
Destiny 2: Forsaken Review in Progress | Twinfinite

Twinfinite writes: Destiny 2 desperately needs Forsaken to be everything Bungie has hyped it up to be. Unlike Destiny 1 which was able to comfortably bridge the gap to Destiny 2 with just a few minor bumps along the way, Destiny 2 will not make it to Destiny 3 as smoothly if Forsaken is a flop.

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sawoosevens2208d ago (Edited 2208d ago )

After it fails which it will, they need to sell the franchise to other company aside from ea or Activision or just let die. Destiny is too good of a gem to be in the hands that it is now.

Seraphim2207d ago

The problem with Destiny stems from at least a year before the first game released. When they scratched the entire story because it wasn't accessible to the casual gamer or to the dumb azzes out there... With D1 they built what ended up being a great game over the years but lacked direction and story. They completely scrapped everything that they learned, everything that made Destiny when they developed D2. Completely botching the game from top to bottom. The only thing they got right was solid FPS play which has always been excellent with Destiny. Going back to the first point, it was reported that even the dev team was split internally about the game while developing D2. There is no Unity or true sense of direction in what to do and how to execute it....

At the end of the day Destiny is a great game mechanically. Unfortunately they released this hogwash called D2. Again, stripping out everything that made the game so solid the first time around. And for a second time they released a game with minimal content that had no legs. Along with a Season Pass/DLC whose legs were just as pathetically weak.

Lastly, even though it is a great game it was rumored that D1 originally meant to include everything that is in D1 to date, out the box when it launched. But under Activisions advice, Bungie management decided that it was in fact too much content for a $60 title. So while not only stripping the story they ripped out the content and packaged it as DLC over 3 years. Which leads me to the biggest problem with Destiny to date. Each year, each season there is far too little content and end game activities. It's a grind to level cap then boredom before or after you hit cap. And now instead of a Season Pass they've decided to sell a Fall DLC for the same price and throw a Season Pass in with it. Mind you it's been confirmed the Season Pass DLC will not include any new planets. So it's likely we'll see closed off sections unlocked or sections built onto the existing, already boring planets. Regardless this will likely provide even less content than seasons prior but we will see.

Considering the failings of D2 I think it would have gone a LONG way if Bungie said, hey, we know we royally screwed up with D2 & our fans deserve more. So for all those fans who have supported us we're giving you Forsaken for Free and then charged for the Season Pass. A chance at redemption w/ a token of gratitude. And at the end of the day they'd still be raking in $35-40 for the Season Pass as they have in the pass. Instead they've left gamers as myself, a ton of friends, and surely countless others saying I've had enough. I've been with Destiny since year 1, bought all the season passes, DLC, D2, but the buck stops. Which is sad because at the end of the day Destiny is a fundamentally solid FPS that has been a blast to play with friends.

moomoo3192208d ago

Been playing for free and its actually a much better game than Destiny 1, lots of stuff to do. Forsaken seems overpriced though


Destiny 2: Forsaken and Shadowkeep Available Today with Xbox Game Pass

The world of Destiny 2 continues to evolve. With that evolution comes new stories, characters, and adventures. Ahead of the launch of Destiny 2: Beyond Light on November 10, we’re excited to invite Xbox Game Pass members to experience the critically acclaimed expansions Forsaken and Shadowkeep today on Xbox One.

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autobotdan1458d ago

Well this is cool. Ill be playing it now


Destiny 2: Forsaken: Oracle Engine Offering and Corsair Down quests

From VG247: "Petra Venj has some interesting bounties this week, and you’ll be able to make an offering to the Queen in exchange for some powerful loot.

The curse is starting to affect The Dreaming City again, so it’s time to pay Petra Venj a visit to pick up the Gateway Between Worlds pursuit and seek out the Corsair."


Destiny 2: Forsaken Legendary Collection is on sale for $19.99

Destiny 2: Forsaken Legendary Collection for PS4 is on sale right now for just $19.99. That’s 50% off.

The Destiny 2: Forsaken Legendary Collection includes the Destiny 2 base game, Expansion I: Curse of Osiris, Expansion II: Warmind, and Destiny 2: Forsaken.

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kayoss1979d ago

Damn, thats still expensive. Let me know when its for the PS Plus free game offering.

MadLad1979d ago

I remember getting a PC code for the base game off Amazon for $15 not long after release. Played for 20 hours and gave up on it. Leveling felt lackluster and all the "classes" felt the same.

I know they have sub-classes now, so I guess there's more variance to be had.