
Alyx Is a Prequel Because Half-Life 3 Couldn't Have Targeted a Small Audience, Says Valve

Half-Life Alyx is a prequel because Valve couldn't have made Half-Life 3 proper for a small audience such as that of the current VR market.

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Chris_Wray1536d ago

That makes sense, but at the same time they should have made HL3 by now. While Alyx does seem to be a masterpiece and THE VR game, it's still a tease for people who are looking for HL3.

FlyingFoxy1536d ago

They already said there will be more, question is will they be VR only?

I believe they still have plans for a Half Life film as well, not sure if Portal is too.

S2Killinit1536d ago (Edited 1536d ago )

Pretty sure they will make it in VR, they are pushing boundaries with HL3 same as previous HL games. Essentially they are waiting on VR to get more foothold before HL3 arrives. It just wouldnt make sense not to be in VR unless they dont have confidence in what they have made in Alyx, which doesnt seem to be the case. Not to mention that if they want to make something Epic/historic, VR is the perfect medium for it.

Imalwaysright1536d ago


No they won't. If Half Life 3 is ever going to be a thing they won't limit it for the VR market wich will never be as big as the "traditional" market.

Imalwaysright1536d ago

1st they need to release episode 3.

steven_seagull1536d ago (Edited 1536d ago )

Listen to yourself, all fancy and “traditionally” smart sounding, jesus christ. You dont have the slightest idea about how Valves business-model works, do you?

l3w1s1536d ago

There is no need for episode 3 since they retconned the ending of episode 2

Fist4achin1536d ago

Tease yes. Huge disappointment for HL fans that don't have VR for whatever reason. The tease part of this is to see the reaction and sales. I think it is a huge middle finger to fans because they didn't do a multiconsole release and opted to have a VR/non-VR mode.

If it fails, their attitude will be like, the fans must not want it and HL will go dormant again. If it is a success, then they'll just continue to push everything in VR from here on out. Either way, their attitude sucks.

steven_seagull1536d ago

Stop acting like a fucking baby

N1GHT_W0LF_X1536d ago (Edited 1536d ago )

Then remake the first 2 games so a new generation can play them. They obviously have new assets for a lot of the objects already so it can't be that much more work.

As a console gamer, the only reason I've played HL1+2 is because I actively sought out the Orange Box for Xbox 360 and the port of HL1 on PS2. Without my efforts I would have never had the chance to play them. I'm sure that's the case for many people.

-Foxtrot1536d ago

They could literally go to the team who made Black Mesa and ask them if they can port it to consoles while giving it an enhanced release which would allow Valve to make some changes here and there.

1536d ago
specialguest1536d ago

HL3 Confirmed!!!!kjdljFLKJKL@JLK@J !!!!!!

Evan_Beezy1536d ago

Looks to me like they’ve been waiting for the right technology to make the game they want HL3 to be which is next gen. I think that’s the case with a lot of developers they’ve had to put certain games on hold bc game design restrictions. But no mooorrree!

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