
Nearly every great Wii U game has come (or is coming) to Switch

It seems the disastrous Wii U had a silver lining, in that it has helped Nintendo buoy the Nintendo Switch’s catalog — particularly in these early years — with ports of games that very few people played the first time around.

anonymousfan1715d ago

My favorite Wii U game has yet to be ported... I really loved Mario 3D World. Even if Odyssey is a superior game the local/couch coop in 3D World was loads of fun with family.

1715d ago
battlegrog1715d ago

and that games a remake of mario 3d land on the 3ds right ? I assume nintendo plans on bringing all these hits to the switch over time.As in a few years u will get switch 2 with the same hardware so games follow over

CosmicTurtle1715d ago

It’s not a remake. An entirely original game. Very little common ground,

mikeslemonade1715d ago

Nice I didn’t know Luigi U was in the Mario U Switch.

ZiggyZeg1715d ago

I don't think every game should be ported over, cause it makes it feel like wii u owners just wasted their time on it. 3d world should especially not be ported, cause that was one of the best games on the system. If they keep porting more games, the wii u looses value.

SegaSaturn6691715d ago

I like 3D world way more than Odyssey. The soundtrack was so good. My fave mario game of all time.

NecrumOddBoy1714d ago

I heard it was just okay but I would like Paper Mario on Switch since I missed out.

indysurfn1714d ago (Edited 1714d ago )

Don't get me wrong I like all those WII U games coming over to SWITCH. But I really LIKE....nah LOVE! RPG's. What I REALLY want to come over to SWITCH are those RPG's especially Braverly games...and Golden Sun games!!! I'd buy day one, and maybe the premium edition of those games!

Kaedro1714d ago

Totally agree with you. The co-op in this game was awesome!

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1714d ago
IanTH1715d ago (Edited 1715d ago )

It was, but I'll be honest, I didn't expect it to be as thorough as it has become. As a Wii U owner, it has kind of negatively impacted my personal value of my switch. Plenty of owners of the Switch who never had a Wii U are getting those great games, but those games are basically of zero value to me. They are spending time and effort on those ports; less, admittedly, than a new game, but it must cut down on original content creation in some fashion.

It then, retroactively, removes some of the value of my Wii U as someone who holds on to old systems to play games that can't be played on newer hardware. I don't mind the occasional port or remaster, but really, at this point, nothing is left to port.

So I'm stuck with the handful of games that aren't ports and aren't multiplats I can't play on all my other platforms. Maybe now that they've run out of ports, they can focus that energy on more original content. Also, where are the devs from the 3DS? Get them on some smaller games - consoles could use having a handful of solid, smaller scope games for $40 again.

Haven't fired up my Switch in a -long- time :-(

septemberindecember1715d ago

Mario Odyssey, Kirby Star Allies, Yoshi's Crafted World, Smash Ultimate, Astral Chain, Links Awakening, Daemon Ex Machina, Mario Tennis Aces, Fire Emblem Three Houses, Splatoon 2, Super Mario Party, Super Mario Maker 2, Mario + Rabbids, Arms, Xenoblade 2, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3

There are a lot of games you can't get anywhere else.

IanTH1715d ago (Edited 1715d ago )


I hear you, but out of your list the only games I don't own that I'm interested in are Astral Chain, Fire Emblem Three Houses and maybe Super Mario Maker 2.

{I've now realized I've written way too much. But here it is anyway, please feel free to skim or ignore as it pleases you lol.}

I was very hopeful at launch. I grabbed Mario Odyssey and Mario+Rabbids and enjoyed them quite a lot. Even though Smash & Pokemon are big hitters for them, I've never cared for them but previous consoles still were worthwhile in what they offered outside that. Yoshi's Crafted World feels like a smaller side-diversion game that should cost $30-40. I cannot wrap my head around how that's $60, and Nintendo games basically never go on sale.

I mean, I loved XBC on Wii, XBCX on Wii U was solid as well. From all the reviews & videos of XB2 I felt less sure and would like to pick it up on sale, but nearly 2 years after release that thing is still $60! That's crazy. Link's Awakening, another port of an older game, holds no interest to me. Super Mario Party, Daemon, MUA3...all very middling games critically, and seem to match up to what I'd expect after having seen what I've seen of them.

Mario Tennis Aces or Daemon might be fun to try on a whim if you could grab in on sale down the line but, again, they simply don't go on sale. Maybe you could hit a sale for $20 off if you are lucky 1+ years later, but other platforms offer me games at much steeper discounts (and *way* sooner) and it makes it very hard to justify spending $40-60 on one of these 2 year old Switch games when I could get 2-4 other excellent games for the same money.

I'm sure I'll enjoy a few more Switch games before all is said and done, but I don't see much changing during the lifetime of the Switch to make me feel the hardware - as a secondary machine - was a good investment, nor that their next console will be for me either. Bottom line, it has become clear to me that Nintendo and I just aren't a fit anymore. Hey, it happens. It sucks, but it happens. We had some good times, Nintendo.

Concertoine1715d ago

If you're interested in FE Three Houses and Astral Chain you should check em out. My switch was dormant for
a long time until those games, which are among the best ive played this year.

Neonridr1715d ago

I mean the three games you just listed will give you hours upon hours of enjoyment there. So you not turning on your Switch in a long time is more or less your own personal decision. I would challenge anyone who says they can't find compelling software on the Switch, Wii U ports or not.

iplay1up21715d ago

Why not? Astrial Chain, Links Awakening, The SNES app just launched with 20 mostly FANTASTIC GAMES, like A Link To the Past, Mario World, Super Metroid, Mario Kart, and a ton more, Dragon Quest 11, Ori and the Blind Forest, and I am really looking forward to Luigi's Mansion 3 next month! I loved my Wii U, but there are a ton of great games on Switch out recently you don't have on Wii U.

anonymousfan1715d ago

I think the Wii U is an amazing console especially if you keep/collecting older games. With a little bit of tinkering you can play 3 generations of nintendo games on it including Gamecube and Wii!! That covers over 15 years!!!

septemberindecember1714d ago


A couple of things,

If you loved XBC on Wii and XBCX on Wii U, why don't you think you'd love XBC2 on Switch? Especially the Torna Expansion with it. That's literally hours upon hours of gameplay you got there. Also, Links Awakening isn't a port at all...

Regardless, if there is software for the system that you think looks interesting but you aren't buying it then that's solely on you. As far as deals go, try shopping at Best Buy in the US or Walmart. Walmart sells just about all new Switch games for $10 off, and Best Buy regularly has sales for games. Best Buy has Yoshi's Crafted World, Pokemon Let's Go, Kirby Star Allies, Arms, Mario Tennis Aces, and Octopath Traveler for at least $10 off.

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generic-user-name1715d ago

Where are the cries for backwards compatibility?

iplay1up21715d ago

How can you possibly have backwards compatibility one uses SD cards and the other Disks!?!

Z5011715d ago

And "too many remasters"

badz1491715d ago


they can always use account verification and let players download Wii U games they already bought. ah...yes...I forgot Nintendo tied your Wii U purchase to your console, not your account.

and it's only bad if Sony does it. Nintendo doing it is forgiven!

darthv721714d ago

They are nowhere because it can't happen. Two different physical mediums. Digital games is a different story though.

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jznrpg1715d ago

Makes sense. The graphics capabilities are not far apart and they didn’t sell as many copies of the WiiU games as they would have liked too.

1715d ago Replies(1)
Cmv381715d ago

Before the switch existed, they complained about remasters and ports they didn't get...now that tune switched. Sad.

iplay1up21715d ago

Yeah right. It is pretty much shown Switch has a ton of first party content not available on Wii U. I repurchased some games for my Switch one to be able to play games like BOTW on the go, and two because some of the Switch ports had upgrades, including resolution.

RGB1714d ago

People were slamming the PS4 for having a handful of PS3 1st party ports and a couple dozen 3rd party ports in the 1st couple of years (minimum or no noticeable upgrades), yet Switch has practically lived off WiiU hand-me-downs for 2 and a half years, dating back to 2010 or WiiU projects delayed so much they became Switch games; Zelda BOTW.

And even some of the "sequels" have been heavy ported WiiU games with some content added, Splatoon 2 and Super Mario Maker 2. 8 so far WiiU 1st party ports, none of which had anything massive besides resolution and a few twiks, now 3DS ports coming.

Funny how it's only okay when Nintendo does it...
Goalposts move a bit, don't they?

Shiken1714d ago

Every console is a port machine. Every game is developed on a PC via dev kit and ported to the console. 🤯

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1715d ago Replies(3)
meganick1715d ago

I would love for Wind Waker HD and Twilight Princess HD to be ported together in one bundle. A remaster of the Mario Galaxy games with optional non motion controls would be great also.

NerdBurglars1714d ago

this is the one i find most surprising. these would sell well and the work has been done to port them already.

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