
New Fighting Game Lets You Beat Up Hitler

Upcoming 2D fighting game History Warriors looks pretty terrible, but it does give you the chance to beat the crap out of Adolf Hitler.

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ChrisW1735d ago

What makes it even sillier is that Stalin and Mao killed many, many more people than Hitler did... Why aren't they also in the game?

SyntheticForm1735d ago

I have a theory and I'll keep it to myself. I'll just say that hating Hitler is more fashionable than hating other brutal dictators.

Not excusing Hitler at all, but yeah, reasons. Not getting into it.

StalinSupremacy1735d ago

hitler apologists; "but staaaaalin ;_;"

mixelon1735d ago

Daz3D marketplace the beat em up.

Hahaha I feel sorry for Mozart. This looks absolutely terrible. Potentially entertainingly terrible though.

The7Reaper1735d ago (Edited 1735d ago )

If beating him up isn't enough you can kill him multiple different ways in Sniper Elite 2, 3 and 4

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