
Gears 5 review: A much-needed win for Xbox | DigitalTrends

Gears 5 is among the best console-exclusive games on Xbox One, period. It innovates in both its gameplay additions and its psychological-thriller story, while its closest competitor Gears of War 4 merely iterated on classic franchise ideas.

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KickSpinFilter1730d ago

And a 86 on Metacritic!, MS needed this so bad. Good to hear.

DEEHULK881730d ago

They are making a lot of money, so they aren't really as desperate as people portray.

FanboySpotter1730d ago

That's a fact so I don't understand the disagrees

Ricegum1730d ago Show
King_Noctis1730d ago


What he said on this article has nothing to do whatsoever on his past comments on any other past articles. He just said “Another 90”, which literally has nothing to do with Sony.

Pickledpepper1730d ago (Edited 1730d ago )

Yes you should know this @fanboyspotter

\/ \/ \/ \/

Donnie811730d ago

I’ve played about half of the campaign so far. It truly is a premium experience

Prem8tuaProcrastin8a1730d ago

Ikr, I'm not even an hour in and I'm blown away by the graphics, the sound (which is amazing), and already all the little changes I've seen so far make it feel like an evolution of the franchise. DAVE in particular makes more of an impact on gameplay than one would expect. Even the enemies have a different feel, they are genuinely tactical in firefights, and no 1 battle is the same when attempted again.

Donnie811729d ago

It’s fantastic and I see it sneaking a few goty awards

Thundercat771730d ago

Xbox has been doing so bad that I am actually glad they finally had a good game.

mandingo1730d ago

Again. They're not doing as bad as you think. Games wise, sure. Money wise, nope. It's a business after all.

lxeasy1729d ago

They are worth a trillion dollars. They ate doing phenomenally.

Pickledpepper1729d ago

I'd say at least 90% of all your comments are about Xbox and are all bashing Microsoft.
There's a fine line between love and hate you know

Ratchet751729d ago (Edited 1729d ago )

I have been playing this game for the past 6 hours now and I just can't put the controller down.
This is exactly what Xbox one needed.
They kept what was best about the series and improved everything else.
Coalition studio should make their own IP next time around.👏👏


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Gears 5 Is Microsoft's First Game on GeForce NOW; Deathloop, Grounded, Pentiment Coming Next Week

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Top 35 Best Xbox One Games of All Time

BLG writes: "For a console that had a lukewarm (at best) launch, the Xbox One had a lot of great games. So much so that even listing 35 of the best Xbox One games feels like we’re leaving some out!"

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shinoff2183689d ago

i went through the list to kill some time. WHat I found crazy was out of the 35 games only 3 are exclusive to the xbox one. Forza ori and damn I forgot the other.