
Now Is Not A Good Time To Buy A Nintendo Switch

Forbes: “I would almost always recommend that you buy a Nintendo Switch, but right now there's one good reason I'm suggesting you wait.”

PhoenixUp1787d ago

I’m not getting one until the original model gets a price cut and that Joycon drift issue gets dramatically fixed

A larger internal storage would be nice but knowing Nintendo that’d just be wishful thinking

Pennywise1381787d ago

I don’t think the original model will get a price cut for awhile. I think Nintendo’s strategy will be the switch lite at $200 the standard at $300 and then a pro version late next year at $400 just before the PlayStation and Xbox consoles hit. It seems most people assume those consoles will start at $500. Really not a bad strategy if it plays out that way as long as the switch pro is at a minimum on par with a PS4 pro.

Zeldafan641787d ago

$350 for the pro next year. The lite will get a drop to $180, the regular to $250 and the pro for $350.

Livingthedream1787d ago

Switch pro with PS4 pro graphics would be legit

Sono4211787d ago

If you are hoping for the Switch pro to have PS4 Pro graphics, you better prepare for disappointment

sinspirit1787d ago (Edited 1787d ago )

If they just updated the regular model with a more power efficient Tegra chip then I don't think it will be phased out any time soon, and having a Lite, regular, and pro version may be a bit much. Though, it would be very interesting to see a premium option that is easily distinguished from the other models. Amoled screen that is also bigger with slimmer bezels, higher resolution, bluetooth, camera, built in stylus, etc.

CBaoth1787d ago

A $350-400 mid-gen Nintendo console would be a commercial disaster. Sure, a lot of people here might want one. The N4G community isn't an accurate reflection of the overall industry though. Time and time again this has been proven. Reference the latest Famitsu charts. You'll notice the disparity of sales between the new 3DS and 2DS. You don't think that data flies right on by Ninty's top brass, do ya?

You want a Switch Pro? No problem, you'll just have to wait till 2022. It'll probably be called Switch Too (knowing Nintendo's penchant for clever names of successful follow-ups like Super NES, WiiU and 3Ds)

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PhoenixUp1787d ago

I guess I’m not getting a Switch for a while. I’m in no rush to get one, but if it gets an attractive price I’ll be persuaded.

I find it hypocritical for people to be expecting a Switch Pro when they apparently don’t care about the power of the hybrid system.

phoenixwing1787d ago

i want a switch pro but i'm not a nintendo fanboy. I'm waiting for a reasonable price or value like you are.

TheHateTheyGive1787d ago

Im not into handheld gaming and i out grew nintendos kid focused 1st party games.

Outlawzz1787d ago

Your so grown up it makes me sick

King_Noctis1787d ago

So you mean games like Xenoblade 2, Fire Emblem Three Houses, Astral Chain, and Bayonetta 3 are for kids? Oh wait, some of those aren’t “first party exclusives” so they don’t count right?

Knushwood Butt1787d ago

Interestingly, none of those are developed in house by Nintendo.

King_Noctis1787d ago

“Monolith Soft Inc. is a Japanese video game development company. It was originally owned by Namco until being bought out by Nintendo in 2007.”

Might want to check your fact there Knushwood.

Knushwood Butt1787d ago

You are correct, but even so, that's one of three.

pietro12121787d ago

What a dumb take. Nintendo has been making in developing mature games and work with other developers

Tross1787d ago (Edited 1787d ago )

You're probably still young then. I've been way more into "kid stuff" as an adult than I was growing up once I passed a certain age, because there was a time when I was self-conscious about what others thought of me, and I adhered to common ideas of what "grown-up stuff" was. In my late pre-teens and early teens especially, I was keen on distancing myself from anything associated with being a kid.

Of course, I eventually grew up and decided life is too short to live it worrying what people I barely even interact with (if at all) think, and that if there's something I want to enjoy because it appeals to me, I will certainly enjoy that thing, because what I do in my spare time is my business and mine alone. Also, I could die in a fiery car crash tomorrow, and I would rather go out that way after enjoying a life full of merriment of my own choosing than live to be 100 and die after living a boring, sterile life.

That's not to say my life is filled with "kid stuff". I just have a far looser criteria for what I will allow myself to enjoy as opposed to limiting myself out of fear of what some stranger on Facebook might think of one or two of my plethora of interests. And you know what? I feel more grown up for it, because being an adult is about finding your identity and living the life you want to live, not what someone else wants you to live.

william_cade1787d ago

I'm an older gamer and I don't find Mario, Zelda or any in house Nintendo stuff even close to entertaining. Play Station and my skateboard work. Not trying to say what people should enjoy, but can't deny Nintendo caters to a really young crowd, one I can only understand through my experiences, and Mario et al. just isn't cutting it anymore, for me, of course.

TK-661787d ago

"Not trying to say what people should enjoy, but can't deny Nintendo caters to a really young crowd"

You can because we actually have statistics on this: https://www.gamasutra.com/d... Also in case you hadn't noticed GTA and COD are infested with 10 year olds so evidently the Xbox and PS crowd aren't that much older.

TheOptimist1787d ago (Edited 1787d ago )

Not like any of the Sony or Xbox exclusives are for mature people (Except maybe Bloodborne). I feel those who call Nintendo games are for kids ask for superficial maturity. If you wanna play "mature" games, first-party games are rarely where it is at. Both Sony and Microsoft titles handhold people like ACTUAL kids through the entire game and have stories that try to create a sense of weight where there is none.

I also feel that if I had to give Zelda, Halo and TLOU to an average gamer, Zelda would be the hardest to 100% on normal difficulty. Not lengthy, just more difficult.

Look at Deus Ex, Dark Souls, Celeste etc, they are MATURE games. Witcher 3 would also be a good example as far as narrative goes because the game doesn't throw out it's themes on the face of the player unlike many games (Remember Mislav?). There are tons of subtleties and actually mature story-telling in there.

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Elda1787d ago

For me to not bite so far has been mainly because of the software but now hearing these issues if I ever were to buy one I would primarily have it always docked.

Potnoodle9991787d ago

I already do. The screen when not docked is so low res. I have on occasion used it not docked but VERY rarely. It is pretty handy, but majority of the time I don’t see the point. I would never use the switch in public that’s for sure, only time I did was on a plane because I knew I’d be bored. The battery life for it is absolute shite, such an embarrassment!

harmny1787d ago

They're giving them away on planes

Gemmol1787d ago

They did it with Ds lite and 3ds back then......are you new to the internet?

harmny1787d ago

yes im new. please tell me more about that magical thing you call the internet

QuePasa871787d ago

I doubt any further changes are coming to storage and I don't expect a price cut but I'd maybe wait to see what happens about joycon drift drama

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Can We Stop Normalizing 5v5 Hero Shooters Before It's Too Late?

The 5v5 hero shooter genre has been milked dry by gaming studios, and it's high time we agree to put an end to it.

Redgehammer1d 4h ago

I miss the 8v8 matches we had on 56k modems. What is up with 5v5? And as an aside, why don’t games come with a peer to peer hosting option? TF2 is still kicking on Xbox, due to a Peer to peer option. Modern internet is plenty strong.

Rynxie1h ago

I miss the 20 vs 20 (R1). 30 vs 30 (R2). 12 vs 12 (kz2). 16 vs 16 (kz3). 128 vs 128 (MAG). Those were the days. Now we have these crap 5 vs 5 and 6 vs 6with small maps.

JEECE54m ago

32 player and 64 player matches are a lot of fun. Big enough that you feel like there is a lot going on and the "front lines" ebb and flow organically, but small enough where you feel like you are actually having an impact on the game when you are playing well.

JEECE1h ago

I am fully guilty of this too, so I'm not trying to call people out, but it is interesting how in modern gaming (for purposes of this issue, roughly the last 10 years), the gaming community thinks there should only be 1-2 games in a particular subgenre, even if they come out multiple years apart from one another. This is particularly true with multiplayer; often when I see a game announcement I think "oh my gosh, ANOTHER one of these," but if I really sit and think about it, there are only one or two good, established games in that subgenre, and usually they have been around for awhile. Not saying it's wrong, and I'm probably not going to change, but in 2007 I never would have seen a game announcement and thought "oh my gosh I'm so burnt out on this type of game, I played one in 2002 and then there was another successful one in 2004."

CrimsonWing691h ago

I mean, I don’t like them, but I’m not going to say it needs to be stopped by or not be “normalized.” Like what does that mean, not be a standard genre?

Here’s the thing, if people like them and they’re selling, more power to them. Just don’t forget about traditional single player games. The day the industry moves away from that is the day I hang up the towel on the hobby.

derek1h ago

This is all centered around Concord and a desire to sideline the game before anyone has a chance to play it. How narrow-minded can these media types be? There was a lot of effort put into making this game and I presume the devs are looking forward to people trying it out and deciding whether they want to buy it. This article is an attempt by media to force their views on gamers as to whether or not they should give a new game a try. It's toxic and is consistent with alot of the outrage campaigns that hit this space often. I have never played Overwatch or any online games really since the ps3, so the "we hate/ are tired of hero shooters" talk means nothing to me. Am I not allowed to try it out and have an opinion of my own?
If the game fails to attract an audience then so be it, nothing ventured nothing gained. But unreserved critcism of a game you have not played by so called journalists is problematic.

JEECE15m ago

While you aren't wrong that there is a more targeted effort against Concord than you would normally expect, I don't think this reaction is entirely limited to journalists. I think a lot of gamers react this way to new games in an established subgenre, particularly multiplayer games. When I saw Concord, my eyes glazed over and I thought "we don't need another one of these," as if I'm super burned out games like this. But that makes no logical sense, because Overwatch is like 8 years old (I know there was a sequel more recently but for multiplayer purposes it seems to have effectively been an update to the original game), I barely played it at all, and I haven't played any other similar games that released since. Yet I feel exhausted by the prospect of another one (and it seems many others do too). My guess is it has a lot to do with just how tedious and job-like multiplayer games have become. In 2005 it didn't seem like a bad thing to see a new multiplayer game in a genre you liked, because you felt like you could bounce back and forth. Now that essentially every multiplayer game seems to require a ton of tedious grinding at the outset, the "cost" of starting a new one feels much higher.