
Modern Warfare's $1B Sales Are Not That Impressive Compared To Previous CoD's

While selling over $1 billion worldwide may seem like a monumental feat, other Call of Duty titles eclipse the recent announcement of Modern Warfare sales.

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extermin8or1895d ago

I mean considering the decline the series had been undergoing in recent years it is. Compared to it at the height of popularity when modernwarfare 2 was released a decade ago no it isnt that impressive, however it is still excellent sales revenue for any game and not to be sniffed at.

Darkwaver5171895d ago

You'll find that in the article, I pretty much agree with you :D

LA_Zeo1895d ago

This game isn’t that impressive once you stat trying to grind in it.

Smokehouse1895d ago

People don’t even hate on cod anymore. It was “year cod dies” for like 10 years until people got bored of being wrong. It’s just there every year and it’s expected to make a billion dollars. The fact that it’s not impressive anymore is impressive really.

Fist4achin1895d ago

Theres a lot more competition with either a similar or improved formula for gamers to choose from. I remember when it used to be just COD, Halo, and BF as your main choices for shooters. Maybe general interest has waned as well over time and a combination of an oversaturated market to choose from. Oh well, theyre not hurting...

Smokehouse1895d ago

A lot more competition and it’s still making a billion dollars, that’s the impressive part.

Darkwaver5171895d ago

Bored of being wrong? In the article we describe the exact games that didn't make a billion. Not so coincidentally those were all released in sequence, starting with ghosts all the way through advanced warfare, Black ops 3 etc. So yeah, there was a period of time, not 10 years mind you, but a good 5 years where the franchise was stuck in a rut. People weren't wrong, they were critical of a franchise that wasn't that good anymore and the sales figures reflect this. But they've come back and let's be very clear, no other franchise rakes in more cash than them and that's impressive. But being innovative would also be quite impressive

Smokehouse1895d ago (Edited 1895d ago )

They were wrong about the “year cod finally dies”. It never died. People stopped saying that because they realized it won’t die anytime soon, regardless of sales or criticisms.

BenRC011894d ago

You new to games journalism? Obvs fortnite, pubg, Apex, bf5, overwatch, r6 etc all taking a chunk theses days. Cod used to have the place to itself.

Darkwaver5171894d ago

As much as I'd like to attack you in my defense, I'll just state that MW3 took 16 days to get to a billion. That came out a month after Battlefield 3, the best selling BF game. Same year as Crysis 2, Homefront, Killzone 3, Red Orchestra 2, Operation Flashpoint etc. It was crowded then as well. And those are just the games that came out in the same year. You mention only one game that came out this year.


Activision kills ambitious H2M Modern Warfare 2 mod one day before its release

Stay classy, Activision.

TGG_overlord193d ago

That was a really low move Activision...

TheNamelessOne192d ago

The fact that they let this go until the last minute, making use of the extra sales they were getting from those excited for the multiplayer mod, is about as slimy as it gets.

Einhander1972192d ago

Whenever something with one of these developers Microsoft bought if they do something bad it's always the developers but if they do something good it's always Microsoft.

Microsoft owns Activision, Microsoft shut down this project.

191d ago

Call of Duty and Burger King team up to bring a limited-time skin to Modern Warfare 3

Purchase the Bacon Feast Whopper for some in-game rewards

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Modern Warfare II & Sonic Frontiers Are Both 35% Off This Weekend

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