
Mortal Kombat 11 Dimitri Vegas Sub Zero Skin Is So Bad It's Good

A new Sub Zero skin is about to release, but modders have already gotten access to this skin including his voice pack that have fans questioning how it even made its way into the game.

Smokehouse1751d ago

LOL! They should have let him make his own lines. Every intro has strobe lights and techno music. Come out saying some crowd hype stuff. THAT would have been funny.

zeal0us1751d ago

Still better than Ronda's horrible performance. At least I can get a good laugh out of this.


Mortal Kombat's Single-Player Modes Beyond The Kampaign Are Boring And Uninspired

Despite having creative ideas, NetherRealm Studios can't properly execute them to incorporate a fun progression-based single-player mode.


Mortal Kombat 11 Easter Egg Finally Found After Years-Long Tease by Dev

A Mortal Kombat 11 Easter egg has finally been found years after it was originally teased by the senior designer who put it in.


Latest Humble Bundle packs Mortal Kombat 11, Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl, Chivalry 2, and more

The Humble Melee Mayhem Bundle just launched recently. It includes ten items including Mortal Kombat 11, Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl, Chivalry 2, and more.

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