
Where Is the Hype for Kojima and Death Stranding?

Kojima will soon release his new game Death Stranding. The question remains: Why is the hype level so low for such an anticipated game?

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FallenAngel19841766d ago

I’ll get actually interested when I know what the game is about and how it’ll play.

I refuse to hop on board a band wagon of hype just because a popular name is attached to a project.

1766d ago Replies(5)
ClayRules20121766d ago

I understand that.

However, I’m okay with not knowing what the games about, because what I’ve seen already has me really excited. Kojima is something else, and I believe this game will be different, unique, and a blast.

AngelicIceDiamond1766d ago

I really hope all the Fortnite BR kids stay away from DS. They'll complain how confusing it is and has no BR mode. If you play BR thats fine but don't buy the game with intention of complaining how difficult it is to grasp. Then WRONGFULLY influence nnegative metacritic score.

OMG I can see it now....

Hardiman1766d ago (Edited 1766d ago )

Yeah most games I don't know the intricacies of the story but I can gather enough information to know if it's something I want to play.

Also the developer plays a part especially if they have a track record. All I needed to know I wanted HZD was that initial trailer. If I hadn't seen anything else I'd still have bought it day one. Same with GOW, Spider-Man etc.

I get some folks don't like Kojima but I don't care because DS had my interest before the 9 minute gameplay trailer and now I'm even more psyched. Also I feel if this was multi plat there would be less contempt!

As for going in blind , I haven't had buyers remorse since Alpha Protocol and that was over a decade ago. It's not hard to figure out what I like.

KOIMOJO1766d ago

I'm often confused why people are so scared of being let down by games. A big majority of my love for games comes from prerelease excitement and anticipating certain ones with my friends. If it does end up disappointing I'll get over it soon enough. Might as well be hyped in the meantime. But I'm also pretty good at not having unruly expectations and find myself enjoying a lot of things for what they are that most people wouldn't touch.

It's better to have love and lost than never to have loved at all.

As for Death Stranding I'd have to disagree with the write up. I think it has plenty of hype in my circles. Gaming press isn't all over it because I'm sure they are scared to be wrong in hyping it if it is a disaster. Personally for me (being I love kojima and the weird shit he comes up with) I think no matter what shortcomings it has I'll still get plenty of enjoyment just discovering what this shit is. I'll always pay for the discovery mystery behind a new IP. I don't even want to know about the inner workings most of the time.

TheKingKratos1766d ago

I have to agree
The game seems strange and i like that but will not buy into hype unless i understand what's going on.

SyntheticForm1766d ago

Seems people would rather you go in blind, and wearing a blindfold bearing the name Kojima.

The game looks interesting, has a powerhouse cast, and a top level producer according to many, including the man himself. Still, I have no clue whether or not the gameplay will be enjoyable - none in the slightest. We've seen ladder placement, bike riding, briefcase combat, and backpacking and that's it.

The most interesting aspect is the story itself, which looks promising, but looks can be deceiving. I need more appetizer before I can commit to the meal. I understand the argument that showing too much spoils things, but I don't think they've shown so much that showing a little more would equal too much.

DaDrunkenJester1766d ago

I've tried conveying this to many people and it's immediately met with opposition. It's not that I don't want the game, it's just I don't even know what it is I"ll be doing IN the game. The story seems weird and the characters seem cool, but that's all we really have to go on. Hence why I want to see more gameplay, what we are going to be playing the majority of. Is it more of an exploration game with mild combat? Is it very story focused with just some bits of gameplay thrown in and combat sections when the story determines so?

SyntheticForm1766d ago

Only here would people actually 'oppose' the idea of being more informed before committing oneself to purchase. They would rather you say 'Day ONE baby!' or 'Looks great can't wait!' devoid of caution or curiosity.

Now, there's nothing wrong with anticipation and excitement - they're great, but it needs to be based on more than the name Kojima and snippets of unexciting gameplay footage.

Before I'm accosted with accusations of being an Xbot, loving Call of Duty, having a short attention span, or being an uncultured dunce, I'm going to simply say 'no.'

trooper_1765d ago

Obviously they want you to interpret things for yourself. I think it should be given a chance.

SyntheticForm1765d ago (Edited 1765d ago )

@ trooper

This isn't Bloodborne. It's not a matter of individual interpretation; this is not a make-of-it-what-you-will type story and there's a very specific one being told here. What it is, nobody knows - but this isn't a game where you draw your own conclusion. The story may be nebulous as of now because we know jack per Kojima's design, but there's a solid one here.

Obviously the game should be given a chance.

There's nothing wrong with a wait-and-see approach when it comes to 'any' video game or product in general for that matter. People research, scrutinize, and act with prudence when they're buying things all the time so why should buying a video game be different? The fine Sony crowd of N4G would rather us throw up our fists in a fury of premature praise because Kojima and uniqueness. Sorry, that isn't enough for everyone including me.

RomanPSX1766d ago

Exactly, i dont even know what the game is about, or how it plays. I know Kojima is one of the best in the business, but I wont gift him my $$. Sony should be hyping the shit out of this game.

-Foxtrot1766d ago

I just think people are keeping their expectations in check incase

If its great...fantastic

If it's a let down...then people didn't get too sucked into the hype


After how average and disappointing MGSV was, I'm glad people are keeping their hype levels low.

xX-oldboy-Xx1766d ago

Sounds like you want your hand held mate - seems many people do here.

Save the world, deliver message, kill bad guy x, save good guy y, find a part to fix a machine, explore and gather materials - all generic gameplay tropes.

Is that what you want Kojima to come and say?

Show some intellect laced with some imagination and a dose of faith.

If DRATH STRANDING doesn't intrigue anyone enough to put away $5 a week until release, don't even bother wasting your time following the game.

The hype is there, the hype will continue to grow. Sony and Kojima Productions will have another blow out shortly before release.

Maybe that will get it across the line for the many in this thread.

SyntheticForm1766d ago

Wanting more information about what activities you'll partake in within the game is asking to have your hand held? I call nonsense.

To your second sarcastic statement; nobody is clamoring for the generic open-world production that you've illustrated - merely they wan't to know more and see more of what they'll actually be doing.

We don't want him to say anything; we'd rather him speak with visuals, and a little more wouldn't hurt at all. It wouldn't have to spoil, and it would keep people (like you) who want to go in totally blind happy while exciting them even more.

I'll take practicality and knowledge over the faith and stupidity you've recommended. Your approach is quite the opposite of intellectual.

The rest of your post is nonsense too.

xX-oldboy-Xx1766d ago

Ok - Let's see if we can join a few dots, Homo-demons are terrorists - they like to take over cities and leave craters.

Maybe your job is stop that.

Then we have the whole Death Stranding thing going on, how it came about and what it actually is - I don't know.

Intriguing though, isn t it.

Then there's the blokes in the Yellow suits, maybe the opposition to the President of jack shit?

There appears to be open world exploration, gunplay, stealth elements, super natural elements, threats from both physical and otherworldly and of course at the heart of all Sam has a job to do - his deliveries.

I prefer things not so black and white, if I'm going into a game or no movie knowing what to expect - where's the fun in that?

I like to be surprised, shocked, hit from left field and left thinking - 'That is not what I expected, how good was that?'

You lot can wait for the release of the game and watch it YouTube - I'll be playing midnight launch day.

DaDrunkenJester1766d ago (Edited 1766d ago )

No one is asking for a generic game or their hands to be held or the story to be ruined. All that needs to be done is for him to show us a single mission, possibly in the middle of the game with no context or cutscenes. That way they can demonstrate what a typical mission structure may look like outside of big story events.

We have seen a lot of walking and exploring and Kojima himself did say there would be a lot of that. He also said killing and combat should be avoided. Then there was that part in the Japanese trailer that showed a gun, but apparently you only use that in the other dimension to fight the big beast looking things?

There is just so much un answered gameplay wise that showing one random mission could at least give us an idea of general gameplay and structure. Are encounters during deliveries random? Will there only be settlements that you'll need to sneak around? Do you always have a gun or only in the other dimension? Do you get a game over if you lose all your packages?

Just typical gameplay mechanics would be nice to know. I don't want any story ruined. Hopefully at gamescom

xX-oldboy-Xx1766d ago

DaDrunken - mate if that's what you need to get the same, you might get it - you might not.

All this equates to is people like yourself not buying it day 1 if the information they're after isn t given.

There's still 3 months before release, plenty time for a State Of Play, Gamescom is coming and Kojima will be speaking the night before - you might your answers there.

I hope so, because this game went from 'a walking sim' to 'I need to see more' and both of those narratives were and are being shouted from the roof tops from detractors.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions and also how, when and what they buy/play.

I think he's shown enough, albeit 2 - 3 secs at a time - but enough nonetheless. The less I see the better, but I'll watch the shit out of anything Darth Stranding - I can't get enough of it.

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rainslacker1766d ago

I'm excited for it until something comes along that changes my mind. I dont usually go crazy with hype though.

1765d ago
Fraggle19871766d ago

But this is kojima game. When had he never made an excellent game? That alone should be enough to get interested.

Edito1765d ago

For me it's sad to see the generation of gamers that only believe in what they see... i'm from a time where every game that had squaresoft, konami, capcom on the cover was a must have and those games came attached to names that made them special and DS reminds me of that, that I can believe on someone that never let me down someone that made a game as special and influential as Metal Gear Solid... if most of you prefer to trow is legacy out of windows because you don't know the game plays I feel sorry for all of you but trust me the leaks and no surprises is one of the things that is killing the gaming experience... I'm buying day one because I believe in the studio and I want to be surprised... hopefully in the positive way...

DaDrunkenJester1765d ago

He threw his own legacy out the window with MGSV

NeoGamer2321765d ago

You should get an award for probably the most down to earth comment I have seen for a Sony exclusive game!

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1766d ago Replies(1)
Knushwood Butt1766d ago

After MGSV, which I never bothered to complete, I'm quite happy to go in with low expectations.

Don't care about hype or lack of it.

RomanPSX1766d ago

MGS4 was amazing. V got bored of it fast.

1766d ago
KOIMOJO1766d ago

Yeah the core was mechanically brilliant compared to most mgs games but it lacked so much story and character wise. I'd be willing to bet anything that if not for the Konami Kojima fallout that it would have been a very different thing.

bikar1766d ago

well he was also borded with MGSV (probably)
You could see how he managed to make better horror game in one corridor than most other developers without that restriction and as a side project
P.T. is masterwork

DaDrunkenJester1765d ago

PT is a glorified tech demo that was hardly even a game. I have no idea how that demo got so much hype.

bikar1765d ago

Which tech ?
P.T. is short puzzle game and teaser for Silent Hills

jukins1766d ago

The collectors edition sold out in minutes theres the hype. . .

DaDrunkenJester1766d ago

Tbf, Kojima could poop in tinfoil and it would sell out in minutes.

rainslacker1766d ago (Edited 1766d ago )

That's because people are hyped for it. Hes also never released poop in tinfoil, so peoples respect for the man isnt just because they're blind fan boys

SyntheticForm1766d ago

Don't give the bathwater 'thots' any ideas. Shit could easily be next... literally.

1766d ago
trooper_1765d ago


It couldn't possibly be because people are curious and saw enough to pre order?

No, of course not! /s

onisama1765d ago

He never failed his fans and i m sure he wont do it now... Kojima and cd projekt highly respected by video games fans we trust them till they proove us wrong

DaDrunkenJester1765d ago


I'd consider MGSV a failure, lucky it was Kojima though so it could still get those 10's lol

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Juancho51122d ago

Just got to chapter 5 and Im loving every second of this game. Phenomenal boss fight at chapter 4, and just great dialogue and story. What a GEM.