number run game I expect Mario 64 to be cleaned up looks wise and have it polished. If modders have been doing it for years then why the hell can't Nintendo do it even Disney when they take a movie out of the vault for a limited time even polishes up their old cartoon movies. If Nintendo keeps going down the Disney route with limited time run then goes back into the vault it will eventually kick them in the ass.

monkey6021344d ago

Activision laid off hundreds of employees to save costs in the same year they made record breaking profits and gave Bobby Kottick a disgustingly large bonus on top of his already obscene paycheck.

They left a huge library of properties dormant for years so they could force more studios into a cycle of developing Call of Duty games.

They lock demos for upcoming games behind preorders.

Remember when they tried to sell Spyro 1 on a disc titled a trilogy without 2 and 3 included? They had to be downloaded.

Honestly Tony Hawk, CTR, Crash 1 -3, Spyro 1 - 3 were all great but Activision is run by absolute scumbags and no we should absolutely not let them think we forget that

AngelicIceDiamond1344d ago

They need to rid of the 1X to ease up confusion and ppl will pick up the Series S. Keep the 1S as the only ast gen console.

JCOLE131951344d ago (Edited 1344d ago )

Edit: never mind

KwietStorm_BLM1344d ago

You immediately lost me when trying to be funny with all gamers hating big publishers. Just tells me you're overlooking the actual criticisms they deserve, for the sake of patting Activision on the back.

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Modern Warfare 2 Remastered Multiplayer Mod Beta Sign Ups Now Live

If you're curious how this community project is shaping, the Modern Warfare 2 Remastered multiplayer mod beta sign ups are now live.

GoodGuy091370d ago

Leave it to fans when official companies dont do it as usual. Playing the campaign since its free on ps+ and boy is it a good remaster minus them not using the old gun sounds...makes me really wish they just released the mp already and skip cod 2020 for this year.

EazyC1370d ago

I heard that it's all ready to go, Acti just left the MP locked up so to not split the MW2019 playerbase.