
No, Doom Eternal is not true 4K on Google Stadia

From Eurogamer: "Doom Eternal is not true 4K on Google Stadia, developer id Software has confirmed.

Rather, the blistering first-person shooter runs at 1080p and 60 frames per second on HD displays, and up-samples to 2160p from 1800p at 60 frames per second on 4K displays."

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TheScotsman1550d ago

Well 3 people will be upset by this, maybe more if so eone else buys a stadia

Neonridr1550d ago

I mean 1800p is still nice.

Darkwatchman1550d ago

Remember it’s 1800p STREAMED so it will not match Xbox One X image quality. Can almost guarantee that.

TLG19911550d ago (Edited 1550d ago )

If ps4 chequer-boarding from 1440p to 4k is pretty unnoticeable in real world results without stop editting cropping zooming ect. then 1800p upscalled to 4k it's going to be more than perfectly fine.

Neonridr1550d ago

again, it's being streamed, so no it's not going to match a nice crisp native image. I was simply saying in a day and age where the Pro rarely hits native 4K, one can live with some upscaling.

1550d ago
Archy1550d ago

And digitale foundry will pause the game and zoom 300x and will tell us look Xbox is looking better than Stadia.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1550d ago
1550d ago Replies(2)
RazzerRedux1550d ago

"On the other hand id Software was the dev Google has been hyping up as working on Stadia for almost five years now and they've been very enthusiastic towards the platform so if even they can't hit 4K60 I think people can no longer keep saying the inability to hit 4K60 is a result of the devs and not the hardware."

Stadia continues to over-promise and under-deliver.

mrmikew20181550d ago

Google Stadia is turning out to be worst than Nintendo's Virtual Boy.

I really don't see this platform lasting very long. They have yet to keep any of their promises on what this platform was going to be able to do.

Blu3_Berry1550d ago

The thing that makes Stadia bad is that Google doesn't seem to be trying to fix things and get more people to try their service. Their pricing model is horrible, and they are failing on their promises. It makes it hard to trust them, thus nobody will want to spend money on it.

TLG19911550d ago

The problem actually is google are being totally google about it and when they do update stuff, add new things, they just aren't telling anyone. I've seen updates to the app like any other app then found out it's adding whole new features. only to then find out the extents through people on reddit using it. They definitely are doing a lot, they are just being utter sh*t at telling people what they are doing.

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Former Bungie Staff Speaks Out on Destiny 2 The Final Shape DLC: Blames Crunch for Missteps

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Kaii1d 9h ago

Crunch+Bad management+Greedy disgusting monetization.
I'll tune back in when D3 is dropping and they've toned down the monetization & the foundation is good

DefenderOfDoom213h ago(Edited 13h ago)

Final Spape campaign getting very positive reviews. I am enjoying the Final Spape campaign myself. Definitely worth the delay.


Personalized Spatial Audio Coming to Cyberpunk 2077 with Immerse Gamepack

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Starfield Would Have Benefited from Daggerfall-Like Dungeons Proc-Gen Instead of Reusing Premades

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VincentVanBro1d 17h ago

One of many low hanging fruit that would have improved the game

anast1d 17h ago

Better tech, better devs, and Morrowind like freedom would have improved this game.

enkiduxiv1d 15h ago

Wow, both options sound terrible.