
Marble It Up Launches on Nintendo Switch, Coming to Xbox One and PlayStation 4

Carl Williams writes, "3D marble style games are nothing new, we have seen them from time to time over the years. Super Monkey Ball comes to mind immediately for instance. While many are quick to attempt to copy a title like Super Mario 64 or release another racing game, we don’t see nearly enough takes on the Marble Madness style genre. Marble It Up by Bad Habit Productions is just that though, your marble and your guiding it through the haphazard world. Unlike Marble Madness, or Super Monkey Ball, your only enemy in Marble It Up is time trials ghosts you create or from friends and off world leaderboards. Yep, no enemies other than the environment that is."

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Orionsangel2309d ago (Edited 2309d ago )

They can't get Marble games right anymore. They're now all done with you racing forward and jumping. They should really follow the Marble Madness formula like Switchball did. That game is awesome! The PC version of Hamsterball was great too!


Review: Marble It Up! (Steam)|GLG

Roll, bounce, and boost your way from skillful start to frame-perfect finish in Marble It Up! - the next generation of marble-rolling platformer.

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Marble it Up! (PC) Review | GamePitt

Josh writes: I am a massive fan of bringing back ideas from games of the past that are no longer around. Marble it Up! instantly caught my eye as it reminded me of one of my favourite games to play on the Nintendo Gamecube, Super Monkey Ball.

Unfortunately, I haven’t seen or played other games that gave me that same vibe, so when my editor asked me to review Marble it Up!, I knew instantly that I would enjoy the game.

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Marble It Up! Review (Nintendo Switch) - Pixelated Gamer

Marble It Up! is a fantastic new chapter for those that have fond memories of the Arcade and console classic Marble Madness. It sinks its hooks in you from the very beginning and is incredibly addicting thanks to the high level of polish implemented by the passionate developers at Marble It Up! LLC.

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BootHammer2264d ago

Takes me back to Marble Madness on the NES ;b

Orionsangel2264d ago

Why are all new Marble games about racing on a track. Whatever happened to the Marble Madness and Switchball style of Marble game where it's obstacles and solving puzzles.

Einhander19712264d ago

Nothing will never beat marble madness, I’m fortunate to have played this game when it first hit the arcades. Everything about it was amazing.