
Pokémon Sword and Shield Isn’t the Dynamax Evolution Fans are Hoping For – GameSpew

Alan Wen for GameSpew: "Pokémon Sword and Shield should easily be Nintendo’s biggest holiday release of the year, but this demo has rather dampened my expectations. Adding to the fan backlash over the controversial decision to drop the National Pokedex going forward, it might even be in danger of becoming its biggest disappointment."

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-Foxtrot1791d ago

Probably because people are sick of battle gimmicks which always end up becoming a balancing nightmare

We want them to expand on the Underground, the Battle Frontier, Secret Bases, DexNav, Poketch, Pokémon Contests etc but they always remove features for stupid battle gimmicks they'll ditch in the next game.

These new features are basically glorified mega evolutions, but this time they are GIANT SIZED *jazz hands*

execution171791d ago

I wish they'd actually change up the battle system since there'd actually be more skill based battles if it was real time

AspiringProGenji1791d ago

No! The real skills are in turn base where you have to strategize and counter properly

Antnee5341791d ago

Only think that matters from the list you put is secret bases. I mean and that was an optional thing that wasnt that great until ruby and sapphire remakes.

Teflon021791d ago

I don't care much for alot of those other things. But I definitely think expanding and advancing the systems in the game are better than a damn giant pokemon. Only reason I was okay with the other temp crap was because I did like the pokemon designs but I thought they completely broke the whole games systems with the temp evos because it was always select pokemon which was dumb and then a fav like charazard will get 2 different ones... Now this is even more ridiculous. They didn't even try. They just said let's go big or go home

Antnee5341791d ago

Your a very silly person to think pokemon will be disappointing. These will be the best pokemon games to come out yet. I know very much so from everything shown im super hyped. Only thing i would have changed is cut all old pokemon from the game entirely and have a fresh new everything

1791d ago
Xaevi1791d ago

The game will sell millions regardless. I won't be buying it as I feel it's not the big step I had hope it would be when they announced they were making it to for the Switch. To me it looks like an uprez 3DS game with a new gimmick, and I just can't support such a half baked effort, least not a second time, I got fooled enough with a Let's Go. Not hating on the series, I'll always love Pokemon

Ristul1791d ago (Edited 1791d ago )

They should have stayed with 150 and instead expanded the world and tech/engine. They have painted themselves into a corner, too many Pokemon means most of the time is spent modeling and animating all those monsters with generic movesets.

By this point in time we should be able, for example, to fly on the back of a pokemon over an open world much like BotW. The potential was there, but the developer made all the wrong moves.

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