
Epic Games founder looks to lead change in the games industry

Epic Games founder is hoping that the early successes of the Epic Games Store propels it into a new paradigm of how we consume games.

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Harkins17211923d ago (Edited 1923d ago )

But he's white.

1922d ago Replies(1)
DillyDilly1923d ago

How are the Metro sales on PC ?

starchild1922d ago (Edited 1922d ago )

Only on Epic store so far. Also being given out for free with the purchase of RTX series graphics cards. I wonder too.

Bladesfist1922d ago

I know more people who have pirated than bought it as they don't want to support exclusivity on PC :(

The sad part is the game is fantastic, I bought it on Steam before the release as I could just refund it if I didn't like the first 2 hours anyway.

Seafort1923d ago

Many people I know from the PC community are boycotting Epic Games Store. I certainly am. After the crap we got from Epic while they were with Microsoft I don't trust them and I certainly won't buy any games from the anti-consumer store.

Locking down games with a 1 year exclusivity deal so it can't be bought anywhere else is not competition. It's the complete opposite.

All Epic are doing to trying to change the PC platform into a console environment where exclusives are the norm. People are already rebelling and it's only going to get worse for the developers and publishers of these exclusive games going forwards.

Cobra9511923d ago

And like all those people, you're way off the mark. Games sold on Epic are not exclusive in any real sense. They run on the same exact PCs that Steam, Origin and Uplay games run (just to name a few other storefronts). Exclusive is when you want to play God of War, but you only own an Xbox and a Switch. On the PC, you are not excluded from any PC gaming, regardless of storefront.

Shikoku1922d ago

Epic is a platform so yeah it's exclusive its just not a hardware platform tard.

Reefskye1922d ago (Edited 1922d ago )

It is a Storefront Timed Exclusive, so yes epic have paid for it to only be published on their platform like what use to happen during the PS3 and XBOX3 era, if it becomes acceptable for Epic to do this, then whats stopping them from buying real permanent exclusives. Lets be fair EA and Ubisoft publish their own games were they please, they don't wave money around in front of 3rd party developers and to get them to do timed exclusive deals, forcing everyone who enjoyed the previous to game to make an account and download a launcher they never wanted.

Epic make few games, this is just a way to get more games on their storefront and more customers, Steam doesnt pay for this, Origin also doesn't and neither does Uplay or even bethesda

Just Epic, the company that was once pretty good, now makes a shitty Defunct Unreal Tournament and a another BR game.

Just because i can download the Epic launcher doesn't make this ok, the world is full of launchers already we dont need another discord buying timed exclusive rights to games because they make fuck all them selfs.

starchild1922d ago

"they don't wave money around in front of 3rd party developers and to get them to do timed exclusive deals"

Well, console makers do that kind of crap all the time. Pay a third party developer to make a game exclusive to their platform. But I never see any of you speaking out against that, even though it's actually far more annoying.

Cobra951 is right about this being very different than the kind of hardware based exclusivity that happens on consoles. We're not having to spend several hundred dollars to buy a console just to play a game that interests us. In fact, you don't have to spend any money at all, you just download the launcher and the game and you're ready to play it on your currently owned PC. It might be a very slight inconvenience, but nothing remotely similar to the situation with exclusivity on consoles.

Reefskye1922d ago

"Well, console makers do that kind of crap all the time. Pay a third party developer to make a game exclusive to their platform. But I never see any of you speaking out against that, even though it's actually far more annoying."

I don't play Consoles no more because i refuse to pay for a service that i already pay my ISP for, you can all defend it all you want but people who call bullshit are the reason why PC gaming refused to pay to use "Games for Windows live" Consoles Gamers are the ones who accept these shitty business practices and now pay for their access to play a multiplayer game you already paid for and your ISP for to actually access the multiplayer part.

So no time exclusive is still a timed exclusive, I can't play it on 1 of the 3 major launchers now, So why should i make a new account, add all my details to buy 1 game, i mean didn't it just come out epic don't even have proper email verification? and you expect me to trust more of my details to ANOTHER Company just because they want to buy exclusive rights to games because they don't make enough games them self's to actually have a valid store front, No

Sony make their own console they do as they please, same with Microsoft and Nintendo.

Your all missing the point anyway your all thinking of one single game? just like paying to play online if its left as acceptable on PC then it will just push more publishers to pay for FULL EXCLUSIVES on their platform which is a shitty business practice

Reefskye1922d ago

Oh and exclusive doesn't mean its tied to one bit of hardware, Shops have exclusives, does that stop everyone going in to that shop and buying it no of coarse it doesn't,but its still called an "Exclusive" Its still an Exclusive to Epic store because that was Exclusive means you can't get it anywhere else.

all these comments just prove why you pay for something like PSN or XBOX live, its not about 1 game its about the future of publishing on the PC, this is a timed exclusive, whats to stop the next game or the next 1 or the next 1 from being permanent exclusive to store fronts, This is why people moan on PC because we dont want crappy console practises on our systems.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1922d ago
Melankolis1922d ago

Every new company needs a uniqueness when they enter the market for the first time. Be it their effort is 1st or 3rd party exclusives.

Epic's exclusive is just a timed exclusive afaik, let them survive so they can do business apple to apple with Steam.

Maybe you're angry when they "steal" something from the store you love so much, but believe me, competition is good, the benefit is on the long run for customers and developers. It is time for Steam to get a competitor anyway, they've been dominating digital distribution for quite a long time.

And it isn't you have to buy another PC to play "those" exclusives.

harmny1922d ago (Edited 1922d ago )

Locking down games sounds exactly like competition to me. I don't think you know what competition is.
Doesn't mean I like it though

Melankolis1922d ago (Edited 1922d ago )

I worked for antitrust agency for years.
At one point, exclusive dealing can be considered anti-competitive behavior.

But if i may speak as a gamer, i think the world needs a worthy competitor for Steam. It may cause us a little hassle for now (if any), but, In long term, if Epic (or any other company) become a significant competitor for Steam, it's us and developers who will take the most benefit.

There's no switching cost from steam to Epic anyway, in fact, so we can have them both, in the very same system.

So why not give every competitor arise a chance?

A little hassle now, for the greater good later.

1922d ago
ApocalypseShadow1923d ago (Edited 1923d ago )

**Epic Games founder looks to make lots of "change" in the games industry**


And dance all the way to the bank with it. With dances others popularized.

IanTH1922d ago (Edited 1922d ago )

Given they have yet to make literally any platform improvements since they opened their doors, so to speak, I believe their luck will run dry really quickly. They've had months to improve features or add meaningful tools and have done nothing. Heck, Origin and Uplay launched in better states than Epic and improved quicker as well. Locking down content will not serve them for long if they don't start adding actual value in their store features and platform offerings.

If they just saved the money they throw at *one* of those exclusive games and gave it to a pool of developers, they could have an amazing store in no time. And I can't see how that wouldn't serve them better in both the short AND long term. They better wake up sooner rather than later.

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3,2,1, FIGHT-

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Jin_Sakai15h ago

These are the kind of games I like. Can’t wait!

Hofstaderman15h ago

Can't wait. Can never bring myself to delete the first one off my ssd even when I need space, its that good.

purple10114h ago

I deleted it, - but re downloaded it and got another 4 jigsaw pieces yesterday!! all this news of astro made me want more. can confirm I sighed and smiled multiple times, which is more than I can say for the usual games I play (cod & GT7, which do invoke a little bit of edge of the seat excitement, but not as fun as astro)

isarai8h ago

Im excited to buy this, just a simple fun platformer. Japan/Asobi is such an underutilized team, i hope this changes that cause they've honestly produced some of the funnest platformers outside the Mario series imo. I still replay puppeteer from time to time

jznrpg6h ago

I was thinking about Astro Bot and games they made sort of like it in the past and it reminded me of Puppeteer.

It came out at the very end of the PS3 generation so it didn’t get much attention as PS4 was right there. They really should remaster that game for PS5 it was a lot of fun.