
Fan Feedback Will Affect Future Pokemon Games

Fan Feedback Will Affect Future Pokemon Games - The pokemon developers have stated that fan feedback regarding features could lead to future changes.

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Neonridr1664d ago

Well then I hope they have a pen and paper handy.

HeyHeyHeyGaming1664d ago

Pokemon fans have been atrocious in the lead up to sword and shield

telekineticmantis1664d ago

I think it's because of this:

Half the Pokémon.
144 moves removed.
Mega Evolutions Z moves removed for the unpopular lazy Gigantamaxing.
Mediocre, unpolished textures.
Bad Animations.
Constant Graphical issues: pop in sudden disappearance of Trainer and Pokémon Models in and out of Battle.
Animations are the same dating back to 2013.
Many unskippable Cutscenes, more intrusive than ever, with Sonia and Hop interrupting your adventure on a regular Basis.
Very Easy, Easy leveling up, constant heals even duringfinal moments of the games.
No Post Game Content, except rehashed Battle Tower and Raid Battles.

thatguyhayat1664d ago

I cant remember a good post game content from them except Silver and Gold version

King_Noctis1663d ago

“ Many unskippable Cutscenes, more intrusive than ever, with Sonia and Hop interrupting your adventure on a regular Basis.“

While this is Pokemon, it is also at core a JRPG. If you take away the cutscenes with other characters, you left with no story at all.


I’m Struggling To Care About Pokemon Any More

Despite being a lifelong fans, some are exhausted by the frequency and quality of modern Pokemon games

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gold_drake343d ago

sword and violet just made me tired of the current format.

they rly traded a cohesive story and Lore for open region.

ZeekQuattro343d ago

As much as a fan of Pokemon I never was one to buy every new gen or spin off or remake. I bought Red & Blue. Played Ruby for a few gyms on PC. Played a bit of Fire Red again on PC but didn't buy a new entry until Black. After that I bought X and Moon. Then Let's Go Evee and Sword. Lastly I bought Violet. So it's hard for me to burned out on Pokemon.

franwex343d ago

Stopped caring after Gen 3 to be honest.

Dudeson343d ago

Same here, simply grew up and lost interest, but the nostalgia filter still hits for things like the old pokemon crystal.

FinalFantasyFanatic343d ago

It was Gen 2 for me, I just can't keep up with all the new generations of Pokemon they add in, I'm keen to jump into Violet/Scarlett though to see what's new.

got_dam343d ago

I always enjoyed these game until the newest ones. The open world is sooooo bland. I missed walking into some random house and getting a cool trade opportunity. Hell, I miss jut walking into buildings. There are not a lot of interior spaces in violet. And a motorcycle is not a pokemon. I don't care how mythic or whatever it is.

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Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Has Already Surpassed Sword & Shield's Total Retail Sales in Japan

Despite their flaws, Pokemon Scarlet & Violet have been so popular that sales have already surpassed Sword & Shield.

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Flakegriffin506d ago

Because it’s an actual good game, gameplay wise. If we could get these mechanics on an actual updated Nintendo machine then it would’ve done even better.

-Foxtrot506d ago

Not really

It’s buggy, shallow compared to what we could have had in a logical generation jump and just doesn’t seem to hit what this franchise could do if it was made by a competent developer

It sold on the name because suckers eat that shit up

Inverno506d ago

Didn't take me long to realize that if you strip the open world it's pretty short. I will say that they definitely had better ideas this time around, but this is what we should've gotten at the start of the gen. If they were instead given the chance to skip a yearly release or two and work off what they made here they'd have something really good. Hopefully that Feb update fixes the performance issues so I can finish it.

gold_drake506d ago

i agree.

the game is rly bland and i had so many bugs it was crazy, like how does that even happen with a franchise like this ha.

Chard506d ago

So you played it after all? Does that make you a sucker?

Rutaprkl506d ago (Edited 506d ago )

I personally liked Sword/Shield more on launch compared to SV

gleepot505d ago

I love pokemon, but the games are starting to feel like they were made by an indie team in 1 year with no money and no QA

For being the most financially successful franchise ever, you'd think they could spend time and resources making an extremely polished experience.


Making Pokémon 3D Was A Mistake

Pokémon’s shift to 3D was a big mistake, as the series’ roots in 2D design make it difficult to transfer important game mechanics into a 3D overworld.

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CrimsonWing69536d ago

why do other games pull off 3D monster collecting JRPG games just fine? Look at Jade Cocoon and Shin Megami Tensei for examples.

FallenAngel1984536d ago

Answer should be obvious.

No other videogame franchise is as merchandise driven as Pokémon