
Yakuza Studio's Project JUDGE Looks Awesome in 30 Minutes of PS4 Pro Gameplay & Screenshots Aplenty

Watch the full demo of Project JUDGE played on PS4 Pro, alongside a nice gallery of screenshots, and enjoy the new Yakuza-not-Yakuza game.

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XiNatsuDragnel2093d ago

Looks absolutely epic + OST lit

NouveauBlanc2092d ago

one thing I don't understand about jp games, people say that they look awesome when they look weird and shxt to me

neutralgamer19922092d ago

You like different games we all have different likes and dislikes

Noclos2092d ago

I assume you look at Fallout and Skyrim as something phenomenal.

SilverDemon2092d ago

Maybe because people like different thing.....

I like meat yet there are vegan out there. I don't see why they don't eat meat but I would never call them *weird* for it. Just different

S2Killinit2092d ago

You thought this game looks weired?? I think it looks great. Keep in mind that sometimes “weired” is a good thing.

xX-oldboy-Xx2092d ago

NouveauBlanc - Why would you come into an article celebrating a newly announced title, only to say these sort games aren't to your taste? Not the most constructive post.

For me - it's looking like another successful spinoff of the Yakuza games. Can't be a bad thing.

jznrpg2092d ago

This is one of the best looking Japanese games I have seen and even has more of a western style so I think this has something to do with console jealousy/bias

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2092d ago
TheProfessional2092d ago (Edited 2092d ago )

I'm a huge Yakuza fan but this is a little too much like what they've made before. The fighting looks exactly the same and so does the world. Disappointed that this isn't something different; Six Yakuza games not including he remakes and they want to make a new IP with identical gameplay....

neutralgamer19922092d ago

There was a time not too long ago we had to beg sega to release their yakuza studio developed games in the west now we are complaining

thatguyhayat2092d ago

The mechanics wre different though and your P.I in the game let alone the fights styles different from kazuma. Kazuma is a power house while this dude seems to be a lightweight fighter

ErogeMaster2092d ago

So spoiled these days don't tell me ur first game was 0.

Vandamme212092d ago

This game actually takes place in the yakuza world
So this is basically a spinoff

2092d ago
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Kinda Funny Games Showcase: Everything That Was Announced

The Kinda Funny Games Showcase brought a lot of announcements. Here is every single PlayStation-related announcement made during the show.

NecrumOddBoy2004d ago

Good wrap up. I don't support KFG. They were toxic leftists, Greg is a back stabber and I cant stand Tim Gettys at all.

Mr Pumblechook2003d ago (Edited 2003d ago )

I watched the introduction with the 'celeb' friends and it was atrocious. Alt-liberal-chocks trying to preach about the game industry but getting the tone and quality so wrong. Pompous, self-important and detached from real gamers - it demonstrates how good a job Geoff Keighley does with The Game Awards by representing diversity but not being ham-fisted with it. There's a saying that if you give them enough rope they will hang themselves (figuratively) and that's what Greg Miller and Tim Gettys did.

The majority of the games revealed were pixel-art indie games made for hipster San-Francisco based game reviewers to give them highs scores for being 'worthy.'

AK912003d ago (Edited 2003d ago )

Looks to be mainly indie games not bad but I'm still not going to follow them anymore after what Greg did to his "best friend"

Also a majority of the western indie are obviousky made by leftist/SJW devs, nothing particularly worth paying attention too.


PS4 Exclusive Project Judge Gets New Screenshots Showing Smartphone Apps and Office

Today Sega released a batch of brand new screenshots of the upcoming Yakuza-meets-Ace Attorney game for PlayStation 4 Project Judge.

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StormSnooper2005d ago

I’m really excited for this. Is it officially called “Judge”?


Project Judge Gets New TV Commercials Showing Story and Gameplay

Sega just released two new TV commercials of the upcoming Yakuza-meets-Ace Attorney game Project Judge, known in Japan as Judge Eyes.

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