
Nintendo Japan Reveals Typical Employee Salary

Nintendo, a company that has become increasingly transparent with fans over the past couple years, recently offered an inside look into its Japanese workforce.

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Jin_Sakai1933d ago (Edited 1933d ago )

The average length of employment is amazing.

No of Employees - 2,271
Avg age - 38.6
Avg length of employment - 13.5 yrs
Avg work day - 7hrs, 45mins
Avg annual salary - $80,000

SuperSonic911933d ago

Nintendo is a very streamlined organization of just around 5,000 employees yet makes around $1.5 billion dollars a year!
How????? By selling simple kiddie games at premium predatory prices just as much as AAA games that costs 10 to 20 times times more to produce.
Shrewed business strategy indeed.
Many companies that have more than twice the manpower Nintendo has can only hope to make even just a quarter of what thwy make.

I mean Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy is 3 highly acclaimed games by Naughty Dog fully remade from the ground up with AAA HD quality yet only sold for $40 yet Nintendo gets away with $60 for one remastered ports of old games. WoW!
I don't think that is gonna change anytime soon. Their poor fans.

Nitrowolf21933d ago

Man you really hate Nintendo

Godmars2901933d ago

At the very least its a one time $60 thing, versus the "Games as Services" that's taken over much of western gaming.

italiangamer1933d ago

Did some Nintendo employee shit in your cereal when you were a kid?

Neonridr1933d ago

GTFO of here dude.. Seriously you are embarassing yourself.

1932d ago
conanlifts1932d ago

They make games that appeal to the most diverse demographic of all the game makers. This is why they sell so many copies.

King_Noctis1932d ago

Not you again. Just go away.

Mungamingzone1932d ago


DrumBeat1932d ago

More like poor you. Their fans don't think about this at all - they just enjoy the games.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1932d ago
Yi-Long1932d ago

'Average annual salary' is very misleading of course. This makes it seem everyone is doing very nicely over at Nintendo, and gets paid a fair share, but when 1 guy makes 1 million a year, and 9 others make 10,000 a year, the average might seem nice, but obviously the bottom 9 would be suffering.

Not saying that's happening at Nintendo. Just saying numbers like these can be misinterpreted.

Cobra9511932d ago

If that average includes top executives, then it isn't at all valid. (The variance/SD would be ridiculous.) I doubt your scenario applies here. I can't say for certain, though.

XiNatsuDragnel1933d ago

Oh my god you guys are amazing. Take notes greed publishers ;)

LoveSpuds1932d ago

It is promising that Nintendo are being more open and transparent I think, they do seem to be modernising in respect of how they operate a little. Hopefully they make up some ground in respect of their network too, I am personally gagging for a trophy equivalent. With how much fun their games generally are, they could have really interesting and fun trophy lists.

Knushwood Butt1932d ago

Avg length of employment - 13.5 yrs

That is very impressive.

Avg work day - 7hrs, 45mins

Interesting, but seen as typical working contracts are 8 hours a day, does that mean this figure includes part time staff? Seems a little too good to be true.

Cobra9511932d ago

Depends on what country you live/work in. If the USA, then yeah, that would seem like fantasy to you. This country has gone far downhill in how it treats employees and employment. They call the justification for long hours, poor pay and poor job security "productivity".

ShadowWolf7121931d ago (Edited 1931d ago )

lol there's a lot of high praise in here from people who don't know how Japanese work culture is, WHY employees seek to stay long term even at jobs they hate, and what isn't accounted for in the numbers.

I mean the average salary at Konami was about $10k more a year, must be even BETTER to work there. Right?


Microsoft shakes up Xbox marketing as key exec departs for Roblox

Jerret West is leaving Xbox at the end of the month.

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TOTSUKO16h ago

Won’t be missed. Xbox sucks at marketing in this industry. This is badly needed.

jznrpg16h ago

I see Xbox stuff everywhere. On cereal boxes, toasters and fridges.. Xbox just sucks.

Scissorman16h ago

This. Marketing isn't the issue. He's just fleeing the sinking ship.

14h ago
DivineHand12514h ago(Edited 14h ago)

Unfortunately, Xbox has not done great with marketing this generation. One thing I found odd is that he is leaving Xbox for Roblox. I'm not sure how big Roblox is in comparison to Xbox but I can't imagine him getting better compensation from there. Perhaps he was forced out?

fr0sty14h ago

It's simple, Roblox is profitable.

DivineHand12513h ago

@fr0sty Would you leave your place of employment to work somewhere else for less pay just because that business is profitable?

You would have to be a special person to be ok with that.

zaanan12h ago

That, or he is pulling an Elop.

DarXyde5h ago


Not really. I don't know how much experience you have with working or how far along into your career you are, but profitability does offer an indication of how sustainable your job is. The company that is not profitable (or less profitable) is probably exploring options to cut costs, including axing jobs (we see Microsoft closing studios and really downsizing physical media operations. Valid concern in my opinion).

I doubt that's the only factor at play here and it could be any myriad of reasons why he's out: cut in compensation, not liking the direction of the company, toxic work culture, etc.

Either way, I can see a case for people leaving a job that pays better with less profitability. If you're in the marketing department and your brand isn't doing that great despite your best efforts, you probably want to coast for a while at a more profitable company.

Not saying that's reality, but I can totally see a case for that.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5h ago
Tedakin12h ago

Xbox marketing has mostly been trash for a decade. Shake it up as much as you can.

RhinoGamer8811h ago

Marketing is not the issue at XBOX. Production and its leadership have screwed up royally. XBOX studios, wth are you doing managing these developers?!

XBManiac9h ago

It is both and all... the best console with the most expensive invest in marketing and the "best" developers and the best online service with the best servers... but... well... also, the worst console with a bad invest in marketing and competition using Microsoft servers for their online services and... What is Xbox now, a console, a service, a platform, a brand, a dead project? This is a marketing problem, maybe.

XBManiac9h ago

The problem is not the marketing, but how you invest the money in marketing. If you invest far more than the competition and receive less... the problem is the one in charge, isn't it? Well... Phil Spencer was a marketing guy, will he be the next? Unity are hiring... :)

DivineHand1255h ago

How do you know how much each company invest in marketing and what evidence do you have to indicate Sony spends less than Xbox?

XBManiac4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Companies in the stock exchange have to publish their data. Make some research, it is for free.

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Gamescom latam 2024 has just announced its dynamic lineup of talks and discussions

"gamescom latam, the first Latin American edition of the biggest gaming event in the world, today is thrilled to unveiled its comprehensive program of speakers, marking a monumental milestone in Latin America's gaming landscape." - Gamescom.


There's No Place For AAA Exclusivity In Gaming Industry Anymore

Exclusivity is no longer the golden goose it used to be, making the multi-platform strategy way more appealing.

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Jin_Sakai2d ago

I disagree. Then we’d have one console rule them all with no competition.

-Foxtrot1d 21h ago

No competition means no one will push themselves

Everything will feel super safe

AsimLionheart16h ago

Agreed. These articles are nothing but an attempt to pressure Sony PlayStation into committing seppuku by releasing their exclusives on Xbox. This is exactly what they did with all that crossplay pro-consumer propaganda campaign a few years back. And also tried when Xbox One announced DRM and always online. Why don't these journalists ever demand Nintendo to release their games on other platforms? That alone makes their malicious and dishonest intentions clear. Whenever MS manages to shoot themselves in the foot, they try to convince Sony to do it too just so the can absolve MS.

Cacabunga11h ago

Last gen there was no competition either and we got massive games on PS4

Jingsing6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

@AsimLionheart You nailed it. Unfortunately Sony has been walking into elephant traps for a while including their PC strategy. Me personally I've bought all PlayStation consoles but the PS5 I've only bought a handful of games for it compared to hundreds for each previous generation. That is a lot of money Sony lost from me as a customer while aggressively pursuing PC ports and Game Pass. I'm simply not going to fund exclusive games only for them to come to PC soon after with more features and to be pirated then for people on PC to not pay for PS+ multiplayer access either. In summary Sony have made an imbalance in their market which is taking their console users for idiots and I'm not falling for it.

I don't like Microsoft or Xbox and will never support them but my interest for Sony has started to go because of their half in and half out strategy. If you are going to fully support PC then don't be partial or vague about it. Many will stop buying your hardware and subscription services come next generation. It is simply cheaper to just pirate their games on PC, that is what happens when you don't protect paying customers. In the end I hope Sony will be happy with people leaving their consoles behind and Steam taking 30% from all their sales and the vast majority getting their games from torrent sites because expensive single player games just don't do the big numbers on PC. For those folks that are supportive of Sony's PC strategy because you don't care about consoles well you don't get those big subsidized polished games without that big console player money. If Sony continue to dilute themselves as platform holder they will have less money. You don't need a PhD in business and economics to tell you that platform holder is king.

CobraKai1h ago

Exactly. Competition is healthy. Sony felt safe with the PS3 and look how that affected them. Exclusives means devs will make better content for that particular console.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1h ago
StormSnooper21h ago

no exclusives means no competition to provide outstanding games. It means rehashed releases that will be up to a certain standard, and take no risks because no risks are necessary or justified.

It means, games pass, and services, and microtransactions, and parceled out gaming.

darthv7220h ago

There is not really a lot of differences in the platforms as it is. Except for Nintendo who is doing their thing in the hybrid market... both Ps and XB are virtually the same. Its like Toshiba vs Panasonic for VHS VCR... both played the same tapes but one had slightly better features when it came to recording settings. Then later it was DVD players and then bluray players. all of which can play the same stuff... what sets them apart is the brand, the price and the bells and whistles.

Competition is still there. In fact, most have more than one. Maybe more if there are more people in the house.

Cockney16h ago

Completely missing the point, the difference with videogames is there is a difference, games are the difference.
A whole paragraph to say nothing, thats quite an achievement

just_looken19h ago


True but xbox might not be around console wise next gen this gen they have shown 0 reason to buy there console so next gen going game only would be in there wheel house.

Nintendo just hangs out back with crap hardware but alot of sales.

Lightning7718h ago

Weird Sarah Bond said other wise at the showcase.

just_looken18h ago


They are tossing out new series consoles disc less versions at that they did not show off there next xbox consoles.

They would never say there done with consoles when tossing out a new model that would impact sales.

But saying its there last 2 years from now when the hype train is going for the ps6 would be the time that is just common sense.

When i said is true the only thing xbox console exclusive is there gamepass console games that is it everything else is on pc and or ps5

FinalFantasyFanatic14h ago

Nintendo survives on the strength of their first party titles, and I'm fine with that, they put out some great games. I just wish they weren't so stingy and didn't charge an arm and a leg for 5 year old games and ageing hardware.

thesoftware7303h ago(Edited 3h ago)


"xbox might not be around console wise next gen"

Huh? They already announced that new hardware is coming.

"Nintendo just hangs out back with crap hardware but alot of sales."

Nintendo games are what sells their consoles; they are not just hanging out; they are dominating in unit sales & game sales. The Icon on the cake is that Nintendo games are stellar and often review, sell, and live longer than anything from Sony or MS.

Your pure dilution of facts shows how ridiculous your comment is.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3h ago
neutralgamer199216h ago

When AAA games cost on average 150-200 million than there will be a lot less platform exclusives. In next 5 years many Xbox major brands will be playable on playstation and vice versa. These games are already getting released on Pc so what's another platform

Seriously some people need to get out of the console war mindset yo understand the reality of gaming buisnes in 2024 and moving forward. Spiderman 2 cost 300 million. GTA6 is rumored to cost half of billion. Halo infinite was 500 million

just_looken15h ago

That halo budget was for the slpspace engine for halo games that lasted one game then that team left lol what a dam waist.

They are also tossing a billion to gta6 even though in the trailer you can see gta 5 buildings/cars/people/signs/st ores/roads even the cars act the same was it to much to give us back gta 4 physics?

The game budget is going up but the game quality does not represent that at all

Again that gta 6 trailer no weather shown no smoke from the tires no ray tracing no proper shadows shit did not look like it was ready for 2026.

So that muliplat deal is not for the game budgets as the was not a issue in the older day's when halo had more bioms coop better mp with forge or when playstaion has more exclusive on ps3 than xbox almost beat Nintendo.

Its now all about making billions of dollars a race to the next trillion dollar company greed greed though m$ is already there.

FinalFantasyFanatic14h ago

Those Spiderman 2 development costs are so bloated, I honestly can't see where they spent the money, considering they're building upon the first game and can re-use a lot of assests.

tay87014h ago

PS will not be putting their games on xbox in the next 5 yrs, let alone "many major" games. They would be EXTREMELY lucky to even get a Gaas game. You are certainly not going to see games like Spiderman 3, last of us 3, or the next God of war on xbox.

crazyCoconuts1h ago

I don't think you understand the gaming business. Sony would be a fraction of it's size if all it did was sell games. The exclusive games are and always have been to keep customers glued to their PS platform. Putting then on Xbox is missing the point. They need their 30% and the monthly PS Essentials to stay in the game.
Only reason Xbox is shifting strategy is because they're losing more and more each year on the platform side.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1h ago
FinalFantasyFanatic14h ago

I couldn't agree more, exclusivity isn't the issue, otherwise no one would have a reason to buy consoles (it's the reason I've only bought a Switch this gen). Its developers not reigning in their costs, the expenditure is so great and sometimes it's hard to see where they spent the money. AAA gaming developer's bad practices are causing the issues.

just_looken13h ago

So dam true You think the law would step in soon show were its all going just like starwars needing over 80million for 40min episode.

Alot must be going to hookers/blow/shrooms then there pocket

TheEroica6h ago

Consoles are going to die. They're being kept alive by the older generations while the new generation is all about PC gaming. Stop thinking like it's 1992.... These companies have competing storefronts and services on top of first party games.... Plenty to compete over without having to drag people for another 500 dollar console that has 3 games worth of parity.

Selling consoles is not the future of determining who is "leading" the industry. The old model is dying.

tay87014h ago

Lol that's what MS wants everyone to think. If consoles are dying, why is the ps5 tracking better than than the ps4? Just because MS is getting outsold 5:1 doesn't mean consoles are dying, it means xboxs console business is dying.

TheEroica1h ago

Tay, you are soooo short sighted. Lol.... But you continue to do you. The writing is on the wall and this highly disappointing generation didn't help... So long consoles.... You'll be niche before long.

crazyCoconuts1h ago

Actually incorrect. A big survey just posted results. Older people are more likely to be playing mobile games. The youngest generation are the biggest consumers of consoles. Mobile is still a force of course, but consoles are being used more now than ever.

shinoff21833h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Paid for by your loving pro consumer Microsoft corporation. Males me sick


The way Sony is handling pc ports makes the most sense. Imo. They get the game later then consoles.

Jingsing1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

You obviously didn't fully read what I said did you. :rollseyes: They can't continue to give PC users a better deal than their console customers, paying more for a lesser version of a game combined with a subscription fee for multiplayer access, That is anti consumer. If you think centering a console around getting some games a year early is a good business strategy then your are completely blinded. PC users can and will wait they always have and on top of that they won't reward Sony with lots of sales either but rather piracy due to the high prices. People like to pretend Steam somehow killed piracy, it is bigger than ever. If they are going to release multiplayer games at the same date on PS5 and PC console users get shafted again with a higher price and multiplayer access fee. Which PC users are not having to pay, explain this discrepancy?

Microsoft are also doing this but not as badly as you can buy a game on Xbox and get it on PC but they still have a gate fee in place that isn't on PC. Sorry but all this is BS. Microsoft and Sony need to explain why people on console have to magically pay for supposed server fees and people on PC don't. You can't have your cake and eat it, people will eventually wake up and it will be too late for them to change course.

crazyCoconuts1h ago

If Xbox really does bow out of hardware, I wouldn't be surprised if PS gets more aggressive with keeping games off of PC, reversing direction, trying to bring more ppl to PS. That'll be their next opportunity for growth I think

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1h ago
piroh1d 23h ago

Yes, lets play Gran Turismo 7 on PC and Xbox... or Demons souls remake, or FF7 Rebirth, or FF16, or Spider man 2, or Rise of the ronin, or Stellar blade, or Astros playroom, or Bloodborne, or Horizon call of mountain, or Astro bot

Lets play Zelda TOTK on PC and Xbox... or Mario Kart, Mario party, Pokemon games, Donkey kong, Kirby, Super mario games...etc

Some journalists tend to defend Microsoft decisions with illogical arguments to show us the Xbox as a competitive platform on the demand of Mr. Spencer

Xbox - literally zero exclusives, all games on PC day one. Some of them later ported to PS, Switch

Playstation - some games ported later to PC

Switch - all first party games are exclusives

Do you see the difference?

Lightning771d 21h ago

"Playstation - some games ported later to PC"

Try most of their games on PC right now.

piroh1d 20h ago (Edited 1d 20h ago )

More likely most of PC games on PS5 right now. PC started this leakage of exclusives during PS3 era with the games like Diablo 3, TES, Doom, Wolfenstein, Half life orange box etc.

Lets play GT7 on PC while i wait till the new Doom come out day one on PS5

Crows9018h ago

Still a few missing but that wasn't his agreement...good job making it about something else.

Cacabunga7h ago

4 or 5 or even 10 because « most » now.. damage control at its peak

Cacabunga4h ago

I meant « became » not « because » ;

tay87014h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Literally yrs after they have been on playstation. How long did it take the last of us to get to PC? How's that bloodborne port? Who cares if PC gamers get to play playststion games 2+ yrs after it was released on playstation. Sony isn't doing day and date and they have no plans to do so. Only games getting day and date are their gaas games.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4h ago
Lightning771d 19h ago

"More likely most of PC games on PS5 right now."

Ok that's been a thing for awhile, you're deflecting. Most of Sony's games are on PC right now, these are just the facts. Fight the facts not me.

I think GT7 is one the few games that's not on PC right now. Doom is a known multiplatform game.

piroh1d 19h ago

Yes, for me as a customer its a good thing Sony putting some of old games to PC when the games stop selling. You just act like Sony going the route MS does, you dont want to hear the truth i guess. Xbox have zero exclusives and even first party Doom coming to PS5 day one, its not multiplatform developer anymore

mkis00720h ago

Most games starting from what generation? There's a lot of ps5 games and a few ps4 games...

anast17h ago

Start listing, so we can get a percentage.

Lightning771d 19h ago (Edited 1d 19h ago )

" you dont want to hear the truth i guess."

You're talkin to the wrong person.

Idc I have both platforms. Xbox games on PC doesn't bother me I don't play PC I play them on consoles. I'm not bothered by stuff like that, like you are.

"its not multiplatform developer anymore"


piroh1d 17h ago

I own PS5, XSX and even Switch, doesnt change the fact Xbox collecting dust since i finished Forza motorsport which will be on PS5 later i bet, as every Xbox game

Lightning771d 15h ago

Every Xbox game? Then why release a new gen Xbox? Why release a new console if everything's goin over, that's what I wanna know.

piroh22h ago

Trust me, either MS doesnt know why release a new console.

Lightning7722h ago(Edited 22h ago)

"trust me"

Someone on N4g? Yeah how bout not.

Naw that's not a good reason. What you said doesn't make sense. Halo, Gears Fable etc main headliners won't be on PS. They need to sell the new console still.

piroh18h ago

What you said is not true, it is your wish only to justify Xbox purchase. I bet there will be Halo, GeoW and Fable on PS in the near future.

Lightning7716h ago


Also add Horizon Forbidden West and Ragnarok. Most of Sony's games this gen are on PC now. I thought y'all knew this? Extreme denial. That's leaves out GT7 and Astro Bot.


Whats not true? Sure keep the hopium alive I guess. They need to sell consoles and by putting specifically Gears and their other titles on PS would hurt their console sales full stop and ppl would have 0 reason to pick up the new Xbox. You gotta use your head just a little bit bro.

mkis00716h ago(Edited 16h ago)

There will always be ps5 and then ps6 games not on pc at release. They will eventually make their way there, but then new games will come out to take their place as exclusives. As long a playstation developes hardware they will have exclusives of at least 1 year.

Profchaos11h ago(Edited 11h ago)

Nintendo and PlayStation not only have great systems but their exclusives often feel more creative and reach a higher level than xboxs

Despite being a huge halo fan and a gears fan during the 360 when gamepass came.about the quality was on a fast decline it's content over quality

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4h ago
Einhander19721d 23h ago

Wow how surprising, no call for Nintendo to put it's games on xbox or PlayStation, or xbox to put any new games on PlayStation. And no, games from publishers they bought that were going to be on PlayStation anyway don't count.

And xbox putting games on PlayStation and Nintendo works because they have market share and their owners still buy games.

There is zero point to putting games on xbox where people don't buy anything and they only have ten percent global market share.

Third party games sell less than 20 percent of total units versus PlayStation, even less when a game is on all three platforms.

just_looken9h ago

Xbox has put games on the switch like doom and Nintendo has a mobile market

Lightning771d 22h ago (Edited 1d 22h ago )

Shawn Layden put it best. The big tent pole games are at their significance at the beginning of a gen, but a little less near the half way or end of a gen because you set the sales momentum with the best games.

That's why Xbox had momentum at the end of 2021 with Halo and Forza. All got lost in 2022 with the delay of Redfall and Starfield. While PS released Horizon and GoW in 2022 which pulled them waaaay ahead of Xbox.

The ones who say exclusives don't matter anymore are seriously wrong, dead wrong. As I said they shift the console sales momentum in your favor especially when you couple it with a major third party release l like COD. That's why in 2022 COD leading the charge that holiday for PS along side Gow an established IP was a deadly combo. Something MS did during the 360 days. Cod on top of whatever game Xbox was releasing that holiday also.

That's why they've been having tug of war with COD because it brings in money and console sales.

In all honesty Sony will see those Switch sales and probably put smaller family friendly games on the platform when they see more green from Switch, expect more of that. This is exactly how it started with Xbox. PC first, then Switch with games like Ori, 007, Cup Head, Banjo etc now PS will follow suit.

But their big game system selling games will remain exclusive (so they can sell consoles) then come to PC year later or so. Basically they'll have timed exclusives.

Chevalier12h ago

"That's why Xbox had momentum"

Lol. Nah they didn't have that really at any point. Not sure how they would even gain any at this point. Selling less than the Xbox One is pretty telling

-Foxtrot1d 21h ago

I hope it hypothetically Sony did make their games multiplatform there’s a massive outcry for Nintendo to make their games third party

Ohhhhh…yeah, they won’t will they

Whenever Microsoft does something it’s only Sony that needs to then do the same.

Bathyj20h ago

It's only when Xbox does something out of desperation that games media acts like this is the way the industry should be heading. There loser should set the agenda.

Why is that?

Aloymetal19h ago

''It's only when Xbox does something out of desperation that games media acts like this is the way the industry should be heading''
Tomorrow Phil could announce that xbox is no more and all these journos and gaming media outlet will be writing pieces on how this is the best decision ever for MS and their green brand and how Sony should follow the same steps lmao.

Lightning7718h ago

What the hell were you reading when things were rumored to go full Multiplat for Xbox back in February? What positive spin and articles are you talkin about? I've seen no such thing especially on YT it was pure doom.

I swear y'all love making stuff up.

BehindTheRows15h ago

Exactly. It's ONLY when Xbox has an issue, then everyone should follow suit. The least successful console brand is not the one to follow. Ever.

Fortunately, Nintendo and Sony stick to their guns and do their own thing.

FinalFantasyFanatic14h ago

Playstation has followed Xbox's lead enough as it is, I don't want them to become more like them.

Snake Raiser13h ago

I think Sony realizes they need to hold on to exclusives. If they don't, Nintendo would be the only console worth getting. Otherwise you could play all PlayStation and Xbox games on PC. I think Sony is smart enough not to follow that strategy.

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